The chaotic stale bf the provinces ambulance services was brought home to residean of the Muskoka area when service had been suspended in Brace bridge Gravenhurst and Momk Town ship due ta disagreement between op erators and municiï¬al councils regard lng rate and subsi es For weeks Waih Publisher fact there was no pro er service avail able in these areas was reinstated this week pending ï¬nal settlement of subsidies The Orlllia Packet and Times says this is condition which is both Intolerable and inexcusable any municipal council which fails to supply so essential and urgent service one which can re qucntly be the difference between life and death is evading its primary rcspnn rlblllty one that is implicit in its elec tion For no modern community today and particularly one located on or near main highway can afford to be with out ndequate ambulance service to rush tho sick and the injured in hospital swiftly nml safely this is one of the 1s scntial services which ovary civilized centre must provide In dlllnflons In which demands are made upon municipal or subsidy or other rcmuncrnunn ch town ro prcscnlaflvm may consith unwarrant ed or unjust It L1 lm crnuvo that ar rnngcmenls ho mndo or ellhor wu unllnllon of xcrvlcn on tompnrnry b13 ls pending ï¬nal rcsolullnn the dis agrccmopt or or nllorqalho scr Gml LakM uhipyanln may soon bulldlnn 10004001 lrclghlm the result of Ihu recrnlly nnnnunccd plum lnr now erlnml canalu Al prcslnl holh the Welland annl and he Smwny mlnct such vmel lo nlmul 730 rm Only low Allaullc llnm nlul lnnkm unw am thousand lrfl or in length llul ll the nrw erlnnd unal vlll mouuuo dalo lhmu ns will Illo nuw lurk helm built by lhn UullNl Slnlu ul Suull Stu lllnrlr llun am now rnlghlom will ply the like wllhln llm um ow yum ersflnn hclrnm Monitorp The iuilnl Hairs nnw ha In 71va lunily In pun Ilsoll lhn lml name II mt Uumum 111 Irrnlpllalo Inlrrwn tum In the lmruluimn llqmlmc lul yrur It ran ma In ha the lnler Anwliwn prarrkorplng mu which mnlir up Innztly Uniml Slam lroopl Is ulul rHcrllvoly in make lhc pml donllal nlmlllm June mall fm llmn Iltmhs mrrmanrr In pmya Jlm liw 11 Mitlrmy mu only maku ll llkcllrr Khan nlln xvemml Hlal lhn rlmunu III mm alm ullm he llmnlnimn pcnpla Ihe nnly rholca Ambulances Essential Regardless Of Expense New Era For Great Lakes IEO to b6 supplied on the has terms Tho pmpnml new Vrllnnd lockn will Th flame Examiner COULD RESCUE NAMI DO YOU MIND IF TURN THE PAGES Published by Canndlln Newspaper lemd 16 Bnyfiold Street Barrie Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS McPherson Managing Editor SATURDAY JUNE 1066 PAGE that the municipality can arrange Thls Ls Mia was done alter needless delay in Mtulmka But it ls lntolerabln that the public at large lncluding to large extent the travelling public from other centres be without the protection of am bulancqselvlcs pt any time The lituskoka situation simply pointed up the increasing need for the province to put its house in order in this most important field It seems incredible that so vital matter an ambulance ser vices should be allowed to fall into so unorganized and inadequate condition but the fact is that no regulations pres ently exist for the operation of this basic service Some ambulance attend ants are well trained some partmined some have no training at all Some are fulltime more are parttimer Mest im portant of all there is no satisfactory arrangement made for ambulance oper