IM Emu Whip In mu mumlluinnnl Ivy 07 Min muwil Ibo AM HI UM nluln FMNAIIM r4 rwny nulmhu um Mum lhnl Kumm vl lmquamy mvrdm nvul In IM vvmnmulum Mrlqnnml In ll miral Murnlnn In In 30M Marla ml nrnrmx mnMNr rlmrvl In 1h Mmmunlllfl In 711mmva vml ho MI Ihru puion yummy rlg Mum Inlaua Ill IIKMII flnlnrln II AII munirnl ulum MM 54 nlmrrm In In Imnxl mm nwiml rmnumfly In Onluyivv an Unllein ll Tmrmln mm up malls Ibo unlo hm nprnlnu mam rcmhnn drlmh Irrlmicnl Amrluilnrllh In IN Mani ll Arwln Invlmhnz pml Ilnn Mm wull wthth hr Imflmmnl In gm mum bank run pullry eran nu mouriary paltry dim MN ll lnubwu MAan lhr ruhlml mu lhn flunk uh uh Mmmm um lmmn mul Inlmu um ml mmw MW Ila nlm Mid In Ihn Cnmmnm Dial Iho prmm inn mnnry uaHnn MMNI In dammn In rllnn nml nwrvm mum nrw Invlmlnnl plum wl mum mrnl mhm duo naï¬md Mr 15v xlnlrmcnl said Mr Le anzc ahnuld name nnmu rnlhcr Hmn null uhnlo protes sion mlAWA CPFlnnnce Mm In Shmp announced in KM nmmnns Mammy lhv Envrrn mull WI Inn pnrllnn char lrml hank huh rewrm or In mlnwm In lnlrrntbearlnl Null Musical Slum The union will may In wk and Ind mammals on uhrm to put the blame In an elrdnml virtual and mix lxlllo gnmr is nhvwlsly 1m compm misinz than Analysing he renl rlanna the Ilsaflcrlinn lht pmph lhc Lbcral leader mu lmlay Mlh Danlrl Johnsan WhlL Union anionala party on the June provincial elem mn by nanaw margim ï¬x cu plum lurn the power om In hlrJnhnsona parly The Liberal unn Unmn Nminnulc and two doprmirnu were zlcrlzd ha Election Mr Lesage said lasl wrck he had the impruslon that ha media nl informalinn wilh lhl exccpuon III tdilonals Mm hnslxlc inward me during mm Cu paign The statement lsued Ihe weekend by Union Presidenl Manuel Mama said Mn usage would probably have made quite diflcrcm rcmnrk had the Liberals been nmmw to power Thu unlnn reprcscnu mos French language reporters here To Free Reserves MONTREAL 1GP thier Jean hesagcs recent remark against Lhe prcu were dic tated by hiucmm says slalcmcnl issued by he Syndi calldu Journalism Mom raa NEWS ROUNDUP Shayne Kmszelnicld Regina Isnt going to let this onphanLd robin slnrw Shame Bitterness Dictated Lesages Remarks NURSERY PUPILS LOOK AFTER ROBIN MI in WWII I4 VIII VMI him Hwy llml Ihï¬tlhv In IN lvll 1mm 0min IW whiln vamnl hr M1 vlivnm Mu limeHuh 1mm WM0M wmun IM Mr Imllu Dunnu 0mm Suptqu mnl lhl IN lwl ham MMer Manly In Mr lmltnwu mm In hmlu Mu Mqu Inllllwlhh I1 mini Vrnncil Anlhan Mum uu In mm hnl Inlml HI lqu whllll flu luvwhl Sn Hm Mum uhn rrrkiul an nrmmun normlllum Mr hmm ml mu IllilvW nIul mu 51 Main TOIUNN Cll IM halml dirmru IrIUIINI Mm dny Ml nhe wan dnlvru mm hm Ivy wlrmlmuiinl lnrnwr Maul In uhmn Owl iunwlnwr balm II III hum whrn ha mmhul vupny yr 11w Iixpme Invnhu unlnu drmnml lnr rimm mm rnnu un Ihu mlwnl lumlr ulr 1m 11 company hu mm Iuluad lhal unuhl lerlmly outlaw wiltlvnl ntr ll pledaNL how or Ml Inilf mm mkm nluwly mm flmlhlnll hm mum lw unhe Wm Judie umlu hln rmmmmla Hum Tm Imhm bargaining or Ln 26000 cmul membm 1mm lr Juxllm NMhnn Nemm lmlux lrinl In cnmmlsnlomr wnuM rnnhnue Mx tram Irnmml or ulllommt the rlupme prepnml by rnmmissmnrr will be submiued In memMuhI rdcrrmmm you by 5mm Kalli nl Iha tallied pomhk tlntt lhe IWA mid In nlnrmrnl VANCOUVER 1C1 The