Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1966, p. 8

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hallw mmlnn nmoywl mllrr IIAI mwlnl up mnprd or MA mm In Ilw HIM1 limpilw Gum In Illmllcl lMu nnmm Enhlnln lirMM In in uwliau lo hunt out mlnun mu mmllng mu MW mlln llk 9M lieu lnvlllflnn wk le ll ml lnr only rm lirth Iln hrllnn my ml Nwl Mum But Mn mil ml ht mun Am he nth Io hll uhwl Mll pH 3an rl nlnn lw my mm Tnmuo whammy Ihlllrnh MI III In Hudvvw mm gull qum nmce KHvI vamm AMI Ml lnlh ll Mmllum 0M lot lh Inl yum lnyn only mmn 11 HI rm 1an pluuurd Injunrl Fnulknrr rum xrnml Mly in goal and X0 nullls dur Im hu nkah war In llu mu but drummed In Ddroll Tmonm Slnnry up plnynfl vuln llvr finals mm of thrm Numrl Mex Faulkner 30 hr lira Nmfmndlnndrr to mm lhc Naunnnl Hockey Mamie plum nlum la prnrmlnnnl rank after lwayrar prriod Imllknw IM In an 11mm ha hm hm 1an1er mun rnnrh SM AM In nllrml ha mml lrnlnmg MINI Sq omlxr in Cyprus Played the Niagara Parks golf course with Bill Bennett sports director of CKBB and CKVflTV inst weekend in the annual Ontario Sport writers and SporLscasicrs Association tournament wont say this course is long but Id halo to gel stuck mh the taxi are mm on to green on most of the as plum wuh Dexmil um In he mm mm FROM HERE THERE Sporls editor Chris lAylott is away for thls week and Ill be at the sports desk also be here or the whole month of July as Chris will be on Vacation or two weeks then will fill in on the wire desk or the other two weeks In August It will be my turn to be away and plans are being completcd for tour of the armed tomes ln Cypfiry Played the Niagara Parks molt course Alex Faulkner Plans Comeback Top Prospect For Gold Meda However as saylng goes success doesnt come easy and or Jim Short and his assistant Larry Wood this will probably be the longest hockey season they have ever had Theres no let up or them yet and theyll be on the go right up to the llme this season officially opens The new league plans 42game schedule This means Barrie will have to hit the road 21 times in the regular schedule and theres eat deal of travelling involved Expenses will be higher and the fans dont come out in bigger numbers than in previous years it will be difficult to break even on this oper ation believe the response will be good The time ap Kears to be right for change Perhaps the fans have ad enough of the same faces year after year And theres no doubt that the OHA group is stronger league than the Central circuit This should add up to better hockey in Banie and fan interest in senior hockey in this area could hit an all time high MANAGER SHORTS JOB certainly would have been easier without Toronto Orillia and Collingwood entering the scene Barrie could have had fine hockey club it it had choice of the top players from theeth the Central league ammo hm THIS IS BIG STEP for senior hockey in Barrie Its also great undertaking for the executive group organized only couple of days prior to the start of last season when the former executive of the Barrie SevenUps decided to pack it In However it can be done wnh hard work and good response from the fans DAVE BAILEY But Short xsn one to glve up easily He has been making contacts almost daily and tracking down every possible lead He feels confident Barrie will come up with crowdpleasing team THE CENTRAL LEAGUE looked at that time and still does doomed Banie went ahead with plans to enter the DNA league with Gait Guelph Woodstock Kingston and Oakville But couple of surprises occurred when Orillia and Toronto were also accept