Grout hn Mum lnml nu mmer and MW nlld unp Inder 11m Ind Mun In lhl rich um mulhcm hm mmly In pmiu In In tho nl In dumlm Ihnlr pmhre 1m In In Ihm mum ml hummm uwlnlr 1h mlu lhll Iha MN Hwy min mnflnnw hat Mme Grmhmw ll llw planer lmn lnr Hm mnnprnnl uan Lu umlrr Mu uniIntrle mammg mm up WI do MR 9min hmul NAM I1xuiv Mmlnalty mnklnl nu uzmhyn um lomnxv NI by rlmnlrnl pm mm mmmu v1 mm In damn nl III III Win nnmv Ind nu mfl nrnhnuu In durum rrmuflu 111m are few wings that cow tribute more hp childs char me training Hum having pe nl hi mm to lake oar oi The child soan undmund 0m ownership mm rcsponsibiii lies He learns lhal his pe must be rd on scheduloahu will knnw ll it Isnt child also gets 1155011 In lhu mmamo of personal awning thmugh cat mm mm concern wilh iu tlunn Dog mmt Vbe walked an Ichadule not when Junior wanquq out Its Greenhouse Not Hot House 1h mnxnmem Mn I1th Mhrrla Imnoil lo MI nH Hon Cm hu bfln Inmumed hy lhc bridadml plums Mr ml Mn northn Imam manual 0m TM Wigwam1M the AMI Responsibility Goes Along With Ownership Of Animal Mastering the art ol 5i which is bit d1aIv lmge and much easier you hm time hr rdwmal Wllh MAI lmnlmonl nl FLORIST BEZZANT NURSERY IL mom nmnqmmmn mu SEED PLANT FOOD POTS AND CONTAINER Eunmu In 11 man ELEANOR Imss BEZZANIS PLAN IULY CEREMONY CHOPSTICKS 0H CHOPSTICKS howl mxlhnn in mrnhrmm mun m1 Hwy have rim lo lmlA lhnl Hm public all their vnxhrr Ivy the mm mm liven wllhnm lhl Him we nrmnzn ha ulunMe held mm lhu mmmervm mnbonu omnth mNriMln huge Ahm lo lhn crummy of he mm the year mmd In Ad mlmn lo Umr dlrm nnmnu llw mummy llwy rHrIHHIME In lhr lnwnrsi nlvnm r1 Murr Il Inrhm And Inrkru And in unplnymrnt ll him kn duvan Hm wlnm mnnun GOVERNMENT HILIIIENN IMNHMMUL hldll rm mbfln nmmnnnl Im nh mu ndmml Wnlnmlny wink In In dan 11 ll hm hm hm vival linwlfllr mm mintul lhliml Ill ml the lllnjlh In IImlnld xlwlxnl unll Ihlrh um huvn pmlunmnny 5m muxmm nml HimML lnl Ilqu Harlan uh mu 1mm Ml In nulnly lllmlxl On my pmducl weva loundv does wondmu inb nnd ums good nld baking soda Baking mda Ls appliud dry with damp mugs or cloth prn Vida Just enough abrasive no lion mums driedm and mnnbs from the cod flush or mens no better time In In liate lralnlnz program than during man vacation am with simple task that washing the pets 0911 in and drinking utensils daily ness or Ohe dogs ragged HP pgamnu in nema Mr and Mn Harold mm flu of nuldlnrd 1110 Mini wxll uh place My in Um mmmn II flme nclxk urnva nrmllord Unilxl Gmrrh mm by leh Mullah Above left Mu Ross Eur well president ol the Barrie Kineue Club gives Mrs John Gillespie tight low point The mnbem the dub CENTRE OF ELECTROLYSIS UNWANTIJ IlMll IL HEMUVED TREE HENLTATION For An Inimonv CI Mm yllll MMII mg MLARNEV 71001 II 7nd Gun II Illn Ml few drops In each cy la mamaact the sting abould Map seep in mild soap lot the clnanlnx couple at tabla spoom haldnz soda or Ihe rmsa wanr to help an any mnlnlng mm aoap to bring an the glnsinm the coal and to soothe minor akin lrrl lauom Emflpmm requlrgd Jndudq cotton to put In an dogs can they the water out mlneul Several towel nm nlm mu Lam the In rmrn the hand lnIPwnrds mflbiux ml Thu 11 lhu gm mfll nah Fm fmhhlng Hue TREAT TEEN The pelu mil ml cleaning on Jun rlanilsls recom mrnd bakinz min ya do vrlv Ninarinnx llui each lomh with damn clam wrinkled viih dry win no weekly trmimmi and mm vmnc build up In lhl min hm ii viii hnvn in be mnpcd Such osmium nllrn miis or Inmdwflzinl lhn wrh Iimple ntlmimn may mm he inn Irnm lhil tx mencc ii lmlhcionninl in in Imluccd while ho dnxor cal loois mil