Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1966, p. 14

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Thu scaun amusements or the township wheels or the oom ing term will take some man oeuvuing to get seat or each pupil Vilh at least 1447 pupils and another seven to come ii 100k ihaugh the totals per school will be Lciroy 175 ml Ewart Bfl Ccniral Llfii Alconn 94 10 10A and ii 395 Craw and 13 and 111 215 Big Bay Point 53 iiuronia 153 Wilh mvon additional children who may in arriving aflmg with leather this will make ma oi 1454 pupil in be sealed in thc ivwnship schoolsi The Board pub in lung hours on ii work and the committees rcspmsihie for the bus min and locating Ihe pupil in he zradgs where Ihey belong have to do some real thinking so mat tiny bum do not overlap or double back OPTIONED LOT tunka last one of in ms Whod citizens duning fihe past Mcch Judge pasxed on what unexpcqledly as alflmgh he had been ill he scanned to ccl in good splrfls He has been residml of Innisfil or some years and onlwyed his arm on the nth llne wesé just at the edge at mvim which gave him site to try out hls sports cars on the new inclines back inLhe fields He has hem hreaicr of 1wth cattle and he and Mrs Harvie wm bummed In Imscs and Wang membranes we have duo Se was receiv ing latte him all mfi Mn hope that be well an ck with our col umn again Ho was one 01 our regular rcaduu PUPIIS TO SEAT Ian on tho plans of Sunnylme has to be rcadJuslcd with tho mm Meaning in Adminis tram Kcll some slight dmngcs in the mad allowance have lak en small porllnn of the db Tendezmt CONTINENTAL SPECIALTIES NEVADA 00 Wool far mods In all colour wulghlx Xlurln Mlnulnl MONARCH REFRIGERATION Klnl WEBBS JEWELLERY Rndln and TV Servlte IM II IflHfi Downlnln Vlenvlhl Au Ill nod llnnlwu Mum MrII Vlvlalvlu IHIHI lllnll Ulmulll Cuslum Killing Ilnlne ancr Suppllcl Cuulm nml rnpplnz Call 1min Card DUNLOP 7252059 Li ml MNlmnlcs COLOR TV OUR SPECIALTY ADAMs Mains HARRY SMIIH GormaI Slam nllumn Jmnny mm In um FIIJMI VALUES lulfll lhpnln ny 1165 Tut Junk Mn Bl II Inm FL lnll an cooxsmwn MOTORS NH flll lnr INNISFII NOTES Schools Seating 71357 7234 UH HI IS mensions mm the schonl pm my The uplion on me lot is being held in case nddluona mama Smmome school INCORPORATION The plans foi Ihe lncarporallnn of human or balmy and Bell Ewart into village pmb ably to be called Bellwy are in mates WM 00 some members of the commit tee working on the project the petition receiving enlhmiasflc people ot the aka Summer midcnl are heart and by the decision of the On lanio Court of Appeah which when Big Bay Point district was in the process of selling up an Incorporated area decided ma part lime users of properties were citizens in the cage of kingu£h dchg ed now councillor Jam Timum mans Mnst of the work In allow through must be done by so Icllor and this mean thatmon eyjmst by available umh boys League holding IL outing at Ivy last Saturday had about 130 boys encamped In the park there and put on van wolldme show lhmr abilities and talents Followlng march past or ELshop llenry Hunt the boys went back to Lheir camps and got ready or an inspection by the Bishop and DUIEI officials BY lunch Ilrne when the Rev newton nllucfionalely knuvm as Friar Tuck blew the bugle lhe cooks had meal ready or the boy at their units special lunch was served in shady part the grounds by the WA vis liars and olflciala Th largest gmup prescnl was rem the local parish which had 25 of their 32 members present Another large group of 1B boys came from Toltcrlhmn They did not have tent available and slept out in the open on Frlday night whlch