Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1966, p. 5

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1m rmrlflvmv ulmle him l1 1de in lonmlby 1r Vhld by new Amlmny link in Mr nwmuunluly rum Hm Hum Huh ll 110m lulmlm Hm hit mnhIn pmwlo mm Mr murhrr raw or rnrmmll tumult uh nre rnlumlm WASAGA HMH Slam An tmtrgcncy whmlv In ho mama to the village oi th saga Bach mMIlm anuOnkvlvw Hun club In be held on Vndntyluy June nl lhn Onkvlrw lnmmunily Hall on Manley Slrrfl The union mil rmnk llm lhlnl Annivcrmry Ihc Oaklirw Ilium now one Nil 1mmunlyl must acme Arrvlco nrmmmllom munm pmr Mv tcnham hmlly Mrs Hemm snn was Vida Vllimm blInrc her marriage In Iamu Hender nun who dxcd some ycars ago Asked about the name Tollcn ham Mrs chdbrsnn mid it wan named in honor nl lun lflmllics One pioneer Villium Hagan mm In this place mm Tnllcnlmm Hunt in London anllth The Tollcn anulyg nl Thmt is loo much liquor said she said deflating he menace of inlcmpcrancc This was nnl only madam prob lvm but one which also am prcvimu gcnnralinns It is lhc mspmsihimy older mopIc prolccl lhn young as much as possible she said LIQUOR DEPLORED It is regrciilhlo that Ina many parmu do not see lhuir children get proper religious instmouun said Mrs Handcr son emphasizing that all me answers In mlays problems we in the Bible and pini all My ham tors to sce Bul wiLh all he advantages there are more lemplalians and difficulties Mrs Henderson Maid deploring the modern ln dmermce to religion 1n Lhc par of so many Emergency Vehicle Is Gift Of Lions To Wasaga Beach The grand old Indy or long resident of Ihls area an Joys lelavision who and wlml she termed ohcr modem lug mics People now have more 111th uun we used to she sa TOTTEMIMI 15mm The young people today have many advantages we didnt have but think our genrrauon was just as happy said Mrs Vida Henderson retired school each onwho HbelléJulym Em and swam mm ships am neigth and they have mutual Interests An More Temptations quay SaYs Tottenham Lady 85 Sum mi rmnk llm lh maul lmrnuln hmunmnnn In rnlln Mum mm HA1 lilllmluTrlclum HAVE MUTUAL INTEREST IN ANGUS y10 kvhw Llnnl nlsu wmxwml munry lur pmrnlnlhm In In oral um drm mllplrlhu mm nr 11 Mill xnlldnclury lrrm mnrku ll In Mp prmhlr nr Mn or Imam lvr um Mudnl lhu Vmuga Hmch vulunlccr Ito Imnmle will look nu the ve hillll uhixh be nu Ilnmllyy hm mu Hard Thu In from he Hm Irmly has lwn much mmnm 10d uy nwlrmn he village Ilrcvo Kmk will give Mllriul mvunlmxn or In mnmm mu mu Uw rnwmimlml ran InIxhul Ilm rin 11mm sum lnr mm rm tnxm Amt lhe uhxcln equip ml Wilh hrs uh km muscb lutnr and othgr cquinmflnli WH ToutMums wnLVor supply mm mm two artulnn wclLs nne hundrrd um 11th Ml Many the proscnl NSidEnb are dosclndtnls Uniltd Em um Loyalists Irish Scotch Dutch and German stock Mrs lcmlorsnn run rme her antes try to United Dmpirc Ifiyalisls Anolhcr fire destroyed bur mum Tollcnhnm school in was and nzw school built re placc it also shll stands Many teachers luuaht in that Comin aliun School and such nmnu as Fry dam Mclm nam by and Mcndcrson will be re mrmhcmd she MIKKtSlM ALIST STOCK new church was built by he Molhodlsls and dedicated on the foundation the pre vious church and no ku ram Mhnro MIS Hendersrm lives Carnegie pipe organ still in use was installed In 1904 Thme dmroltcs whlm still stand loday escaped 1311an was dcslmycd The Presbyter ian Roman Calhnlic and Amp lican Churth which were un touched by flames still slandl was Just schoolgirl then but remember that fire well said Mrs Henderson recalling that practically everyane In he villn engaged in trying la sfop lhc EH1 Some tan ilics 105 All lhey had The greatest tragedy lo ever hit Tollcnham was In 1395 when great fire swept through the village destroying appmximac Iy 50 buildings so pioneers hcre