ators to collect their fees for respond ing to emergency calls which means that they have difficulty in tinancin themselves Municipalities often fee themselves victimized when asked to pay largo subsidies for services which are often more for the benefit at travel lers from other places then for residents of their municipality Thin chaos must be resolved We munt have ndcquate nmhulanco norviua nvnllahle mth attendants tralnul to uni form alnmlanla and luanced sys tcm guaranteed Ind undcrty ttnn by ho rnvflnce since It or he bonolfl of al people in all municipallllos In tho pmvince opvn new cm on no Gml 11km lho Welland locks have become an Increas ng lmtllvnwk the nhlpplng trafï¬c 50 lnrnnly supplcmcnlcd In monl yrarl more Ind more ocean vmoln use lhn The now away which Mll nulxlnlo Ihc twinning propoxnl ow year In It Ln mmplclni wlll carry hn lralflc nmuml ho div Welland Thu nnn prujwl $107000000 bfpasx has al really been ulvcn unmwn ltmml than ms or urendlmro 3250000 00 mull vypm ho Iovon Minn lockt In undrr Mudy llul lhoy Qnrhrc hmnlrleTolrurzphl Quobrcn lranspm loyamncnt has 1chth lo colohrnle 100 In nnvcl nay going la lune lwn lllmrnnl lirrnca plalu In awry whirle ownvr nnxl yrar One 1h lnlu will carry pln or Fawn 07 In llw other 11v llv mvtnklnf Inr ha chonnlal of Tanmlan on rdvrallnn Tho ml nl lhr pmjorl MM ht wily lmm hy 1hr man who buys Ihn MAIN llw pmvlmu Ill have to phk up lhe ml In luh mlly ha meaning In hrm Dn wanl Mr Roach nr nnl WIIIon General Manugor SELLING BY LICENCE Hy EILEEN DIXON Mme ma flux any hour the day was MM Wharton family raslduwe on Oolller St friendly voles will answer rand aswre the ï¬ller that every chlng will be taken care and worry no more 1m voice belong mm Sadie Wharton who or the past VG yum has been chairman Service Io Menu for Dania and Hattie unlt the Canadian 03m BMW This committee under unguid ancs of Mn Wharton remn nflwle for Mammalian pl tim from their bane la the Tomlin Batman 09m and xe one was needed to mlace her No Win what ï¬le posit mulled Mm Manon agreed dammecmndmnelp mt realizing or one moment that she was ï¬lling mum at chairman lhnt ls until me mnbcdzln rollinl In eman agreed to be my Wilma and beiiava me uha had the busiest phone in Barrie during than ï¬rst law mum But experience is mat Mather and by meeting each emergency it arrived and tending every mum and seminar as they came along have managed to wry an slid the lmwner nurse WELL CAST The Barrie mm is wdl out In her mic An elfKim nurse and tender waned woman she is able to carry out he wotk chairman in cheer Iul mganized manner lnr is not everyone who would be suit ed to this particular job wim the New Mrs nnn mu often mt harm putting duty before pica aura and the Job must marry limes make demands on her pri vate Toronto mth patient and al er she said she had made three trips by Thurde WiLh die week ave 73 patients in our Index we and we now know men will be called an to pmide Lrammodnflon ath Volunteer Workexi Providgs AroundTheClock Servide em either to or Tow mm This not fly Involves meckvupa but wa minim naive acmpledmnmwlnbe Kn Nonlo wick to paï¬ent his include leps In any hot piul ln Tornnlo Mm flu pa 11an mm be sent hr many not just treatment tho Inmes Margaux the mented Mu Vharlon has 1m cl v0 untcer drivers moaUy Dania women that she can call upon at any lime The Cancer sodle my the ms at the milealo only enough to tour the gas and oil pal nu Ml drntlnl ml ho mm ph 