llwu at 615 pm 5mm mm mule will be In 9mm NM 1m and Wavy mm mm L1 In be unnamed fllrmnr mm In mm our llldhum Pth Salim Um been unnltd by Wrin lendmt John llnlprnny BUMMII MONT Dunn July In Anna ncr Mm wfll bc held Dayhon Motor Hold tho llnl Momy My mam tn ho mxmcod mu During lho mmmIr mm Cmnmxmfly nun ll cloud Int varn flonl 1mm AM dunlnn Shot PicMm Tony Dunk 01 bu man out unnml mvmllon Klunh humm Nahum Foster yes lmiay reserved pudxmcnt mu My 25 in the use 112qu Sun Hmmond pmpflotor Made Mel Mum charged under the ow store hour by grng open My Tho Mada Menu flare TC mm IV MVO mm Thundxy evanlnz newton uncondan to Mr Hammond Ho It hubs dzy time upm lnI deb month no Mr MW ed open last Midy ma dry Ihlt will continue do In unul Judmmt has been Numbers Darrin Kiwanis CM and their ladle will have dinner nut Monday In the pa vfllan at Spflnzwmr Imk Mldhurlt Unlud Gmch W0 mun will enter Arrmnmenu were mad by Bdrmde ohnlmun cl rkuuun and mmmnlion gnlflu mu loam hmmmlly deeo Omani John Cock burn usktd for dinnisul of the dam on mind um the hth vnue Ind unwr hlnrln mrding Hilts ll of 66 Wind mm mud hydm wk on lmisfll sum yummy emoon reaming in dunno utlmmd 11 youth Kiwanis Club To Hold Dinner ï¬t Springwater Park Monday STORE CLOSING HOURS mm Em um that All of curdrlvenwbyyogulq SNIDER DRILLING Lawyer For Merchant States Bylaw Vague CAR STRIKES HYDRO POLE 0N INNISFII STREET num nummn than in Lha Cily ol Bun in gringpo um mymy mm Ind suurdny would have bun obnom hw mm be thin to 4mm and identity ol thou who mould ohty ho mid curled on herdn the mar dwfluing mcnl wear lad lm wear hardware We 01c m1 be plosodjlgï¬nxm law mung ralhu than ar He said this would mm ï¬n the only type 31m It by law manned was department mire one which mid 11 um nhava menuoned articles ï¬xeildinï¬ixk mm in charge ml the club for ha next lwo would mnvendan mt on Mon day July 11 PEANUT RESULTS the Klwnm Clubl An nual Peanut Cnmplxlm dmod hmday nllhl laud nlu nmmmlul to 31307 111 L1 3141 than ma homo lo mun calls Tmnsum mm lcn mvmlod 50m peanut 11111 Avnllnfle When Klvun lml and 01d wkmloer helper called In Manny and hmdny Ymimz WWIO wmarn1wg or would have bun used 006mm 451 gLu mggqlnd Mn Omkhm 3150 argued La la he vakumasl 1n lhe word mmdwndiï¬na He 03de 1f do In home at lhl HIM Any Kiwnnlnn ll mind would be KM lo liver the load In the next Ink km at Portland Oman Vic um wu unlnknd Md pol he was rounding me When the vehcll mmmd the wrb and mud he pole Thu ml hap owned Just outside mt kin Rule Conï¬nbla Earl Ml in Coddm lrggkï¬ up Imldmt Dawn 7110 pm TICKETS ADULTS $1001 CHILDREN 50a Ilrknls nvaflahla bl IIIo Barrio YMCA and Janos Hook Slnm All proceeds lowmls he Barrio YMCA llulldlng Fluul HHNSEI GRETEI SAT JUNE 25th CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDIIORIUM BARRIE YMCA THE JUNIOR DRAMA CLUB proun MARGARET STANBERRYS adaptation cl The Pelican Players 111 Am VHS sEI mirauidisinz worm mu 15 OM Mk9 Wmmem 01d cnurt ha in the Mupie Malt mm We June 16 mo pm Ind woulgi was pupa that 0n Yd nomad visit he uld In mumod in nu noro nlhcr hln mm Haw cvcr he admimd that he dint In there Mr bddrurn why WWW 9M lam Winger said that whlln Wu mm to him Ihnl mo mm windpll mardumh was MIL Mr Hammond polnla ad out tn him flu cub vnlm ol the can good Ind Mr kahm told court then IM Wm luck at Hence mo Cram qud have pmo that km 70 Wf can total Ink is In menu ha uh He suhniM hut Lhm um midnncc lo prove um my partwa lads in Maple Men Marina hld over 70 per ml ol1bo 5mm mum snafum hadantar Weenm 1110 0mm mm um ha mb avidenco the court amid recognize was Corp Wlngul Imtsslm that the pawn meat men Invenuuled ll Ho mm broken no dump ls nhuwn In the loraamunw While worknan repllr flu bro ken llnu Omne Boll Etym hm anld today that mm TIMlay aim Mum Mu Mute Aim rpm bclwwn nw ml July mum wlll obtain avldmoo mdl own1m Iald lha mmm wuld then wall the midran decision ll Lbs ndlm or cl the bth mumml charges Ml bu In nxnlml Mr mm xmnd um um Tnddrhlrl NAME MIN Atalanta Immudlnoh lnrlho swim cr mm What an lMlUM lInurmIlool menu under what Hams iroï¬cé uhï¬imk Highway 400 was jammed with northbound 1ch last nlzh and thin rmrnlnx unw und hmdod lor the beach and mac county to Leak ro lie from the weeklonz heat wave Hawevor theyll have stay dundie water ll they hope In cool off me Tomnm weather who calls or Mum mum at today and wmoxrow and mm Mr Head MM that with 1210 current heat wave more navel er than evn will likely ml the trip north lo the Musmm area In addhlan he pointed out American Numb an beatn nlng to ma lino border In