ed by the OHA Now theres talk that even Coiling wood may get into this new league So what about Short and how does this affect First of all he was negotiating with some Toronto players The acceptance of Toronto in the new lea gue meant several top prospects were lost Short also had plans to pick up some of the best Elayers from the Central League since it appeared lea gue Wouldnt operate again with Orlllla an appar ent definite starter and Colilngwood aposslble entry Shorts search talent was hampered again nA JOHN Shortly after an ra Ontario Senior League Barrie Midland Orillia and Colljngwood closed Bar tie started feeling out the Ontario Hockey Association Senior League for possible franchise The OHA group said it would accept the Central League on an interiocidng schedule basis or Barrie as single entry The executive of the Barrie Senlor Hockey Club is making an allout effort to give local fans one of the finest senior hockey seasons ever this year but theres lot of hard work to be completedand one man who hasnt beén ablelo relax from hockey since the se on closed ls tgam managenJixn Shorg THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY JUNE 14 1966 NM 01 30 hr mu mnkc lhc RICK PRESERS CORNER Lbrig HdeéySéESbfi For Manager Short Illqu MA mi II vaM In Ml mm In mun mm mm 350 IN Ivy nor In rl ffllllmvl in WA ll flay nily lm my In wuu ml um IhmI mI am mm by lbl mumt hully Ilill hu In mnprl In MMIM lurk rhnwlnu ilk mm din hi hi II mle nlmnmn Mll WIUL Ml ulwl IdW Imhl lail In WWII llnltlnl only mIHnlmfl mun luv llv awn mn Haa ml mam yoL le up Inna hell mull Ml punk mmhrn Mumn July ml mMrlle Aumnl le rmt um um llmloy haml mat 11mm Now York Vnnkru putter MI m1 hnmo lnnduy fur mtan lnlrrlnl ulnlnm lmdh Slmllrnwro who Iml hla Ml hm mmI lml lJllIr mlm Vum mu pol Ethlle Part 151 lm umkmrmhllw lhn TurinPine Dc ram 171 Italy oulpnlnlcd Clarence Jim Mfg Francisco mama Inrlnanmlly Jolner Clnrlnnau knockM um Nerl Hrnunlirld mo Pittsburgh Dirk lmxrmnn 1M Hullnlo NY upped FA Flack 1H Nlannrn Full NY hugelu THE AifiOCIATED EM FIGHT RESULTS IXTIIIHII HUIKIJNIZH HALTIMQIUZ AWKM 5hr mfi mun 1mm um mm In my nail mm Nu flow no and mud him Th llmla lananllan nullw mark wa Mll by him In 1an Mngqnn Jamnlru 1mm nniwp pm IMII lwl WM NY on many mm Iva Mm 0w lm Mmul mm mm pmr lwlrw Ulv up llwr mgm nuw hu 1W4 mmhlr gml nluwr In lwnfln It lummlmlta In YWNI IHMHI Hm 54qu In nmunplidwl nu 11 Ml runum Immlly H111 In um Hwy mm 11 um Dave will llmr flAiIIy 1quva ill mm Im 1va qml lulul mum nnnsmnnxn lnfl mlxlml mlnl mvl mm mm Mk pm pm luv Mitlwl Jury Fmqu Imw Irm Tho rnrr was rmviyinauon regular mm and yrmllm lor lvy Winnrr ma drrlvy llrnry Mllmnl my uhlrh look mom plan In lhe mu lnr rnre Jim Tulirya mlry 00k in wince III the mm flzlrrlu plgeun racr mm on lho Lurk ml 1r IliMnnrr Ms umqu makly 3m Alr mllr mul ho wlnnlnx um um mlln per hour Ilolh leagues uxll be In Man mum mghl ImmriulHml man will travel Ln Harden or an lnlcrmrdlmo league game while Orlllia Mustangs Md wnnn Garnno crush incnl Pnrk In the senior name Camp nordrn and Clarksnn were slalcd in mm In an in ermndiala Lnnltsl whlle New market and flarric Plaza had snnlor ill scheduled mm games will be rcplaytd at mcr dale An Innmediate dnuhlchmrler ls scheduled or lnnlgm How over 1m momlngs rain and Math omens calling lnr shwwcn his ultzrmmn could form pnstponrmml how games also Gcorze Chuvan of Toronto Conndlan heavyweight dram plon and Oscar Bonaveno South American champ al legedly made their trip Irom lheir northern New York min ing camps to regisicr their beef with