Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jun 1966, p. 14

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CLARENCECANDBMEW In ptuident flu Nnfion ll Hodw Lew Ind Mm MONTREAL CPIThe Na fionnl Hockey League Innunl mating movu int Ma bird day today wnh the scheduled inm nll duh expedtd to provide more player changes than the In twa day activities The internal drIlt system whmby club may draft player lull unpraleclzd by In cum dub for Illnle 000 price New York Range M10 in lshed Sn mm place in the findings Ihls year In per mitted to protect 20 Mayan plul film nehnlndm Boston Emlns liltlwlnm lianhm an Illuwed to protect 10 player And mm goaltender and thc remain lwr clubs can only mad In the In two dayL Mumn Canadian Ind the Rana eomploud twolob with Golden Rod Barman going in New York Ted Tudor nilmany glay NHL TradesExpected To Reach Peak Today flankuaglm null MIAMI Gndnmu Tunafl Kruqu Mill 051010000 no Nl Vfll 001 019 9111am 11 mm Ind Comm nmm nn mmh 11 ule Bile Fflmb Hamilton In And Slephmsm mu SKIPl3ka Brock NYKmnqxxi finthllll 000 OMl I6 Pllllhurn 000000000 IO Mnlomy mm and Mu lrymm 42 and May mn lrml 191 Im CinEnmmnn ll Mule 000 000 II flu Fun 00 INIIIIl Ill FlUNVI Kama Ilodl Ml lmklm 17D nnd Hund Ifry Helm Wkly llmry Ill McDImM HJD l7 and Ilnllrr mu William SFMm llnlw 19 191mm Hm HM MW 11 Ilnualnl OM 00 IM And 000 nogooy l1 Tm MNADIAN mm Xmlu In MIHM rmim whom nuAswan MIMII SOLII null mumnu Jnhmmn Mme mm and mm wm My mm rm Knmrlu Ior ml Hairwa AllAxon un Oniy pl hfqu 11 been In Nnflmnl hung ML madam 31 A117 Ammun lulu BASEBALL RECORD mu nylm Ind Berenson are considered unlity laxwards other announcemean made at Tueadnyl 5510 ncluded dodslon by Bill lily of Chlcaga Black Hawk lo rellre move by Punch Imth 01 Tornnlo Ma ple hula to hold on to allnut defenceman Carl Brewer and sun protect players Baum Bruins repurchase cl Wayne Connzlly Rouyn Qua and some apwlnmnu by the muck Hawk heal my mmillor Gerry filmsive In their modem Mk Ken cooks Ieaguel board gover nor upheld bid by Imlach Torontos xencruLmananer lo hold on to Brewer and still al low him to proud other player for lodnyl draIL UPIIDLD CAMPBELL Warm unnamed wifl In earlier decision by NHL presidam Clarence Campbell that pbmr to pm maimed can be placed on the lnncuve us unless he has been out ICUMI or one year lmluh urlier Ind requested um he be allowed to tramlex Emma 12 and Howard mNalLv MLlIu 151 And Eldxcbanm HR NY Bow Bollun 020000101 I2 Gavelm ZMMWK 11 SanUAgo smmmmn Hammad 15 Olinst and Ryan Hebert Ml msz VI mame11 and Ame HR CloNukld MIDI IIIJWQMllllll Clevcllnfl fllo 100 MD Stigma McMahon MY Wm 49 and Tillman nanl man Ktlley Ion I9 mi Amue mu m4 Smith 5cm 1n Thomu mhmuma Same Cnlmuo All Wuhlnllnn W001 100 Bdroll 100 001006 ll Orleul lb Hum And Carnllfl Mouhmmmlu Pm Agulrm Glmldinu m4 human 1m DdMcAul an mt uo Md Dohm float Im no1 JIL nhunhm Tnhdo MIMI IHNIMM Tmmln swaou Jurimmllll wheth Tl null Juhvllln ool WI ooo Tnlnlllu DWI WG1 TIH AMMIAIHII IIIIZM TUEKDAYI ITMM IIIhnm MMmuy lln rlnnnll Nlrhml lhuu Min and MM ulL lullrr ll fill atrium llllalmvih llmu flllllu lrrl Clmlnwl MIIKINI In Win ml Ibrm ind mun In le mm In flu Indmu wlll II mummy wllh Ilmlm Id NEW PONIIACS FROM $2339 BALI STARS lnlrmHonnl Lulu IdJIl DEAN MYERS Jul MIIIH PM IHIIII le Val nl llul mmonnzu molomI Md may lipl Brewer mm the Leafs mam Us to the Tornntn inactive llsl under an NHL bylaw governing players nd unlver ally Brewer Attending the UrrlversiLy Ad Toronto who ha flu 1M Anxeles funding In the planned NHL upwion Imp thm rewu becomes llzible un der Lha new ruling since he walkad