Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1966, p. 6

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wtdding 01 wide loul In beml was held on Just Huh day Sn Jun whan Fume Elaine Inmn nl Barrie ex changed mm with Frank Ean Maxwell Oshawa at Malad Inver wedding on warm lunny day in June is the drum nf¢vznfnyounq wgnaq um Spatula dlughiu ML and Mn Mm Sponugle of nn Ban1e received her nochclot nl Am demo in geology 71mm and mm mm Quuml University mem an ha Mutated leachim Milan at Ibo qdh firgnville mu1c High Iri xuinficvuu enuma Mn AND MIL Thom Mumrah New are have anng ho lmthcom in nmnhm ol lhelr IMMI lrr hm Mm la Mnrlm Vmunlrn nun at Ma Trinity Anglican Church Scene Of June Wedding Mn Jaw MAI lvmhwl In lay Mm Lnfin hm Mn ImmeIl Ivy lha luMukrla Mr mm Mu lImnl lllbldll Um Him TIIIZ IZNGAHEWFNT RECEIVES BA ME AND MRSNFEANK BAN MAXWELL PLAN SUMMER WEDDINGS Slandlrd ol whil Inapdrag mu Ind pmk carnalluns decon led the church for flu Allernoon wedding on June at pm The Venerable Archdeacon AA Bud dfidated ORGANZA GDWN gal Trinity Anzflcnn Church 1ha rldlnnlrbrlde eniered the church on tha arm her lum to tha music from Handel mud In dame park And on nrlvabo emu Mount Albion 10 mile cast hm Nudnu how have bow pmfidcd and phahummnwmgluung am uwnsmxu soiuih 11w wand duck was one can Mom min his Gull St mum bland Bgu ughar expanshn and 1mm 1mm fomfhd°°d maxi naim Inkl Iln Varnun nl Nu lmlell Am the lulu Mm melm Our Lady r4 Ammilm Chmh mmwml wtll arm Um mm or flu mnnluu In My am Hutu Ivy In 0an tdhmumdnt II III puu ll Mr Mn lhlnl Iavln Md 11v unlrlimt will MM qu AI vm in Fllll 9141 huldl UH lla Phalo hch Mr Ind Mn Edwm Norman lnmn nl BunIr The brida groom II the non of Mn Frank Emu Mnxwell of Birth and the Illa Dr Maxwell Gregory Lmlo nl Burl lngtm and ML Mary baddn were We It the hum hams on Grow Street at an waning mm MrsJnek 01mm and Mn Wmhm Caldwull Iunh of tha brideMt entemlmd lunlb In It he mun mldence on Castle Drive Tiny white blossom held the bridel Ihmdder length veil of Punch 5111 In Ind lull Ienzul chl which extended over UM mm of her wedding awn Sue saxrind bouquet MWy the ullcy and garden Mr Bruce lumen Ind Mlsie Donna and Deny John smn ntemlned at an ovenan party their Hlxhland Ammo residence hm MIL VWllllun 11 awhémon andMflss um Stmmn nl Gamma Street held In altar noon tel Water Suite Her hrldnl gown wu mth on Empim line of whllc organn over New The hemlinu the elegant but lefllylleevu And the uthednl train wen boran whh del leamy mam lace Nam velvet ribbon Accenlad Iha lhuuldurllno and mum of the gown Ind endzd In mull bow BRIDAL AflENlJANT Bridal afieldgmywm ML Miry 1mm name mufi 1mg mayth Carrylnl Ihmunh tho thame can kidl gm ho bridal ullendlnu complunemd the bride In thelr Iarmal gown pink chlllon over mm Dc Ihzned on Emplra lines 1h long mm featured lime girl xlccm and scooped neckline bordered wllh tiny pink flqwer Ippllquu Ta truly deliula look rul nu enhnntzd Um neckllna And Ileeva edges of lhrlr uow Ihty we large cmunlEE plume hula much mm and canted mm pink cunnllun mi whll dnls lel led with pull nun mum Prior Io her marriage Mrs Dan Maxwen the foxmar Pam Inesnn was guest Mum I1 In In London The host esses Included Ms Mary Eliz abeth Halli ol Hunuville Miss Joan an ol Woodaodt Mm Jam Clarke of Hamlkon Min Jane Ough Ind MISS Mary Laxkin Ban1 31116 guests wen brideeled morn mm of Kappa Alpha Mn Ind allow student Max college 