was really cool and good night or mosquitoes However thcy rolled up in blan kets and were on hand or the blg day on Saturday gm PLAY BINEO and WIN JInch wul In 26 Hlh than will be Ivlllnble ll lhe hmlnun on lhll Idlrrllllmrlll IHNGO mun whlth may be ahhlnrd FREE OF CHARGE dop plnx In la lhrlr pllce hull nrlll Allo Mrh Ink here will any thmulhonl hm nanr themenll lllnlu numben The llnl wnon lo obllln lull rd mull nnllly nle lllnn Ed Int to 11m lllrrln Exlmlner llV TELEIHQ to be lluhlo hr the uh lllll Elth Ink ll Hm wlnnrr the lllnxo II In lncrmml $500 You mun hm flu and onlyletcly tovrrtd In In tllxflllr In Inner Illlllrllln qurlllan or flu Ilh Ill 11d Glmn on null Cnnh nnly JACKPOT PINKNEYS LADIES WEAR Cookslalrn Amommw lnANSMISSION snuvma 21 noun mwmc moo NIgM 4mm III MRS FINKNEYS LADIES WEEK Flnul rm um n1 Tu Try For TIIMnI THIS WEEKS $500 BARRIE SEA FOOD Klnl SL DOUG DEAN BA SERVICE May Face Problem MW In ram Mount Dennis was present and the display flag and banners wm oubumding Their rechrisflnflzv JFADob sun Whom we met me you ago when we 09k trip ram Nassau to one the auxblend the Bahamas group He was returning to Harbour Island where he ynsrcclor and we had pleasant visit with him on trip 542 yeah age he mm to Canada and is new at Mwm Dumb WY 110me co We had to make call nady Friday morning through the Ivy exchange which is he only man ually operated exchange lcn ln filesmmmdkng ama it will main to be an independent com pany by December 1961 as It has been taken over by the Bell Tdcphwne Company The party we were calling lives couple of miles out of the vi lage and when we nskcd or Mm were told by the oper ator that he was then In the m5 25 would have Sam chieflome phone Whoever called was old It was long distance call and hemslnhmry ihis service that only small manuallymcrated switch boanl can give We went across mm the park Saturday to lhnlr the operators Mr nd Mrs Earl Reid or their services beyond the cell oi duty We found very pleasant couple who operate 24m service on the 32line smtehhoard which serves about 340 cusiomers phonu each 01 these having Iamlly an av cragc of live Every cull goes out with persunal word of advice or help if needed Mr Reid also services the lines which he claims may not be the height of efficiency but are all working and recoith cells in and out The company was or ganized in ms and since then has been apereied by Mri Reid and his father Mr Reid trained in mechanic in iha first Royal Canadian Air Force during the First World War The company lamled wilh capital invest 11 Xlnwkcstane 1qu MAIurine lb Flmfly Pnk Me Fresh Like Simeon White Fkh PETER KLEIN TEXACO Tires Batteries Lubrication Speclallxlnx In Volhsnzrn Imuln ll Tlflln SI 1255101 IIIHII 714 I1 MIMI thvn 10 Tu Dlho Il ROY TRACY SALES To mum Ill Vupn ll 71 60th alllor II lllnlnp IL 71 mini BANBURY FOOD MARKET 011111 71 Man Sal In Sun 2A0 Dunlap El It Anne MI molar TMI ur lloma Demonlull 400 GRILL GROCERY VARIETY MACSW BAKERY HURON MOTORS lmrllll 11H KIII JEEP Lid AuumvliNI fill Ind Mnlro 4a luluxlnl Fllm Ouun GM wllh Repairs JIM lhlni Sac lb IIII Inf Nuhm flZlfl 7154M Hpnlnl 11min llml 14 mE mum EXAMINER TUBEDAY JUNE 14 men of 324500 and will sell all holdings to the 1311 CORRECTION The amount of the dispuicd ac count for engineering the Tollcn dal Bridge was $51280 in as printed Councillor Gibbins wank James Lclhmr of Sagim nw Mich who has only one leg sinp5 elf briskly in the Meredith March near Oakland JOINS US MARCH TflflflNTfl 345 URILLIA 135 MIDLAND 200 WASAGABEACH 055 0000100w000 200 MEAFORD 035 OWEN 30000 045 BEAVERTON GRAVENHURST BRACEBRIDGE HUNTSVILLE