Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jun 1966, p. 1

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Inlmillnl Intlny lhal Im lmlrnwrd lrrrly hum runwlcnllol mmvl pmmml Ivy mu mm to mhmmmll Innvlo In 10 Il hm TulTllI1 in Mimi ll wvmmmlr NHIHHIHMII mwun mivvinl HIM Mr Nlrlxrn Mm mumnln flu ukuu In Hummus Nnvlhrm Mlmu II Lama InM llw liummmu Huh MIMI rumnuflu Tlmmlay ha wnu alnzzemr Iv llm lmlulnmn Mr NIerA ll ll hr rvmnul nml II nun nlrullal mml puunul In Imwl nurnnu nmmrm mlmiulziraluu Ivy rlvll rum ruin lr Vlrvu Hm mVuI MI lezlulhun Hvr VIII and um rwlyrlluln mm nwnhm NW 331 nuhih hr mnflm In Mr twin Ilr wwlvvmlv iran rlmtnlnnl In lit lulrmkllvm In His uknn Cmmrxl Mr null lair In nflvmkmm In Inn pm wnmvlmv an rum nmmmfi mm MM huvlw MI 1min Justice Mmism 7nrdm ho mlnlm he lrgklnunn through Hm mum MM he xmtmmcn 1x studying he mmluiluy nnnmn nurt uim mluuvo Jumthcuvm The gowmmcnl has Mimi dot his and nur uaclcr pm tusu dnnl brmg mulls lhcre are thr means including thjike ncli ha snid Commons Approves Revision To Tighten Bankruptcy Law LONDON Ont CPIAboul 100 farmers mounlnd on Ver tors converged Thusday on ths citys northern limits to pmtm lww rpm pnqu Thuy staged their dcmoerl Han Icspile request by the executive at the Ontario Farm ers Uninn that Hwy wait until the and of the month and see what happens However Wallar Miller one OFU vicepresident said pub licity Is mctltd to bring lhe larmcrs demands or llrm uhundrtdwclghl price or milk into the gowmmcml Ho magnum rhrqurr Cmm may he rm lwmml lo hnnrllu hr Jnh vary Imnnly In Mar 04 OTTAWA cm lhu Com 1mm xnva wmdy dMuIIM ap proval Thumlny In legislation Uifillln up he hankmpuy Inw WWI he knvwlwlkfl its lmrruner mum vaxplng chnn Thé arrth galhurcd IL Cal nmlly Damon Ma lime dur Nielsen Admits Use Of Report OTTAWA HlVlink Mrhm Balm rbm MEI We at last mg imlhéwspansmd the OVER MILK PRICE receives sliver 02nd Your No 14 mm Melville bahd ILII Farmers Union Threatens Strike The Hometown Ely Newspaper For Larfle and District RECEIVES GARDEN AWARD mehy for Rarden in Mc in Mam mwivu ma ml mm 11 unlul ll nu Mr Mlnll nlllh hut il NIMNI lllhlUNVH mrAnl My my llw Iqwl wyn Ily Hum Mr Can MM lhrir Job should ho mmpldfll More the rm of Iho year Thu camlduallon lionfll court mmpnninn In rmnrprdlmslve xludy Imdvr way or norm imo whnlu llnnknlmy Ml 1M mind In nm The grwnmmrnl has an nixnnl Um 1mm mn mulla la Iran whnlmla ro rhlnn Thu Exchrqmr pr umlm mm in In hnmllo crvil cnsu Involving income nx pn lonll and crrpyrlghll coyxdqnllnn of luck move The lederal government pmmiud 75mm mbsldy humminme l0 Irnnx he price to $4 and he nrmm want he pmvinclal xovcmmonl to absorb he shipping must to gunranlee Um price to lhcm Thu annan are promiinz the fuel that milk buym have been deducting lrurkinz mu ranging from 15 In 30 cenu hundrcdwoighi from basic price of $315 premixd April Mr 10 poulxb milk cl per cm hullulai coman Several city police cars were sent lh immmion of High ways Ind 21 La keep name lanes open in the Inclnoon the line tractor extended for milu on Highway 22 from he wulem p111 Mlddlcscx Amnly and Lamhmn ammy Barri Horticultural Society Mrs Laird who resides at 59 ltolgam St was mad uinmr in the societys city wifa conhsk Exmimr Pho to Ian NIEIIHIN muw try mm mm HHpqmeq In an Mum mu uaz muu mumm In Junn mlh anuth Imm nl mm 1w an I1 mmhl 0le Ir mm My All mailman MUNIle lnmmllnnal MIWII Inllnn ll 10 Mt avwla 5le xmlmw MHVIAWI marlle ho Ivle wlth Idling nu dlidnl Itrlunlnl Ianlay lha nnmnrnl lrmlwl Wtvlmulay nigh Mlvmn Mr 3an AN Krmnlulnrl In fawnan mnv Im my and Ilnrnmwl Illlkn Ii mrqgm InA bu his appeal from secret hldo Away ufler he abandoned the be leagumd Buddhist Insu mle Nmpound to mom militant monks MIGON GINRadial Bidd hisls called today or three dny general slrlke but Ule mod ernle hand of lhe Buddhist ln dilute warned Um Iheir chat