3mm bddmmalda and Mlsm Lind and Cathy Oald well cousin of the bride junior Iridecnnbda 11m nawu girl was Miss Julwg gnlfiwcll Bards Thu junior bridesmlld were wined this In whlu nrnnu uvcr plnk mun Inxhlonud on Emplu Ilnu with long Iuhu pink velvn They loo rlul nanny fink urnl glam bordend with whilo dlll Up Finland lml Ibo Cflnflnrni tho lvrkh thus mnl Ind dml Inumhlc In pmnlrr Mue and Mlilh nwngn ll Knnlrnhld ml Mm brewwin mmva rr lrnvrlllq mmnbh reception wit be held he Shanty Bay Haii on June 21 to mark the 15m anniversary of th Womens Association of St Tiwmn Church Shanty Bay Friends and nzixhbora are invited to attend Mem ber wiii mark the nnnlvcrsnry at an It ociodr service in St Thomas Mgilcln church Sivan ty BAY prior to the mention Iannm Emnnrmmnrs cousLnotiiu 6833 FLOWER GIN Tn flmm lrll rock whlu ornnu over plnk mm wu luhlnnnd on limilnr Ilnu lo that nl lha lunlor hridumnllll nnrl railer lny pufln mews Tho 5km wu mlrvlm with law till mpan dulnlu She mm lmkfl Fwd hrnrl rum lml whflo danlm junlnr Illmdnu wnm mull noun uhiln dlhlu Hrlc Adam Atlrndrd he lyrldnzrmm Tho unhm um Ilrian lnmon Gm Huh Hur llnmon Mm Nib And John Spurn Tnmnln Ihvlr ninni MEN Mn Muuell wlll mm lawer Ammo In Tmnln 75TH ANNIVERSARY Mrm Jumu Wrny rmuln nl an brldt wu lolaln Tim wm hrld lho Herring Mr mm llnrrlo Ihc bng 19 fiauzhlu ol OPEN SUNDAY lho Illnl BARRIE SEA FOODS la ll IM Huh Mr Tnln Indium II SPEAKING OFPEOPLE AND PLACES ilichloi Chepuuik oi Frederician NB rtnewad qnainiance in Barrie an rihurl day while en route to ill West He was It Uwflnyahuraitiotor Hotel inr th fay and dinner guest at Mr Ind Mrl Warren Wiizar Sophln St Mri heposuik was Canadl Dept 01 Agriculture meat mder Ii FiritCooperativa Pldun Ontario Limited Mn prlnr to his Irmer to Ibo Mnrithnes Mu Ohepemik died two montiu axonv hiri Chepentlk Lsn marinate of Oninrla AgricILituni Cullen tanner Canadian Im new innvyweixht wredlinz dump ion in British anin Gama and lineman with Tomato Arl unauts when they won thn Grey 01p netball titic in 1953 Hi trip cornhlnea business with pieasura Ho nttondinz thl Uniicd 1de Cumin ily mens commune ntKelwick hindwka ihis weekend in was an elder Collier St United Cmrch Mme in Emil Ind regimental quutennmu or Um Grey and Simeoe Far mer He plans to vim lriendl in Saul Se Marie hi mother at Foeriiiinm aiiend melt packing andvaxrimurai tom ierencen in Winnlpu Ind fla ginu vislt dame in Guam find yawn My mum in WWE mluuxy nu gxlrd daughter mldu in HA flux Former Merl Ind teach an the presen admin mu parents associates Ind other Mothers Day came Ind went like any other Sun day in the year But tomormw is Fnthers Da and you want to know romethlng this Ls one Sun ay in maxearnfall1erq pevng leg yogfiprget abogt really must be falr About this my famllg dldnt actually forget about Molhcrn Day ln act my husband Jumped the gun week and nearl mused riot as he sprud the word nmund the neigh rhood Lus Om It Dada us pretty wonderful parents too and they Ira entitled to aday just as much as we are Thu uriglnal purpose cl Fathera Day was to pre dato father hi 1mg in the famfl and to cul vate beiween hlm 1nd children an at ccllonale compan lonal3a reatiopsflpz The old TV Image of Dad as bumblln tumbung slupe ln womandondnaled household ls out In ls the new Dad not exactly dashan 001 at Icas1 competent sportsminded funloving hobb vor lenlcd and An round good Jon whoa king hls household It least