To celebrala the occasion to mic meived ï¬ends and re Iflves Int evening It recap don had at the Christian Re mm 11de In the City 1116 lanmlage whim Ihn cou pin bu ohm flound baner lined coming Ia Cumin 11 yours 10 WA certainly no pmhlm hat waning they chatted with ï¬ends and nlalivta in their native tunguz with them but the occasion were heir Ion Ind daughuninlarw Mr and Mrs Schatnmu ol Whit msville Mas and their wt and Withinlaw Mr and Mn Bat Sdmnu of Barrie My bane to wmwm the couple relented to as their wound Mnmmon indwed in Q1 lulu plans 01 wedding versary webmnu Mr and Mm Pet Schounm Mulcas Mr and Mm Sdlolanus lm mlgraLed to Canada ln 155 and brought with them all their own mmlshlngs Including love ly collection ol Dutch chlnaware as well as all the malerlal to build home The malerlal or the house alone weighed pmximawly 45 harm The house which Mr Sdmlanns bull now stands on lhe comarofOodrlnl um and Vancouver Streets The box in which their um um was mated and packed was hler rused lo cpltap Backilrmmerii Molina ï¬r Scholamu was In he bufldin uni ml mm business BIT OF HOME 55th Anniversary Celebrants PlanTo Visit thive Holland 11m tnmmwl cl um Wnudl Kuiuluk Punk Lum la Iron ha 1an Imm Id by lullle rhdl mum Mr Ind MIL Wile KIM Kltrhnm Th lump mom vlnrl lb IN 04 Mr an Mm Wanr mm CIIMI SI NYE TM lnlrlinl hill uh lun In NIH hnlhrvan hunm Kikhow ml Jun ll out ocaxk 1h MIL AND MILK HAROLD DRUIW men llifl Inv mnomcvd um MW winning their Luann ImM an mypni Inn at 7m Ami Mn 11115 cum to Canada and the MR MRS Pm SOHMANUS SONS GERBW left BERT right T0 MERRY ON JUNE 25 MHGRATED IN 15 tho bridegroom says they are probably the oldug im migrant in mmmay were hmh fidand Ibis is when no Whiuh to put down now Np 8n qrdgg land mm mm vim um in maynu gmquq flley However they hnva grown to love Cunnda and although they look forward Io lheir trip back home dds summer they are pure they mil be glad lo bunk 11m couple has one daughter Marlin Mrs lnlvcld who re aldu in 5110mm mm 15 suburb ol the city of Utrecht in he pmvlnca mad whne Mr and Mn Scholanus resided More moving to Canada Mr Schwinn ix also looking or wani to seeing his sister Mm Glynis Jelluma W110 31 year WED IN HOLLAND Mr and Mr Schole um maniedinflollandln 1911 my travelled by boat for the CM ceremony on June In at the town hall In the city of snack which was approximately 10 mill fmmuhen heylived 1n Gust meer The next day Ihey ex changed vows at the Christian Manned hum In Guest 111a bridegroom got his start In the ma esula business when he began subdividing hi farm He built Imus lived In them for brief Human then sold them He served In the Mobill mm 01 Holland during the EmsM 11km live lnBanie lwlrln UNI wllh linrhrlor of ma and flnthlnr lhyIul nhrallm dorm mul mm nl um Unlnnllr mm Rh plum the AIM at Fnrnl Mam ui Wm KIWI1w Inï¬lt llrrlfl Mm In In mmhmr v4 Ilw Unhvudy Wulrvlm ml 1anle hullm Hurl lu in Muhln Amrnrnn hulmy Wm mm of Gmhfle 11m Wu um Uuiml 0mm hum ï¬ll JIXMVIG n6 éim oubcu mm by Smllh scum First World War on mm vlce But he was not flu nno one in the Sdmamu lamin who served the county during the war year Mm Sdiotanm nceived the National Mahlliutkm cross an swan man or her assistance given in servicemen during that time lha award was to have been presean to Mn 513 mm by Queen Wilhelmina