Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jun 1966, p. 3

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Mum ml um mm lmyny ran Mum gun plym lv 10wa Irmer Mm Ir rffldhlly Wlmu It mph ml If mi mnnml mm Thnlllint Inn mm mm llmumh mu mm mmmmuln mm Barrics pmgxam of rural lng far the unemployed will be scrappud because lhm arent Enough Jobless to kcvp it going The mm Dollqialc board wind last MM to replace Pm gram he with may expan ded nigifi school dosigncd lo help mmloycd people lmvmvc them selves he bmrd Barrie is more rch of program that ulzl enable people Mm lea shcol al an early age In im pruve hamsclves The incentive for suldenls In the present program is to get pmd nu to work Mr Ram my said Most nl the people gfolled are actually murky Chaimmn Swadan nid Program live has become mtnns nl insuring an inan Ilawnuy HM Mn 111 luzrnllmln mm mm Imhutry up mhm rlmhnwl UN min mm mmm Tmriun wt mlvrulhmhm Winill lnM mmdru Knnqnllm mm ymmlny Imuhu Imkmg wmm purflrwa and mle KIM IHllr Album and 1m 1way Hm an lhal ran vrvkn Mml Iva rmumumly My Imhuu InuL Guru Rogers lea and Bill MoCreary prepare to leavn on first nigh of me Barrio Scrap Program Night School To Be Expanded un Ilnirlu filmhr 01 hour um nwhm ml firmm rmhm mnxuw m1va Says Hospitality Key To Success thdinmn KiWANlS CLUB HOLDING PEANUT BLITZ dwmg me winter months or may said aim 50 sLudenu um auxoiled this mar Under the new nigh m1 students who left school early wk be able to mum and ob tain up lo 11 0mg 12 diploma prowwal and federal govern moms Mu pay an aflwancc to unmnploml poople taking courses spent coumrysidc bcaulilicalim omn palgn by manulndunng now cml has for popcorn imve the quality litter sum pcmle fir Ilnmsay said such pro mm wuld probaW 00 more hm the may would be belief many nty Mlxl nlwn Vlulm mhflrinllll urn Iuflvr ml uhal Th Mm In WM Ier NunLI In rmmmnfllu having unmo nwlnumm whlch Mliulnl llnn Mnim va 1M runrllivmu lNnann KHNM NM dint Nil rifMly AL lumwglwv Inn ml Hr JMkum MINI that lwflNW lVHllll Inhmvy Mu Hr hwkum MINI Hm lwnhlw lmull Inhmvy Mm wmum mum wimer mm mle mun mm WWIIHHN um wqu atrium ran am we ymlnl mp1 in mm nqmflnlllly vdlh Hm man Kiwanis Clubs Peanut Blitz Last man the east and 01 lb city was canvassed and tonight Tum lm null lire IMA mall 91mm mun Iluml mu lu m1 mm Hva mum many in Im lmkun mumm nu Mk vuh lav Mm rumm min wml ml mm In Ixmm anmmllyn lmzh Ihflnr fill my nth ut In Kunmfnk Kimml LIKES PRETTY TRASH An Americnn firm In Banin Dishlet Collcgjale Band will ask city ommcil to pmss hn college of applied an and lcnhmlogy 1h board last night adoptn an advisory vocational commu tee mud requestth tho action It was med ask mum to the Dopammml 01 Education or establishment cl oommmity college as soon as possible and to be advised What nation is taken GRAIN PRICES WLNNIPEG CPIPrices Bd vaneai 09mins trade at he Winnin Grain Emumu lo day with aggressive dunund in all commodities rk hifillr July 2m rapeseed IV to MW July 233 oaLs un dxamzui July W4 barley un changed to higher July 130 and yew01 highm July 135 Harrie is within an area in um on of lhe talkie ls to be located but specfic site my ya to be decldcd Illa west end will be caverld On sale In hrs at peanut but ter peanuts and mum party punks Yul Awrnm wdflml in wlmluale In my In mu mm ownr Itxlrnlnm I11 Inga 0M Alnfiilln 0L9 um 15 MOMIIEAL 1CI Maxim lum nlmmnwnl vlutnlhmq Will Ask Council To Press For College In Area ml Mr Jndwn mle HI Intro row hair 14 and mm mtd Willml Khan FARM PRICES ul BUEHLER BROS LTD 230 pm WEE JUNE 22 Mn Gnvin wlll inkelnIlmmonay lakolnthmmonoy canton won by Mn leln Bmln Ont HOUSE 01 MAX ported trot ToranlorrlérV cin stmction Emvlow Secon Iv schgol 33ron Dinner Calleglau Board last night Accepted reponqgendaflop of 113 bulging land Baker and Poison Br 327 mlwodw WWI The mlntecu said earlier hubodwel Mock not made In cafly was mommadad bccmm ll LI 125 EHSCWUHE to shrink Ego ghm material produced In my upkuatiéqfi it déxsling board turned down re PM Th same quesuan was mu of fontuylon city counpll ding was defined muamdm gmmifilzeuulwflr mgl Laidlast nigh min Ls no poIEt in this