Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jun 1966, p. 12

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DANCER ACQUHTED LONDON AP EhzabeLh Mm Wilson the tonne ballet danoer accused murdering her husband by running him down in her automobile was acquiucd Monday Mrs Vxlson 33 denied Ihe prosecution duty that she deliberately started um her car as her huy band was walking in ran of it the night of Enslcr Monday and knockM him dawn BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA nuAnns ng UIIAWA CPIThe colorful changing the guard conmany mum to Parliament mu or lnulher summer June one day earlier than previomly an nounced The ccrnmnny per orrmd by the 2nd Battalion Canadian Guards slalloncd at Pctawzwa om will be held javery marninz wealth permit ting unul Son nmzcr IMVILEGE FELM Iowa mm The WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Sebastian céptgre hfs heart wifih the chasm mé 14 me our expert Mylhu help 31m MIM jun Um Hum hairdo to mnkn you lmk glam mm 01 lor nn appointment or mum In Oconlovr tuning colar blundlnn WHAT IS IT alt Styling 7261112 Barrie IIun Plume turn In page 13 for answnr formed Church said Tutsdax no smgle race may deem llself entitled to privileged positlnn and consider ilscll superiox to olhcr races This was one ol series of rcsolulialu adoplcd by the 132 delegates from 600 congregalions in the Unilcd Slates and Canada holding that racial equality before lhc law and in the church is biblical demandl EACH AGREEMENT WASHINGTON MP Ten auve agreement on ormula Im mandatory chvral salcly standards for automobile was washed Tuesday by me us senalc mmmcrce cammiltcc rhrnnnan Wancn Mngnnsnn Dom Wash announced Muz nuson said lhe commiucc is about twothirds lha way mm revised cmon the legislauun rcqucslcd by Presi dent Jnhnsm and he hope Im Munro will be completed by the end this week By 11 CANADIAN PRESS Pike to pounds in Kapul knstng pickuel to 13 pounds at Pembroke and lake trout to 17 pounds at Ltmisnly wcm among top catches last weekend all 22 district the deparmwnt land and lowest reported excellent llstdng Weather that alternated be tween hot and sunny and cool and windy provtdod good an fling mo Ontario me only handicap was summed up by the district or esut at Gamma in the that btnokmea an prev alenL fflta reports by district NORTH Chlplenu Pike excellent plckgret good mu 77 good in Nunegosendea and Show livers Lake um lair Best fishing at the wcdx was or pike in the Gmpleau Rivet CnchrlnoPichxel pike and all trout excellent Ml lakes in the Hudson Bay and James was erg tree of jet Woods Park continues as the fishing hot spot or pickual and saugoen FlyIn fishing excellent in Lawrence and Trout lakes Lake trout fishing lalr good Report Fishing As Excellent nnldion Pidtemi and norumn pike fishing excellent in Wild Gm Partridge Bur mws Twin OSuliivan and win wnnx iakm Lake trout air to good in neatly Lucy McKay and Nipigon Speckled mu good in streams and Lake Nipi North BuyPickerel fishing was poor as wm pike lakz and rainbow 1mm Speckled trout fishing was lair Minnows and worms were pmlerred balu ry SoundHeme fishing w2 good In Wysliwasing and using lakes and French River are of Georgtan Bay Pidwrel and pike calches were small in he Parry Sound sec lion allhaugh fish la dam and 12 pounds were taken Skeleum Lake is producing some good lake lroul em ahaA Imund nine nunm pike was taken Burnt Bridge in nudlan chmship and laévound pkkerel was taken on an amnrlal lure at Radian Lake in Deacon Town ship All mm special have been lair lfinnowa an the most p01 ular bail DETROIT AP New car