Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jun 1966, p. 5

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AXTEII Slut Thom urn mnny plohlcnu but am nrlnin Ihe munrfl ls Inlnu Ill lam lwsl lnr llm lnunshlu HI whale mld Councillor Mm um Murphy Mm mvinu hh hm lullqmr mnnlrr Hun Council Thu erIknoun Julrr nur Arman Mn is rm lnivl ho mu Iml In help om III new Essa Councillor Has Praise For Help From Colleagues TIHMINH WmMnikmlu Ivy mambo lira Im lmilnl Awrlmlm ll Inwhlltu mvl rlumrm rum 1w Mum Iwk M10 anlnl hugmml In nnrlyhlm1 luwuzhkr trunlxlrthn 14 1h Trxm GIN hlllulr rmxwxlrmr 49 lutl MINI 11 mm Imam vmrl um mulva nnuru 1h rvmvnhplnl unkmvl WM mm mum mm Mm Ivy rhule ml IhNIINI nuluv Plumbers Strike At Timmins Ilumwn ml viprhlhu nl lmll WM WMINI HM JIh Um um am No Ndrl Hum Vnw Imu at up ml ummim mum lrm Walkm nwm Inm pw The 10ch pm 75 pet can at the cos sud Wicca and the participating mmkipal llim the marinlet wuh the mun kimllly in uhkh he projml is logalad paying more than lho nm was hm here at one Imc and its rrplncomm wu roamiul Influx mmidmmla value The New lmwll dam and ros arvnir wuslmcfion has priority and this 5100000 project is ex mated to be mmmw this year when he Utopia dam ls expected be given dictation Rawcnl how an pluscd over approval being given the Nouawasaga Comullon Auth nriLy developan hero and Ice ll shmfld ultimately mean great den this oommunlly UTOPIA sum Commie liun new dam far Lhecon 5cration arm hm cx pedal start until next year it was lcumed from Deputy RM Huacne Smilh have been very happy and like it my mudl sail Mr Lusis when asked how he liked Living in this rugged Nollxwa my River area native Rev Arnold Ilusis paor laid lull arrangcmcnls were not completed but regular Sunday Jervich will be hold The church has fresh nlr camp or boys and girl here IVY Slam Preparations am being made at St Johns LadranChurKh or summer Kervlccs at their properly on the Nollawasaga River three miles wtst of here Utopia Will Get Dam Next Year lNumm 11 ll Tmmln um Ninnl what ml mww 11m mly uerr hm Iw Ml MHIHWIM WM shuynmmt hoLdIVlirJune hailing at the mm bullgiingsmtn Barric next WT swim inin Ready Latvian Camp Near Ivy For Summer um umimlund vhy New me 7001me Cgtmcil wi11 COUNTY COUNCIL TO MEET NEXT WEEK INIM In Nauruan Imk nil men ncnr Ivy 4mwvllnr Munvhy um lw lml Ml llle Imylv ml In urll Irnl Park Mu vililrrl VI mm Al lml mm van NI Inmllw mnlnx not rr 1le numlflnr Murphy In rnhwiml lm my 3m In Hm name Inuth nl Ilulrr In minim In run ho Im flu Im FUNNY why pw Imam Turnlnx lo le mm mem mm mm MM he lmmw rImngNI In llio rm InlIIIIMI lhmuuh handling lnnn mule llwnln Whm III WM lm ha mum will 01 lhl lilll Ill lmlnflkl 1m final 011ml mum VIM and Ill mrrh Iml mm vnuan Fmallry In Mllthnn INIle IM nlwul num lWHIl lmn lhn ur uhhh Iwmun rry Imhll In Int hi allow mlmlllm llruw Hmrm mm minty Ilmw lAlvrm Smith and hm film RM RM and Km lllanrhnnl he um ha would like In rnnmmvl Mm or Mr mmlvlmnlhm He also lrll rnch Ineran In In mnmcrulul or why Mc Illulu Ml ul mu haw Ilium me every whimkm Mhl undllrt Murphy llm rom plmnflnl In Int MM Hell nwl Imnrlnlmvlrnl 1min Tm mi Hm ninHAIm In mm nlnirriuul nuL mbmlmr nml ho hum no uork lnlurnullvn nm Iglprfbllnm guess thank have Mnrh wonrr he mlll