Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1966, p. 4

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Tho Time in gfééi hemHam We Are confident change anhanco 1M WM ll Tnmn Ilvlrrn pnlllm len M4 rumd Fun In Mm tnul vu mt ulvm We who have recently modernized our ormat welcome other steps in the lame direction The Timer in iangua reminiscent of our own says it shall maldng changes that will make the paper easier to read including laréer use of white aces and larger aces Al ready Times New man type is one of the must mdeiy used basic type Ices lmnnx the woritlr newrpapem me ml Chrlsuan Scienco Monitor Yea ll was Inevitablel The Times of London 15 rcpladng with news the clas sified advertisement has carrled on its front age since 1785 That ls they werent same classified advorflse menu though somcllmcs they had an Isthuntury ring All us will mlss some the personals mmnnuc cmb chcty laddish uypuc but always ln Wmu mereiori In statement of economic policy ap pmvcd at its Wmnipeg meeting tho Canadian Labor Congress refused to co operate in antiInflationary measure prggosedb1 thq lederal gpyemmpnt Iri rercérityears hmfvevefi new fac tmfpas entered Into the compilation of The Index is federal compilation Under normal conditions living costs showed an increase there was the con solatory reflecfion by the ublic who paid the sh that at least pmduc AL its were now andLhen fiéthng thb beggfit of the high prices index was based on cummt prices of the various commodi flas as reported from month to month It mpresented the legitimate prices at which these commodities wen sold on fliglgpen markeL lnrecent years however and parfl cularly in recent months the cost of iv lng Index in Ontario has with the best intentions in the world failed to pres ent an accurate picture of the why and wherefore the qug reports In recent edilonal The Chatham Daily News notes that the cost of living index was in lLs inception designed to give flu gmblic an accurate picture no mérely the ups and downs of living costs but of the reasons for these ups and downs my éccufilé baroinaeié DSesWi ell the real story of what is happen ng Wilful Blindness Of All Nearly every week there Ls something in the papers about the even ward trepdo the cos Hvingimiexu thig Walla Publllher Is Cost Of Living Index An Accurate Barometer AREAS or mm TTIMES 112 Ifiarrie Examinm OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DEPICTS WORKING CLASSES Publlahéd by Cunudlln Newspapm Limited 16 Hayfield smut Barrie Ontario McPhorIon Mannglng Edltor SATURDAY JUNE 166 PAGEI an duly MN Imn mufilm huhMM In ull lama Mllfllmnp am mm mm ThernIs even greater need or tour ngcous rcsponsIble ournalIsm today Whathur new or not prInlcd on page one Is not no Important as what Is vrlttcn But hold front page with strong and Interesting copy mum to Its masthmd will help the cause at thought ful ciliunshtp at time when dcdsIons grave and cventn complex Among lts great momean were lla correspondemu atches during the Crimean War whlc were dcvastallnq ly critical of Hrltnlns lnc military p0 lcics Russian agents on led those rlls Hatches daily rum London to Palm urg where the Imperial Slat used them as basis for Its own mllllary op eratlons ln the Crlmea But in the end such fearless journalism hel cd relonn Brillsh pplicy and save Brl 5h llvcs lLs servico to IL Influential readers and Wlden its range It has had ma n1 lcent history for almost two centu cs playing Ivital role In many crises There is no point in getting into battle oi statistics with the labor lead ers it is obvious that they are not pre pared to accept figures prepared by the federal government the Bank of Can ada the Economic Coundl of Canada or other responsible bodies which show wagu rising faster than Jimfiis and productivity lagging bohin prices These are the classic signs of inflation But there are none so blind as those who will not see and the tragedy of it all is that not labor alone but the Whole nation is in danger from this miful blindness The result would relieve the produc els of the blame heaped on themrfor rising costs and put it where be longs