xalcs In curly June ran behind the lDfiy pace with only General Mnlnm tapping is sales mark your age Preliminary sales repnru mm the nur us an maker Tucsday lined sales oi 23911 cm in he June 110 prnml 111i lnIJtd both he 151471 rnr mid In lho comparable pe rlnd Iml 30m and lb 13MB mld In ha linnl In dnyl May SOUTH lel slmcnekae and 14 pounds were among imuwal catches Iakcn this week mm Caaks Bay Pike and pickorfl II was lhe mmh straight dny porlnd In which lnduxlry lulu lrnilczl Ihma year an 0n rnlrmlaryear lair hnwcver Mlu well ahead of 1965 Gonornl Motan Ilmnlul um mmh nl rum an mu the curlyshmo wind GM mmk 134151 but yenr rm mumLike at 13 Parliament At Glance my nm mmme mm njmmlgm uh Early Iune New Car Sales Reported Behind 1955 Pace Lam Mfinlmr Mle MM Um qu lmuhnw mm are mm In whim lo work at Qudmc nth Timu uhy mull rl an arm mrnl wntlml ml mull ho lunm If 11m Man In mama wl 1mm vrrMn Ind15v mint mun pmgmnu NH unlrf mm wlrlumml Iiuu 1h tvflvmml will I1 vu mm mum 4qu umal lvrnrfl nmlwz Nt mlu flan mlh rlnam 311 1h NMII WM Al pm IHNYJIMV JIM hnsis In In IUI Inn 016 Ila Inch hlxh nr 11 nld NIX WI hive been lair lnGemxlanynay plekerel fair In Notlawasaga Bay New Irow load In Lake Smoe pan 15h Mr Plka And gickcml vguje alr 311100ng Lake andpan lush good in he Boym Rim EAST Kemplvllle Pidmv and plka with have been good in Lamsn France uni SI Law rence River fair innlher steam The msquummd blfldxfliei nrgq munqu 101 Pickerd an to good with Bob cayzmn the best using worms spinners pug and minnows mg 711i mm air in good when poor Mr Peme Area Pick erd poor air In Ihe Olonabee River wflh the but baits min nows worm and mulch Lula Spedded Lmut have been In Duflnm and NunWand mshlpa Ap slqy Jugs bake Emil good fish mm Glandoe Lake plume fair in good in Jacks Lake Minden area Lake trout good speckled and rainbow trout lair pickch good mum lair Gwduham am Pitketd airy alga tram poor speckled my axr rainbow trout poor Hall burlon ma Lake fair speckled trout poor in lakes but good in mama rainbaw rout fair pickml poor small sih Ausable R190 and Lake Huron Port Frank ana FerdA Good in smthun Lake Hum Lake SA Clair and Detmfit River with minnows as bait While bass good In lhe lower Niagara River Panfish good in Lake St Clair Rmdeau Bay and hug Pmnl Bay lake Erie Fine catches nl both large and smallmouth bass are expected on the opening has season on Lake SL Clair St Clair and Dem riverc air to good Own Sound Hmhout am Leilh areas with nine and loommd lish caught at Johnsumx Harbor Some rainbow have been lakm mm the Saugcen River Speckled trout have been air in Lake Euginia good in tile Paisley district stream and in Spring and Willow creeks oi the Bruce Peninsula air poor elm when Pike only air in most places have been 31 God crich Porch have fair at Mwwrd and the Brute Penin Mfia gond at Web Good nmspecls are expected tar mo bass season opening Jun 15 Chemltl whlch mulled Ford division by About 10000 cars Iasl numlh mxalncd nu ulcs load It mmrlcd $0635 passen ger car mics in the opening 10 days June while Fnrd notchbd 50376 sales Chrysler Cum MM main 1175 can in the any perhd wmpaml wIUI Mm lnr the comparable lo lay hut yuan Ford Motor Co llsml 599 tar snlm mmpnrrd wim mm ycnr ago LlnmlnMcrtury mm Ind 1am 5am juxl about 100 ahead of lnsl enrl lulu anII but Ford division wnl all American Mnlm nnld an compnrM wllh 73 In Juno MD 10 SWIM smmr Wash minm 5mm library bgagd nggcml rmfnyirfiwu hi mm amp to ban the mum book um um Samba Cm on How Euuvelmy lmlln wtwitn luck at hungry Ham ml the bound In mnme Um book mm the eilyl libraries on tho 2mm It dnnznmy