Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jun 1966, p. 4

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MONTREAL ON THE MARK Christian Science Monitor Congratulations to MontreaL With just year to go before it welcomes the world to its Expo 67 it 1x already making worlds fair records Some 70 countries have signed or pavilion xpatce rcportcdly more tmn have pair ddpalod In any previous world explosi hon Also this 15 the first Nonh Ameri can air win unqualified endomo mcnl from the Inlexnalionnl Bureau of Exhihitlons In Paris body which has been rating expositions or 36 years kind and our freedom to offer our po tential lo the world In various nonprofit organizations Maturity is as important high marks So is imagination re sponsibility and hard work These qual ities count for more than degree and the degree Ls only validwhen it In eludes them This yurs graduating class of some 80 studean in BiSc Ang have search ed well gnd nearly all discovered their next step Many young ladies of house hold sdEnce will finish lnternshi and some have already accepted positions in All can enjoy roadlng about an Inter national project that appears to be do ng well from the 51am Its exhibits range trom Ceylon display of Buddhist gems In Kandyan avilinn lo the Sn viet Union 315 mlllmn outerspace dis ptay Employers do not come to campuses pnly forfbodtes with straight grades according to Peter Henderson stu dent placement officer national em gloyment service Macdonald college ta Anne de Bellevue Quebec writing In the Maadonajd Journal Theirs is writmaking organization and regard esn of how crass that seems it is in funciple that profit which givas us the im and money for our service to man Perhaps the Lesage reglme would have retainedfiupport had it made haste more slowly with the Quiet Revolution Drastic change was needed It undoubt edly still is if Quebec is ever to pace the progress of the rest the country Yet the severe jolt of the start alter develop ment had been so long stalled can foster resentment it left largely unexplained Ihls could be lhe backlash which whip pedlllr Lesage andvhis colleagues enerations in Quebec govern ment interest or entry into the domain of education has stirred turmoil in this election too the iniilience of he church ma again have flashed support mm the berais In Une Belle Province puzziement predominates as the election result is nudied Those outside Quebec can at Quebeckers seen1 to conform with their fellow Canadians in other pmvinc ea when it comes to the business of vot Ing The upset of the pany in own and the granting of razorthin ge to new government are In keeping with the national trend in balloting Walla Nbllshnr A11 Canada Has Stake In Que Election Result Students Marks In Maturity WWM MM hwy ruer mm mm Mu nm for hmdlul HITHER AND YON AT WHITE HOUSE OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Publiahéd by Canadian Nowapapara leltad 16 Bayfialditruhfianle Ontario McPharion Managing Edlkor WEDNESDAY JUNE IS I9 PAGE havva ram Pmivlmt Mm hum mt nu munnir um aim hull ulhn 1m This early promise of success or Expo 67 can be traced to support the project is receiving at home imm government anti private agencies Canadi has its domestic problems like any modern lien including the uncommon one stemming from population divided by two distinct cultures two languages Bull1x110 67 rlres above differences with its worldembraclng theme Man and His Wnrld tn he English Terra ties llommes to the French Running worlds laIrl successtully is no easy job as some of the big United States miles thch have tried to an testify Further steps In building Expo 67 on Its two St Lawrence inndx will he watched with keen inter est hv Its nchhborn tn the south Tficy will Iic getting out their road mm to ind the way in in gates when It open April 26 next year Salary ranges and osltions offered left little to be desir