slnllnx ho ulnwzl If mum lmuw wax nsknl by land mu now wnl glad Imrll had wimin and am glad we an included In the plans 00 said Mr Smllll Something which ML Lusi felt was uqigue in Qanndq wag properly to the men who ought for the freedom of LaIvin one he Balm Slums which wen mind bythc Russian psi Ware nhe Second Wami Var Iben wow invaded by the Germans and than reoecupbcd by the Rgmizm August Imibmg of Latvia was used to are bcauwul Jen Deputy Reeve Ralph Hunter Mon Watdcn George McCaxue also mm Altman and new Monmlm Like EUGENE filITII many olhcn of his he said the winters twunlike what he to and the summers moth rmwh Iha nu pl mnvnlo mhl We Mu MrAulovy In Irma lb qmnnl mm Fun hum unhrgul wmwm mm mm mm In um Mc Aulvy mi pad In ha may mnwuy think Ira IIMI nl munah ml kn umilililiu MM Mr Dunn film In ham In um 11 3mm Aiming wlm lmlw IMdI Nu lm yummy upm flrd nun lm mum vlrk ml pwmm ml ll1inkh miy ha va mum Int Mr and Mn mm 1m sauwr may um um In Imunm In pram purl WWW tulw Mm II Imam IM mum will mule hem In lunch MI mhwllnrnul Ahqu no MM Madm mum ma rund énlhnm mm ha been m1 animation as yet rl rqILwmz um Influc IALNSWICK 45401 Dirl lnrm ml gmmlm nin mu Ix nrmnml nl anl anal unlhu mm of anka lulh 1k Mml two Pddny Juan Mn milk pmxhlml Home and Ii Aw Turning tn life by lhe Nona wasaga Mn Luxis salt he can sidcrcd it wolrlcrlul place He often enjoys walking by the rlvcr orIn the nearby woods An ardent llshcrmnn he his luck rcqnnmly1 wasnt mo good when he was inlcr vlcwcd day or mo ago bm he said lhera had bccn some urge pike caught Kn lha rlvcr ABANDONED BRIDGE Proposed dcvolcpmcnl anunnlnl mm near the rhumh ramp Area wlu cummcnlcrl on by pastor who Imam II was well wondrxlul spot donrde lo bu shared An nbumlnnnd hridxu over he Nuunwasnxn winch once linktd ho Em xlderom Is now In pop ulnr mimmlnl bola Ilncu Um walrr Ll decp lhcre Lnuil Trunx Essa rnad lupcrinlcn dcnl Amid the hrhlgo hnd been down about 25 you The heavy comm abutment rc mini We feel our madam fish crs n1 well nlhm through ml the world deserve to be rmuembcrm laid ML Lusis He mid LaMans cuuld never target their heroism The mrpatim Latvia by the Nazi came as Hitlers armiu dmve back the Rus sian with their earlywar bliu 1mm Alter um Natl armic became bogged down in Bus slnn snows And were pounded by Red milieu tho men Stalin came back few years later and drove the Nails out 1th mucule Lams and have stayed hen Mr Lusis said than would be memorial sarvicns In Toron in laler in the monlh in mem ory of 14000 Latvian who were deported Io Siberia on June 15 1991 Most them were never heard mm again ha aid without elaboration Graduates To Get Pins countrymen Mr Lush was drlven from his homeland and he unimatcly laund haven in Canada He came hm mm Toronto 14 years agn Reeve Opens Elmvale Store NVll 1mm nu SEW Viremlna mice ol Thy Toynshlp him couzgcfl pimp 111mm Yq lnw In gnwly Im luwwi wuh Hmwfle and Ill rilllvklwo am by Inn lug flaw Hi4 Hr Ile Mm Nmnwnltl nn Um lmy wwly mvmml Innmm up mtmlljrl In In gml mum vfldrH mm um um rlwlu llul mil WWO mm mm ml um II IN llnl ml Nil run mu II In ham III Uw mm ly McKrmJo Gwen Md Gor dm my mum luvo been made or wLnnen the Ililltv mu Nah mum the llumma mm 00 mm nu Ivm rldlnu ml load um um aim the me Indmm ml hnldmx