uaaur numhm specially mw that Adm In like Unwed scam hnva closed or Humnu hon days MBARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE 1M The Tourist Mannation Cen tn on Highway 400 at Barrie mm It buxlest weekend an this you acmflng to mm axer Peter Read lralllc Juniors In Idea orl slanted last year will be 1mm led an weekend to mum the number can trawling Wm bound mm Sunday noon Ind smnhbwnd fmm Sunday noon mud Since the tents opened on May 20 8701 visitor have reg Mend at tho mum Coma mum at strike by Burris autumn men commu to mom men across Canada endorse nrlka ncï¬on iho mtianai executive the Mom and Exviu Oifloen Association will meet in mom July locamidgr mike Four Blrrio cum mzn crnlly mended spedi ew enl mealin ol the EDA to dchqu what hey call me znx aiiuazinm Which have de vaioped mouth Lila irmiemen mion ml laden seven men radmiilcnion Illd re vision pmnam Membm attending the meet ing um unanimous in their up position to the mined employ ed by the gavmuncn in 10 in trodudim of the program Federal public unpiayeu be lieve may will mflrr iuiure nnomic ions through lho down xradiru at positions Tiny M1 the tva hgve boon inim dim Noumea ï¬th he Major mmplnlnt In um many the public tmrrloycu will tha war nluy adxeddu zen and will no mum in mmiog yr Max yun BARBIE AREA WEATHER Threat 0f Strike By Barrie Customs Men Is Increasing Trafï¬c Counters To Be Installed Anoiher Hot Day Forecast Sunday CITY NEWS 119 Murrir Examinrr Ono iruoriion of tho iollowlng minimum word ad in The Examiner Action Clulifiad brought In oliimniod 2530 all and mid 1H ariiclo tho Iamo nlghi ONE INSEBTION 11 1th 1h mm Got Somolhlng To Sell Try Tho Barrio Exnmlnor low to action classlflod way P$x Auk for Advhor HINGE WARN Illa amqu In vxvolknl mil Hm IMHO timer MK Bill undu an Tolephono 7282414 WW Ira 30 Simholweathn Ll or to conllmn why am amduy over the unborn hall of the province while ml lmd manm are likely in the north Somowhat cooler Ilr whim has been making ll my mu 1h wulam slates wlll road 1qu cumm Lake St flair Lake Erle Luke Ontarlo Lake Huron soutth GemIan Ely HI bumm mum Nlnzm Wlnd Mr London llunillnn Toronto Sunny and hot today ml Sun dny Wind am today 10th wu 15 Smoky Forecut Ttmvenlum Lou might Emu sundny Winï¬or 68 90 MINI In $1M dmfl mm 015 1mm issud by the wdaflber dike 530 am mum In the salary Mlle which hive bun Iowared be mm of raclasiflcadon Barrie pokesman Aald yeslxn day lhLI means that we man can not luvs bl ulnry lmverod hi revlmamenl will nut at lower weekly way In addillon ll hls muhmm under the new damnation ls not as Huh It wu under the nld schedule than he can not receiva an Imus until the maximm In Diary LI raked 1111 mm three out ol live in Barrie lumber Inna L1 that the to classiï¬cation program bolt married on below cnllccflve hur galnlng legmaunn for thH uh van passed by pnlhmnt Pmmfly below the house hill to provldu mmqu In ha dvll servict The CEOA In mint thnhthe todudflca uon program be held un umd Iho coUccflvn humming act has been pulsed The mlomn mm mm Ill import and mm Ihcy mm lhclr John would ham Io be luk enovcr by pqllm Army Thmé nï¬eidinl Ilia meollnl mm mm were Brock Rally ti MoGawln And NonMi Hm meeting will be held It Barri YMYWCA Maday It 750 pm to complain plans or tho Ban1e Dumber Corn meme and Barrio nwwcn Open Swim Med to be held July so in corduncï¬on with the Bands Speed Ban Ram The meet will be divided In our Mom 10 yam Ind uzr der juvenua 11 and 11 yam 1mm 13 14 hasmediate 15 Ind senior 17 you and oven flu 1he 10 and under swim contesmï¬s will be iudgsd oniy in ma sner while In the other sodlons compemona will be held in the bran stroke buflerfly In ALer Ind back crawl Awards wfl be presented to nab winner and an overall lN phy will go to each division win ner The men will bu held the Liam pool Bill Rowan rm anded 21 year VALE Caan NI UDnal naflwayl ymlerday with To Complete Plans For Swim Races In Barrie July 30 LYNN VALLEY Tom oSanS Cl mam cnn EMPLOYEE HONORED There will be balllimo show maturing dennonmaliqu in name uletv WWW Ind reading mm An actual rm drowning pawn will also be shown TRY EXAMWEE WANT ADS PHONE MM plantation on befall of hL1 colwolim It the Banlo yard Above he Ind his wile mam congralumions from FLORIST BEZZANT NURSERY HEADQUARTERS FOR SEED PLANT FOOD POTS AND CONTAINERS 2th For no Garden 59 Johnna 71m BEZZANTS 15 02 TIN eq mwglorgnan Meg cév Mr mm mm Mk cm in Midland in ms Examiner which CLEAN AEAflSS BARBIE NuSnmncn oounmy Warkmlmhlp ODyalng dons owners rllk Illzh SI OAII gumrm 90 VIP maan CLEANERS 1mm