Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1966, p. 7

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SLived 50 Years In Barrie Couple Like To Travel Now tury ussocimd with the wgrld 01 um Albert Godden Barrie decided ths was In one thing he wanted lo do when he fired mm In Canadian Na onn Railways Since mirement in 1061 Mr Ind Mm Godden ml TomaAc St have travelled extensively nxey have been lotus Canadn uv eral lime and travelled to TnEBAquE EXAMINER TUESDAY JUNE 14 me Emmanue Baptist Womens Missionary Society hekl the June mccfinz in the church bastmcm Thursday avenlng June with the India 01 Bethe Baplhl Orillil WMS flask Mn 12 Langman chaired the mccling and npened with song Mrvireand prayer Two loam lhnpkn wen read by the secular Mn Hngman mm Mrs Mason nnl Miss Diane Bell In tho missionary new it was learned lhal Miss Yarmilla Jel cmk who lcll May 29 or Boliv la 51L was able In all tram New York willl all her luggage without any problems Mr and Mrs Vallcr Van Vllkcnburg Ir MW in Manam Brnll prepar lnl ln stall their work hue Am the prayer chums Mrs Somme and Mn GSmbbs led in prnycr Mrs bch prexldtnl ol ntlhel Bnpfisl WMS Onllia birauxhl greetings 1mm their lav Bethel Baptist WMS Orillia Are Guests At Barrie Meeting Sinclair Gumhl Nomi wilh lovely and Ilme 1y solo God knows whobnlds lmmrmw nd knaw who holda Mrs Mllllm Hill Jcnrll for Juan blow Toronm was ha wanker the cvrninu In lntloduclnl lho weaker Mr Winn md poem In lrl uu Mn mu In hrr me Inge Mn hII mid of re wnrdlnu wk they In doing wllh home children unwed r191th Ingllthe plnclnu HI hnhlrl ln Crlxllln hmnu Mu nu In be mmmtndcd or II dmlenllnz mrk ms ll rap 1ny tnrrylnx Mane HMO lhl unlme dulh her hmhmd low Mfl um Mr Smllh thnnlal Um Imam or her Mxkhlmvnk in mmnu drallnl ullh omg mum and the mlolu In rr min VlCmnM lCT Comtllu 10ml chmm mun wan an III mvhlhinl cum nl Quint wmk uman rm thy Annuil fimflnl the Amllnn Clumh Wm Camila mum Imumlinml dun Ihc mm mm It MM 0an knmln Vlllrnl Alxlil 1y Anglia lurk ll Armin Um pa vnu Mm bahtle hut Iliumum NEW Dr omivln III me0 wmmn mm In Mum Ill wanna In llWr an Ilr munn Now all tl In xvmdpnp In MI mm dumh After sgcndgnanha any Change Of Name Announced At Anglican Womens Conference We luauv Lu mu my nu LIu mm In Ind our mmka We nu INHNI llf as Hh llmn llYlK WIT MEN Amvflm Jvmumunml mm MIN wmm lo wk mm Mn II Hmulm vl vl Inlrdam Hm Mm dth MR AND MR5 ALBERT GODDEN Florida on three mansions 1n the All they plan trip Abroad AT HOME my will in It home friends and mum on June 15 at thalr Toramo SI residcnm to mark the occasion of Lheir golden wedding Ann1 versary Frifiée Robinson and Albert Godden exchanged maxmag mm on June 14 101i It ma ddiciom iundn under the mvcnership of Mrs KimJe brought to close the 1m meeting of this season We next meeting will he in Seplember GRANNY ROCKS OVER THE SEA SYDNEY Ilbu1cmNinely twn ytar old Granny Cole bobbing 3000 miles acmsl Ihe world from Kenya in homu made sailing boat to man new life In New Zealnnd mum small hammcmuad shark on he first 1e of um vvyagc GrannyMrs Emily Cm al In her deck chnlr knllLInx on all but Um roughesl lays hrr um mld In lclcphnnu Sntervicw Saturday Sha caught the mm on hand line Mrs Cola wilh her son lelr George Cola the Rwyal Navy nil Juan Ind their lwa dilldrrn ml Chrisumu Island In On In dian 0am mm on 0w mm mllwl Damn um rhmlnnml nqulilo lnr membm Ihlu In nrzanluum urnI or Ifllch nebula Wand 10 Ixulul um Ith In rkldnl Immn lnr mvrwu They vcd there week mm mm uwnx out mm Mombaxn Kmyn Jan In lhrlr Hoot boat tho Gall nuIr They apart In all main man or IMunm T1 mm 01 mm wny In Druwin ha north com 04 Au ha lllnHlL 0min Cnla Ink they ran lnln burl wener Mam Um Coco Island and hmlmnl Illlnd flul randy pre vnnml Gunny mm gdllnl nn Um dRk Immian hrr limo dmlnu um mu ml mulling In the