Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1966, p. 5

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iii 111IB8PVWITII mink MWMB ASPH r52 Ir lvql nuafinammflnflumr vluuumucmfimz =1o=oo=o= LAST TIMES TONIGHT Mo IMPERIAL Theulres THEATRE Mr and Mn Wallnca Dou lax and mm Douglas Ind All Human Thomruon wnro week end vixilm wi1h Mr and Mn Rm Mlxlinl Oookxvllle Mn and Mn Barry Arm llrnng and chlldren Grillla and Mrs John Ayers nml llnxnnne nt Oarlym ma visitor with Mrl Ind Mu Orvllla Amulmnll An unluyahla evening we mm lhu dlnce Saturday avenan Culley Communlly all Thu nu dam wlll be July The next auchre party wlll be Monday June 27 Mr Ind MIL nay le and Ian Bill ol Orillln were weak and vhllnrl wilh Mr Ind Mn IItn Johnxlonm Mu Dnnny hlrnunh And chil dren ol ermlnxltr Wm Sun dny vlnilan wllh Mr and Mn Everett Johnnonn We reltmno Mr And Mr Tommy Adnrmml Ind Ion II VI bouzhl and moved Ink Jmmh nmlhc homt Mu Moolh hu bought and movtd In nnnlher hum In Caldwnlrr Mrn 1th Incl Clarenu will mluul In our community Ind hm wish wllh thrm mm vlsmad mar aha weekend at William Sutherlands mount guesLI with Mr and Mn Broolu were Mr nd Mrs chk Simpson and nmily Mrs Jane Slmpson and Mrs Hell of Mldlnnd Miss Hmhimm Mm Yamnton ML Ymmmnn and Men of Brandon Mrs Hough InnY Mn mm and Mr and Mn Doe Guaqu 01 Now Ind Rowe Mrs nn Roblnson Mr And Mrs Wil Ham ngh Toronto game collimation attended Innivrrxary anrvlces In lha Unl Sincere tympamy In exlcndcd In the wire and hmily of Ed is of Eady who passed Mrs Lyman Mn and Mn Wiillam Lym Oshawa and is Dogma erTmf 0mo=0n0=oz ms ARMSTRONG District Church Has Anniversary 0mm of Simcoe County Museum at Midhurst FL 0mm pdnu to layxx HUME SPY WITHYDUR FAWRIIE UNGIEs mm smummvxmnnsl EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 71w CARLEY two1 MIMI NEW LAYOUT 0FCOUNTY MUSEUM mumm nuy Intd In Namath Tam ship until 1m whm Hwy caml la Allmon Wm hay hm rnldrd Ilnre lhnl llml Mu McMuHrn in lhc mm Jny nu thlo nuzhm of Ibo IIII Mr Ind Mu mum flllcher The groom 30 yum lhn rldul The meeting of Bond Held UGW was held June with mombm and several vlsiim presml The Psalm Social Consciousness the iupic for the worship service was igknn by Mrs William Suiherlandl hm Jlm McKay used an her topic United Ohumh Wcmm and Vnrld Communliy helpful shit was premix by Mu ll Sind dnn Mrs IL Hamilton and Mrs William Wail lo Worm on what bmmu Canudll surplus wheat Pros ml can Iha conimvcrsy ol selling wheat In China were dimmed and al where various Canadian prod ucL are uni finlden vuxldinx Innlvenary of Inuml In the Mllslnn mu was ohurvtd Sunday June In the arm In ntlarnnon Iu Ill SI lohn Unhcd hunk Multan The honnrtil couple Mr and Mn Wllllnm MrMullcn wm marrlcd Jun ma ll Tara Nmn lad Church Jun 12 Rev Lute Bradford dzuvered lha urmons The chok under hhe dinxfllm Mrs math mnvlded muslc 1st Ann Bur goyne sang at the morning surv ice and Mm Orr wu Lha evminl mlolsl YOU CENTRES The rww exlenslon tabla wars on display Mm Smith poned on Simcoe Presbytery Camp at Glen Echo and old