11ml navn mllonnt not men mediml 01 he Irv riely new call on pm Null unlm we mm enhrr by me dnclor the pa um or Lhe amfly ha pa Uenl ll lmmum hr me lo kmw Ihemrr If nnt Ina patient In nwm ha ha ha or in km amen mt Ibo mnirmnn LIST OF VOLUNTEERS Wmnm she say mm be able tn ind flu lime more read ily than men She also noun am he dflmx ohm Ink ml pmonnl mom in hair 3w lienu lhat hm kwp in touch with hm Inn My Ihc ulp rr mmmnrl Whnrlm alwnn morn fluent in anmln or main Damn have respon uhk mm nmmpnny Ihnm ml the driver hm enough nmnnlility In handmu IN on ml mm Ilka on talk Mm conlzgclaj the buy Uhr Farm meum Dally Rmuh Ind Hlnluxmy llnlldnyl urqvlwl MINIMUM ulol MI Ivy rnrlm ac MNH to Many 5mm mp lr Inc My mnil ll 11 yurly Onlnrln no yrnr mnlnr Ihrnwfll IX ynnr Mull which mu Ill NU MMle mvlu Drill1 Hunlulu 311m HM ml Aulhmlud lNunIl mail PM om bum mrnl mum Ind Inf plymrnl mun In cull lhrnnln Ml lnlh on El Mnuhul m1 mo Ml lrmlu Bl Iurmvrr mm yMr UM ml lnrrlln mm ym Olflrnz an Unlwmly valwr In Amdiln 1wa N9 up mum In Amwil inn In Ill Im lnrl Auvm Ilumu nl CIrrulnlInnI 11w Cumuliun Im II mInlvely mllIM In me or kuhllrnum um 1qude Ibi rum rmlilml In or In Aumillul hm nr 31mm owl ah ha IMII ml mhlhhrl Ihuvim 5r these to Illa patio and tn be cheaful its ï¬n trip the pauent usually nervous km Mn Wham bald RECALL mm She recalls one trip to Tor onto when she had 00 hildrhilw with her mum in uh hospibl la the 1030 am ap poinunent My drive had car imbica and left her with two hluhhikcrs one mechan Sc and loft to hibhhike with he paï¬enl on the 400 Kimmy when arrived he hnspital In time tar lha awoinlment announced had hiwhhiked Mm my patiem who by the my 77 years old and there were low rahad eyebrow she nuipped Mrs Vhartm 11 blessed with keen mm humor and al was looks on the bright side life mm must be deï¬nite met In her work wlmrplalimu Que rammpr receiving call lronra docwr who began the Nmumlion by laying have problem and hope you can help me The doctor Menu had pale who weigh 400 mm and hf to make arrangements lnr Imm pormlion lo Prinm Humanl llospilnl Ind he didnt kmw haw about It rzmoxn mmm 11 ever could think and ï¬nally made ar ranzmcm wILh he Deluxe Taxi and he mm driver went with the patient Int three or my limts Later he nllm um about hu umdl oven the Mm hm driven lake personal Interest In due pAUMLs mld the chairman This may ha happy ending lm the 11an in now and MN thm believe that promo urn more mm ha uvnim nuka by the loul mm ho IlKflly lhnn um um men yam no This Main Inn hccsusu mun be mm lnr mar unnu la 1mm mu IUViCQV Thu Nulr mm mm Mann 1km pnllrnlu who would lake 1h lm mm Barrio Im Imd Mvn round Hire day In Tur mto by Hmmelm hn wu More lbry know about 5mm la Pnllmu TRAVEL Mm hlrlm hu lmnmo laminar sun lhn OuHm km mNInl mm at lh lrm two Mnrlnm mm nhu mu hm an amnu rl lvm or hm limu uk 91v hnl IIMXIK Ml muuMnlM wflh lhd IVMY II In MmilnI lnl fly the mqnntlm dun ctMI jun mmluml lexlnl II no mm min that mild an aka Nllrn Inhv anmlo In the mominl or 1mm mom and um hnvr Own Man by nflflxk In Im njlnnwnf Illnml lmnm mm lnmu II mn Mundan ml lrninl Iln Mmmuu rawL may we amylul un nmdlllnnnlly Imr lhc WM ulmply Ivy mmtlnx up my ï¬lial mumum 1M Nolll ll In My Mn M1011 mm llu WM Hu Mvho To ernln 1004 Mp4 hand tn mnw yal lrMI In luvm vaflw Ill AHMn vlukh In hxlwlwl In lh flitdud vol HIV 04 null Ihkh krlwlu 1M1 Nmul ml nmlh llnntulum Dll Mn hle mmm Iv Ny llv lluulnu lru mun tn mum In the Ohm CM 