out at lho Leafs train ing camp at Pelmbmwfll Ont last all and did not Sign con lnct before ha mason ended WM Sr chair man ol the Hawks Announced that both general managex Tommy Ivan and coach BUly Reay had signed contracu which cover period at ya Wm Sr Ilsa annourud lhal William wm was named In sum tha 1m James NonLy an lhe NHL hamd al gov emm or the Black Hawkx Inn has been wllh lhe Hawks lines 1951 and 11er will be darting hll mun season couch MOVE ALLSTARS Vln VéUICVXVbIVIginEH he gnver nor decided to move lh 2w lllrhmnnfl 00021001 I0 Bulllo 020 005 xI Mule 55 Nick and SMOWSH Zamnl 05km Bina 171 and Emu 1m RimGum to Richmond WI 101 llfl Bullla WIMMHUI Iippnul Upshaw Emma WM 91 lnd CM nllum Dullnln 054m Ilzl Broodm 40 Ind Mira flyrlrnn 100000 000 70 Tnltdo 001001001 lo Todunhnlwn liter Dun uuw udllnmberl Oullm Im RichCannlmm hid rankEm SCISSORED SPORT NEEKR AHHIHMTION WASHINGTON MP 61m Inf Jum II INlflm calm Tawny or US quadml mmml dam hkmmn an my 1nd ml mm Federi Um an Amnlmr Maw km léu uQO flu cod wry Arlrl ANNIYUNIYJ YNUIMTII MINI1FM Allhur Wr1l dmhmnn ML mm mm km lha Na Inna Hntkoy In up Mmml huwlny Um In um Al InflnalN Tummy lmn nml roam lhlly Ilmy have ILZHNI mum Nth mwv wlvfl cl WEDNESDAY JUNE l5 ITMIHNG AT um Duo up un JACKPOY $30000 lEGION HALL 7i COLLIER STA lEGION BINGO Annual allstar game ham customary pmscusnn 10 la Wgnesday talked durixgg fine NHL Annuiim19ihi Inr Mom eIL Nesday 01 with to game will be played in Montreal and will feature Mending Stanlcy Cup champlon Canadians against the allstar teams Elected at the and at lhu first hall 19196561 mason This he lira time In aiialar game will be played in midaeason In 1a oi he pIEVi on years it was played print in the alert 01 the season whle in 1948 it was played in Chicago iual aflor the achwuia not an der way The Hangar compielcd plan in play areseason exhihilion game against Ihe Canadian nalional team in Winnipeg Oct and and in Calgary Oct The iaague aiso amwumad lhai the verse draft uhcdulcd or Thursday has been moved up to today and will iolluw he iniernai draft This was made stsib aller ha league cancelled the minnr lezzuo drum union schbddled or Tucsday AWNBOY TWOYEAR WARRANTY otters 31 Dunlop 59 En plus 18 advantages that make it the most convenient power mower money can buy Cam In And no la lulum Few olhev mules ban 1511 nl mum No olhu me mad rm em Robinsons Hardware IMHO mm UM mu NEWS MWII GUI fill WWW Oi ACADEMY AWARD WINNER BlflfljlOKflNG 51th WINTERS By RICK FRASER Ted Wilson pitcher who holds UK bank 590 in the llneup marvzd or MM Mg hitter lourth came 111mm In both department or Sdmcoc Cow In night In In Inlet medlalo Sonball Leazuo lame nlngmmp Pugh wagon loosed Mxhltler In Coopl vicmry over Con iumem Gu but hls em me plan washadwed his pm dflnz pedomncc In our Ip peanncerlt but Wilan scor ed two runs and drove In four with homer douhia And two singlet share lira place with Inr miniEastman Eleh team has elzht points The mtlaminat man mm was on hand to try to mgaln in lend but Ached uled game again Well Bend WI cmcelkd when ram dm chad uu pinyin field minutu allar Consumm and Coop fln lshed hdr nunInning contest STRONG FINISH Ted WilSon HulaBats CoOp To 63AWinfidervConSumers Wuhan was hl beat in the lust um mm Al he plate he belted Lhreoiun Innnor In the filth to xiv 0001 54 lead and he drova In mother Nn WM dwblo In lhl enlh He was Just ll Idequau while pinching Inldlnz Consum In hunt duh 0m ha lu Ihm unmet Coop picked up 11 hits Gard Madge in we the dis tance or Oonaumers umEaman Slmcoe Coop Consumers Borden Olarkson Wm Bend Tlfm vie xpovgd Cog 13M LI