at ha Palm at Amsterdnm but due to illney Mn delanu was unable to be pment lo Ic cept the award It wu bonus award of merit mat Mr and Mn Sdldanus were asked to act as house parent when club or servicemen was organized In Holland in 1931 this was during the depression yrm They up naked this muman mm 1911 lo m1 The llvlnz mom of the couplel home on Mulcasler ll full of mutual memories their lllu in llnllnnd pictur Mr Scholanus family home hang on one wall in the living 1m while all hlzh mahogany an board huldinz mum chim ware mku up another wnll the mom liILh of hair old world mlng led with the new Sr Citizens Week Marked By Club Barrio Scnlnr Citizen Chi marked Seniolty align Week Jun to 11 pip nil in Coachian Park 0di iia nn nmday dim Tum buses transported um Banin guest to the picnic urea tip to Niagara Fill being planned In July Markinz iha in rezuhr month the club unlii Soo lonber eicciian 0mm took plnte Returned in lice wound Infm prwa llx nth no you mum in plnollry vyrlo nwmlm Uwo lnlomln uvl II II but mm the OM Mlmlw Aha Mn ulvlu HIM mlwm now And July 15 ll would In Mthqu to mnlm plum lot raw expluvlfln pl ymnr Inl lulnl lolmm In mm an Inn two yem Mn Od mr nul mhlnmlint wind on tho monetary Iron will now turn FNI Ind Awll llll uh 000 will Ml In quM lmnnl will IIUWT Mom In lmn lhm ml Juno wt In men mnllm er lml plllrlll vlll null or In With lrl yuur Ilnnvwlnl mlvmvmwl In A1 14 now 0901le mle mmhlrmn up Ira wllll nllw maul llml lnvllrzlrvl only MpuL lam 0mm Ialr Nnvmflw ml FNumnry mil Maul TIMI ln lln ullllh ml Kirnulw pm louimu wlll ha mluwllvl ym II will mum Hamill1mm ml mainl llm Mu wtloll In nrly 1me and Mm Sldnay that Dy EEmKLLlTA FOR TOMORROW Pmoml RMonle will mnllnuo under emflml uned Sundny and you will ind this good ma In uhld Io Isak And Mimi mm momma nmv nimxmi man In my ullvillu camAlly FOR THE BIRTHDAY tnrmnmv In yvur birthlay your hm lndlcam Hun uhlln lab Iinnndl mam may haw um um mm ltu mum Hm or IM Iut lwn yuu hm mu LImuy Mini Ilul pull In luvl tumm mu him may he mm mm MVINHIVI January and Hwy lvwmmo Nnmn bu nul mu And Mm Unr John Sen William Abell In vinwresldcnt and Mr My mend Vlcwrmldcnt Mn himll was eluded may and Mm Pun mum THE STARS SAY 5i ENGAGEMENT The engagement has been an nounced of Dorothy Jun Fal coner damm oi Mrs Rclr 91 Falconer at Barrie and he late Mr Falconer to Alan mm weu Few of Oshawa son at he late Mn and Mn Archibald Pow Ridietawn maxi ge will lake place in Mawa on July 23 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Utopia ComnmniLy Canre will he the gathering plan or guests unending Strawa Fesï¬val Juno 15 The event 11 under the auspices of St Georges Wumgna Auxiliary Preceding the berry lessens willbeasupperplalnfham und salads Supper will he serv ed from 530 mm pm um Im tiny um vth Mm mat vmaul IIV In lllMir IM pvrvilllt lwluh Xrlly miulhuu and HI mum wrumnhly NI MUNIMY llmrwy Influmru uIII mm mm MIMI anlny You MM mum Una humm In In Indm and quml mam ml mug Imrqwll wilan or xme nm It muml urnInlay MM lwlu Ml Ml day II whim unliva In rliml INK Imuth ulruul unud Ml follunmL RETURN FROM SASKAMIEWAN Mr and Mn Jahn Gorheu have returned In their Caroline sum home mm two new hard7y with mmives in Saskat chewan The couple made the humey and during 94m EDMONTON GP Vultr day In xuklm Immtd lo ml