tic mm mmm mm the mllilnry rcglmu may bring me collapse ol the church In 50th Vltl Nam IL violence conlimud In Sai gon glheififlh consecutive Thy Vfiich VTam Gmu mum GRANTS LOANS THEMED GROANS llmdmnn hurl qur rd lonn nl memo made by lhu lNhlfll lrmmry lhn CDC la cnvw lmnc nl IUI rmnnninn HrI um mm Mr lrnlllnml HIM hrrs mu llllle likrhhml th IM 7110 MI our nhlr tn 111m nlvllkl mumy nparl mm parllnmnlnry will In my lh loan and II Ahmnl umply he Hm grunt NEGOTIHTORS HAPPED cabifiei as regular cabinet meeting are closed HM pub lic bars he 960 oabinel Maurice Dup css doursclroskditiwlhc rest of the cabinet mm hesaid hi plamed to form an inner cab lnel which wmfld hold med mde Pb Miner mm mamvd crowd jammed the legislative councils red cham bu cheering inlermiNMIUy in humid heal as Mn Jahnson swore In serve Her Majasty the executive MLde Que an nil 11151771711911 119051011 bgtfihd Ira Hinr MM the word II urnlrnvlllnn of gunk cw hwr lam having an nounced the 21 names or his chairman hu Commom Iuggcsled Thurmday lhnl now way of luumcinu lhn CBC ml mm mm 0mm mnmmllnn Ihould nimnly QUEBEC CPIDaria John son became the premier Qudnc nursday as he was sworn in by alumniGov smm Hugues Lamina the man whose position he has said he will abolish The slysarnld Union Na tionals leader hm dwibed he liuuuanlgovmma posihion as vestige of coloniafism Strike Is Called By Saigon Monks he inner cabinet would be Claim Air Agreement Only Delays Strike Johnson Is Sworn In In Quebec YIMWA CPIA lormcr AqumrGmcml Max rll DEATH TOll Is 20 IN MY COLLISION 1M mmnrnl ram ml InkKI Nun Mow lnrnl Hum dnmlllm It In Ilnh WIN rmdnl In Munl ml lnirm mnnlwu In Iruuullanv le nailnl lvvuu 00 in by Hall bml ummm Mm HILHIIH humm Huh ulvlrmrnl mu Urn qlqwnvlml Itmmfl mud ho WI nn mm Ihn va11 mm mm Ilw Iall wulinz autumn rlr mL null rnlfluallfln Mu Immkvl Mr me1 by mm 70 Im mm um um lm Inhhrln mm WIN Hm mn umlhl lw IvaM anu Mxmslrr lcmnn an nmmml he uHlmnonl In tho hmmnru hnIHmur Morn he nnmlinn Irdlnn any wm mhnlulnl to hem lhub llrmn proceduru Alnkc hld lmn Irl lwr noon EDT Iowlny Sonnlnr MACKGMIE lnlrr rc rorlnl lhnl the 101mm wan um will nmly nlrnnrllve lo Jun um your Mum lho old contract uplrrrl Solllemnnl lcrnu um wmknl out law in lhe fourth day of modlmknn mlkl llrtcltd by Sonnlnr Norman anhnnfll nlwinlcd lo lho lnsk mly hut T1mmlny by hi nhl unlvay nhoolmqlo Labor Minister Nkhnlsnn The Igmmrm approved ul an Dmcrgcncy scsdun rd the Moral cabinet ml ram the average wage nucknxu Inc St Inwrrnro Scuwnyn 1200 OIKHIUHK omnlnym In $12 An hour from 8235 or next Jun OIlAWA CF soaway slrike that would have cut ha shipping rmflc inln half con linlnl Wm mllnd of Thursday night when unlon and manage ment nouolinlars scllled or wnuo Increase or 10 per ml now and nnnlhm per can In 1967 Harbor yesterday will the shippingxsmke Is Finally Settled cost W1 appth SMOKE POUIlS from Hri1 Ixh tanker Alva Cape on grown alter mlliskm in Hill Van KuH channel of New York 5mm mnulml In Barrio Onmlo Clnldl Frldly Juno17 1966 Dbl II IN Im Ill mun uhl awn Mn um Hm r4 My my ally Imml Ihl unnallm um umm v5 nml to Inl mlw unh nu III nounVI mu HM mny In Winn In 01th wmpny Mul Mn Mm he wn Hmlnl In Mr HM mill lml mr manlmm In IN MIL pally par rm mum am an Mu Nul rum mny le nllrml mu mmllu Ilowcvrr 3M4 lller uuuld cm nor his Dr Pierre Camu prusidrnl dfliclbrlddfll St Lawrence Senwny Authority declined comment on all aspects of the ulllemcnl Including cast is um wax Transport um General Walkern CMII old lhe pm canlercnca he confide hl uninn mcmbm would accept lhe pnrkaze Canadian Brotherhood of Ra 11p Null hatl MI Int Texaco Mamdmclls roan Alva Cap curled flaw lilo naplha hid lcaked from the damaged shlp HM caught firs involving the cm hullnH WumnH Ann Auden7 Clly NIIII luIIIIdN IS nmIrIII MlhbII lllltrIdI The Examiner TODAY year reliaqu inlmmanl wugu package In mldxliunnl 