or on day June 19 TH wu HIM by the selection cards dls flayed this you too They warn lo bulld new maze of Dad 0h lure theres the gentle fun or sophlsllcatcd jab poked at the Klng of the house but Lhercmare nono pulling hlm down Unfortunately like all other special days and col cbratlons ll has become hlghl commerciallzed Some lhlng or course may be nod In the lathemhlld relationship when the child out of his own carnlngl and savings buy gift for good old Dad to help him celebrgle his Ray The stress mm To be on masculine design like fishing gall barbecuing or sailing Many them have extra funtouches lke miniature fishing game or golf game score can and all gold ah wheel embossed on blueprint ol Windjammer an em bosscd blue plastic sailfish lei against fishing scene lhcreu even complete ouidoor cook book for Dad between handsome leatherette covers in the Slate oi Dclnwarc United Silica of America in Tho Fnhorn buy on the record was observed 1013 on the first Sunday In Juno In subsequent yum It hu come to be cclcbraled on tho Ullnl undny In June probably to keep an nppropxinlo dlstanco mm Moms Day So that Menu who were overlooked on their day will have had llme to forget abou It Mrs Mafwfll mount the oomlegt and My Md rs M11 he supper party Inl lnwing IM weddlnx rqhmul roman nAnnmmi SKIBTING THE BAY By mum DIXON lrlench annexed 1n Codrlnllun Strut Sahool to honor miran prlmlpal Mmman Guem Attended tram Buffalo New Yuk hndon Toronta Ind numemm 0mm central wul the Iunoundlnz d1 tricL mhcr pup And teach mnow mldlm In All mu Cmuhand far way Benmdg Cllflarudl and Col orldolmwrmsul dis mm remand man Might ccramonles or the evmlnl wu Mnurlcq Plrk arms mam nt Vlctprla School where Mr Madamn the last prlnclpll Speaker Ibo represenud sindem parent Ind vndm mo unoclndona Tn gum ol hanor wnpu muted vmh wand and wfllot Mr Madman whn Ibo nllrlnl from the leach lnx mu th1 you recalved banana cl red Sweetheart mug recent no In the city Wu Mn Andemn ol Winnlm Mlnllobu who span twa wwlu visiting her bromer lnhw and mm Mr Ind Mn mm 1m 01 1mm Gm was of honor Innwell an had Shanty Bay 1m max noon evunt wu held In mark Mn Mblnp retirement from tendnlnl after yearn Guests Included Ionnu stud nts friend Ind member Ln mumiky Mr Ind Mrs Geomloor mun Pendml S1 nu Ruth muk Green becnmc puenu wants Ion born le Wanll Hmpim Thursday The bnhy ha um grandchild cl Mr And Mu Elbh Grezn Id Mr Jamel Rommun All of Rum daughter L1 and ddvinl me out ol my mind becuue he obamlm with what she consid ers uvahemlnule slyie have gone along wuh Lois up now because havent wanted he Io led diflunl from the rest Ike girl in he crowd but flung have so out hand The girl letting hen uflmwlookllkaacwnlcl feel must draw lho line mm wherobu here She goes around both day and night wearing sunglasses mrxe mike cups Her hair which she Iran on btmrdl hang in her eye and lonlu finally Am happy Ihal the nIleralc to eye makeup and cannot wear For mm My husband and have had same mien wk about what In do but we Just donl kmw whcre duw tho line will yuu please mint lhl hunt not nnly or us but of Mher pmnu who mun be equally bamch and wry dune became lla nod for 1w nle and good or business But mm ma um Ive man IndyMl only on man but on their molhrrnmny bu considerad lumenMe but mm me ponlLluly 1n decenl 10L hzu hemmed up all her drum that may hit her about bur lndm above he knees She wants everythan flxhl around the hips