llrml uvflnllanu In mid hw lmwl pmva Ham nunlm toldVI Annlmw The low pnrans Invent w1 ohrd with ohvlmu nmnummt headliner David Cln1ml 11mm 0mman try the Barrmm pmvidcd sound In shod Um buildlm Barrio Gordon 6060 maxed pm n1 narrlrlior don Golden Anniversny Vuk nllmdui morn Hum 1200 younmm Mm provided 5M1 will soon be lnr roam Rock And Roll Beat Draws 1200 To Arena roll cultflamers mule Arena L151 nim pmvldcd some croqucnt mom that Juan Hel lmu might be proud lo demmv was staged at Dan3e Axon hut nigfl lo the dais of 1200 teenagers chi pm mniellorden Golda nivcrsary celebrations the snl IIch Night In 32M Icon9gch Mm itilhédh mt olmaf nqd WOOLWORTHS DISPLAY Wrrk linglaying lmuwl Mu lullnnm In mm Iiqu ml llinliml Wlnlwmlhl hm mannequili le lmrngcr My Noemi In the arena sccmrd In love every momml and that wm um Impoan thing as at nob llumu dlnimmn Harde Dordcn Wcrk v1 mmmul Mm nppcarlng wilh um Ta mmo utcnnincr were the charming Robina at Penn lnnn nnd llurlc own Cfln Ilarrio barber would xv broke in no lime mm local tronam dccldcd In mpy the mumml styles uum by lho IkMm Mast youngaicrs nmumd la be ulhrallcd Hwy didnt bother In dancc They just lis lend to the in playui by their luvarilcs Mom was lermcd huge sub cm by Bob Ilumer chalr man n1 BarrieBorden Week on burn at the Dani9 Chum her of Camera TOP Penelangu noblnmm pose DRAWS INTEREST in many Iv Flint lle mid the umlmaklm um uman mm and 5411 mmlnlng mnsmnim new Km Lusmroy of Chlln radlo nml mu Bannister Cnmp Harden Audenu were lmnqxuw mm lhc base by bum 101 In the Inn Mr Humor was cland Mowing the event He 51M lho turnout had surpass All cxpedalimm lions Both groups pcdonmd wim versalihly and rhothm mum girl oi the ovenlng was 1W Henry ho danced Ihe GoGo througn we mire even inn Thrn were no dimuimm mmme in Um urcna wth gogo girl Judy Flcury wntrc BELOW Tomnlal David Clayton lhmnu bells nut popular number In the obvious approval ol my Flmry Examiner Photo mid Wu unilnum Numd Allmmn lxweu ml pawn Mr lhmlu balm re In UM WM In nmlncrd an IINIUII mm dream hat Um llnnln flmmlm Im mm In omlrnl excellent mmmion mm millary ob duh No mull Mm rum11d wldu rm mm KL HM you KIN bu botn dam manlan mm wan Han dun not only mfllury 1mm bl Mum lnrflcimllnn 1mm fltlnll Mcldmnu Commch nnd llu wen pd hu lmn In lmmd upmaflonn mid Mr Ilunlrr who Ice Uue pur pan minim Rood lMWnI Mum arm and Hm nar kn mu lmn mum Man that Tm wemw bullm hu rmivnï¬ lmmnd NWI9Nmn cm endow not Hunter chairman Bar rtemm Golden Annlvcrury Wrck on hohnll we lacnl Gmmhcr Camuwm uld hot mammmmzpmï¬o be refund cnlny to the race track but nlmyly be refused per mission to be on tho tacos 1mm rosolmhn was pay and to Ask the attorneygeneral uhnthisoflice could do In encouraging aulnnwbile mun Illaduml lo rmlinuo mo pm Yet he points out that youfllu eamsng Wm Is not my mac and Wu he may turn mm mum lo money for gambling um mvmflon lnentlon to ductInnate against dulldun who havo cmulue lova andmdnL They go cgany permlled to place be on race hid Tsdxirhart said that this Is bad situation as It quka wu ceivable that youngsltr owld acqnin the balling habiL Moon1dr be rwtrlcm to persons over 13 yea of age He war commenting on my olutlon passed at the ourde annual convention ol the Ontario Associaum at mid of Pollen held in mm om in which further admd or age rcstrb Hons on racetrack belting WWW BettieBorden Week Success Hunter States they were allowed no Income Lu Won im ihis nor my dedmflon ortlnterest on We Mm If something L1 not done or these people there will he no incentive own pmperw and there will not be much incin Live walk Dr Emmi war ned When you add in all this melopercenlhikeiniood cost in year you get an or dreary