INN lhrlr tum enm lnx morll hava by lrnmlnz In Us knoll or hlmllly incur IptKlm cl Wm Tulnyl guided mm ml lmnw Am morn ltkrly to In lound Illnlylnl Nulnnmphy flaw mnuulnz and mum lnx at nth lnrrtlullni 11m wally Innmum nth Mth Are lurch Hr llw lul an tllNI umnll lid flk Imim mly hum lat No vmlm nml uh lem lvrc AM Fri 10 ME comm bxddiérnmm Mr Ind MrLWlUIMn lexht an are shown with their wedding aucndanls ollawinx halt muflnn In Flnl Prey Imam murdl Collinzwood undude by av Younï¬ From lm to right ar GIRL GUIDES Activities Are Different Aims Remain Unchanged WED IN COLLINGWOOD THE 31mm EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE l9 Nvlan At Wiewwd they methim and sister MI and Mrs Glzrlee Hepburn Dudng the hallday the Barrie ample wm sum at tho Wat ding at Ma 0mm nephaw 5m 1162179 9a may we and sisaer Mr nnd MgAlgx RECEIVE DEGREE melved Ms Doom of Philow phy degree In Chemistry the OonvocaLlon of Queens Uni verslly KIngsLon is son Mrs Ann Chalk and the late Chalk th cl Pm Iktpflc maul ulrm ml Nnrthwm Torrilndu uldu mm lhu provlnmn urlullrllnn Nmmï¬ll mm nub 11000 up In per ml nvor lnl yur And xlmhlo whnl In WI Mu MnnnlM glvu lull rmlll In muanlmlm ul Idlvl ll Alulnl lly Ill Ulrl GIIMM lfmwxn Ilun mm Ind oflrd In Allmu Incl 11 um mvnnnu Ihéxr m1 Imulm rnllwr than upwan 01ml pvt1mm Wu hflpl ml mm Mn Innlnl Illa nl Ill leu Mpum Irmrl mlirn MlIIr Mr 11 ml nInpll that warm In un lb girls Far All 1hr dungn mu Ahn In lunedun zhk hm In nLIl wllh p11 Mr mm In 11M Iwwumul lull IMO Inï¬nle NI uvrn In Hile hm III Am nnl mm up In ll Thou mm to hnmll In nldrr mum my much mm mm dhnm wdll pmbloml ml and mommy Mmflxrhlp LI nhuvlulrly hmmlnl my Mn Mnnnlnï¬ Mbuu ml ulxla mnvnlulmer Mdcsmald Elwood on unh ar and Tony ulna be man All marten cl Du midim party nn Mrll maiden with lhn caution Min Mc mammmm mum Mm WLML ml Mn Mm Garvlq Napkin MugYou Haweu 7017 Play Gwnvemn ME in Sir der of Fenionla New York Mom guest will be Mr Ind Mn Gee Don Garvle Mil ery Wdb Mm Fluid maimed Mr am Mu Dennls Munch ML and Mn Jim Fdahy and Mr and M5 Louix Cook will attend mm SWIM bride M11 Joan Emu in tin daughter of Mr and Mrs Everett Emma Ba Mr and Mrs Meivtiie Laird Hoigate SL hava returned to the city mm Pasadena Cai iiornia where they visitad Mr and iiirs George Hay Jr and travniiui mraugh the southern part cl the staiei They aisn aitcnded graduation exercises ai Failu Theniogical Seminary Pasadena WhEii Mr Hay re ceived Bachelor vi Divinity degree at the convocation VISIT PASADENA lrvmwr Hr Mw robml nwlinlhn IAIN hit FM IMInMrr lwnmn Inlrmlnl ll Mu nu Mu Mmmml rlrdnl muqu aniuinmr 1m Impmlwr tho uni and pruJvm han dlmnml mania Ind unm Lflvllrlrd dxulrm Ill lrvplnl with Kuhn1 lnr lmvflkml ml lmmxmnilw lkml IrmNUnm Ihe Album ulvhanu umlï¬nu mind mm rl 1min Md and IMM 1le In In mflh Mrl MAmlnl uyl lha mm mm2m mu an dam wall 11 mnflnl mm In Um rmvlnfl II II yawn All NWl IIXHIHH iulvla Man In an anhvnnl ml at ruMnnInl meM Nknl Mm mhiu In ColUnr wood The bride the utm er Shawn Knlhnrina Hm daughltr 04 Mr Md Mn Shmluy Hon Colllngwmd The bridmoom L1 lhe Inn cl Mr Ind Mn Howard mm M10 NEW PONflACS FROM $2339 DEAN MYERS luv hmqu rhnw 7mm ml TM lnl til Drll there an older brother or sister Mm exceptionally bright or talented make fre quent comparismu and uk him why he cant do ml 11 