commissioner Ed leey prlor lo lhcir Madison Square Garden mid June 13 Dooley was out of lawn so Lhcy brazed through brie nssion wiéh dcputy commis sioner Frank Monis and hen Joined the press at he Cain 15 Champs or session of high shenanigans Rain postponed scheduw In lermcdiale and scnlnr soflball games last night at Queens Park The only hard nnws was the announcomcnl that Floyd PaI Mravn fvrmcr world hcavy Winner Pigeon Race and Bonavena behaving more like travelling vaudeville team than pair boxing cinxnpians rolled itno lawn on Monday for serious words wiLh Hie stale athletic commissioner and hilarious lunchcan with the P1955 Softball Games Are Rained Out Bonavena Wants Ref Who Doesnt Stutter ARGENTINE hcaVYWaim singer In his nhlive land play Canadas deem Oscar Bonavena papular fully Mug his guitar day ouLsida New NEW YORK CWChuvalo AT EMPIRE GAMES mm Im MRI ml mu mrnl Gmwl tram ml final rhwe In Jlmnirt HIM gm mm ham mu and may mum lhryll Mm MUN uni v11 mm mm mmqu on my HnNtng mini mm mum n1 hp mu mm lJumlleu Frank Roldmmn hrre nm hmmr and luomn AM by Brook Ikblnsm Ind IlaIlluwm Orinlu mu Now mG Ynnlm Hrlmfl T1 nlmml Vnshlnflml 5cm lnln ml Minimum Ninl lwvn lylfl Mm Wnvnl Hy Mlllvlitl INVNM UNI wentr 52 mm lrhoumllnl In Hv Inkml mr 41 marit Ilnn In um um vIvrlrwhl wum taul Navy nmNnfl on luul mullrru lwy wunrml unlil ulually do ulnmt In lmlum In up mm va AM In Inn mm rungHon mmla Mud pawl tuwl nugcun so han Jun mm mm GOT INTO TROUBLE The mm Sox who had won the rnindrlnyed Mm yum 51 rmth noJIu lnr only our Mn and no rum uan tho Luvmlh Innlng Thou nncr mnldnx Mnmn hm nlxlh aulkeoul vlt Hm 1105M yum up ungle SM nmmmcr Jerry Adnlr Ml Inyd Ilahhuan WIN pitdu Md mdkal bmolq mum 1111M Hm base 1me LN hm rrplnccd Ru III ssh pl Iha lmn whm ldl llrldrr WIIH mllh lrnllnd John Ilnmnnnl lint and don Mnl Adair at Iho plnlc wllh rlllr Unuw Thu much purchased lanu mm Mtxkan Hague cIuh cmmr in the year or the bar gnln prlca nl 31500 011 has started hm game and won both since hL cailup mm the Angels Scallle lnrm club Ins month while compillnx LBS onrnrd tun Average in seven appearance overn11 Hes not flute flaws51w slown nnd cnmt nut and iL one lrmlralui alum In said 01 ha Tlyur01d dzhl handcr Thu rookie Lalllomfln piLchcr blanked Chicago or alx innings Monday mm as the Angels sal vaged doubleheader spill by Iain the WM 50 21 Minnie Folas come out and get it pawl hm American League hiltcn biting of more than hey cnn chew By DICK COUCH Anocllled Pm Spam rim Oscar didnt bathawnh pm diction about munds except Ia say he expects to be the maxi hmyyweighl champion the Willi Garden matchmaker Ted Brenner quoted Patterson saying ha wtan couple warm up tight to In his ailing back befaru taking on any sull cam pellfivn CIIWALO PREDICTS K0 auvaln said him he could knock out Oscar in out or live rounds weigh champion has not yet accepted Lhc Invitation to meet the winner the ChuvalaBona vena battle Angels Slow Baller Baffles White Sox In his native laMplay Canadas George Olavan hr mm his Mia 30 day ouLsida New Yorks Madi nun wan Ilw Mumm urn In rnr lmnnw Im Mn mun Im no playmu tnnug Mdth Tlmel In Inrmy olllrr UIIMI haw ln In nmv Thom wu hla dqmrlnwul ulnm mu le riflm Kn Iva 11 Try mme lime have nrhlcvnl my mlnl Jon and the dam hm hm mlnlnly Isnt Meme Hm MIII Mdran xnld Mommy um prndire wuml am he uuplry luh rnuuc SAN HWUISOO Gary Nayn pupaan lo dr lrnd hi1 LS Open nl lllk my Ml desire dullnl hy hh Ipuumlm mtwnu In 1065 Buford callNlld five hilx In lho doubleheadrr and Adult lrmlul in me Sox From all mnrc Sunday or reliever Eddm Fish had 