Inlcrnminnnl Wmlworken nl Amcrlra 40m Immth MINI day hut neamnuonp with man lnmt rnmpnnm mu Mod and no lurlhrr lnlkn are ex prrlod nigh arhnol mmic murm are dull that lludrnl ho had never uknn high rhnol mu averurd with ax mnny cnnrem as those who had when high school dams Suog JudoChopper raflw than slimulating their in hcrml nnluml musimmy um lhal in mu Vote On Proposal and Ms playmalea lound the young bird while playins and nook him In their nursery JEAN LESAGE Nu IMIHI Iruhnmklllltly Maliale but on whim Amu ml Armhnn lulu Ika humon mm and Wm Gnumy Mr In rfllnm In Mu mm Tmlm Why 12le yulinmanllry mm m4 IN IN nlm wmld mummiï¬ pm up IMohm luv Ml In Fvwm 1h mum uhl mnln Arminn mutiny ma Im Mwl Mar nluumu 0le nl lnll would In mm nn wn run Imus mum ALI Jam win InhNuglnnllnly TIRURVEII Alï¬irfl Armlulu and Canadian mill luy hum due he IIHNI at Frnnu Mxl yur In an pm to be mum mm mn wm mummy My my lloIlawd mum do RM llelzlnn mumml Ilkl MM MIL Frnml wu an Inn slum And Canada In Mm Mr hm lmn rm nil Ivy Ami II 1967 In rl harm1 IH rl II mm NAW lnurnlul millm lyb lrm upwln huluo ulr Imu Rum Iminwwu Alllnl Im rum mm tun lrrrwl hum rm In Mle II IM ralllrr duhhl III lum In Mum lo lmuu NM millmy hw mm Mm In Lam mm mllh wm armtod In Jnnu nry ml chund nilh Hulk Jack mm Ihnl by beatlewllxcd hand In Md mm Mall tho Toronto HM Ill Dmuï¬vw In be relerrall in purhll gm Smith wM pmm Ql or normal Madman with MhN prlmnerl ML IIan Mid Ilr datum ï¬mllh quld prisoner Smith urvlnn cm lnr he guna lg Tmonlo man who mm Inlmrne In July 1m bank robbery was 1mm dead ahou M5 tun Mm day with hll 1m wrist Hum hone um blmlu wu round by nlde KINGSTON CF Malthvw Kerry SmIUI flu Bottle bandit who hied in death In Xinnwn penflcnlinry cell Monday had twice bun rricrmi in psychia lrisin or in of depression Dtpuiy Wnrdm Edgar Babcnck aid in an interview lle hid ï¬cénéuve us when guard madl rmtlna thrck SUDHUHY 4cm Two pri one who escaped tram Bur wash inmutrlal arm on me weekend were recaptured WI hours Howard Donnid Bulmcr 37 Arnprior 0nL wa recap lured Sunday along with Roger Gerald Smth of nomnu nmh fled Salumay hail the housa over to Ivm Ind they set up joint hank accounu he mnslmclion worker and ur mer unlan organizer subjected her to qul and abusive lan guage and beat her semral times using Judo chef to the neck To Share Bases Prisoners Escape Beatle Bandit Dies school They dig wrms daily to feed it and plan to let it go 31 the proper time CF Wirephmo 233 Bradford St ward acmss bhe urper Great Lakes today and don ghLUnsct led weather expeclcd in con tinue today and onight in all areas Hy Wednesday clearing will be nacomnanled by gene alLv cooler tomralures Synopulg Anoher are bl low cloud drizfle and rain with cm emperalurcs jusLnDrlh at Lake Superior will push slowly onsl nnl promising ton much or this area in she way of clear ing until lomormw Shower Ioreeast to continue lonighl and temperatures are expected to deep little The low rccurd ed ad The Examiner Ofï¬ce last night was 56 degrees The tem perature at 745 am was 62 degrees Gray skies arejning to clear up goesihe wards of mg and ï¬le weatherman ls DISTRICT WEATHER Rains Cbntinue 129129139 Drop Bigcarvnmo is wvillon all over ho nnw 0M FBB And that