NIlhll Score Coop Consumer Fun 6mm Tonight InnBadman It Bordon woo Plaza Stewarts Elmvulc Newmnrku Orlllil reday Hanson at Coop 1700 Common West Bend END Fulm Gunu Tonight mm at Stewml MOI Thursday flmvale at New market um SOFTBALL INTERMEDIATE SENIOR 72824 hllum rnlun 06 lead whan he dmvo double Into left field In ma second by ulna with two out and two run ner on pr halved the margin In the him when Wuvwhu mm by second baseman John Chris ue an double play attempt Illawed Cinema mnehm to adore was 24 game in Ohe up he third when Marshall Jag Nicklaus was Villa igvorim fling into Khunsdays waning rogud at the United Skaksppen sol mwament even Lima the OXympic County Club layaut dousntflmmbehhfindd course 11 there is hvofilt hu be saw Mom duanwbn Mayer the um gym Agriqan who L1 aran mm min iii 36m Its swing tn be won around the grommm on driving said Arnold Palmer And Jack Ks going be on mom greens than anmne else Nicklaus Favored To Win US Open Those green are very small and very hand to hold Player sald Jack has that wfl lob shot that will hold Mada Kaye males A2741 Palmr agreed Jack has the highest shot in gall It muld make the durum FIND COURSE TRYING The field of profession and ac amalcur laces our mind over come dual has been extremely lying in prac llw wands ox=o==o=beo=o ==o=o and fined by dense growths km giving them um appear ance ol much The grccm are IAN ll youre all the fairway youre 1n trouble Nicklaus said Youve got to shay on the airway but youve sull to b11011 gnuughf ndu IUWVHHM WWI WILMW nqufinBéfimMccimum Emmet with mn mill iflfifiEflMifififiuMpfiifii 04 km mum MVAWUM mum ox==xo=xox=lo=lo===o=oq sums AT 5911 THEEIBM ImeEBfll BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE THURSDAY Playing II the lmpovlll Huronln DriveIn loam Join your two favoritewmfl In two fantastic spy adventures that made them Amerisas most famous seeret agents IAP Alkenn alngle drove ln Wllson Consumers pulled ahead again in the lourlhl Dan Wilson led all wlIJI walk and stole sec and Chuck Edward popped out and Clulslla followed wllh long Lnple In lefl lleld Christie was ell on thlrd as Wilson struck out Bud Maulcod and Madge Injugviuugiiyi Im Madge got the 00 batters in Lho top of the fifth and needed only one more xlrlke on Conrad Maloney and the inning But Malonoy rifled single tn and Jack Shannan narrowly beat out an Wieldflhlt Wilspn hllowed Ind he wailoped hard drive over the wulrelched dove hand of right fielder Wally Kelmnn dean the bases Now Coop had lead and we course Laid over hills But its more than up and dawn It also mum from side go aide It places premium on Ac omw said Player Ben Hogan lwrdme wink nan was eanded special VP vitafion la attend Now snowmu smum BAY 225 THE MOST MODERN DRIVEIN NORTH OF TORONTO BOX orhcéofifls ATUI Em HOW STARTS AT many 11 II Gnlhrla Belnen Bunlo and Grill 103536 0mm ma 5cm colon FRIDAY iinmgl Wilson was In command II gal ulmugh the next two innings wmm any We and gave Mme better working mnrgin whm hls double in the top the seventh scored Gumad Mal my Consumers centre fielder Jack Reid gave Wilmn ha mm trouble as he singled three Mme In Lhree trip la the plat to account or halal mumm Oovpc Shanahan was an games only other batter with morn than one hit Ho Ilngled In each ol his last two appur ances umvzuAL new BfiéfifihENAW JoEFETuNnmcnuwm AM THE WHOLE MtNALES CREWI mtufifis mum Mono prawn comm Every Thursday JACKPOT $100 ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE MUST GO SPECIALS SHARE THE WEALTH 35 Collllr Sine SATURDAY RAFC

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