vnynn amid Imlnllul Irulldanl mum ya lg wme Imk mi nimmo rt work In iumuim nl momnu ho rlKlnl lry mlnmnllm rar Iltr Illr Iuruwl Irlrmvwl mib In Irrhmlnuklln xmllammv my mmum Murphy ml wk vhllnr In mi 11 vllhl mh yarllmvrulnlnnu in minim hm mmnhw Hi HUI NI WI mm an AMM mll min ll hMI in llllpHnn In vnhmlmlllm me mm at lnl If HIOMYI 7Ellll YrTAWA 41LvlrlmI Mm bridegroom is Um son the late Mr and Mrs God den of Allandale flw couple hav raided In Barrie all their married life and for the past 14 years havu rcsidcd at their present home on Town St WIT CNR Mn Godden was first employ ed by the Grand Trunk Rall way hint Lam became Canadian National nauways Ind he spent 50 years in on Win On mlramenl In Odo ber of mi Mr Goddcn was assistant chief dispatcher al the Allundale office The couple are members of St Georges Anglican Church Allmdnle when Mrs Goddzn has been member the church chair or 40 years LIFE MEMBER She use member of the Hospital Auxiliary Royal Vic lorla Hospital Barriei For her years of faithful service wilh the group she was presented with life mémbership and treasures gift whldn was iv en to her for IS years ur Vite home 01 the bridas parents flu late Mr and Mrs Hum Robin son Bradfprd St Barrie Mr and Mn Goddena only daughlcr Nnrma Mu John Spenml of Hamilton will in Barrie on Saturday lo cele mm the occasion with her menu present wiLl be th bride smcr Mu George 031m cl Ullowdalc an num dam wdding Mu God dtfl has our hm hinson Willowth Arthur Robinson Toronlo Oliflardflolr lnsan Barrit and Harry nob imnn or Klssimmne Florida Mr Gnddcns sisters are Mn Gordan Brunton ILilHanl Bap ric Miss Gram Godden Hamilton and brothers Syd noy nl Landon Tunnel of Sam Ia and Reginald San Fran Marcel nuclnc charter pruiduu the Club 54 Mariz was ed by the club thnre Mr dcpnrlure with hn husband and dulldrtn or 1m 1311 Bolh Mr and Mn Racine will be on the MINI Mn the lImle Nfllionalc do Scum Socinl in Tums and will aka lhrir Mellon In Me Ill The clubs but Misha axon pnny lhrm Thin the um mulinsv lhe 1W1 mum lresldrnl Inul Mlmmll wnx duh IInna um dlwumd or the nu merlmn Imumm and or mullrump drivr On June lho chit hml virrxljz mum pmy Km dulxlxm nl fixrlnzwaltr pm The luller nu HIP amrlnl wk mu mulhm llml rhIY dun npxrwlnml heir cullnnry Gama and ulnrmm wrm plnynd AM who by All Club Ste Marie Honor President 2tzittli1 xiii caxa3l 3152 511 r3151 71 2an Burl Enmln nm by an BARRII cm 1110 June meellng Buran Avenue United murdh Women wu held In Ihe assembly hall nil the Christian Educallun Wlnl with the resident Mrs Emmi pres dinl Following the businesa sprinzlime worship service we cmduclcd by Mm Schriveri Mn Tenant Mrs Brillan And Mn McOauicy nn lhciiieend work Dr George Washing ton Carver whose great inter ui was In all iorms oi plant iiie Hi chic work we the growing oi peanuis Dr Carver aid that for him flowers were me doorway to the iniiniie wedd through whim he saw the ace of God This we mast worthwhile iniroduclion into the We of wondenlul Negro gen denim program allowed with lha thawing ol wedding xuwns old Ind new sums modelled by mmm wom them whose ulslflnes were ad Intact met Interesting mum was he gnwns belonging In three generations Mrs Wisdom Mrs Kolccy and Mn Robinson Burton Avenue UCW Condudt Springtime Worship Service EUROPEAN TOUR Len Myers son 01 Mr and Mrs Garden Myms n1 Innjslil St has returned oliwwing monihs holiday spent touring England and ihe Continent TraveiiJng by Jo niniincr Mr Myer visited Home Naples Capri Venice and Paris France as well as many poian in England prior io ramming to his position wilh Canadian Na tiatnai Teiecomnumications Tor on RECEIVES DEGREE John Allason son Mr and Mrs Mlasnn Angus remind him Masxer of Edqu llon degree mm the Unlversily ol Toronto at the Convocation held June Mr AlIason ls member of lhe Enchan