lu ul Mm Mary IA Niknm nl Midland In pmuinm and Hay TM nl lmvalo vim 1quan with Mu Holly Awfmzio of mud marry mwsxm Dlrnlnl nthho Ralph AIan 11 1leva Jdm IUHIIM nl Immlu Emu Gum hkKny MI Ruin Mth Ililmhk Mum Towrfllip If HUM nl Rlnmm Mu nun wn Um lmmn Wlmlilml Julmsm nl Mwund mm Mr MI Mm Any Mvwn mvw liw n4 IJln rah WI Ilka Hmmln llufll It II nw lwillllly 1mm of lvwrvfly pmfln ml Mm Ilnmn hummimv cum In dudm Haw Tuck 10ml mcb yhag Myhllunle1mnpu ELMVALE Slnlll Mum ben cl he lluronln llldm Chi will We In one urlc compellam or Um McKen zla Emmy we all nu umnd haw Ihh comm Sun day mm The 11pr ls nwmlul on this hull poInL nommulalnl mm hum show dull mll rldu and mum mm and mm film nbn will bu manlall The idea the fimbour m9 uicllon is In give Wu ample lime to visit around but mm taking up parking mc In the busian mum all Tho maln gm which allow angle parking or five hours on one side without mu and the same privilege on the mixer or pamlld parking occasionally seem be unbc liwoblo Mr lock is ollm ask ed by visilnu If they are right Doc ll mean we can p111 nr five hours for re he has assumd 1th Isiah My usually salute the commun ha mflwd out fine hm said Flock TOTIENHIL Stall This piclurcsque SouLh Simm village which is iooking wan to bus Seasons wrist trade has parking rmhflmu which they We will be molar with vis flaw have been tried and saw Donaw rm v11 Inge dork mcn asked abut1t we mericflons and the amoral Wm 01 than Md Motion and Wu has aided mum ink est In the Ming trend Eaton was annéxed Oakview Beach was inSumfldaln lbwnship when Reuva Llayd Prldham heads Ihu counclL For the first time Mm in the nevdy maxed Oakview Beggh urea llAcast balloLs in The Sunnldaie municipal ob fine subsequently was moved WASAGA BEACH Staff Nonfinaflon will be received here today of candldatea who will be standing In the special clvic elecllan Salurdny June 25 Vole then wlll selecl thelr coun cll whch will take olfica July and cvnllnua U11 Dec 31 1967 under Iulmg the Orl larla Munlclpal Board follow ing amenth 0mm Beach arent nga Beach Reeve Anthony Beck who has been Wasagn arms or near lymls years hns anywlpced hg wmmwmmlmmaih bmndinzonhkmd MIERS MENTIONED According to was from 10 cal munlchial circles Gene Lugevln liker opponent for Mr Back There may aiso be other nmnhnlnd but Reeve Beck nld he was standing gains all comers fied Mde has been mention ed for deputy move and wumil candidates an likely to lncluda Russell ngueykmy Dnnald and Edward Gordon amongst omers Huronia Riders Will Compete At Elmvale 5Hour Limit Parking Rule In Tottenham ominatiOn Tonight at Wasagq Election William Fullerton clerk chm elecuon nlllcur hora The mmhmlnon meeting open at pm and will be had at nga Beach mmnunlly Hall Then an sh poll In Oakvlew Eaach Capital construction and oper ation municlpEI ervicss yum nnd eleciflcpower aid zrébable Mun mods have been given 1mm Oakvlew Beach to Bethe School on the 7th llne new centennial buflding contem plated or Sunnldale ELECTION OFFIOER Motyoulhmnwmlcumuh ml in In uu Ihm mumn nah Ind oduchvfly Vvull Luxl haw lhl phnllopul mm out moon You my um um Immull Uimmbulmlnb Man Ina hlx Wall mllb hlminl milwn Voull dim and dum And hm IM music ol hull lhc wolld ha Inm ulo mum beauty Thlxlmdx Indulml ballaL In