3mm aml $25k7mb Ailun Tuneva ml mu al Vmtm lnim Inn mi MIIN Sunw wal Mlllll MIL ml donl hr rtVHWKXI vl Sennlar MacKrnxio had Iranul nu lb Mun Lt uu in lha amwny lepulc rar lirr In the wed Ilminu lullu mlh lmlh xhln ml Imam Marv Ilny In Cornuull nnd Muldml hem annrvldy mumlnl In or Ilrr lo be claw In lhn Ammo nl wwrr lha mmnyn pvllhcnl This WM ANN Hun lion he AM rmnrtrr viomly with an eye Ike mr rial nernllnlinn caman up Mar 1th mmnwr ln lhe rallr wny lmhulry Mll MEET Mr Nichnlsnn whn Mk over the federal labor mrllolln in January sunmd um the SC wny mlIrmml shnuM not be looked upon us patlun Mr Smflh old rcporteu lhc mm value of the wage nm bentin clause in he new cnn lmrl would be minimum 75 tom an ham and an average of 9an an hour or each worker rxlm wane alvclx phéto gha pwo ship aqd two escal ing mg in an Inlch in which at least 70 died by Coast Guard count In background is Bawnne NJ AP Wire 10300 in 1957 Last yrar Iota Ihe scaway was Hummus talk In Imam alwliml mushy mu WU nnmw Iamm 55 Ily mumunnl insfly In 01 null Ian lnmhldy to Man Wham PARIS illrmm Air lranre ht Fremh Mnln airlinr Almrwl parnlyml today by OH hour mike by rrrw munlwn uhlch Marla IIIMIIUZM nmudny nlzhl lhr ntrlkc lnunh hil yrar by maul nl Un numanyn 15m mlnu umvnulv and luvlrws nlnml plrmmi drlnnmh lwepnrunl ulnry lnnrnu VATICAN CITY AI Pope Paul May hlmlrd hr Kmerl ol Roman Calholit MAan l0 make flu111mm In Illxnh nlltl mhlmw martian and lhc xile of mm and mm The Ian acted in Inreg spmliullly lprIHnR ml Mu Mal bishops could and could not In undrr lhc Pmml dmngu proposed by he Vallrln mumrnicnl mum In give bishnm larger mm in runnlnl the nflnir of the dmrm FRANKFURT West Germany MP ommunisl culmncnl nppcaml unnninmm lodny In tending new W511 on German llllnillicalinu ml Inward by West German wmiml lmdnr Rainer Harm the signal and proceeded puss bly believing that he Texaco Massachusetts Intended tn hold back until his ship had passed Baker said he Texaco My mum whiah wa pulling tank farm signalled ht Alva Cape which was cmn inl hm he dunno hi the $1in woulfi 1cm pqlhs The Brillsh banker cirry in the naphtha cars The ether vessel he American tanker Texaco Massachusetts wa engply hanbor pilot Donald Baker 45 Massapequa Park NY who was aboard the Alva Cape said lhc disulu apparently wag camcd by miqu In dz na Air Strike Hits France Pope Paul Limits Powers Communists Beige Proposal 1121715375de ackx Infense Heat Thwart Efforts To Search For More Victims LATE NEWS No Mora Than lo Par Copy f6 Pngu mln In IIMd Maw 00 my IIr1 mllnml Inn 14 mm un uuu run It lividy mm 10 from one man In another and Mined hem lo he buoy 00ng ship struck b9 Ava on cut through it like kmlcfl Tim naphtha started in pour of Ibo Cape Colon said Nothing serious would ban Wncd but we our lugs was making so hm In Ivdd he aocldehl that it blw upf The coast guard aid the tug the Eso Votmni apparently exploded Mn me naphbhaéa petroleum distillate washed wcr its tflKiflES Eight tin Em Vermonls nlnmman crew were refon mLssuu Ont wu rescued Mamng or he Gull of Mexico atm discharging lt cargo in New York Crew membm mm both ships and the lugs clnmbercd overboard to find the water sea of flame from the naphtha Coast guard and when up mm beans and Mich plucked survivor mm 01w sea Alloma Colon 56 chic pump man the Teiaco Masada nuu bolt and gave 00 minebody elsethen he kept hm wu mm my epr Inning naphtha leak ing mm the Hoyt Brillsh tanker Alva Cape ancr ils ml Iisian will the Texaco Massa chusetts an American tanker Mading or he Gull of Mexico collision was probable he or demd full speed sum and we gave him the American ship whistle but by the Lth answered we were right on lop than Wimesscs lmMM amny wflh dnudy peduds law tmvifiu 50 degBea HM Saint degrees FoxA wnmary vitéirhfik page 11 said when he saw ma

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