and dismal picture for these pcwic He asked ï¬nance minister Mihdldi Slam if he did not Wnk this was one of in cans eq of inbor inns ago Can 77 as peopls werewbgiig He said manly ol twc wmfld pay about $90 In Income tax 360 on the Canada Pemlon Plan gmamlgrmtlwad Security mus prawn ees indudhg Ontmio may will dummy per cent provin The same tam lLv would pay the 11 per cent tax on bulldlngmnlerlul and an drugs ï¬lo mniolpal lava about 50 1189thka tam would go edpcnuoq Hid Mlou Which does not leave lamina enough money to make and mm Dr Rynard for smqqa mm in the Umm my fem dAs mm labor uwble mw ha he gay 91 elusive $5 www THE BARR EXMHNER SATURDAY JUNE 11 ms EpMPalipe qua 7mg Chiet Supports Prohibition 0f Betting By Children Simgoe East MP Raps Excessive Taxation Load By FARMEE TISSINGNN Exuulncr Conunondgut in mm mm Quillly Cupll MI lulmuIl CITY NEWS llrullnm COLLIER UNIVERSAL um nmrmr Tm mmm Mn mnlm vrflkh Imp mxmed by unit tiU pullm un lunan wnl cuitnalml 370 Mm can xlmm Iry Muhafl Rody CAP CHI lIonhn nml End Min Grvy ol Lleure mflldnl At Dunlop Wm Al ank Mum Coal llcmla ml invrdilnlul leclu Involved Mm oper Mad by Smut lrhr MtQuccn 55 Nah St and Juan bl Now faulty Burl Mcfhnu lnvrallmmt lwocm mulsion In ancwny lrtwun manmm and Owen 11ml rm In um resuflrd 1n damage Ml mnlod ms Police were unable to locale younxsler who was MI by car an Brndlord Sl yesterday memoon The boy was mud by nr drlven by Slaan Wlllrcd Owns 47 Collier Owen old pollen mo ounxslu nld ho was nll rlgln than rnn all The mly Imp was lnvosdlwlcd by 0xva lill Jolmson nl 521 pm Dam lo Um vrhlcln L1 ullmnltd 1mm mg person tho yaw mud be lnmd mm wnw to EM hls name and address MIC um pa he oflwm arc hampeéggm or worl to pner cs if the pm refuse to give his police Nels are also seeking Uflfler ommls of ped ulnun and name sliuauons Chic Tschlmufl pointed out that at the pmml Mme Milan is not rcqulrcd by law to give hh name and addrm on quest In police dllccf Yet than are bylaw for the qullic my pg Mu uml one of the highest recovery rate will stolen ve hides and Lidireguy nt 4l4a Iributql to uifraa lid 52 calf hnva serial numbers Slmcoo curing Conlm Ute cl Putting serial number on their cars Struck By Car Boy Runs Away um In am Easl Simcoe also nude plaa or simpliï¬ed lncome lax rewm bat the av erage man could interpret with out hiring speclalist to help him The people we work for should be able to 1mm ho rules ï¬lial welay down Dr HI Pmbllml wllh Your Hurlnq or Yaur Pun Hurlng All minimr imposes tax to hold some commanon back and slow down inflation vfhflo on me other hand he goes around offering incentives to Miler corporations which creplu Manon what sort of para dgx Dr Rynmi ask Ill Dunlap HHI Wu In In relMM IMI II llmm Iunl He said he does not under stand why the government of ten incentives at Ll to per cent capital cost ami mel erated writedh an businesm going into designated areas and at the same thus it put ï¬ve amt tax on the iucnme at thosebusimm which Wm ah madgyunmdudng and meeting competitle Wfld market Dr Rynard was critical of the govemmenla special xe ï¬mdnble tax on camaraqu earning over cerlaln Mt In come year He said ibis tax would innease thn wst pro duction and thh wmfld mm It mote dllfloult or Canadian com panies to men world compet iflm chad to make enm meet so may wem nut on slxika in defeme the conventqu Jugs WHY arguredl yaid um Police said he Butler vnh izle was travelling north 1n lhe passing lane and named for trafï¬c due to conslrudim in me area lhe Lane car slowed down when the Ildnl velxldo crushed lain in rear end The mime walrer pm OPP Cam invalvcd were driven by John Fred Butler ol sling lon Ont Terrance Bum Lane 19 