It would be Interesting though pain fully laborious to Lake the figures apart and determine how much or the recent inlreases 1n the cost of living index are attributable to these tax ralds by the Ontario government on the producers and consumers In the interests of common honesty competent bookkeeping and fairness to the producers who are not to blame for this arbitrary impost the basis of the cost of living index should be revised to conform with the facts It represenis merely predatory hand thmst into the pockets of pro duccr and consumer It is not part of the cost of production or marketing The beneficiaryof the sales tax has been not the gigoducer but the provin cial treasury ght now levy of five per cent on the cost of commodity not benefitting the pmducer and sell er It is supenievy arbitrarily impos ed by the provindal government It contributes nothing legitimate to the guality or handling of the commodity Thar factor is the Ontario sales Lax originally three per cent and latterly five per cent Wilson General Managér WILLIAM GCURRAN IM unly film Infill An nylf rmlilr Imalul mpu un Mnl Imam hm all Ttuln nullu Inrl llliWHI Ill MIMum rulnlinha hm um wwn raw14er Ir td have bun hurt Allmenl Mr MW taken In Soldim Mumrm Nu pim Mr In April Thu Withfl WW dud 1er dnyl um and hi HIM In mm word mt Mound mm luv wu lbw Ind wu mung muzr hm ninim IIvyniuai31rI mdhope ndvlco um heip flmlCKEN sugdyn pldrpb Ijm flu The munlclpu and linlndal kmwlcdla Mr Whom hm bun cl nut mum lo Ora murkng wmclll or rgra were were my um la mnka IMI mue clear Mn lulu hen ha was way And kn Wnl rims wllh the Wm dune by hi new dmfly Mr anrld and mm nnt Mm smdmnn hu Lle would helhe 1111 In lgll you Tm he has always modcslly disdained hit one new Iller anomer may becama AE qunlnled with lull munkinu snuwum hlfl mud um Incl win back In August 1919 allth army nice Ihll Mr Tm became Oro WWII ahlp desk Ind hp In hem ha lay min In mm the bud gcu and limm tar lumeva 0m Tmth my Sm 0m ha 111mm ropulalion amen county mun paljuu and In mun whomch and with managan much ol the credit L1 ducm Mn mum gong The pmenl rave Mr Muc Kny made typkwd comment why he uidrecenlly hundreds hm He 150 has the Rspecl and confidante his neighhn and fiends in On and all who haw had the plenum 01 his Acquainng KEY MAN but mu Berna and Onllh and other nearby municipaliflfl troquent vLIilor Burk for immaflm the county willdinyor 9109111111 mum 0m and Man resident except or service wflh he Canadian Engineers In ma first World War Mr mdhapc weJllmwn mg only ourn Uh lam Bmum For We reason uld Rem McKay our clerk hunt AI wayu ived the credit Ind recogdhon which due to hi wuunding Wicca have men remarked an hllintbopmandlamw wwflmgglmmealdlem omifion he so fixhly deem now said Reeds MacKay af Mr Tudhope and bu slat 521d Reeve Georg Mm Kay who Simcoe County chairman finance In kibqu the long time clerk hu dupuly and mum We like to see them given due credit Because cl hi mnduly and retiring nalun Mr Tudhope has never been hawn ta uck the would but was lalislied to slay 1n 315° hackqgm limui ha um kna Dally Hundlfl And Mummy May mmlml filllwimlm ulu dull Ivy rnrrlrr tr uMkly I13 yuvly Mull In Mr lly mail 11ml yonrly nullrln WI 3m mnlnr Uunmll III pan mu mm mm rln Ill yum MAM null flrfllfll whim mm mm mm mi lonlln on ur MN1 lnlwully lmmlln M0 lllh All SI Mvmhul M1 1201 Wm lrmhr Vnnmmr II Mrmlw lh lunnrllnn muy Nuwunprr IuMM MWI Hm IM Im nrlmn Im le Awlll nun nnlfllnm 11w urwIlan Pt II urlunlnly mllllul to um um fur lmllvllrlllm nun Illpnlrhu In rm mam Auurlnul nr mil Iml 17m Uil ha nllnlikhwl Hum PLEASANT WELCOME When lhe vlail LI to was obtain WanMUM or us air oomplunl every mil lo the 0m ulna Ls cean pleasant welcome Inspired by Mr Tudhope it has been omen policy for year and In dlvb dends in goodwikl so humense i2 9rmvv W51 Illness wind had Mm In Sol diem AW Hospital for three week Mr Tudhopc dram the 0m municipal ob 199 at Qm 351013 nboul ju mue ma aun 3n hidv WW1 Mr an his new deputy clerk Hznry NwIeld and assistant Mn Nmml San dHSM and like everyone else 1° PM Mairémrélerkrm were mgsi flamed to see him back ml flu Impe works he