arrived from Ireland and so the name Tul lenham was cnnsiderud Ideal and was udomcd GEEAT FIRE DISASTER gus which is partly located In each ailhough the polite village swbxzn is in Essa Hem Ema Reeve George Da STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL REFINN Illberry luuvnl will be Md Trinin UMLedChurch hen on Vcdnu HY Juno 29 WATER POLLUTION BENTON Tummth Tm nhip Councll has inflmclnl clcxk Harvey Berton who In the lawn nl MM an gaminxwaor and air pollution ll urknd that ads qunlu um bu mm to remedy lhe nfiluflm MEMORIAL SERVICE BOND HEAD memorial urvltc under the amnion Bond and Unllcd Church Cum clery loan will be heid In the churrh on Sunday June vu umuuy mne Wulm Inn of Alliskm wlll be the gum weaker an old resident am very proud our village and nmgnm mid Mrs Hm derson The village has its own lire hydrants and IN equipment and hall the lancr located In the municipal budding on the street Tollenhnm M50 has chop ping mHl two grain elevators bank two cmmerles three garages two mslauranu li cenced hum two clolhing stores live groceries two beau ly salons two barber shop new post office lunera par lour and Ming louu me beauulul Mlenhnm pond conscrvallon project is sup plied will water by natural spnpgs DISTRICT BRIEFS As Mrs Henderson pointui out picturesque communin park with war momma cur olaph howling greens ball dia mond and lennis court cannot halp but mamas visum dcep large tank stores 60000 gallons for consumpfion by the prgssure system Natural gas is new product his year Most homes are heat ed by all and few by elec tricity Electric pom L1 pm vidod frm the Georgian Bay Hydro system centre and Deputy Reeve Eugene Smith talk things over wlth Sunnldale Reeve Lloyd Prldham Doyd PHéhaIn ACADEMY AWARD WINNER SHELLEY ER WINTERS IZABEHIHMUMAN DAY Jul Mm The any expense tn he mm cr L1 the 510 to per am far nursery slack amplied through the Department Land and Fortsh TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7281 Area proposed or tree planl inz are lnvpecicd by he Land and Forests officials and in divldual mud and preferences lbs owners am given consi rallan The policy L1 to obuin mutual agreement in mder lo produce iimber or the future while conserving soil and soil moisture and to prevent the grazing ol livestock oniha planted Awmxmntdy 106000 Erma were planted in F105 Medunle Tiny and Tay lawnshim lhls spring and since the program begun two year ago approxi mnlcly 1500000 trees were plin Bradford Mom also will make trip to Lake Joseph Camp for ths blind north Mar Tier II the Parry Sound dis trict some me Kn August no data has yet be decided wamc Piaza on June The prouam Include enter tainment and dancing Arrangements are now being mm for the annual hadjm night gun which win he held Present plan call for th Bradlord Lion to provide lun oheon and enlmainmnm or the campem at MIL camp or the blind ANGUS sum In an aloft to encourage more reloteslaflon applications are being sought now or next springa tree plan unx requirements at this Zone anstera ollice here on Club Will be suspendinz regular meetings Ior 1h sum mer months but will continua actlve other tentative plan or that day Include parade of floats bands Ind school children ball flame fireworks and tour of BRADFORD Stall While ball team will be parmiuud to use the dlnmand later 1M sea son when they are ready the official openlng at tho Bradford and Dlstrlct Ccnlennlal macro property wlll be held during Canadas cemennlal year celebrnllm Tcnlauve dan has been set or Monday Septem ber 111961 but till not final as It depends on celeb llon arrangements Tree Planting Is Encouraged Bradfordlions Plan Activities Bradford Park Openingf To Be Centennial Event ambroan Bradford WEDNESDAY JUNE I5 STARTING AT am Doom em pm JACKPOT $30000 lEGION HALL 7I COLLIER