Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1966, p. 2

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In Hank Amnlry Mum firm will In In mm WI unhmll IrI Mum In Crnimninl CeltInnllmu ul lhl Grry and 5mm anlnl llrzlmrnl 11m uil ha palmln Ihiu nllwnmn mm qurni IMk Unmng Ihu My Much Mlh lhn utmrnll In Imwh and cnnvylm 3w mmrl 1mm lhu tun mmuu of Guy an Simrm MIMI IIII he InkVI It In wuflunh hy 51mm County War1m mm Mwa Inmllnn MIW Al Quunn luk Mm wm punmum nl mmlnh Inlflr milw mnMr mmnuum rm pm in mvuquY nwn la rmnmn AH lanhl ylnn mum nnvl dmmhral mum flmdu Illnmmn nl It 15 my understanding Um hem rohmlcm Intending themselves In wmmunlly Il lair In order to lmpmvn lilo In these commmluu and diy cover why pcoplu living mm Ind thrmwlm in mm pmcnt mums Dr nmard that In the cm hm llo mldll ha film was be dlrcdcd at area mulde provlnclal urlsdidlon such Indian romrmmllles wild ha all right But here was likely to be fir loo mud overlanplng unless Ihrra was dear under ttmllng wllh the provinces as In Llie we pl pmth the com pany would mklc By FAIUIER TISSINGTON WAWA Special The Company 01 Young Canadian may get lnw communal dH ficullic with the provinces in It nllunpu lo undertake soda Ind economic mend and de velopment In Canadian camA munilies Dr IL Erhard MP for Slmcoe East wumedin mg Cqmman Friday He nld the company had pilot pro gram finds vuimu mm nnd help In UlPJI denimMn but his might well werlap with lha Cannda mum 1mm in hat the federal mom mm mworkm out with the movlnces Hon Jame Auld minister mm and lnonmlkm appar cnlly has given avatable con sideration run so of the cen tre In manner and weekends in Winlm as an npcrlmmt Allu Md Bmce Owen had nulljned lhcrc is strong possibility that the Lalwlnnd infomulllm centre on lfishwny 400 at Bar rla will be open on year round basis according lo the tomst and convenmm comm ice we Baffle member of Warns Overlap In Aid Programs SCENE 0F REGIMENTS CELEBRATIONS luv nrlnck In Hm wk 17 11min Amwry wu rnmlnlcl in MIMI In indium rum r4 Ourrnn Pull 71le WII ll rHJulim VIM WA My Mdirra nl Suvrne mmlyl MI mumu um quavlmul Ill WI Immlu In lb VIM Nllull ley lrulmrl Imu IInnlrn In IM mu L1 Wm WM Wu Um Hqu Armmy Mu lwmlMmm lnr ha ml Znul IvIIIIUnM irry Ind Nu IM anlum IIIMen Nu um ll wu Hm mlnwnln 3101 yummy ulnln MM 11 mwl mmmmny mm lvr Inrlumlltm mm mm mun pup mmum 1va nml mwuy nth mun mm mm Mm phuu mglniul Iv Hm Mml Iull II HIM Ihil GETS IllOOFOUCIH CONCORD Nll MPlla lmlman mum Russell lmmb gated ramplahll mm Ger man Wm do was dmlcnv Inn 21 mm nl nclghbommxl chlldmn llussclln report ln the pollco log Prldny Valid com plnlmdna bit olllclf We are going to gel lnm as wu have Ihe Mun a1 chmmenl covering lizld with me Company of Young Caudinm and he provinan mvennwnu torcrimuhe Lame field through Meir wellaro bod Ios Thure will be duplication and conIusion Dr nynard persisiod Privy Council President Guy Favmu said the mailer al iederal and provincial jurisdjc ion was not involved The Company wouid be the insim meal of Lhe Government of Canada io support enmurage and develop program and ac llvillu in the mid social aer vica in Canada and abroad He Said it wu his View that co ordination the indexIi level to ensure the voiuucen wen mwihebesiuseinCnnada not Invoim cmflict wilh uu provinces this work been demd with the provincial govemmenm carmnd accommo daflon nvaflabk in mania pm Vida or about 11000 people Investmult In curls Iervims In flggukdand area over certain acts roaming lhe local cenlre 11w centre services 45 per cent of aid area In 0mm Ald Owen pointed out He said he Imffic count on Highway £00 on weekend in January