ol plans already marl lo hue uh Centm up at vmlmu rcsorlll soclll hour ollawlvd wllh lunch served by lhe hm cucs Mn ll llamlllon lllnl hllllcr and Mn Dull Jackson WiLh in new Indian wing the museum is autumn increas ed mum and with the heavy Alliston Couple Wed Fifty Years Mum lama attendance The com mLuioner Mrs Booth Strand was minim also guide cap laln Mn Ward and her two Wants Mm Patrick and Mrs Km Mu their Mn lead om mm Owl Mm mks and Tawny Owl Mrs Emma Na Brownies put on their own Heinllm and lrlrmll Mn umm mm Hnmlllon anon Nuwrwkd Pam PM 0n Omnmmo Mum Wm hmubmo 0mm And lmon By MRS MAURICE REID Emmi Mary lat pack hcld thelr medic Ind daughter banquet Friday evening Jun in the church huumenl with Tnnse htlplng II Um lu Able were Mrs Sld xdd Mrs James Taylor Mu Millon Cunrmldm Mrs xlllnm Pnlmrr Mn LzLKk And Mrs TAIIB Whnlry Fritnds who mm were my Lnklnz Mu Stanley rnddm Mrs Amy Heydm Mn Hole MECIIHum Mn Jnhn lrnlnnd and Mn Vrrnl Hmder Mrs Muvyn Nobia spent Mek with Mr and Mrs chunllrr Newton Robinson re ccnlly ML and Mrs Groxe spent weeks vacnllon with Mr and Mrs Crelxhlon Win the llghb house an Brehrcau Island Geor gian Bny Mum Kay Allan and Mur mm Nellly went by plane lo Bermudz and unlmd wmkl vncnllon lharz mm of Mr and Mrs McMuHm The couple hive two dnuphlrru Mrs Elm Ganunh er and Mn Lawrence Hand also oncrlrnndson Your lnn LlBlackSahhath The tympalhy commun Hy gnu Mn Mcrvyn Noble and 11mm 14mm in the pass Infl ol lhtir sister Mrs Rosa Kenny who was buried In the Sixth Linc Cemetery June Mr and Mrs Chnrlu Scott and Mrs Domlhy Munro Nod nay spent few days wllh Mrs Eu Reid rurmly The UCW calered for the mens dub 5L Jam United chumh Suoud 1m they en lerlalncd their ladlu Juno summer tourist season ahead were attendangg held unrsmcFRANKENSTEINU umvnu sssu sucu unnnum Hwy Examhler 91023 Bomskanmrr LEFROY STARTING TOMORROW Mrulcmunl was Momma Mn Donal Mn Bert Armstrong Mn Bill Me Ind Mr Ind Mn Albert Gllroy menuy alluded dwm or Miss Gme Porrm mhome cl hu mm Mrs Em memn GQM Lou Bunch Mm Arline Ind Mleén Flood Aurpn vlsHed Saturday whh Mn Alia Domglly Mr and MN LJdmsun mm vthovélhu week end It the 1mm out oun arl WMhwmd islet Mr and Mn Tom Mm Wand of Toronto pub 5dr AMIde deted Ham Lama In this locality June mm belonged to Doug Jehb ol Oookllnwn Jim Ma Oazue of mum and Lieuten mlGovmwr 3le Mel um Newton Mm Mr and Mn mm mm were must at Maxwell Inewn woddlnl Mniky Ana llun Olmh Battle Jun lm arm in mu Mr and Mn Evans Mr And Mrs Bmoa McLean vhibed flew day Ms weak with Mada im the Human dulrlet MARRIAGES Wedding vows we In two dumber In mm on Sat urday Juna between Robert arms and MtuMuion Dean Burk tn the Presutedun church and Dath Milling and Barban Swain Letwy tn the Unitgd church Saturday md Sunday vhllm with Mr and Mrs Evan were GLvn Emu Miss Marlon Robhmn Mr md Mrs Jack Vandertwm MI and Mrs GIrHck and Toronto also Mr and Mm Rabat Bum Wood This man known as Ethic Society Month In the three chm tn wwn Envelope will be In the MI PRESIDENT Coduwwn Brunch at the mena Insttluh are