ST lEGION BINGO VIII um mu lulu 111 has been sum talk bwt mum to Saturday hm details ham mg wedded yet 1lhcemintobelnwt mm weekend with sane MM ho Mei avmvyune gm combined thumb uervica the Immunity Centxe has been Wed or Sunday Summ Alb Wye gram or that day also Includes ashan show and mm and mesenullon by local slept Ind ethnic ml place or parllonlnr lnteren In the lawn Indlownslup of West Gwmbnhuy and oldm unw atlnu In the phns AN EVENT mscmnnua MASTERFMSW IIF AIR CANADA rug 090Man IM Mm fill non ha II mod man how may be man man dolm lnoonvonimcol mum hIndllng onlmomundThIImnIpmlnlonof mIII Ind mum Mil oomlnmu uunl UNION TWICE REJECVS AGRIEMENY Al CInodI MI lwiu whiva Iammonl with ma SII Emoovou AuoanllonI noootlulou ll Iammm won mcw Ihodlv um updmion 011M pmiom cnnlvm an Doc was but who Mum Inllucnnon by IM munboahlp mood IOIMM baud on munmm Incomrmndulion by concillulon bond Ind Irklomd by both Companyl mu Auoclullonn numnmivn callod In man lncmun lmnllluu 15 cm mm 30 month 50 nook numcnvo mllomcnl Ind nlhu Imaiblo DOM Thin xoo wan unnnmnllv lama by mlmhv Hm ponlon at mumbmhlp winch vond LIGHT OPEflAflONS CONTINUE Denim Mall And he Alt Canada puma NYCOW Mood bum Iowvolho public wvyocm whom the remix wk poncmul my no on um Al om of mu nnflorfl malor public mllnlel All CI rocoanlxu lullv Ill abllantlam mo cltlxonl ll urvu Conuoquomlv 1h Ilulm will do nvotw thlnu poulblo mum cnnllnuntlun illghu dual ma announced min by tho numbers at flnlu Emplovuu Auoolnlon Ichodulcd 07 midnight Wodnudlv Air Canada will maintain services depit strike announced by sales employees Important news for the Canadian flying public TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ONLY mmmm imammu COLUMBIA PICTURE the 1m annivemny at Wed minn will be given stress Since mu of Bradford had 115 own centennial In 1951 arranging or Lhmbigm avent ha been made easier The ponsa appeal or difleunl unganlufluu to he has bqen muffin Aid In mid The centennial park when flue Bradford and Dishlat ammun ity Centre 41 Maud llsa been the scene of considerabla activ fly with grde helm levelled tree plaan and zeedlng done Balm have helped bring long we grass Ald Kayak M1116 we pom Md Kama filming who point qd om tha cgntcmia theme as Now SHOWING SEMI BAY $33512 MRRIE EXAMINER lUFfiDAY JUNE 14 nu BflmN Medan village council In considering an 314 punntlon from Lee Maiden of Bus as oanlm 0mm olfloer Conn0 of dog was discussed at fin 1m meeting nresldud ovu by Rev Earl Brawn nun urnnu OPENS Aglfsfimq SHOW STARTS AT THE MOST MODERN DRIVEIN NORTH OF TORONTO BOX OFFICE OPENS AT Hithwa 11 It Gnfllfle Benton Blrfle Ind 011 WT mm Inco which may be mm by Wood nulka lha flm In IM Mrllma myo Ind um um Iho Wu wn unimde autumnmm Funha nwvlpnpu Ind India IWUW will mulv bk ol mmmm nth nchmm WWW1anou cnntlnuulonoffln but mama uMcIIoall whowiohwwdqlflphfl pnung mm dluupdon Min pm can an around CUM upon I0 Inomunl an wanna roam IM IMO lo IMV unullod In cum walkout bv In Imployou lho Com My nom urbanv Innco wh ch mnv ha mud by My NOW STRIKE no 963 imam whhln anndn pal nnumu no Iha nMincI Ilmon and on debut oMou milu lolgphommmvmom Whlk 10 min dobde upon sodomy In maximum 010260 In the inlmu am Iolllaminl IMI appeared to do point oomombon Duplll thin mama hymn comamo tho Auoclulonl domth mm lho employee wow Muted WW III flan In thou IM company Ma Wadi him hom Iho calm and but much olfom Io union may poolb lvomlu hope achhvlnq ulflomom II may continue dimnm with UH II lwmlmu Mommlhw ngrlgod to ipcvqano mg yoth bpmfli on DISTRICT NEWS DOG CONTROL LOSE TWO MORE EONN mumm West Gunman Starlight 5d crashed Monday ovu Holland West German Ah Fm smkesmln said here The Gemun Air Force has 1m SumsMm and hi pilot death mu has than 32

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