adding In family mund ol service whlah pmbahla is without parallel In the enth province It 13 cu glnvaa record for mu pm cl Amhomul mmnd rlnu mAlL IMl mm Mart mmi Otlm ml or payment nl mum Every day that 016 vetemn mmiclpalyleqk Way Tud Oro Clerk Adds To Family LdborTroublesAre Not Over For Pearson Administration Serv1ce BecjordIn TOWflShlp WAWA CHI12h Painful eegjeinesqay am StLaw Now reppqergd frqm can 14 mu Nurun hp lmllwmlle Hymn1 Mum Tutnvy wk IIJV nullkm Wink1me Ivor AM lhmuh Ill wWlnlm Hmr Draw lomM nnmmt with humor n1 but all IwIMML Fin Maxle mm mm Mum Tmmtolhmmm Mpr ticLAN SI Mule mu Marl Th Iul um um IM by Hum Wm lmiuny In m1 NAan FHHMDI HrM Ml ll Ibo VIM lull nvn rm to man um Wu AI lude out Iho wu mu rlul hm Imam lo mm llun ha om ml my Inlvmm um IN Amnirw mum M4 m1 UNA hm Mvcr to In um um other mm pun In ligml In 1m NI IJEVTI ON JUNE Ill nwnuhnn mm lmn USA IIan mllllon rumn IM lwu mlmm 11mm my to My mom ml In 1an Ind MM lhrm um Fund 1N Amlvklu hmm Fund valid Inma uwm Illnuma Dr mum Mmm tar Wu uld um only plum ml Mum Cnnulnl memMan pom mm Ilu nub 70mm Jonum wanna 0m IMM be 11mm but my Mom mm In unclwr vnml rod who In mmmand at harm um Ntnznrn and nnl know Mr hm hm dnlmd mu me IN mummirlllnn ruched him horn Gmtrnnr lnmd ow utr be had hunl My um umfllclnfly In lay mm In Ann 04 Mar Fur Tudm nnmany 11ml um mum people In Du 15 And ordan In Ne England who did not want ur On On aw Mnd 0w mw lnnwn tn Wn Huh who mm um captain Im1 mm ytgpiq In TM US dMllfld nln In In June In In but tba Gnvmmr CInrh Slr Guam mame hear about 11 mil Juno Evrn then ha um um um lhrmrh ha Noth Want Way In Manual whldn had hem nMilml by um vL non IOWMAN 0m cl III mun thing about urly mm nu lha vuy Indium muld duuihll hm Imam th ulhu unumd through huzn Irru Mary urllor IMI Ink MM how lMlnm from Ll In AWAY Ill Guru 11 at won In Illmd mnllna Sank Sn Mulr In Hm 0n UM Mhor hind oflrn look mu mrn wrrh In lrnm about he mm 1mm Mmll Wall mm the hull ol Mnhlm on 17M hm GEMINI Amlwral It In Chmmlln did not NI IW ll ImHl 0d ll ml the loo In Ib yur ln mad Manual Frankly dont know what wa would have done without him Mr Lde Laid ol Mr Ewe mm mm and 0m owned Unruly News Gordon 5de and mnullon WI We did out has in Mid Iha an unlll he mild am back to In said Mr Nculeld Imo was an Ensl 0m MEG merchant lot ll warn helm Just becom iM drnuy clerk He lludkd busims ndmlnlsthon It Kim llnll Collegiate and Me in huh Ina ln Ora took an Interest In om inwialaflalrl hm did We neele it urgently and called Mm ollen ultl Henry Nafldd mm mudenllms new man in has lab who frankly mined he mld have helm at loan wilbout Mn helml6 xuldulce He also two Mu Sanderson much credit or ha able assistannel tmnfmm wish Ha Wat CANADAS STORY AT 1051 proved misleading Mr Tudhqn cullan mm mm Ind hula rundwn Just partly due to NJ hem and name to ocher lnler nal ailmcm But allu bwa or hrea days serious lllnw he aimed to rally and hi comy was quid 1119 ml lt sell also proved mosi beneficlal Mlcal of the man was be act that as won as he was well enough he began to think Oro wnblnml and his lellow wetken lle tamed to the has yltnl telephone and rum his bed side nflered 1m help ha could in the way of advlce US Declared War But Canada Unaware WESLEY B1 Record mow um me lhm membm Tudhope lnimly completed 125 year smite Oro clerk in Mum and ev ery thy ha work ML ludhupa adding thin rannumb rec ani mm LI now In It mm Mr Mr Tndhope hknul wlll mph ya service in Auxuu He has no prMenl 511mm 51 um 91 Ian hi fiului mmbmaha can be vnluo In flu mmhln 00 Mick devoted MI We work His zundlaflw George hape mid some 50 year 0m dark was first appoint ed 1n ms which was mm year More 001me Adminir mum Wu flanked and ex tql or few gun nmllmd until 1m Gettinx buk can In whirh he is adding daily Mr Tudhope the third zenmlion of hl umlly Io hm occupied ah hey municipal midon Whan he Inseam clerk 1n Aug ml 1919 he succeeded his ther the late Henry Tudhnpe who had served In the mm office or 23 yam ace Key Leonard hchrlhur and Kenneth Gilchrist all ell lh 5mm way and there was much rejoicing hen he returned In his dfik it we the selling ol the 0m tax rate had