fortunate this year in twin the district president Mn George Holt Thurman member 1w wu made necmary tn ordcr that Mn Holt cmfld rottn her tut year at ouica president cl Iii pnrtlcuhr district Minn belni to nuwa lmmed Slmcoe Kkmpen ell District Much MM ba gained thtryurEom havmu Wrnnlo ny MM IL JOHNSTON Mr and Mn mu mama and lamlly ml ha vmkrnd In Mun vhlunx mun Md lamilw Mr and Mn Kirk woml Illd Mr ml Mn wuum swirl Mu MIM thnwn km turned In her hum alter mend hug the winter In 0m with her drummer Ind lnrmly Mr md Mn Md may Mr 1er JM MCIMH nude Mud Mr and Mn Clmh Hum KM minm DEDICATION 0F VAULT The 11 Rev Hnnl Sullragnn Blimp nl Toronln was speaker the Sunday morninx Mk St Johnl Angllcan Gum3 June and IL conducted the dedication vervice ol U10 newly constnxcled cLmomy vault Rev Haw aria1151M ol the churdl paid tribuu lo the mm Frank Brolley ho shortly be rm hh death pul mm ht suggestion or he ndditlon lo the cmluv Flnwm wen placed in Ibo dud In many of he Mallhew godwirLamI fly by Ind Mm Robert Woods at Newton Roblmon Al to dtdlcaled In the wvlca Wu patio none placed on on ol the vault 1rd dmaud by Mu Funk Bmfluy in mommy hushand wnmm Mhllw glenl In Sunnmoak Hmplul In Tdrgmto Students Visit CodkstoWn District Farms RUGBY Wu have been given to under mm 019 walkway sullen In be permanently closed June IL Passenger trains ceased my mlathmugh um mm July 1060 Jim Nicholson was station agent and continued 1m fol lowed by Jim Arnold son ol Mm Jack Donnell Cookskrwn 1h law Jack Donnelln mother was lhe inmookslvwn wsiden THE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE II 1966 LAST TIMES TODAY SHANTY BAY $5211 Mr Ind Mrs erlow Rex dale hlvl moved to their new home ln leter and they spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Km Hurhu VISITORS NZ Ella Mm Harm wlm rlends hare Rev and Henry Humor For Credit with Mr and Mn George Davis Mr and Mrs Pauline Part 1de at Mir home hm Mr and Mn Mumay McVanbl and mily wiLh Bruce McVnnel Congratulations lo Maria Hog arth who graduated from Roy al VidalIa Hosplla schnol of nursing Those unending the graduation exerclsm were Mr Ind Mrs Clarence Hoggarth Mr and Mm John angarlh Mr and Mn urn mmahm Ind Mist Grace Dunnill Mrs Harold Arnold returned wllh Mr And Mrs Keilh Mc Vanel Etobicokc or week Mr and Mn Bev Jenna and Mr and Mn Elwnod Jen nelt mended the Jenncu Rer union It Ulopln Community Hall Sunday June l2 There were no baseball games last week due lo mirrer I115 playmuwrilin exam THI MOST MODIIN DRIVEIN NORTH OF TORONTO By MR8 WILMER WILSON ADULT DUEHTMNMIJT aEneS will now Be as schad BOX OFFICE OPENS AT pm SHOW STAR AT DUSK wmebeemxwww Tflfifi MES Illlhwly II It Xulhlll he nmlu Ind Orlllll STARTS SUNDAY mmnnxos Imu cmcmm my HEIROMDW MAYER SIDNEY PUITIERESHELLEY WINTERS 35 Fugqu fl HELD OVER UNTIL WED DISTRICT NEWS hlmr lama HM Run II IX l0 SHELLEY IVY 6f BLUE Adull on board the train on 1L1 first journey out at lawn and Jack Donnell was th last kaslawn passcngcr in board the train on last journey leaving the sta tton Former station