11 Imvlnzu nvlnimd mflu by vnlmmr mm unmam mwa nw Muslim Mum nu wnidul Io Ansnn mm gum Thm In MRS WHARTON mean est connecltd with service Eh added To her knowledge no on has even been turned down During the past month Mrs Wharton has nude trhnspom Lion arrangemenu or 25 pa lent to and from Thuonto hoa pflm two by Mame Five hundred dissing were summed In one patient Ind she made arrangements through the On urio Division or special wheel chair or paraï¬md patient Mts Wharwn also managed Lo ï¬nd me show ï¬rm and in talks on Service In Pa tients in the area We eel PM said plain haw funds are dupersed at ma local level because she helluva cm many people thnk cancer funds are used only in eranulL Whartons When she can ï¬nd the lime pain ing and although she ram haul MAM rankcst ama mu she ï¬nd painling wun derful form cl mlnxauon She has also dabbltd In ceramics AVOCATION II 15 Inlermï¬nx to take piece clay and 52 it lake sham In your hand like to take shot at different crafts and in IN way eel you learn to anprociam and undlrsmnd an mum helm and the interm Ing woman Mrs Wharton has been member of lhe narria A11qu 107 HOT husband Hurry Inn mme qulu mm In hpr naming and goings at any hour at the day He has also bermm ml jusud to the Jungle the dc phone at any hour MILK PRICES Dear Sir in urckrnd bounhl lama milk in Turnnln hrnnrh ml known chnln Moro Wu bunch ho mm chun hm In 1mm it Will mrprhin lo ind mu in mm milk In Toronto cmLI only 25 rm and ml mnrc numbing lo be nhlr in My 141mm cnrmn NI rrnln In 11min Hm prim rmu for Mum Mrlun and nnly mm mums nu nvailnMeI My should ur Mm 1m in he rnnlre lnrmlnx lIhriKl my rmll quuvl mm lhln mm llvlnl In In ludul trmi dufl Tmmpma my uqu th mumVIIer Ii mm mmth HALIFAX cu 0an held in plan dunnu lrlp Ivy lumlwr Imam rm an bring mu 1m Mal in mm unlva um um mm lhan Mr Mm Um mun Ihil MM awn mmlg by vilhm In In ullml human ha nle lhn nhuqm minimm mum In mnlrml ml IIW And lmn man an mrlvln1 ml 1M mummy damnlu whilmnlly luniur Dun In mid lunnna Irv Rin Ill AIIWN pmwlu IN 14 Illllll hm mm il rmhl uhngul um um mum um mull he hull in mm rm dmmafll mm phul by two mlirr mumm hum mm my Mum k1 run In um um ml um 11 luu HIM mm rMl Hm an Riv Nnml mam mlm DIM Maw In Hth In rnll Mum Inn1 umlnlnru Iml mm Hm InflalNl An nnlinmy ulr vuwne can OI nu In drmnï¬m Um mm mwnn 44 um puqu for puhmllr ruin g1 Held By Air lnher ialky Mrs Whan ex LETTERS TO THE EDITOR GEOFFREY WHITE Anne liarrlo nun hmln 31 DB BOWMAN Although Menttobe did not became province until 131p when Suhtchwnn end Alberta came under the Iovernmrnt pl the Northwest Terrtwrler the agltauon for strong central unv rnment begun to yelrl urtler Until then the Hudlonn Buy Com Idmlnlelemd the unitary but It moan wn broke Amerteen development mur ouhe border mum at tnde flowing into the me by the Humane my mule it was min the HIle to Flu Ind than by cam or river boats to Whit tl Winnipeg It was vbvlous that theJludsonr Bey cmariy could not mmrnl the lttunklonnrw longer was were nlwnyu In danger from Indium muman 1h Sioux him hnd been drlven from Mer um um mantra of 1562 may were lndeypernlaslrpilh Ameflclm hid their Ilenll ln the country mm or up porlunlllm to We it war Than was Ibo Clnndn Pmy led Ivy Dr Mm Guildn Schultz Im alluracter l1 war mam orunlon wimngnnldnl Sam at the mm on thu prllrlu armed their own lml mcmenu One of um was armed Lake by the lam oua Mum Calhollc missionary Father Luvmbe In Inter year hl deem