there happen lo be prclllcr girl or handsomer boy in the Ianuly make his fuss am his or her looks On Ihe am hand you want your child to have sol comb dance and enthusiasm Initiaiivo Ind leadership qualitiesll you want him to be cooperative and friendly praise him Hllle every day But be mm praise lsdncembecause he will how It Isnt Lislen lo him when he speaks ll he does somdhinx wrong lel llzn know you lorgive him and that you know me he will do better ll wlll try hl darn not let you down ll he log you have mm ln 11ml Haw you ever wondered why your child behaves differcnlly wflh other lhan he dot with you How many limes have you heard pmnl lay Ha Lu pleasant when he L1 with me Joncscs but home cm get clvil word out or him Childrm mm In the way they Ara ruled mm your chudren an doped nn whnl you In willing lo ï¬rms In lcmn pullmcr limo and Inn In human Paronlx Do ymx want your child to be tense msecum un able to make friends defeated helm he mm Do you want him to be lonely and resenllnl app kerpAhh feglkngspuncq in in him several times every day prelerably belora an audience Belitlle his eflorls him to shut up when he tries speak 131mg 011 Ml colmum as dumb and mm Mutant Make fun of him or 32an stupid qutsqunsl Dear Indunnpolll You have condensed In luv pnrnmflu he Iundlmcnlal prlnciplu or rearing cmldrcn Think you or being me couldnt have nld II to well HUMOR Dear Ann Landm have somalhlnz to say to the parent of America and there is no bet ler vehicle Hum your column SKEW nur Ann Luann mlth your nnnwer la the young wih who was dlslrflxtd botmu her husband wan hum Mimi llmr lindan but rthmd lo than his bun even Umuh mm tmploym anml lo hire mm II he mm 1111 Han mound In In Manual Mar madly Honor graduate 41 Burl cenual Ooflellue David and Pater Hmwluwl mm nl Mr and Mn WINK Bunch myE cg We Dr wpufln III the RwyAl Canndun Dental 001 rccslvod his do BROTHERS GRADUATE FROM OF DR DAVID HIMPHREYI PETER WERE ESSA ROAD Allandale Drugs f1 you do 011w mm ANN LANDERS PatienCe And Love Invested In Family Be said list have no ob Jacllon in Link beam Just dont wear it during ulIiu hourL Mn FJLW Dui Mrsl FBlWl The allow nay dealt with the duration wiselyl lil Amazing haw link humor can take the edge all what might be culling re morse Thanks lor sharinl Conï¬dential in Na Mean or Me Were you expedim one When you married as man yam knew About his crazy rellginn limlled mlucallon poor health terrible temper and miserable Mile yo have managed in get our mdcflul children out in his marriage consider yourself mullan Ind make the best of ran mm ymr plummth In be nvnllnhl hm nml hlm mmL Xm Um hmrl And yvu rm 1me hlm lur All ymlr with nmh ml few years ago une nl ti best crindnal lawyer In lawn saluted brim young man one of hkm at Mo Glll University to Job his law ï¬rm when he and cwmpmed Ml years study abroad The young man returned with beard Th allomey looked him am at mm length nu mornlnz he re mmd for work Young mm um hi have no ob TRY EXAMINER WANT ADE PHONE 7731414 wuWNW Surgery Ind Pater remind Butch Am damn Dr Humphrey will 9mm in Domavhw 0n Peru he meele mm job with Um Barrie law tumMd and mum in plan to law school in ma tall DEPENDABLE OPEN In WED AnTflNDflN AND HININH WHAT pins on In who mat yum mm at Imlom has In Am whim mu It mumm md 1M Bum Exumlnl BARR mzm