Nmm mm 13m ml que ErinPickgre good Vbut IYmhI Mdallmn ml and Vaughn In my lwu lav UNCLE um In thudVial Hu IIP III NW WI mm Fm my Tu Trap kw SHOWING RT BARBIE THEATRES SAMIIO TO STAY HAMILTON STEEL PLANT HAMILTON UPIFor of his 62years Harold MQGfiflflh ha been Invnlved In such making Now he has made it lo we pmidbncy of Steel Ga Canada udhul he admits to one regret Hes mm the responsibili ties his newposl will mean he wnnt be able spend as much time In the plan ha ha Mum th career would certainly hate to lose that contact he said in an HP micw alter his awdnmnt lo the presidency In mmh eel lore omlmiaIiIO wxhen am gut than In the 11 06min that Mr Grimm will have to spend in of time on wine decision maidng since Steloo in Ulrmldst ol iho biggest capital expansion prggrm iniu Weir history Already Canadas largeQ steel maker and anlh blur in North Ameru Sicko has spent mom than smmom on expansion during the last two years and has canmarked an other 00000000 for urther P5910 Wllh producan last year ol more than 3000000 tons and pth $43450000 flu comA panyu total 9mm amount to more mm $6510000 TWO MAJOR PROJECTS The two major thrusts he cment expamion pragmn are both closely connected wilh Mr Gum OM is my fur nnce Stelcos mu algd dzsgngd as the 13113517 in the weElan hemisphere and the companys menrd centre research un Lre to be completed his all nearby BurlJnglon will carry out both pure and applied re neardn inall phases steel pmcessiryz 1he incw Inmate lo operau next year will add more mm 4000 tons aday to Bath dovetail wilh the burly Mr Grflilha mile Ihat arm my has to keep looking to the future attitude on tist was de scribed by allow executive as saying eflcc Well were at Tonom CW11w Cana dian bond mark was up in quiet trading Magda Sham berm Comment of Canada bonds showed lillle price change The lrlpflfflll April 15 mm Issue closed at $9910 bid and 39115 asked Thu fiawmmmt ol andn 4Hperunl Sml was issue wen quomd at BS bid and 91 asked Dnymday monry was unmet pctan Treasfiry Hill are 111510 per NM or day Irina and 515 per cent lm lmday bills 11m Plpe le rcnls July 29 nmrd June fly Tlll CANADIAN PRESS link Non Seoul coma Aug Md une Nnrlhvm Tu and Thrnlhll Ind Wood MIL IL nrrlerml mic nu mm emu Ju moni June nu vméy xnamrm pertml pnlormi mm mm July 15 rum In Purlflc fllllny mlmry nu Aug mm June 14 Oman prdrned fill me mm Juno mm 12 win AWNcm prelnrml to mull July roc unlhm 74 1n flflhl Ind To UL mm emu JIM 10 m4 on mm 21 New President Hds OnemRegret Ilmulnnl Mtqmmul my ML wMulu In mlm MIMI Ml pnmtninmml llnlll 11 mm mum muny um 1m ml Imml 11am 11m xmunm rm mu DIVIDENDS BONDS lhls palm now bul where are we wax to be ln five years lets look and see Mr Grltfllh was bomln 1904 In Clinton lll when his tamer wp rallmad worker The lamily moved when he was our to am ln Missouri Alter high school he enrolled in the Mlsaoud School ol Mlnes but swltdled 9mm metal MI MW sludfihl metal and electrical enzlneerm an gradumd Irmn the Ch 1mm nl Technology in He Joined Bumdxem Sm Corp mi worked here or our rem berm spending six years meullurglsk with Jones and Laughlln Steel Corp npar PALM GOTA NEED can remember that firm day bdrm qulu thrilled at be inlalhched lo the Induy Inmo he saw Slelco rpm heath memlugist and worked Ids way mill he ml manu Now Vnnluiallzed Canadian cilizen Ila was made executive vicjvmidenljwo ynariag The executive shuttle that look Ml Griffith to the presi dency did not break up Selcos Elem nunggemcnl team shim 1957 and mid axecuflu 0mm since 1960 nwved up as chairman but retained the chic exgculiva liter role flu comp being