agent 5n town were The 13 Mc Mtllau the late Frank Hughem Mchsh who all width ot Lth t9wngim Nich All roads led to Ivy village last weelwnd Several Ian um put up Friday anemnon and by 10 pm trailers and tents al most unwind Ivy park 019ml and Jim Arnold The hayride Friday evening had our wagons drawn by trulon taking lha boys to Robinsons Dairy arm and Wil fred Davls heel armhlhe par ade Salurday morning was pre ceded by Inlk by Reeve George Davis whn gave an adr dress of welcome Lunch wns served to Bishop Hunt and all Icadeu by Christ Church Alternoon games and races were well mganimd and conduct ed ivy William mun lumh ling display was put on by Tollcnham group Ivy CBlr won the prize or the best camp silo and lhe plaque ngnin his year or llleir display MadInval The evening program was con ducled by Mr and Mrs Arnold Hunting and consislcd of film sing rang and campfire with wiener roast The campers par Idcd to Christ Churrh Sunday morninm The speaker was Capt Fred DanelLr CA He spoke on the work of he Inner Cily Boy Dengue where lie is chaplain and gave an impressive lnlk on minced these boys There were over 100 in altcnd NICE Ind hanks no lo leaders nevi William llewlon llicllarrl Price William Caslulln and sumn mm rmHmMswmw Aurhuwmcn um mm mum 11mm ADULT UBHTMHMMIT Frllun II pm nd mo pm By MRS SAWYEB The United Church Women met at the ham Mrs Kell June Mrs Russell opened the meeting dedicmion of the otteran was by Mrs Frank Kull Mrs Russell gave repnrt the cxucullve meetlng at Cedar Glen near Bolton ysrlely number was glvcn by Miss Margaret Neilly Mrs St Tndd rcvlewcd the chapter mm the study book on Bmll Worship wrvlce was led by Mrs Gordnn Hughes Thu June Instilula mcellng will be lmld at tha home of Miss Flarenceluck Tuesday evenlng June 21 The speaker wlll be Mrs Hull and roll wlll be answered by cure for the blues Dr Agnes Jaminsnn Is or with her sisler Mrs Kell or Iew days Congratulations to Mr and Mrs David Ashworlh nee Mar gawk Sawyer on me Birth of daughter Vumns College IlnspilaL Tommo Jun onh um mm mm na allisle Rahal nut Blkuny VVVVV WW mnn Alum GALA PREMIERE WEDJUNE 22nd ncscnve SEATS Now DY MAI CHARLTON HESTON mwmmm 47 HEY KIDS Dont Mln Tho Conclullon BATMAN Sunday Matlnu II pm EXCLUSIVE ONTARIO SHOWING PLAN ATRIF TO TORONTO TO SEE ti mum nummur GLENDALEBEMETHEMRE Im nun nu vm nu run in THE SUPREMES GlLIORD EVENINGS 830 pan MATXNEES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT v1 ONE WEEK ONLYl JUNE 20T0 JUNE 25 THE TEMPTATIONS nu IIIM IIA1IHIHInlIU BOX OFFICE OPEN ll RED BUTTONS m1 15H min 49 wan mm mm dome EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION Blln nu KIWI onto msfllms vlsl Frank Kliiiifiiififi mland WITH Miss Helen Sawyer was ham wish her parents or the was an IllIIL Wed 3550 25 was $215 AURENCE OUVIER ml MIDI Evnry Monday 800 pm Abov NuSorvlu Claannn pJm SPECIALS JACKPOT $27000 SHARE THE WEALTH RCAF ASSOC fm mm Admlulon 50c 14 HIGH ST BINGO Starts Sunday 15 And 900 DAILY an Mu mm

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