mulled 12000 cars with an average up peypuns vehlcle in and 1mm hm nl writml rmlmminl MI hLIlnrlr Illfldinl Mllln nlIy Med pur pm unfllllm llm don wmlncd the 01517 doc umm rbdoro bclnx hlmt mm Mr lmmwo agrm It dfi Ibo si1mlcr the nu AM Mudml working ovu 21 hours or mm per wcck re mumd lo obtain mdnl Mur Ily card and ummplvymml In surancc book An emplnyor may him ynlmnslcr inuntdLAlcly pmvldcd an mmlkafion mafia tn the urwmplmmcn oflicu wllh In Lhno days swdcnu seeking summer on 9109an Amy mm or so da immature number at tho Nallnna Unmmplmnwnl Otflcc Cam prlar to gaining emA vbymt NBS mm 11 Lawmnco said today ll AHUIAIIC COMFANV Jnvk Garner Art Evans MPP Simone 0min mu Inhuaru Del Jackson Maurice East mp Hunting Muskoka Tourist wciaLiau and Don Lazenby rcp presmiing Collinme Glam bar of Commce He and only shank period wuld probably In between Nov 20 and Doc 20 Win he Coll Cavalcade in all allowed by the lumLing season theft will be Student Workers Face FOImalities Palm Head manager 01 the cam said today he bellcm the movo would be jusLilicd and gm asset to Um murisc Inglysuyln this mm ran Hersey represent ing the city suggesmi Ihal lo cal area might be willing In participatehandafly if the De pannmt Tourism was not able to My the financial cost opening the centre on year mmd ba MW uwnuuu um Wlul 1r Auld and qune of he The committee which Del WW mu WWI In Imummn In way mw Ivmlu mm of mmIImlr mum mu plan luv UM smully III MHU nu rmmmnl ham It you how TOM ANDERSON DUNLO ST 725645 In work mm IIWII In mu mum AIM nmlwl loudly In tho llul and MI mk rl July mw Mmqu HM MAMA HI ha tww Any lwlml NMII mm HW Nwlmwnl In mmrmd MlNl grim 0ka IIUr mu uh Mai ulvla um HI mumflan ml 1va mar Sm look hr Minty ml 0th mil uNIn mm In Inn Im luxme If Lnmnvli mm Um lrllflml unilru Ml ml awn In umnlly mum Tnuk llrivlnl numu many Imyl MM Mr hwrrnce Un NIunMon ha mldtd nil loo Hurry mmdm mm in IN Hr 1L rinse Mm he twun hldl M1001 and IM NES mm Mr lmmnm Mid ll M1 bun common wwflm tonne mu In cnllrhlrn umdmu influx my nvnllnhlr wv ulv mm player In llml lull Umo Mulls In other wmb student help Mus the labor mllon he added dict MI 312mm he um Mr Liwrrnce mud In Darrin and dblflrl how hidl law oi Impenll He MM Agudenll Ha unmm ms aw Ml 3mm an em to are couldnle and Many mloym Hsl vacancies at students lhmuzh the NES nl lice nu Iyunm has marked out well In pm Ind Ihe mail13 01 mme usually um nut xmmrly mu nix Mn Immm pedal in man has an no amclnbla dungo 1n ha number Jam Next wk Immm 5351 berrypickm will be ceded in lame nunbm TramporulJon will be provldrd Mr 11mm said more slu dcms are seeking employment yumn Wigonrydlh the youLh ha worked brlore rclvmx social security card merely lormalily But IMI is be rm Im it take nbcu 10 days or documean to com htmm 0n Munday night he Klwam Ian will warm their peanuu mq Esanuktmgu In Ward One Im can 30 to the clubs wel am Innd which Lg mainly for the math of udwlcd dflL dren Mm residents llama are aware that hl has been the Kiwanis 01W chm sm lce luncLion or the past 40 years Nat stoned from lhis pm 5w Heb axmugl waboul 40 chx Monday and TutMay evening membm Barrie KI wanis Club and volumacr holo crs will be making their hnnual visnhamebybmneinflwdly 5011 prawns and peanut but POWER FAILURE plunged Vauga Beach communin hall into darkmm last night larc ing candldales for June 25 mm ulccdm lo read nominauun speeches by flash light ABOVE is Deputy Kiwanians To Sell Peanuts To Raise Funds For Crippled In anIIL bay mvK CANADA played lvu ndually worklnl for Xoul employer 11W EXAMIan WANT ADS PHONE 7211 An Umhpmmonllnqlrmu fmtnmlm lmmgnlnr MM Column 91 hwy ho mm 