ymml will be mml Imu Um Wat until in your or we will II €th or pet nrrmu Ilul th In In lune II In by an nrlull And In my lvml II lmcmlly um um In II III IND0010 IIM Ilenl HIM In IM mu urnp II In uIrkInh ImN nr blnnkm Ind on Io handle Hm dmlnl rho Evm mu mImr um Ah INnImrnl can In IonrnnI by UN Md In unnmrr Mb Inns unvl rnII mnmlmrl lullrn Ivy how no and hmnnn mly In MImmrnvltv Iv VH Mnklllm MIN Ihn IIIMZIT ll INIme Iurrml uva 1mm MUM ml nmln mm hm rnmxm MIN Io mull II Iwutlnhh One lob that in probably call Dr some adult asimnca is full scale dog ham This needs tome preliminary plan ning and organizalioni Thu but or MI no laundry tub you dont have une galvanlzed lub or even the lamin ham wlll do WJW for ï¬mma ymmzatrr will mlnlnly llnrm lmn hi tlm mm In Mm Invhmnrntnl In nlllvm mum uutn ml many um rm th water haw but not enough to match Lha surface of plastic utensils DRYCLEANER HELPS Another use for baking and is in dxydoaning and deodor him dog The pet should and on newwnpcr and then the dry soda Ls rubbed into In cunt and then brushed nut ihé annual IAQaiiéxï¬ iughi held at the Mimmar Gamma Bunlop St Examiner photai qnsomi dinner TORONTO CWGish Kr Iock 15 manUu old loddlzd Along buhlnd 1m mother Ihl dmlod And donned mm pal Ruble In hcr nuhxrbnu Scar nuxh home nnd turned hr back Wm 11 cnrntr her eyr uha MW Hen Mch or lha ballle She lumrd md mudml It mm Mm but It mu on ma Glen dlrd hnspllnl pm dnyn lam lmwm the my doctor 01d Ihu nqml lnln Glmn death Thu damnxa urns dnne within JO myll Thus in no Imllrlnte Ind no emergency lrralmrnl mild IIVI Mm once the polish pnwd Mills molmr 4M ml Mm hnvlnl ovru knmvn tho wolbh um Im Imd WIN IdI anme 0M quaflcr nl nrlmwmnfui wit Willih 01 ha tomnnow your birthday yaur horoscope Indicates that here 50b mm um um cemld lhe next year will favor the nceompflshmen nl unusual and dimcull tasksalso sama Hue new Wmnm or ad4 Vancement wechally in late September early pecember in January March and Mny no ï¬es periods or Ijngnm The Em two week 04 the coming August between mldSeplemher and nddNovemborz also nefl Fannary April and June Try to make your Influence ell In spheraa whm it will do he most good bzlwcen Aug 15 Ind Sept 15 Also between Nov 15 and Jam when you could achlave no cooperation In lur mering your gm1 Excém lor mm periods In iMW Mde We nnd domeslic allalrn nlmuld prosper during lhe next 12 month nndn if youve been thinking of travel there Mn posvibility than your dreams will be mliud either next January Mny or June Best periods or romance Be twun Aug 15 and Sept 15 the last two months at this year next Max and June child bomaloday will be endowed with great madly at purmue Ind will be eeremely mull in lha worlds ol art and medicine you will Just be corelul in avoid exlravngance which youl would run laier you uhon have an extremely enjoyable day Planetary lniluenceo will bu ex tremely generous where ner omml relationships are con cemod Io both pmonaland business dullng should be pleasant mi nm 111mm Miss Carol Anne Willcr dammitr Mr and MIL mm wilu limit onivud hcrvnnim damn mm SA Jun Havifl Natal 1380 at man nor cml Md Jme She hm anhw N0 WARNING THE STARSSAY n1 Mn thwk MA down 11 Mu mnlnirwl CLASSIFIED EXAMINER what do you have to sell WHATEVER IT IS GET FAST RESULTS WITH EAENS DEGREE Lethal Poison For Tots In Household Cleaning Kit SSST Hy EmELLITA PHONE 7282414 Auk Fol An AdVital lemon Mould say had won than Mr Aim to Pleas hm no one really like him uLher Have mnda nwsdl m1 Toooooooo Much Deu1ooooooo Ywve mania yum clam Bu npparenlly digpt maku myjclf