For example in agriculture 70 employer offered an average salary of better than $6000 year higher than ever before Most graduates will have an opportunity for further training at company exuense filly per cent of your amp ymenl success is your own and 75 per cent that amount ls ability and attitude above and beyond degree he told the graduates Pride unlempered can be broken pride well tempered ha re lentive quallly unequalled The subsequent testing of his ability as leader of province will be closely watched by Canadians in all provinces The federal government antici aied con siderable difficulty in prom ng itsco operative federalism with Liberal premier in Quebec Ottawas dealing with the UnionNati9nale head of gov ernment will be an even more delicate diplomatic procedure it is in this re gard all Sanada has considerable stake in the Quebec election result In the agriculture diploma course all graduates who were seeking emplo nient found various opportunifles agriculturally onented business Many returned lo farms where they will use their talean in that part of Canadas gins challenging industry 90d produe on best but guess at the many reasons VOL ers would decide to reumthomselm and return to power party which but six years ago seemed destined to diam legrate and disappear Ihe resurgence of the Union Nation ale is credited to the effort and organi zational ability oi the partys leader Daniel Johnson Whatever may he the reasons the voters tumed from the Lib erals he succeeded in developing party and presenting it forcibly as pos sible alternative This was no mean accomplishment in political volatile climate such as Quebeés related regular employment Here too those who attained the marks Ind had the desire went on to gradunte school Wilgon Conan Mlnfiggv runmum Mn mu plnnl ll mod Cm mm In the hulk In recent speech Amen turl Minister Greene liked about lhesc minimum In vutmenls required nr what are comldercd be econumic lmn unlln naked him how lodny hrm cl lhh lype mmpam with It prewlr In quarter ol unlury lflD He very kindly dug Into dzmhcmt newlyac qulrtd knowhdgc bl ngriml lure flu me name lastinlh In wuhuls ln um An Average Ontarin dairy um had hm ol mm The mm Invalid rnmlll IVHIKM 512000 mm lhn ush lnmme during he year Ms $1100 but the nel lum ln tome mu nnly 00 EVE mlAWA An investment of about 55m lmiudm coo mm improved land ls needed to mnko net income at 500 am SaskMewln arm lodayl ximllar lncrme lrom In eulem Omarlo dairy Ium require sllxhlly hlzher lnmlmenl which would not up lurn Including herd no 35 ml By DOYLE NEW YORK IANThin mhunnlsl mlxhl mover know llherdidn mu MI hlfll Mrrnl hwme In plum malpm Luhmunn wlnm dull 1m wm hvrlupcd Inna Ago by um Imlmn lo hm mm Irrl Ill Mt dum ML THE LIGHT TOUCH OTTAWA REPORT Uh Emir humuur fly IAIKILK NlCllOUON Duly Mindy Iml suluuvry llnlldnyl unle Ruhmlpllnn um daily by cumr My mu mm mm Iu lflr II Hui min In mum II ur mMnr Ihrmt Ill II Jun Mull MIMI null ulr ulllvlo twin flrilhh mum gum yr IYHA ulul mm mm ur like In Unhmlly Ann TmnuIn nlhA ml RI Mnnlml um run 51 Vnnrmm IH Nan IhHAnmlun lmly vallpnilr lnIIHVv Almrlnllnn in An IHIH Im Iml MIIHI Dunn WIFMIIUNII lAnlvllln hu VI minAva muuM In Hun 1m lnr vrpulvHrnllnn am rnmlchn In um um MIMI In AWNAIM mm In ml nlll WNIMNI Umnin Mllhlflnml wmlul Ilnln mull PM Drplrt monl Mum ml or pnymml mun In uh High Heels Invented For Walks In Desert Fed Mk0 hung walk Need High Investment For Farming Today mmofim $520623 mH 9E Joe Greene just complalnz bl first six mm INN lure minimr hax been Iermed he Abe Lincoln he 01an allvyf Deep voiced lull Inn Ind flexing dupile his mtre yearx he has the My ponrrmce Ind mnnm ml rmghhmn Human Not In lhm chlmler was hls achieve ment in whirlan lhe DLHII wished firing 7mg or Innlry In Ihc RCA during the Mr and nnrmlnxlnlly lhlx lar mrrl lrieml burn III Tar nnlo JM Green ll ma lint me Prairie main xmwrr was