bond becotmnz mixed up In We should seqd flu Nixnn Will Imporf Cement Block From Toronto milhlnx but contxnulng Brcnngmnnn tha firm Mm mrlng Amocrave was Wed by am at ehilecu and that what We are gobs In use MIDLAND Daily rctum bus service wiH be introduced this smmerfrom Tatum vla Bar to arie among my um 16mm Amine In Shrine an the eastern wtslersolMldland Anion superintendent of Gray Goad Lines Toronto said that the schedule will start Thursday June 23 and conflnul hmugh Tuesday September the day after Labor Day 11M or the smile oneway trip vary lrom two hours and 56 minute lo three hour and minute Formation region buard duration moved clam yummy wilh decision ol tho Slmcuo Coumy sdmol cansulla live cnmmlflcc lo Investigate um maltcr lhll ml rrlo Distrkx Collcxlala Donn 1m nulvl appointed vim mnlrman Bah 51mm ol Han and Tnnlce Fisher of hp nlslil il in on mrcllngs dated lo pd uplhq Invmlg Warlntmnm nmmay lnld lhn board lnlcrrd an Hm mm rural mmncnpamn Huh Buses will leavo the Bay and Dundas Terminal Toronto at 535 am EM daily slop Non Toronto Barrie Crown Hill Dalian Cralghurst Hill dale Orr Lake Waverley and Wybrlnlge and arrive at Salnl Mario Imd be Slimline at LL40 n5 uni axe con dmad daiw from 1000 am 10 510 pm Sainlemarie the lira Bumpem cmnxmmity In Ontario and Um mlsinn bend quarlm for six of Nonh Am Undor lruinnnl lmnl ucnllon nMic ml wmndnry IKIIMLI would In nthllnlllcrcd klnlly lmurnlarlu wwfil mamnym than ululnx hith ndmol r111 lrld 1an lln Ifllll ll wuhl Iikdy he lirr ol mvrrnl yrnrs More lha mm mm he hmdfincnlcd Mr Mnnmy nmlul hm nlldl lu lm um wnh myan Vldurln Ilamu Inychlnlrlu Dr Imhe la lay zmrnmlmi or mwru lion helmon lhe hnmdu And pulrlnncc delmnrnl In UII anh 11w mute will nth mm lurllwr In Um lnlL figs 1on fromlb min ulu at the Barrie Terminal An nqgguledfor 511 grips PHYCHMTIHNI Deparmre limos mll be 430 pm daily mivmz in lumm pm Enigma 825 plm 9mm mi holidays nnivinx injhgvnba ammo pm ll ml mum 1M main in em Irr Inln In anwnl Inlh lhl lmla lllxhc Unmm luunuu nlnn lur mnmmiun ul waln lmlm at lho mm EMVIuw Ere Mylar Mun WATEILMIN AILIIILIAHZNT Cement block is to be kn fllYlfl NflllANflI nm Inml Mer in turdqu Announce New Bus Service To Historical Site At Midland The COLLEGIATE BRIEFS may mymljmyt 641 Study Regional Education Board alén learned last Awhilecu may have to go back to the drawing baard with Barriea $2500000 Emvlew Sec ondary School Olly Engineer Tum blyn said kn lellor helm th dgsgnjicg 901eglaeboaxd In nlghl um the deslgn don not come up to elm cw mlnl mum standard or sanllary ww ms Mr Tamhlyn exprqu strong dLsngroemenl wllh the design even lhough he sold ll would gala approval under cob uln condltlmu Plans call or temporary sew er fecllllle to serve the new Grove Street school until the cltye Inmk sewer an in The collegllle boardebnlldlnl commiuee will mm In resolve pight that 16th new tracknr one me mm the Med had emu mmm ax unha must ha shunted Newmonmm ulwaxkiamfiristwlhmm Marlon wlll 1mm 21 15 mm on mnlumrial lmi In connmlon wilh ml yearn Mmmr xhoal program Rummy nah In ropoxt plumb la Ibo mllcmie board lnsl mm LI hoped Lbs program will ha ha 0111le nl mm school nl music In tho ma 1n lumre ycnm THACIKEIIS me The Drpmmcnl 04 Malibu will opmln nlmmer mm In mummy educnllm North Col leulnlo enrly July4 II has been nnnwuml Up lo 00 rkmonlnry bdmnl lendum enmicd to tumor Pleasure ml Ibis year hach the last mile of the orig inal seventeenth mnkury Immile canoe and portage an the Jesuits and the Indians 1mm Quebec in lluronin he crldlo Ontario Mary By the end June Um Iedcml Department of Public Works scheduled In complelc the dredging of he Wyn mm Man Bay to with in sight of SaluteMarla Thu dumncl slxty fee wide and six out deep will be marked by range synr mudcnt nocldanl Insurance cover age or flu lmm schonl your mm mm Insurance Comp any finger dad will commut ed later this year THIRD COLLEGIATE SURLlEfl MUSIC Hit Problem Before First Sod IsT11fned Prcsnnlcd by Guitar and Accordion siuclonls Including prim winners from the recon Kiwanis and Canadian Championship Music Fuslivnls COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH ADMISSION $100 calm 411de mm RECITAL FR JUNE 24 SAT JUNE 25 COLLIER BARRIE In later um wed With Mr TAmhlyn ardlllects Farmland Baker and Polsnn City Man ager Waller Gigs and consult his engLneexI ah the pralect glardyficflllLfl at gpeclg rqge Mr Tamblyn said in the ler cansulthix englneeu dId nnl submit piansrlo the cityengln eeran department for approval when asked last Decemben Design fit the Bgmrary sew er en lm connection with U1 Steele Sm main by mean lit station However in Mr Tanklyns oplnlonlhe war would be an flat it would require frequent cleaning He said it also wry plgh hem almost ahova erm hi brndeaz oile pélh Ulal our feet of mt cave ill is L358 005113 Tho city enginem tall mu main with pumping station the 46on as In ariginauy suggested would be mgch chum He said figure included In the contract or construction of the uwer are obviously in error But is not our position to GEORGINA ISLAND III vole mpcrviscd by the ultra Departh Indian and Nur lhzrn Main mombonu thin Lnku Strum lxlnnd Indian We yrstcrdny vomd In lnvnr Kim principle dove nprlnz Ibo Island summer resort or or ymrmund Mum the dwelopon Indadv mum my line Inland mowing crnlrc mm and hnmct The dcvchm muld pay twin loo hr mm at am land In ImIme Manbm lhu rcwve have bmn negouminx with two hch opm mm man am and 1M Dwarugcnt Inle lulu nww wfll nccml momenh mm wwrrduvnlvnw my do vtlonmcnl proposal Um mplnd would be mucniscd by denurulwm p50 Inflnillul by 11m mom nl prmnl mu inc no In In wrfl Ind HM SJWMM isinnd time 1960 was bnnorod at rmpilon last mm In recog nition at his appointment as mmmum our Vote In Favor Of Island Resort CHILDREN 50¢ HONOR KING EDWARD SCHOOL PRINCIPAL ma BARRIEEXAMINER TUESDAY JUNE 21 1965 tell tha contxncmr how in bid he added Contract eslhnatcsjlaced cost of tha cmpwrary sewer It 514 but the figure far 100 10W Mordingld Mr Tnmblyn Unforlunnlely you are open to claim or extra it the de 5ng is changed he told Ihe boud As cnaLs mount deadline for the beginning construction ap proaches Building committee chairman Brenneman said mematm mm be solved by June 21 building cammiltes report suggested amman city council to extend trunk sewn immediately to do nwnywittl the necessity ola temporary con nection with tbs 5min street main The exleminnhad no bem planned lnr our to six year depending on Mum damm ment PROBLEM REMAINS Extever ho boards prob lam wouldnt and even If the trunk maln wen cxlcnded now WM Mr 1mm rloulum Onlario Dwanmcnl Educaflon when ol the Barr Mlle Selma Board In main MWth Am McKay aflomd Iheir bcs with cs for Mme success to Mr McKay who will mum his He plmmfihmédw me If finding the comet nize 0r width hm been problem let us lill you Show cnn be nlylinh nnd goodlook nu yet still be com nfluhlc IL count nn mum to bu properly fitlctl damAW Wmnr fluid hm Nulurallw Flam NI Innr1 Alida Funds Mrnl Hath Mrllllr Buvuc nil luwln mlrlrmn slum lukanl ml 34ml Um flapu MW 71 mam YOUR PHYSICAL WELFARE WALKWEI SHORTS Dnlnu oflcr you Illa hulflllnl bean at remrdlnl mun mad vrlv Ate Slum bllhl In lhu qulel lulu nlnmphm Han You Been Ncglocllng ll DI NIDI bujldlpg Iinspcclor fhowgd limer nnl drums are law he too lvw Io mes grades internal animry drain Inside the school will require extensive change In mm in be named Mr Tamblyn said In runsider afion the boards problem he would approve the temporary Sleek Street connection on three conditions The ch has agreed tn lower the trunk sewer 0118 Fool lend ng cast estimates up heluld Tha1 me sewer on Nelson Street is mended 1th Into the Steele Skeet wwer and new manhole built the inter section of the lwo sewers Reels Street will have to be repaired in iLx orlzinal condition board assumes all responslhllfiy or maintenance dunng Rs use That the boaxd nnderaunds the city can never uselhe sys lem for public purpose bacausc lls lama and high ele vatlon General contracth i7 Emeq Engineering Thiiet am the school 095nm Sent 19g MRS DAINES SAUNA BATHS mm 7mm 905mm In Town WI km IE walpremaiald with Mi Rom Mrs Joan Sow on hem of lnkcrmod parama anchor and rink Mm mm CVbd arlrnisu

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