pruidem he CPR for on hour in hmmr of hi néwlcel CANADAS STORY The most connrueuve atop leadinl to Cnnada taklnl over the pulllea proban took place on June 11 man when pub meet lnl we held use Junel Iv wan agreed um no Ixes would be paid nntll the Briduh government had taken over um am In den meantime wu declded Io net up provisional lovem menl wlUI an elecllve mil lhere wax an emuslnz Incident later on when meme Spence wu elected In the council He an up whit he called the Republlc Caledonla with Peruse ll Prlirie In upiul The repblic came to en abrupt end when Spence klcd calla taxes and arrested an unwilllng cm tributar Newman came rescue the arrested man Spence ze Ilgned ln hurry When shooth bezan OTHER EVENTS ON JUNE ll lmWilllunfllnck ï¬rst Canadian Mednodist mlnlmer pmehed it Hnlihx musmun Camermdidlejjlarua West Company Attacked Selkirk colony at Red Rlver lMlDemh Sir John Franklin in lhe Arctic Imam Counciil Ippolnled in British Colman IBMsir Ruben Bordenln1rouced conwjlpuon act in ParlIImenl lIuvn mu WM Camdlln Bond Grnln Commuswnera amblth lMSLrben won maul daemon with 125 seats Conservativu By DON OHEAIW lORONM Vzhsan Liberal Parquhn Oliva In trying lo bring me question Mule hamm lradu in lhe province to Mad The mm are in muble may cant let charteu Under our uuldaled mum of wnlml ol raclng the only le galimd padAmumd mu an be Inck with has dinner which pm dale 1912 These charter Ml IIEII 2W Mn men WA great search or them This was mainly back In the 1940 Ind 50 They we buried lrcawu uhldl had to be traced back throuih Ivld rmrdl and um parpcr ï¬le QUEENS PARK run Must ol than wue up And he govsnmml nid two years ago it wufd kEHum 01 mm mm mind by Mus ing lo revive than PUT ON SPOT bï¬bxmnll Vlrnrks ma many of lhem ll local Inlrs wgre the Put an lhls 501 vealed lnr oarl Ihankn In the Indumnco the hi1 running track mum They hnld many um dmmn Ind would lmd me In lb Inmll lraclu each year on may muid hnld their mm mme lhc Mx 09mm Inln harlguq ruin Ill End charm 4an or Ink min idnm lhny ch and MM lung mm And Hwy lmd mor dunner lot km in mgrpoafs MUM 19 mm WM um and hmwa 1h mun sham charm mum they mmndAlu In Ounwn dirt mm um am vmy Ndl lurk can quilily Prairie Settlers Formed Government Harness Tracks Are In Trouble 111 martin Examttm COMMERCIAL PRINTING LETTERHEADS BROCHURES lNVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS OBILLHEADS POSTERS OFfICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES lb DAYFIELD 5L OPROGRAMS HAND BILLS WEDDING STATIONERY BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR 39c private bill Enough mgvlemslilue But suda bll has ev been passed And It has generally mum that pol cy the government has bein nzgimljndorsling lh laps nkypanky wth probably Ls no practical mid give the prwincial Amy my power to bsue charm which would be deemed to have beggprivate Igills Def PHVIH MD This pmccduxe would male the old shell game look Ilkaa church wllodlml Rut Mr vqrhu mqngnwt Vt nu Immg AWL Many private mcmhrrn bn government Aldo nu just is And ll 1de mm the ermmnt Mu have to come 1p wuh mdhim MICv lion is uh will do It in lime or this ynar meow MGod mu mmd Mandi Hwy hard In truth Th lllhuflh th laur Id hul lha ward at our God Ahlll mud forever luhh Lon am he mMel mu dud and buyigd 3ng BIBLE THOUGHT GUMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS NEW PONTIACS FROM $2339 DRAW TICKETS DEAN MYERS Jnhn Funk Phon 7mm HHS Yul Clnl Illa Dul 7266537