moans luxury of my high callbm Plus pndmmod Oldr performance And road smoolhlng ndn that speaks for use All his and mom doul mom at an unusually low prim Thats tho hm numvmu wnh 785 It doesnt coal any more than Immy ho lowmica modem tn fact your Old dealer In cwmnllv makmg Fflh nn ospncmllv good deal becauso hes had pmhculavlv success Olds F85s bigcar value will Bu nun lo we Bonanza on the CDCTV nalwovk each Sunday Chuck yow local lining deéhnï¬id Ilwa DANGERFIELD MOTORS LIMITED urmmmrn ummmnlm Algoma Sauii SIegMarie Ti magami Variable cioudinus becoming mostly cloudy with occasional shows his after noon Wednesday cloudy and coaler with slwwars endingr by midday Winds light Lake$7 Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Nlngara Lake 0n tarlo rt on Killaloe Windsor Hamillon Tomnlu Mostly cloudy with or caslonal showers or thunder showers today Parllal clearing to Wednesday variable claudinm and cooler Winds light Georgian Bay Ncrrdr Bay Sudbury Variable Claudine wllh low showers today and Wednesday White River Cochrane Occa siunal min or drink beginning Fnrecln Tempenluréi laws lonlxm High Wednesday Windsor 72 St Thomas 72 London 7r Kitchener 70 Mount Forest wingham Hamillnn Sl Calhad Toronto Pcterbamugh Kanslon Trenmn Killaloe Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Eamon Sault Ste Kapuskaxmg While River Mooaonee Timmlns 53$$$a$$8¥¥$$$$$8Â¥3£$$$Â¥ $$$E$Sflï¬$8€3éflflï¬$$ lhhatlérnoun Conler Wednu day clnudy and caulwilh him mitlcnl rain or drilzle ending In the afternonn Winds light Ollawa rc ion Sunny with cloudy vexin few widely scaueredrshowcrx ur thunder storms mostly late In the day Wednesdax cluudy wilh scat lerod shower andcooler windx light Barrio ï¬nnuwnwflflnnsmxuwï¬ï¬ï¬wwmï¬wwnn MIMI IN Mnmr ml min year 1an wants you to know it This is Just the kind of deal youve been wmung for Old F855 bigcm value at your kind puco Youd be wnsn mo your Oldr denim soon though 001010 lot of ollwr people do OldS 85 PRESIDENT TAKES OFFICE HALIFAX CPIDr Coupland Ottawa Munday was installed pmidud ol the Canadian Denial Associa tion nucceeding Dr Chrisub of Halifax OTTAWA cm1n rusting more each year to rnrnvlzh watchdoz department that rides herd on the spending other government departments Finance Minisler Sharp gave the lnIormalinn to he Oommuns Monday In wrimn return or Creditisle Leader Cauuelte It shnwed lhesq annual oper aluu expenses or dapan ment Audilmfleneral Max wuil Hendmon 31059339 or the ï¬scal year 196162 $1218 BM or 106261 $1156359 for 196361 5158883 for 196165 and $174190010r 196566 WatchdogDépt Costiï¬isingwWJ 31mm EXAMINER rugsmv JUNE Phone 7261811 So Hie word pay mun bearer on demand will hen movedlrom banknote prlnled alter an amendment to the Bank Canada Act goes thrqu Parilaan it apparently relic ol the days when banknoles Wm promises to pay hc an amount In said nr silver But if you lake It to he Bank of Canada he heal youd ever an or la just another one dnllar liill Finance Miniater Shamynld In the Common Monday this has always confused Mm II it has most people who have ex amlncd Canadian currency OHMVA lCP Have ycll evzr near what dollar bij says my theBénk Canada will pay lhe bearer on de mand om dollar Remdve Wording 0n Bank Notes