10m Baltimores rampaging Hoh Imam mwucd he Orioles to thdr mm vlcmry In he hm Id game hile Jim Palmer Mu BTflIE TIIH ANGELS Jack anzbe stopped the An K01 on five hits In lhe hrs game running Ms mom to Dan Bulanl led the Chl raga attack with runvsminu single and lhreuun double The victory emit impame lus Inz urinz or he While Sox Frank Mde xave Mn lDJead uilhj fifth innan homer then singled in lhc nlnlh and Stand on BobbyKnoup niplc That run rmvcd be winnLr hm Hue While 50 Icomd in the km of the ninth STOPS TIIH AM ha second me 91 The Ens IonCleveland Kama was rained 51th Gimme down the rcfnrce he come over In me take me by elbow and alk me lo comer When be Player Admits Lack Of Desire The reason he was worrizd he explained after apoioxizing or his raLhcr hitandmlss 11 Ijsh was an experience he had recently aannst JOSE Gkugclu Bonnvcna claims he put Glm gem down wilh left hook and look lhe referee almost 15 mlnmu to count to eight Dscarn version not be slullcrlng terms hafldling me am During the session with Morru Banavena explalncq he wanlqd assurance there would ROYAL RESERVE WWW towns llmrr nlm mpluml he Am rnllnn 0pm 1M WurM Sam 01 ML Ind to thumb Cup th cum and lntllvltlunl hn ml walnrullr Ilmmgu In yrm Ila finva IIII mull rmmd mrr hmy mynrd Ulrml plc My mum Mnmlny and wnl Ar mm MHAIMI Naml olhrr than In hr 151 mm NM or lhumlny Open 1an MUM Adm la and lwlmh ollhm in hutnry to wln 9011 big lmr th 0pm the Mmlcu lhn MIMI Open and he IM Alnnni GuTIrT Axvmern lfllr 11m min1 wro rno Hmun and 1m Ilmlnn mum mm The NIH hark in lhe nlnhlcnp Rirh llollins lud Inz II 1311 nunull Ml Ihrm doublu and xlnnle 51 re lie in the eighth on sinulm by Jim Normmp and Bill Ircchnn nnd Gales Browns sacrifice lly cn ahling Dave Wickcrsham gain his hird victory withnut loss The Sonfltms who haw 11m 1111 In ww had linl Mm More In the sevonlh on luorun homer by pinch hilltr Don Ixxk Kansas City mapped Mln nuatnl our mmc winning nrznk behind rlxhlhnmlcr Jim lCamshl Hunter who much sown hits and knockm In hm rum wilh luxcmlnadod double In tho sccnnd inmnx KS 1m Al Dawning and erk5 Robinson hit Na lo In tho ug olElPuhu Ramos rcliever Eddie Wan shackled the Yankees on three hits RobiruanA smnshmi hls Then ound out rdcrca come from Mar del Plala where Girogelll come 1mm and begin to think maybe somEA thing lunny Nex mum Girogeui came out hnlding belly fierce slop fish and give to him He my to me you disqualified for hilllqg law than he say Are you all right My sure lm all rlghl but look at him Why you no slat count Then lhe return he walk over lo Gimgcui Mm is asleep on Me canvas and he slarttocountlll222333 all lhc waydp lo enghl wh bell ring mn Square Garden where theyll met In IOrmmder June 29 AP Wirephmn PllzMnxJack Lamabc Chl cnnn pitched rivchlllcr as he While Sax dcrcnlrd Cahfornin Angels 1n the opener doublnhcadcr nailingFrank Nahum Call 10min homcrnd in he lxtlh in ning and singled and scored he ninlh the Angels cdgzd the White Sax 11 in the second game at the amtch den II THE CANADIAN fRES Two home runs by Dave Robert that sent six runs over the plate led flrsllplacc Colum bus Jets to 92 romp over unchcsler Red Wings in Inlor national League baseball Mon day anhL Dy TliE ASSOCIATED PRESS Elsewhere ranolsco Gianu crushed Chlcago Cuba 84 Houston Aslrm Irimmcd Lo Angclcs DodEcrs 95 in 11 lnningl Philadelphia Phillies swept AUnnLa Brawn $2 and and New York Mots de year In 11 major league sua sum hes averaged 11 homers and RBI whle Falling 309 This sown Just shghfly more than nnelhird gone and hes mpdly mmmsching hose figum as MN