and the louder Iho colon and patterns tho better up look and lhe pap look ml 1h mm hm and In kooky flhlwfldflfly ll id km hem ckML 1M hose lklnllxhl hmhflgh nklm ure ulgnr nm noming or All In do to nllmcl nlthon ft1K In not her lmkf on fire Uéfi la THE HARRIS EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE 15 196 months wmm Ibo Med like raccoon Agruu jughqu gagq Pmnu MI mlyvhnmrmo rum lml usthqu an dinn erEy lot71hr lilhvmrenniil Convention tho Amman Council Venture CM Deu Ann Ludul 0n LOOKING ovnn 1er intand im iii ANN LANDERS Attracting Attention By Vulgar Means Kikuyuat Mellow Tbenke lqd Amy 148lr1£ criULize Immkocm and MYI MI in wile was wonderml that way And he Isnt unulnmcd In anylhlnl else In know hand mmmrk helm laurer him but In mid didnt make my dillcrancc wt and mu the In mAlIc carp won nmmz Um MLtondslackMlnd cmml well chnd Um wcnu had llw Unlml Klnmlrwn high muan mm on5 ml Ell drinks In the lunrh um and more Hum 10 diplomatic uivu rrmuihulnl cmllc orIs lo lnllrnmloml food boom harmr Then comes point which remtahmny must like pmedmce over trend md so help me over what everybody also in crowd is doing When 3w he that your teenage LI scum loo In out map In and lawn LII boom 11 LEGAL Den Ann hndmx was hen fell madly in love with marer man walled or him three yous until he amid gé divorce 7We have been marrlcd months and have son who six week on me lgqby is dd and ate lot My hm hand my hi olhcr ddldren nam cried night and he doesnt see Why ml one has 10 According ln Nm my laulL Last nluhl ha made mean rumark about my Mum and Il really hurt cxplulned that lnke woman about three monllu In hrr dupe bath UITAWA ICE Winnr named rcldlc nave Mylamo Vnnlrr an mlhuslmflc lick on Um tau Volnnnlay HUM mm In dogs day or dlp10 was be Canmlinn Sava the Jqu Fngofl Syownd held inSgn Riga are ms who wfirepreseh the Barr Fitting Finale To Society Dogs Day ESSA ROAD Allandale Drugs YMI run mum your phmnnrlzl In In milnhlo ullrn Inl um Mm nlmul hmlrl Am ml run arm on all Imr mm nmlu um The Venlure Club Barri ha elected Miss Amy kafiPrcy ldentElut and mm Mariam Goodlellvw First VkePrcsidem to represent the club as dele mm be he Nth Biennial Con venutm the American Conn cll nl Venture Clubs to be held mm July In 1066 In the El Conn Hotel San Diego 0mm Mlsm Lea and GoodchIUw lulu wltll representallve of some 150 Venture Clubs lrom all nan the United Slalu Gmada and Mada to discus their senlu objectives elect MW Councll officers and mm plans or the Iwmcmning wn years Theme he Convenllon me mileage or Chanxe marklng tho updating 01 um updafing ma orgmlzalhnl name to Vuqu Club Gwncil ol the Americas In Lake at Ac at the cm Jun c6 venth and the changing duh lanes our modern mrld Im my unhappy and alraid he 11100 happened In nu yum exdllng luv affair la Following Convention ML will be visiting in Oakland and Lo Angela Cniiiurnla and Mia Goodieilaw will return home himin Canada with slop over in 03¢ Western Invincch alter baby He paid hl ex wllg got herfhnpggack in three week on cur dufmm occzj MuzryiNo Ima Dear No It wax legalized gum ngfilnx Jug cg join Venturists Off To San Diego her ills JudyElLinien let Bandw Phom DEPENDABLE Simcoa Homing Conlm Your Hurlng or Your Pmon Hurlng Ald Mme you drum llllIN EHIIH Ill ON AND IIIIIHO but been ulnhlllhrd line me In filmru County Havn Problem wllh Ill Dunlap 71H WHY HMHJ

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