mead chairman as sumed newly created position as chairman ol the cxewLive mum Tokyos Shinjuku railway 5m lion handles about 2000000 pas senger day pmldgnt mlm 77 presing ol No 11003 FOR FAnms Is The Ideal cw Time To Add Beuuly To Your Home With New Coat of Pain SUPERLASTIC Detonator Finishu 160 Colon In All Finishes Top quality odorlnu TInIing Bum and Finishing Whim colorcoordinalcd fov puhd inferior and exterior harmony Alk for your Frau Color Cold Dunhlr FullBerd llnmnll anher mMnnl Inlrh hn Inxtlnz surlncc mm lmm Imnrmcd Mrazu lam hem lime ml money krubblhlo Mal Illnl um dim in m£n um in In um lma llnush Na palnty odor can he wished upenndly Apply vim rnlltr nr hrum on aid nr nu plum rnllnnwr wnll bond and Wm manor Aur If Huntllul firmlSlmn Ind nimble mm or In mod rim lnrniluu Nc Flnw markn wlpe Ml WI damp doth Fnr hmlh mam klldlcn playroom duldl bedmom Ht Nuly OnoStop Palm Huadquanm with humde aid to mnka homo downlan oulor All lowlow Prim you hlvo cum to oxpocl II Canndlnn Tlu QUICKDRYING mmnnn LATEX OPEN Days Week All Day To Serve You Better If Yoh Want Ban Un Canadian Tims Finest HAS DOUBLED ITS PAINT DEPT To Serve You Better EXTERIOR HOUSE IMNT OIDORIJL fimllfilmi CANADIAN TIRE Barrle By THE CANADIAN PRESS HECALIS DEBENTUBES TmsCamdn Pipe Lines Ltd annnunced In Toano it re calling all onuundlnz Hku oent cmmfihle wbdenaled Income dcbenluru due Junm may at 105 per cum the prin cipal amount plus accnwd in terest lrom June BUSINESS BRIEFS START PRODUCHON Prnduction padded lnslm men car panel hl surled at the new Goodyear Timmd nub bcr 00 Ian ln Owen Sound Now em win 100 perm an outer mg no to be added when producflonwrexpafids ta click nub Interior part next mun ANNOUNCES BONDS 0mm Hydro announced Tuesday new 550030000 bond issue to refund Imlurlnx dam nnd hence expansion It cm sisLI 225w sixpercenl bonds maturing Apfll IS 1030 milled round couruoom 1m day trying to uldx llimpse ol the Mal 49 sec members charged wflh fence axnlmt Pgwxzala iguana mnily The crowd 3000 nearly all Jehovaha Witnaues oyst lowed the comma and jammed mrridou Nle trial wn adlourmd until Jun 21 Midmult says Mu preached collactlvo dis obedience to Is law on mien mm their headqumen In New York They worked polld Ml movexmnt it said to pro molg dbobedlence and 51111qu men military axe fundammulist Gunman sect hava lound hemselvea in dim wers wlih the nulhnrilies in xevml oounmea our their 15 to flat on any mien but 49 Witnesses Charged In Lisbon USBON m1 1m THE BAR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE 15 1M NOW OlmfllfSS MKD FLAT Flu llllny Ind Durlhll Hnlnh lhnl WinJI windy ldnl or mm mm lmnh mm or may Km Flown nmmnhly Mrnly OINHIH INTERIOR Glyn mum ylmAIwa mm will lml unmlwnm nqwcially In kllrlun Ind halhmvm 0m tom mmlly mfhdrnl GII TIMlnl flue Mucuw Parnell Ch laJze 1985 Eurmcan hr weight judu champion and bronu medal winner in the Tckyo Olympics 01 inluriu sul fcred in car accident VAntnIIvlrArlhur VI Tnw man an ormer sports edilnr and business editor The Pm lnce TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 729 fly THE CANADIAN PRESS Wintmcnt Johnaon Manager Brndlord Ferdlim pommflmitedAumufinhrio Announced by Shell Clnldl limited Mr Johnson mdnm pnlyenjty pl gagkltchnwlg in white Prior to Ms present Ip poimment he Su rvisor ol Alricnltnnl Chemiu in Shell Cunndul Cenml Dnneh Chemical Deplrtment Shell quuited he Budlnrd Ferfilher Cgmplny 1966 An ammuuon with In mxin office in Aurora and plum lacted In thI cagnmunlly Budhrd ind Amt Hm 01mm fll L75 DEATHS Flnlnhlnx th ill us BARN

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