sum muxi cl Jinan emu lmlxlmpm vnylhms mm mm Malindd Imm Muiw In mu nl lhl gauche lmm Amnnm Expo 67 is coming Your onceinaIifetime chance to see the best of 70 countries for only $180 Next year theres no need to take world tour Because the world is coming to you Over 70 countries are getting ready right now to bring you dazzling array of their arts and achievements The place Expo 67 the extraordinary world exhibition at Montreal To stop Into one at the fascinating national pavilions will be lust like going abroad with the atmosphere the sights and sound the people the music the food and the fun And as you go sightseeing lrorn one country to another each one will stamp your Expo passport with its own distinctive visa Vou never had souvenir like this before But then there never was show like Expo before anywhere Plan now to come to Montreal negltt year At Expo 67 youll see the world It has been proposed ln re consulule the mlnlstera advis ory mmflltee bellowing the eh ecuen Besldu the rldkxgMPP to committee has Included rep resentatives Wesagn Beech Reeve Beck Sunnldelu Reeve mm in special commute canslstlng rep resultally from theUDgEarl men Ways Mmkipal mun Tmulsm and lulama liou and Land and Forests In coqluncdon with Project Plan nlnl Assadla The latter pro vided prcllmlnnry report on Waxaga Belch last year Sn IN ml mm ollh SovlnlUnion Imm lqum lMhKlfll tn IN mu 165me duh In ml luhuunh Anwmmullnlh Um lamina you Mm mum mlanlry ulllnmv mummm ll youu nml bun to amml In Culbbun mm In E19067Mofllllbi ml umwnTnm1lM alipm lmm JImIlu sml band mm Mnidud limbo 1mm 1mm Bumdux Su haw lhI limbo should dam unfit fllmJnI pol III Inchn mm lhI round by mm II youu Im mum In we 07 hum MI Ma mm to II muml pmlmu II In hum mum And unhmld Hdvlon LAHnnr duudml cm Nyrmwl mu mo rum mava 4mg WA all vim loo In sum mmm Ind mm rm Iov IN ml Ill lmvp chi an In pllu Am on Aunm mu 0mm bum mnun mum mm you In mm no THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JUNE 17 I966 Pddham and Nnuawa Mgegayera Asqu The areal potential of Wa saga Beach now one of Sim coa Countys but Warm tramiom was mad flu impellam of sound planning for lhla unique aesnrlwas d1 NEW HIGHWAY MARKS COOKSNWN scam 0n wIn Department ol maxway workers have bum busy palm DISTRICT NEWS mmmmmdnllh inimllyou mum nkanlumm do Ikollvipm mlunmdolm look am In Icebmku mm In USSR Mann cl Imign Hm In IN 300 vlh Muim much 11ml lnuhlm 1mm mund IN wovld by on In sum Ania Iluloul mm mnl In Alnun own Mun 1m mm In m1 Youll numl madam ummmcnu 1m mm In An old lam lam mm mm prayml now Alvlun Mlmnl Mn mu pmmlwl mammfill dlnu My luvullu will lall you ml an ul lhu plasma world law load annh out lulim loot Swln Md Rush Md All Hnds food And Inlemueml food wlll In on ma alumna Expo 67 Try luklylkl mm 119 Swldish Imarmbcm Pnlzo lmm lndm din In flown boll mm Maxin leunldm ghmwnl phm die doesnt balm two 67 CONSTRUCI BRIDGE WONDER VALLEY sum Tralflc is bdng dcloumd ammd hismary ll hm when new brklge being consumed over the alrch running from £er balm through this scum 0m Townshlp cnmmunity Most 01 the excavation mrk Ls dam lag rash white lines marking the cenlm Mghnvay 21 be ggn lhlg villlageuand Nevilon Roblman during ufinst aw days

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