NORTH BAY PARRY SOUND BALA Plan well in advance to have your resort lm reservation arranged ed to know why other sugges ions were not put bdore Council below lhc engineering was our ricd oul Monday after Joining the march as it loll Enid bother cr said he also marched in the Selmn lo Monmorncry trek AP Wimphnlo TRY EXMIINFR WANT ADS PHONE 7731414 GRAY chCH LINES Round Trip Fares are low llnlvlna Umrul Nun HTIHHI WM II Force IndiSpensable 111 Cyprus Thant says UNITED NATIONS CF ScmmryGeneml Than selrl Monday that the confirmed presence at the UN one In Cypnu In kxdlspensahle It alum reversion of vlnlcnce and mm b9 All In no Iubu lo dunno In In the Security Cmmdl he recommended um ha 4700man may remain on duly or mum six monlhs past June 25 when tha current mgndalg qpkey Canada Marius under 1000 new 91 The Security Cohen is to meeLThumday to consider Thanls rem and extend the mandate Cyprus Greece mkcy and Britain have all comma in his pmxmal tint Ihe oicc remain in the island it was sent there in April 1964 in file wake ni inlewommmai Airiie arallel the peacekeeping mission the UN has been under laking diplomnllc piroccsscs eflorls reconcilia Ion mm appealed Monday lo the Cyprus government Greek dominated to engage us soon as posdble in some arm of talks with the TurkishCypri oLs Than repurlcd Britain has the largest single contingent on duly with the UN lame in Cy prgs 15053 olficers nnd nuc an come next with 92 other mlributvr of troops are Sweden 757 Denmark 659 Fm land 652 Irchmd 522 and Au tria 52 field hospnal stair PROVIDE POLICE Clvlluan police ham been sup plled by Australia Sweden and Denmark 40 men each luaula 31 and New chlnnd 20 Ll lhnnt sald that ll the one continued for Iurlhcr slx months as he remmmcndcd to the Securin Council it would cost almost 311000 000 Unless furthu pledgu of vuf unlary imnclal assistance were received the deficit on June 25 when the current mandate cx pireswould be about 33337900 UN spoka said Monday the Cyprus peacekeeping me Mlull Inrl Nmm Fla llylln Aunt quuhlmn IS MIME DWI TEIIIINAL will he Qeduced by 37 men In the next six months No chails were given OTTAWA CDPrime Minis lm Pearson said Monday Cnn nda will consider sympathet lcnlly pmposal for further sixmonth extension ofyiLs peace rage in Cyprgxs Wu askcd In the Com muns by Social Credit Lender Tkwmpson about report by Thank United Nations Secre Lary General recummendlnz Lhe extension The pnme minister 5am he ll your curler hu nut nnlvcd by plain nhunu THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS TIIANT And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your llama by Pan CARRIER MISS YOU 7282433 430 270 345 430 955 530 4515 will have to ddny detailed com men unlll he and Enemy mmfluimslér mun study the reporL But he polnlcdly nnled manll statement that continued prey can UN force Ls Indls pensubla If Vivienne and conflict are to be Bvuddbd Canada has mm mm men on the island liming watch on ma Iendon between Greek aId Turkish elements TORONTO CF History slums in the earlier grade of Ontarios schools should com prise more than drawing lines tracing the mum of ex plorer up the St Lawrence River the legislalum was mld Monday Wants Explorersi In Proper Comma Vernon Singer Downs vIewJ speaking during the dc bnte on education depmmnl spending estimates said the ad ventures of the early explorer shoqu be put in proper ccn text Education Minister Vilimn Davis said he had never ques tioned the deslruhilily of young purple knowing about than his tory but history hasnt change and cwploteu should be studied

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