beller 01 With 00 an acres land improved out will holding ol three qulxler ndlom lhe crane Smkarhe wan arm In 1939 represented lnlal investment 310100 From receiplx 31930 lb annu had ml willy of II asn havinl him ne 132mm SL600 lawn or the Inc um 51 than Mould buy what cosh 51M dny um wu not princely in come BETTER OFF IN WE Ilrllrr In up Any 4qu you hav In 1m Fun It UM manu nl un rrr lmlvmin IM NIM In Inlvfi MIMIIM lowly llul llu nap lilo man mun In Ow alluvial llulth Iuymvl ll pm swam mm Mn IHFIYI In mah Imrmflll hunt 1th hm In um Mir ll WNL hay IN ml lwuhliml In Illlln KIM MarlA Ihmn mm mm pm owl fut nr bw nlnm umhlnm um mu um Hu nkkill won lmII um mm rum ma mm mmnnh mum mmmny Ilp Tn p4 mm juice mm lmwml Hm mm ml llrwp him Inn MM VI hr In minuIa hm mminx TM Calllnrnln mu ml 11 salt In MINIMOO miYulmtmlh In lhl world timing hero hnl mm llmu Huh ht dim rnrr MI Fob ll7n Alnnndor Grimm flrll HIM Ill ImHuum or rulenl on dw rlqim 1mmer Mm 5me mlwnlw Ehnhl Gray lm No7 II Guy in llw ltllnw Hm nppllnl In lobplum pllQlII Jml hm hon AH nrll dld rml nnnlhvr INT all your mind Amy VIIINN QM Illqualla Indy II ll ll mm pm In Mrl up rdrry Apurmn hum ml 11 rluflm AM INTI lrvm mr Inlm flul hnw llrmll munerer Mulrka JFK ll MlllllT in MI perind lhll Lx new for hungry world Mllthinx Ihe derllne in Inn pomlnllon 01 number Ind vMunl llnm hnx Allen from In puk Mun ol 11mm In 1m to 8000 In ML he mm Yet the cleared land hu hem mnmlmmd lulu lnmr lnrm ml and the nu nl ylmpmnd land Iclunlly rim by PM HI lflJDMIWO In ill mu llmv MONTREAL Tl GUI luhmsflyn ww llullluu lrr Muml IMuury warm In pnnmlp mum ltnnlhl mlmnun minim pumm Ivy nlyrhnlnglpll rlrlul 1mm ml mUral mm nu mmml IMqu hm noun rm Iwhlml m1 II Maul will lull at All Hi lrd MIMI Am NmHm in mllmlm vmtllmm we ym mlnmma mam than mummin In ru zl Irmhm mlm mi In uny mnndmnl nu mum month In his in nuiclnl lour ol the hut Mr Gretna 1d the messiah lrinndly man whh mind quick arm the Arm erl problems il Inmin horn il Amprnr very ailment from the Alberta callle ranch operth by his predecessor Hamy Harm yet Joe Greene has rmmd nearer Ihe armen hem In six rmnlu than Char olnl Harry dld in years Since the war our arm lalmr has dwindlld lrom 1136 000 In ms In mm lnxl war But duplle this lull lncrusinl mechanizalinn ha enabled Iho phyléul volume ul ngriculluul prodyllon nnmun yer ten TM mm mablml Mm worker to mndum mm nl mum hem medunlznuon he nplnlnall Thu true amh Him arm In 19 had mnchl nrry wnh MI Twrnly cm In lhu nvmxa Innn madximy umflu ML llllnl lenlllrlml lulu uvinl llhnr m1 lmvrovlnl ol lxclmy flu mmum Ilnmrl purrhnml Aunlllel tr rim mmrv Al mm loul lumL Tu In mar m1 only mdnl nun mnv rhfnrry Ln ulna huyinz mm mwl ml lml mnn lrrllllml mun urndmry uwlm pm um and Mm Mm T1 pIu nu uvralhl WI vhv Al pun mMunMa hy lha autumn Illndm Pnl mm Ma Hm muuy mn unvlnl med Laurie 1th Niobium Sydney Fisher lrom EmmaMir Iiqu in Quebec in 1896 What do you lhl max limmclnl Ioalura In our hum nlrlure loday liked Well perhaps it Ix the incrnsinl vnl ume of pmducuon coupled nilh alradixy decllnmx agricultural labor farce III told me easleme to he éppalnled Im nllum minister Jince Sh Will NOTES CONTRAST McGill To Study Mining Problems By no 30mm it m1 been farm mutations performaneo by IBnlkh mm anan in nu Cumin today mim mm the mm wmmmn Ind Dream on lhc Pldfic mm Tho Coilflail ho ma mm Pldfic memmne Wu hd uni HMS Ramon 1d at gum Around Cave Ham In capture Fan Marin It mundal Wu dlnppvlnwim find the British flax Already flying than Hr nude the hmme al Lhe on mm While he pmdad hla to me numb lowered Brifish flu Initth raised 1L an nvuu nu mu IAIWIHIW Hi FIBER In an fibers wu my mull trading pm called Fart Astoria an an Colunhin belanud to John Jacob mm In tndhu company but was 59m to canadlanmwd th West mummy fixing the Wu at 1311 Alw the war there us an 1mm that Bflulnnnd flu USA would Mn luritory they hud puned from each MM