Georgetown 00L Ind Pn ler Marlon KeanMe 21 ol To ronw No Injuries were Inlmd Ind nu chargu laid cordinx invadlgaflng ofï¬cer nstnbla Ivan Hodge Banin sldcxfaad at the University of Toronto and Osgoode Hull he headed his own lcgal ï¬rm which winum Iin admiralty and ransportatim aw Selma during the meanfie on Bgmfllq Inan and educated Mr flowner was first elect ed to the Ontadn Legislature In byeledlan Ili 1956 or Inc Toronto Riding York We In 1960 he was appointed minmer of kampm No year 1am Premier John Robarts appoint ed hlm Minister of labor He miners of me was am 33115 leader he Lezgslatm Hun Buwnine minister al labor or Ontaria will addrnu the next industrial Accident Pre vention Asmationn meeting nt the Continental Inn Wednesday Mr Rawntme wiIohu been Instrumental in tipdating and revising mud the salcty iat isiatjun which applies to industry In the province willspeak on Industrial Safety meet ing begins at my lollu 7285588 Fl DrpL 71511 mallI 1285 OPP 72H PHONE 7282414 1112 Tï¬arrir Examinr Area Accident Damage $1700 CLASSIFIED Will Speak In Barrie HON RDWNTBEE People going In the summer mtlage never seem to have enough radios It you have an extra one them nro Inn of mnnlol radio buyers around Tull lllem about yours with low cost Himn Actlon Want Ad EMERGENCY NUMBERS EDT AN EXTRA MHNTEI RADIO P5 ASK FOR AN ADVISOR um whn will Elonake pint of Mood mum they an telephoned or Ml For this clinic Ihe Barrie moer will mnduct tele phone canvas contact reg ular donors who haven 1p pcared at clinic or the past ning month to year Mr and Mn Madmen said hay wk 1ng lo see 911 pequ Mr an Mm Jack Mao Lamp blood dnnor conmxuee calmairmcn said consider able amount 01 blood will bu needed Im the busy accident prom summer months Looklor350 Blood Donors Barrie branch of the Cam adian 1M Crass Secler re questing 350 donor for the next blood Clinic at Trinity Parish Hall on Monday Donation an from to pm lo 131 pm rie Wednesday and 3331280 den 6060 the Irena last man cILv residents have the upporlumly to cite Lhoir thanks by mm the base I211 allu nogn In yucialma pmpose olmoinï¬n House L9 to faster good relations lietfleen the civilian and milliaw schoolllnd armed one work ing logollwr to stage an inter ullnx and devalue program Todayl Open Home the lamp my puma olVEarrle Borden Golda Annlvusary Week whim ofï¬cials feel has boon dynamic soonest Fol lqwirug he Panda paid Ear all raking Militias available to gulls young men in Alhefer Armed Farce Day take on special significance today as it coincides wiih cdebratiom mai an so year at good rdnflam between Bmisnm neighboring Base Borden Military oflidais are hopeful ol the largest tum at visit an in the camps history flle omlsea to in big any Hopéfor Large crowd At Borden Ens Siqiï¬em president ANNUAL DISTRICT CHURCH PARADE WILL BE HELD SUNDAY JUNE I2 I966 MEET AT COLLIER ST HALL AT IMO AM NOTICE The I00F be accepted and from Dnlnu ofler you In hulthM bana flln remedial muun Ind wiv Ala Snnnl bnlhl In the um 11le Atmosphere YOUR PHYSICAL wELéAiiE SAUNA BATHS Ednhlll 1mm MRS DAINES msumxcz AGENCY Lm ncoumn 51 1mm Youll ï¬nd the my qt San jeantl will handle the mpdml complexities ol Vinsurnnu wily skill and use Adlvlues got underway 31 pm Static display include Ill planes tank guns lmcks rackets eluclronlc equipment com in slmulatorg ii the any both economlully uvd 5°91 lie denlai lain mamenc and Kralnlng eqldpmem great vulely Ihe Barrie Chamber Jnll meme summed uy official Mung when he said his beep loo langï¬m Barrie thaw ed Its melnmnla the p10 Itlordgn oy their coplry ufloq NEW PONTIAcs FROM $2339 commxm ITS EXPERENCE THAT couursl DEAN MYERS coin auulnn Phqu muss 7mm You can But Deal