stall Uxhridge High Schnol WEEKEND GUESTS McAsldns 515m at lhe wcc Mcluklns aimrs at um week end nmlr guests were Mrs Hnrvny KlIncr of Ajax and Mrs Squyk at Don Milk A150 guns at their ham or Ihis ka the hosts mothm Mn McAan Oklawa Gums my young Mr and Mrs Gordon Dyer Innlafil cneflalned guests from Norway and Nova Swim at tho utckcnd These Included W0 Ed Field and Mm Field and daumar Linda of Grccn wood Nova Sculla and Mr Fields 515m Mrs Cora Olsen Slavungm Nnrway WORKING 0TH SIDES CLIABZ ROPIDS Iowa AP flm clly cuunrll rccclvcd lwn lellcza lhe lire amm monl on the same day llslsA lam Fire Chm flch Ellison urml council la ban public lire work display la nlcly rea nnd Mel Jesse Hunter nskui or llrawlrks tllspluy permll lar llremcnn nlghl nl Um ball park SOCIAL NOTES Iv Hnmiv Drmvlnvm of Lavmr on jnly limo mll nlrml Malmn pay lrnrhu lull Iimq and maul pm vimrmululnym In hr Ilmimrl ulnrul ml lumuutlioll lluhully uu ill In nllillrd In lmu unr mrkl arnlinu with pay mh Mr or lllr lull Ilurr rau fulpluymtnl pnmrm be Ilm Im1101M Iral 1o your luy or unk dun during flu wa lim uv 51ml mhru wu Imr mnplnnl 3r numlln nf uthmmn or numunlhmum rmplnymmt Milh 1hr mm Illplnyrr nu will Ir mulled lu IN Mtkn vaulion with way Iaymlnl um 01 British Columbia Model llng then gowns were Mrs Hodgson Mrs Ste rt and Marsha Kclcey Mn Rose Rob lnsan who was convener ol Ihe program was he dflclenl com mentalor Amm enjoyable desscr bul Iconcluded an Interesting THE ORIGINAL Two weeks vacation with pay ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LABOURII ROWITREE Q01 MlNlSTIfiR FABRICS REG 495 YD This Is he even Ihat you wait forCommencing Wed June 15 am An Oumandlng Clearhnco Honor Silkx Comm Wool BONANZA TABLE will Iw on Ihr Inshont Irm olyour pay lnr all muk llllll llminu lhc minim ml lluw Inn the mm mm Au rmplnm hminr nur rm nulimmm nr muuunlimmvu rluplnymrnl nHuy limb MII quality for Ur mh allnn ilh my vlmillmullm run1nmnnmhmdyla paid warm llmhvfl his Imnlh you of unpluynrnl An mumch rmnmmtinq wnk on nhrr July In Wm tumlrvl luImP wrh MM atfillm In lJfiNyHlr Im lhr rm plum mum lrc nlillul lu luu mlu ma lion wllh my Wa An Open Six Day Wook For Your Shopping Convanlnnu $100 wNDoN CPJTwo leading Quebm couluriers p31 lhnlr whrésTcane British fashion journaliéls Monday in what they guchhcd as Mia ballnon floating lnlolhe DEIIISII market Mnrlnlle Fleury and mm Roblchnud both Mammal showed caordlnnlcd travel wafdmbes designed to appeal In the woman plannlng Vlo visit Clothing Designs FitFor Expo 67 Ijoiémc Elmx 16 COLLIER ST 72877l2 LARGEST STOCK OF FABRICS IN SIMCOE COUNTY the 1957 Montreal worldl air The clothes in bolh commons Shawn at London Quebec House were made entirely Quebec fabrica richly calmed woolandsilk or woolandann mixtures and lighttenured woo lwecdiTrcsnmbling the Irish labrXu um have recenuy made big Impact In Britain Michel nubflchaud who worked inParls with the op comum houses of Nine Ric and Guy Larochc eamred the highwaisted empire line In his inflection covering similar jaémc SZOb Twn mlu varnlinn may be Rmnlnl luc mmth or dmdnl inln MI wriqu of mm Mrtk min Only rmplnmnln lht cumlmuionhuluury will he quuilcd In me the allou rump nml unmu lmk Imlhml ufpmuwl ltrgulallum um irvvmnl lnlmmnllnn pampth mulninin Irlailul lnlulmaIIon may be nbulncd by writing thtmmlullnlnur LnnurSlnmlullflllalfll 71irmisnm lnnumu Ontario mmz 23 20 mmw 41m $3 12m SEMIANNUAL range cl deem hm coals an suits to beach ensembles spark Ind wilh vlvkl orange and pea cock calors VLIFT FEET OFF GROUND ROME APYK Danish cou ple were married on lhe lira log their honeymoon ahna an airliner 1mm hpenhazen Mme Far and Bhalfla Hnsel rot is and24 were manlad the air by Catholic priest causu they wanted their wed ding lo be the highest of nH

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