Britain chimed Fan Astor became ll ind bun acquked 01mm mnmmhl lrlmmlon no mlliury nperalion Oh no Id Lhc Americans om your navd mipn cnpmred me for And they had witness to prove ll So Britain hat Orezom IIw 2h the two pMioM ureed In share fin unitary or the firm Ohio Insm Selkirk colonists lenvfled River for Upper Canada under promre from rival North West Company Ia7sVlrious Presbylxim chums united Presbyterian hunt Calida lsubNawfuundhnd prohlblled ml hall to foreign nun IBISCumin map in mien ll Givenchy Isa06F put won Saskaidmun lor lim time 1951Normhwen Terrilmiea partlnlly lend council AM th0 program II he mu ally muslnwllve mo in ml um mrhlrm ll AUDITOR Thrns was lhn usual com pllinl 1qu year when Ibo ml mnlu lho provlncial Iulflnr mmnlainl wu HIM he IMH orl am do no lumlm prflwly hrr By ilwas necessary to agree on bmmdary west flu Rockies The USA would have liked have not Ihe enlin Plciflc wast Ill ihe way in Alaska and might have taken mill ury acuan ii wnr with Mexico ind not been imminent 0n Juno 15 me the Oregon Treaty wag signed extending the boundary Along the 19m paraiiel la the PALHIC com and dippinl live Britain 11 Vanoomu Island HER EVENT ON JUNE l5 Undo lhll program at whim the ledml government puu lot of the money plan when launched or the conmfldnfion farm lnln larger unlu farmcame an the ma lhe government will buy lhem wth AllDA funds proxum or now at least will Im almost emirer nnrlhml eulenl Ind ent cumu Ontario not ex paciod In hue any importance in the lush nwlnx Irena cl 0th Ind mlhvmlern Dnuno 1hr rnmnlaml L1 hit our 1M nuqunr pmperiy would be wrmnl parliament LlnlM ha the nrtmr walrlulnx nn lhu mndlnx r4 publir ml And do ml Tudoumc laidGwalior Mammazny rived It Quebec IMOFire destroyed have of Notre Dame Quebec 17433an dc Celeron led medium from Montreal to cath TORONTO sign Itml am hu bun taken under the ARDA program Ilthcnwfll leaselhmlalmd lo Madry lumen will ha gas that by ewnlually wil purchase hem Ind add them In their mm lamu MOST ARI3 50 Must the mm in MM mm are sound economic units now Whurlhey arenl hm an larmm with Ihe upltal lVllIdeI Io cowlkllla lhcm nm In the ml Nu pmv lnce than lam Nellam on the old lamnytnrm udl And It Lill Irze mam Int dayA conditions arm lhll wu hm In In dny In ham Jmt doom do In the the lunar CANADAS STORY leasuPommve arrived It Pin Riyal Acadia with supplies lamFirst schools for Indiana opened AI 111m Rivera and QUEENS PARK 112 filarrir Exnmturr BAYFIELD 5T OHAND BILLS OWEDDING STATIONERY valuable Territory Lest ByBig Show LETTERHEADS INVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS POSIERS TAGS CAIALOGUES CHEQUES BILLHEADS PROGRAMS Government Studies Farm Consolidation By DON OHEARN BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR COMMERCIAL PRINIING OOFHCE STAHONERY TME WAS OWN FATE mosmw um The ml publication I71 muwlntadl Mngrnm In the nmpnpm Vodlmnlyl MOIka HIM rnhh Kmflmfln lkonmlmv 32 In suburban mmmmlly 1km mkov wu units hr mm mm 431 mu Imxm mm stair ml Mm uhm In munnlrr lattiveyland caught Prutfl In word lullIII lawn ant lmou The unrld rmdd usa mm no porter In word and cum mmmeoinlnm 11w nnly him He hm remixed lo hlcu llll 11rd wand 14 Ippui mm MUM he shmdd be db Kindly removed from gown nuvlann In lhe days of Fromm Frost lhA him Indium may Cot mm was one premier clams advisers The Mlnkioréip of the pres en auditor George Spam is more removed But 56 he and HS office an part nl the old system And Me not faith that Hwy ardenlLy curious Ind mum in Hwy should be par horses on the gunm men plydflL We new but of any mch flmlecgmings And in an ailmnmrziion Ihh xiu surely um mm In Bu Mu It least In rmnt Ilmu ha auditor has wmud clmely with government WAS ADVISE Fur Insinxm nevar bean in OGUMMED LABEL5 BUSINESS CARDS BIBLE THOUGHT DRAW IICKETS BROCHURES 7266537 rhrtte wa hug an nudimrn re the rm

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