oil lumllun polish rm hun dreda chumical mbsuncu common In hounhold use hll played major rok ln aiming Mu ohiidnn In Town 11ml Insl yrnr The law doesnt muin ltmm oll polish boulu In rlry wamlnl lubrl yet It rmmm only race 01 lemon 0H And LI per cent volALflI hydro carbon laul palm ll In lhl Ln childml lnaltd or poisoning In the llonpnnl 1M Sid Children In yur I16 had IWIIHINM heMacho uhlou nrrlylullcylic MM SvdaUvu almpinx pllll hnrhilurnm Md mnwlizmhnd MM clxnrollu 11 lumenllnn hnlmhnld blrnrhm 56 com rmlim Inwliridu In umlmro Ind flour polth 80 cluninu fluid Immune llxmrr num ml nonun ml ltnlmrnl lrnm In Puck man know moor well in perfect prod that your theory for the bobolhdu This Mow harm bringing aim to the ofllce He lend gelwell card flowers bon voyrge new arts unicorn homo menu and congratulatory telegrams for promotions He mm his lunch hour nmimz raids and claims lav ors He compliments women on thcir domes their hair dos their makwp laugh ma mens 50k and hands over lull pack cl church when that was asked for wu one Yesterday he almost set ï¬re to nw use In an swam ho my mm Morn new eflse did tell like flying Relax won likn yw mm wu No Me in the office could or desperala need cl advice Ind Im not sure you can print my Mm hope you can get It In the paper somehow because cant me any mail on this lubjocl Dar Ann Linden lent or your booklek The Key to Pop ularityand wish you would stop telling your reader flu the way lo be popular to knock mad nut to plum people am android id who would rather Lime wllh ï¬r and older Womm than with boys upudany like Ihe com pany oi nueadm hgva teen lime leadm iodzny Tn UM past year We luvs one mom mthur hamohadt rhi lnx Ind lg ma movim THE BAMIE EXAMINER THURSDAY IUNE it not ANN LANDERS Cant Win Friends With His Actions wildLy an usun about it have smma doubts that the pudize win he legalixed in your htethm Dad so simmer down and sum dreaming presume this summers Irosh Iruil goodness lo next winter with Com Ihay think inwo€dum1y balgnced mgd walledjuged are deqï¬y contented about yumself suggest um Wlmduuflkmawmï¬a trig Tell your parent you are In head of 590013th Inform tinn not therapy couple fails could am your mind at LINE WM T00 LONG WESlEllllAIll Engllnd lReulemlslr Winslon Chum hillu old counuy house has was operml to the public Wed nudny and then closed altar several hour because the line was so long Thousands of Brit om And lourllls from abroad crammed Into this mix counr lry villa vlsll Hue ROGyank old oakbcamml mansion Chm rmvwm nva mm mlvpzu mh ma Ixmh nd pulhum doesnt Hem normal or girl no disinterested in boy andwbcmfondolwomen Deu Soul Just becauu I7 yuamld sir prom the com of women does mt mean that she humosexual Somu people bolh mule Ind male don become Interwed In 59x Igntii they are out 02in Cnnfldtnflnl In Also In Flvnr ol Polygamy for Those our 60 Yes mad Mm the doctor In Salt Lake Oily said and can understand Why widows and maInnd men would awlaud III idea but can aha understand marrqu mch an not crud never discus thh my parent on please dont NZ mfluwaeellnecdm dliakk nun my mmlï¬cf Piease me Soii In turmoil Mum Houm Dally In 530 Fvldly Mn 11M lummrr fun in rm nldxm Might ful nklmmu Ilulm lnp um or ynur wimmk ll Ihr burll Try um lightly kllfll In lnwn Fully Iinrll wilh lurk xlylwr lmnrm hhrmMrr rIninu In 1an nme nf viluunl nun win Fuhlnnnl mm luvII hnnm Iml pnlynmie rnllm IllwhA Ilul only In hunvlrr handkmlulrt Each only Vbm Cm Tnm In thlrm MI BREEZY SUMMER SKIMMERS SHOPPING IS COMVLNIENY ON WALKEHS VlAH ACCOUM Exceptional Value ï¬rm4n