been delayed mmewhal but pmgrcs had been made by his willing us slstnnLr during Mr Tudiwpe dime and the figure were rudy lnr the June meeting nhich wn only week or two lain lhm originally scheduled In Mr youth the Harold clerk was mnle alhlsl Ind was om ol the heller player with 0m cam in the Simon County League He was wllh lame cl 0m dranmlonship clubs lllr dehnpe also was hockey player ability keen com petitor uhlch made him rqxpecl td sportsman one limo played or and again Or lllin teams THIRD GENERATION TUDHOPE By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK AmThin leolumnlst mth never know 133 my puny r9 LIGHT TOUCH Woth rmpmbutng lake man to ldmfl haa Wran but it usually Lakes mn to pm It INSURANCE HM DUNLOP IT Plum roblz Nan uamd dammitling pigeon about 5000 yam ago and theyva been nuisam since at least 50 BC hen Auden records indicm China offi cials tried to drive um away Imm pub building by duh ing cymbal Ind but gangs Dal your under up Inmeono call you psyphm 1011 ha Juu means you are scienliric xludonl cl tlec liom 0mm owm rem lovemment Wu hutmmenhl In Mm minus labor dbpute on three Autumn am this week but in labor and um dued txouhlu an ar mm OVOI fie wage mums gamed in Quebec longshomnen Tun Canada um employ ry bulnik ahnuld knnw The barber not his name from trimming bum Lima is 1min hr heani hm when men began to get their hair cut ton the barber look on his new task without changing his name But home mm be pretty dlnurnus plue for ambody In recent yenr there were 2200000 hamo cldenl 1n he Unlled Slates mum WM 0000000 on the anen no only talk more than mm lhry nun ulk luster The average US wmnn speak me 175 mm minute the um axo man 15 but French woman an blur non 350 syllables minute Doe lrIghlen you Save your fear or something more Im portant only hm out ol nilth purple In stuck by llghmlnguach year Hm II lulu plum or the hmbnnd than or the wlle beeuh am mud more time In ll sh is twice libel1 no have In maiden flute mum1W1 mam nu ma viém chm callllhm In gm huudl Inn And on Ihon nuny COMM YOUR ICONOMICM AOINI TODAY Columnist And His Mail CAREFREE BOATING ECONOMICALLY my uh Immtfiour boilinl lnvulmonl with low can BCONQMICA par hug pin BOATMOTOR AND TRAILER lvmh 0mm Vmwm ldmlm MMle loom mum Iomln 011m Mon Mondun mm NM om STEVENSON C0 avum Ww This summer enioy Get allrisk protection In single package CANADIAN All 1N WAY gum pom hlnl In to film Ihfl hm no might be lucululh menu mm 40 The Maui true man waited nnly in hf firm hearted amends The way out Annthzr potential strike loom Inz on the hmmn mid lhul dawn Bnlish Colmnbiaa lam products Industries Md mum or large em mu By Thursday mm 500 mid worker altaada hid vulde of their ION 1ha cahinel now are 0m hush choice approvlnz loll hike or mbaldenl the nu wby with MU funds PRECEDENI SET The heny wm 1nqu was 01 mek by lbs Quebec dock on and the away wormx are bound to be cited precedent by railway mume an played in lhelr mam coup mad talks The dackm Image wag unannourwlllmupbym cents within yen The un vuyn average wage $136 will climb 57 cent by next Jan The railway Mlouafions Ire expecled In mm mum page in mldJuly One opera lnz unlnn rho Clmdlan Brnih erhood Railway Trainmm 1cm Ah pressing wax demand Any wage Inaease granted to CNR worker would impose an extra burden of men mil Ilmu dollars on lheledcfll treasury but nLl quike could have disamw dlocu on the ecgnomy Canada vital heal export already have been slowed dawn this you by the My lonxa shuromunl strike and mm nge ml buxom In winter on U19 Prairies nw wwth Ml lnauu his Imust flown ol protests with tWatem grain unner clalmlnl It would an lhetr In come and lnduslrl clnlmlnl would Jack no the cash on Wednesday and St Lawy rcnce Seaway wnrkeu Thus day me It tlme when the govornmanl wu muff 111ml hard to keep lnlllllonn unjer ponlrnl Hv highs unlit will drive up coséalln ughfur Wur Lry an awn own coupon mm wlth mulllqnllllm dullarr mm 171 Seaway Authority par tlwlarw hard hit since was alrudy incurring heavy dclltlu And mhnz Imperunl aeue in 5th loll BIBLE THOUGHT Kllthn Onlmo 716 I0

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