9010 Colemnn mm mnle wu 11ml mo In nnrrlu mnxinlralnn mm Prldny lar mlklnx lube dednrnnom and drawn unmmlwymm burnt In whit hn ru not MUN 1me knxmdltmn Included halvy llJ cnrdlnm unhrald md 1le mm Tomato mm 15c box large hunchu Human 15c cook In muons carrot 50c baskcl npnIu me haskd tomMoe 35 pint mushrooms pint 1d use No hand cabbage 26c radNIm mm onlana bunches 21c celery 13c min ach 70c number or 73 Gabd lady home bnkinz sold quidfly nml Inchch dat xrzums than andu munm bran mulliM mun variety of cooking 40 101 dale lumuw pineapplq luavu mm Eggs were down In price Ind ranged run 40c dot 0r small 43 mcdiun 50c 12m 35 extra large Bouqum nl pmni Iris and lupin 11c For cmlor delivery to your homo or office call our dlculaflon dopl 72645119 Th mam was sums his mnlng with produce mov lng very wcll False Statement Brings $130 Fine in summer and ScotlLIh My culls In winter has been mind to be the clubs principal mo 01 public revenue since then The peanut sales began 10 year ago when Klwaan Inter mkonal ruled an gm of chance tannins and car draws Prior hat the Barrlc duh held an annual sum carnml mu mn ln the peanuts householders will be reminded lhal they are not only oblalnlng nod prod not but helping crippled chlld club pwfdenl Tony Dream Palm out The club members and assist ants have been divided Inln toms each wllh captain lhoy will be trying to surpass each other in sales ALsn In ak Produce Moves Well Rt Market myrrh like name reevo nomlnee Fred Mane SIMwing Ianwyh supper HOME DELIVERY urrir Examiuvr II BUIIKHI Mina durum mu 14 1m mm 200000 publlt mmlay runnd 10000 In In Irmrd INVk Tho Mmemm rnmmluu hr xnn nxudy Frldly the bill Ilni In lha plum Ind nrly lndlrh llmu wm lhtyro Mn to be Al for mm Amt Clvll nrunu now my on or renl Mr nnmml um num In the pun and In ow rrnmrnl mnkhrl lho nmnum nul rrmnmo will ha Immul nllxhly And Ill Mull Amounl pm In flu Cnnndn plm Tho Bmlo Enmlnor only 45 waokly Th1 lnlnrmllion mm Inn Mrldnll Mle lha 6mm Cnmmou commmta on Iha Lnth 1min uludy mmer Han avernment Minion diam wilh no Canndl Pension lnn In lnrlfmme wlll nun tame out nhud VITAWA CPDNo Mm emloytu will use many un dcr he prnpmd mmrr xix zovcmmml pquon pluu with the Quad Penslnn Plum Annual 111011 of the Assoc Iian at Heurdcd ChiAren will be Md on Ntsdly ewn In at King George School Up to 150 are expedcd la Illmd Recve Beck told ralapayer his opponents ralstd school costs by $21000 hmunh autmm an to block the Oakvicw anncx alien BLAME REEVE Employees Wont Lose In Merger OI Govt Plans She wu rdcfimg to Lingcvin who waved 33m Wmm giggling Picnic Tuesday For Retarded The rucpnym minksated 21 candidates or the three nmahh Ing mats an council and at least dam are ewled to run MrsfbywcrV silaVshc Wax em barrasscd by tho mllng nivaHikgaLywsgqre Nomlnalcd at dvpmy move was Incumbent councillor Mar jorie Dyer Cer Mbemon Pied Mann and Fred Mala Also nvmmaled or mu but cxpcdzd to wilhdxaw were Jack Fleming Tony Beck and My Helm Gu Candidalu have until pm May In quaflly they Inland tuglaud or olllce Mr Lungevln said have Béck and hi mundi up tupnyen in the dark over current land acquisition pmied ol the De partment ol Land and Form He charged Mn Bed wiih Inmpening with mil minute in mder to gain favorable podium Council candidate Verna Gal3 don in mm deputy clerk in the mxicipality said iteeve Beck ignored the Municipal Act continually and hired village dark helm advertising the pos linn QUALIFY Mrfheck 1w Yum charged opponents with mar CHALLENGES REEVE Real mm broke Lam Kevin will dullengs Reeve Tony neck gr mg us ha ha held am Hie Envy neg LLyeug ago He Mid my famed me up 173 the cum