hming £30 Ihe second best average In the league 69th cnusn cums Olemcn built three balling championships nn hiu but my Inside Lhe park dad or mvbtst slugging Clendenon was the Plum sccnnd leading slugger last year but has gotten off to slow Lul wilh only our homers and 22 runs driven in Billy M90001 was the ialul victim at the Cicmcnie explo sion the Pillsbuxgh star hinted IMOHm hcmgr um gave lhe Pirates 54 Vitiniy over Cincinnati Reds Monday night Tho homer was ihz ninth iar he flashy right fielder this sea son Just one sharto his win in year and he runs batted in Eam hi ms for lhe season He had 65 1181 in 1361 Lan that Nullonal Mnguc pllchm have tuxMd Donn clen denona power ofl theyve turned HahnLo Clemente on And Its pmvedn shocking Werleneq nr mom uy munnAmlm Associated Pm 5pm erler LeagueLeading Jets Wallop Rochester Leafs Rained Out BAYVIEW MARINA Syracuso Chiefs meanuhxlo For Summer Storage bring your boat lo BannmMunicipq1 MARINA Clemente wefisé PiratesfiTo in Over Cincinnati TM Um In Canadian Arum 7mm Cl 001 Plan In om In young um bum9n Ike can IOmdflwho haven luml Junior Wmvlqilomwm Web mm and dlaflnnm anvidlna lo muling mm who Ian qualily lor complain Infmmullon zonlndl Could command Ihoso mun BALL STARS CANADIAN FORCES RECRUIIING CENTRE 25 st CLAIR AVENUE Em mnomo omnmo TELEPHONE mom CANADIAN ARMED FORCES OFFICER CANDIDME PLAN thunkI mm um mm llloals lrmoclell From Rough Vntcr Mfonvcninnl Io annlown 0mm Launching Ramp Dav Week Month Season Rates For Rnlu and lnormnHon Tho Bisom triumph came nflcr Len Bochmcr clubbed tworun hnmcr wlm two oul in he lfllh nouuncr slilmmcd his Mlh homer 11 mm of raw Iicf nitrhrrJoc Clstrma 110 law no butler and was chargrd with Hu losL madamho joined he May III Increased his earm loading home run total nine Ili lira humor was he hinhg light of ourrun Inunh Inning that wmupcdyp lhe game Bullala nlmns Jumped lwo places llflh on he slrcnglh of their 43 lolnnlng victory over Richmond haves and rainstorm In Toronto which pnslpnncd lhn Maple Lcnls game wllh Jacksnnvlllc Suns had relic pitcher Jchn Miller to thank or 75 vicory over Toicdq Mud Hens Ilillcr lock om lrom starler Lacty Wes nfttr lhe Chiefs 15d in me first two Inning nanaw 165 Ill the sixth Sl Ania won the nlghlcau gelling two singln and triple from Lau Brock who also slulex two bases and scored twice Thren Cardinal pitchers scat lercd seven hiu lncluding Ken Boyera hamer ggcred he Phillie in the semnd game hilLing homer in the third and trialling across the its run In liverun fifth Rich Allen added tukun dyuble jn Ihe mm Bob Tay or backbd Bob Shaws llvchllANcw York debut with lhrcerun homcr in tha sixth inning Elli Murphy also hmnemd or Um Mats Jae Margan hipled across hm runs and scored on Sonny Jack sons slngle In the lllh Inning for Houston Lriumph over by Angleles The Asms had findad or six nms In the eighth nnlng three on Felix Mnnlillak homer and 64 lead buHha Dodgers ued nll Tammy Davisi homer and Willie Davis tunv producing single ledIed four Philadnlphias opening name victory over Atlanta Clay Dalrymple sparked the Phlllics attack with homer and sln 1041 in three rum mu Bung um um Gaylord Pony mafia this first start In days allowed the Cubs only three hit in saw lmdngs Ha was suppmiedmy San Frenclcua sIxArun third llrrco in mm turning on Olly Bmvmn double leaned St Louis Cardin heist bovflng 41 Bcrom Chmcn homer hu Rcds had built lheiMz lead an Vada Phlsnns lhrgrrrun hnmcf In the fourth inning and his run scoring single in nu mm Muplr Au 72667711

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