annex me Oakviaw rakpaym 1mm had three appeal before ain llll the mam The Ontario Munich Board ordered the election AM year lean Mlle between the Wang eouxwfl and tawny In Oakvlow Dada mend from neighboring Sunniqale Toquhlm Candidalu or otlice In 015 June 25 VIan Bach mmklpu election had on read Mmlnmon weed by mm In mm alter power allure bladwi packed cummmfly hall Baupayen turned om 250 strong to nondan no candidate cww NOMINATION FIREWORKS Power Failure At Nominations Ml THE NM HAIL IN TIID XMIINLII 11y om 1m lhc onlyvsirrrc Also the Canadian Highway Safely Council prcunlnd cum Han awards In Onlula cam muniflu or luvinz wmnlotcd ms without one Mal Hch 3mm Barrie did not qual mo unlocesrom mg 3399 NOW ed lnr It 1963 publlclly cam palgn on bchnll of salely on he road In the home and in in dusuy Sinulnrly CKVRTV was an 17 envision mu giv en recognition in the arm of plaque 19 BRIDGESTONE LIC I793 Th Examimr was one 31 Onuria honor l96 BRIDGESTONB B550 LIC I794 this annual funclion the Ontarla Surely Magus business yubflcadcm amdmims ad vertise mngazines radio and TV networks billboani cmnpam its and other Involved in pub licity hnnomi for lhelr vol unchr xervlccs in the cause 01 salgly YAMAHA 250 CC ONLY 00 MILES These were accepted on be half hair media by Way to 111 gamemamincr Public salely awards or ex ceptional sewlm to lately In 1965 yere presented The Barrle Examiner ml television slatlon cm on lhursdny by he Onlarlo Safely League at luncheon ln lhe Royal York Hm kl Ballroom Toronla BHYVIEW MARINA THE BARR EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE ls 69 DUNLOP ST BHEBIEMunicinul MARINA Miss 6mm who resing as nga Bench deputy clerk surl lu said she did no because she was told by Reeve Beck and his For Summer Storage bring your boat lo Cmfl candldala on Good said democracy Wu belng erod ed beyond my under mam Why anybody would lumpt to light against an elec lIon he uld affairs TM only reason land hasnt been exproprth or file park extension is datum Department Muddpa Mia was already embarrassed over he decflon U34 Mr angqvlnwd He mania chumcmn slhrlnmdufly mismanaged Movo up from with biko of your own He nald we move aflod to keep he WW4 lnlotmed about Department of Land and For esu plug exlmd the beach 400 leet back mm In present Imndaw even hum he Wu duhan ol park advisory Examiner Television Station Receive Public Safety Awards lor all the commnilyt prob CITY NEWS cmnhr Molnll In an Summer Holiday 0130an Protected From Rough Water oConvcnlcnt to Downtown moat launching Ram 003 Work Month mm mm or Rum Ind lnlormallan CYCLE SPORT Only SALE Why ha pauangnr RENTALS 5100 County cammunfly Ln 1965 la galn th honor The city 01 Port Arthur received special mrril ruling Sam Prezlo who declined mxn lmuon said omL11 woudnt come back they knew about he bickering among local Mvmcding mnunued 9n it 011a powufilallm that Mac ad out In eriLue ma AnoLhor nmdnea Mm LL1 llan Whitehead said the depart men has no business develop Ing land wlumut consulan locafi 19 muncil Lhruw mumch lawn Ln the gmbaie mm cumx She said council laid new vlllage clerk he was hired helm me position was advertised clerk took ofllce helm be wu afihlly lunged to the past she Rusng Pogge who indicated he wouid stand council 111 at disgraceful in allaw the Dcparlmam Land and Far 315 to laka land lm the benefit ol lransLcnu E01100 YOUNG LTB Gnvt Dllponl Llc 29C Our 500 pound according On condlllon 88540 no Iharge pur hour PHONE ZENITH FOR DEAD on DISABLED FARM ANIMALS Burl 7283617 rollnd Mlple 720431 s375 3199 8199 £329 CASH 7168771

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