Day Camp Plans In High Gear TilTIC H111 NUNTHIMI lA Riml IInm ulmlunn MM hum lhnm In the Mmlml turn Ill lny and Inuit In tlmuhvvm mun ma Mnnllrnl Qunm xly Inuhway wulh than ha mu lllwr Alrvvdwrn ulm have nrul In Him wmnlvnl mum My mlnH Inward llw Inllldim run HM MI 54 IKIIKu llw WI Jum rvrry ILIanr Iww mm null nmlm Inlm Ml 1L Hw Huh rnnlly Ilrnnc ml umny hank 1n Nurm Quin lan my piquualmlv nrv urII mulrlww er mlhfllml Mud nnrl HUM qul III Iuhnl nerzmr tTIkru urn 1th nl he MN 1IK mmnug mu HM 1m ml In um The will be timed on Mnmlny Juno 11 day Im 1an The day hm bun kl mMe or 1W1 lo volu Mr LM ymr tomm my to In prummn lur we mm Alumnlslraihm next year DIMHM IUH The final mettlng cl the Mm Club or this season was hpld at tho at 730 pm Monday June 17m wcra elem nwmlm present Ila err from vnrlmu morrdmn mall the Ye 5w Mn luhmllml and chmum wen ur rnnnod la mm all expenses llrlol will be rqmml lo be urnmum In tho lmlmun ul PM Show next ycnrl The Pros alrnl 110an the Club that Regional kmvtMlon wlll be held nl Gmma Park Ind The Hub will hold nnu nodal prrrgrnm durlng he mmm ml end membor will bu nvllllai IAM 4TH be one munsdlor or each am and lhe program will Include nature Ion hikes cram game and swimmg hwmd Ina end each camp pulod lha Mum um wUlAbave nn ETAFP TRAINING July 1849 Gdldmn wxlI be picked up by bus at strategic 10 caums In lawn and Imported flatly la Snow Kalle umwill MEI Miln Oh lamy dying My I111 bu held Ac MEN The Barrie Day Camp pro gram ls shaping up wall WiUi regismuom mw cominz In at steady ram Two punInd boys and girls will by cmducteq airing Juiyf in period up 415 and 1112 yecond nolldamaken can upea fine makeud weather accord lng lo the Toronto weather of Iice which forecasts sunny skies and wanna lempcralm throughout today 1nd lamb DISTRICT WEATHER YMYWCA NEWS Tha 1de of Wrennu 1n the Quebec Mon lo st Lawrence Seaway hu NEW PONTIACS FROM $2339 Warm Sunny Skies For Holiday District DEAN MYERS Im Inl Ill run Im llwna HUI hnl LONGSHOREMEN STRIKE By BOOST FOB MBBITIMES luring ha week ol June 20 For thou he or one reason or an aha do not have their test dur ing the schedule special lest ill be held on June 28 few dandy Merv11$ are predided for Sunday as lem pcraturm rim to be Mcgree mark Wind will be southefly bcwning 22 lo 21 lo been boost or port in the Miriam proving Here at SM vaa 9mm Liam unm dream at ocean The mmury expected to Ill DUNLOP 51 AVIS pvoud of Mir now GMC Truck and no Dunn Myon Molon of lhnio Shown ubovollournow IflVan Bmlnl Iargm Rnnnl Tvuck Blll Storey Truck Manager of Dean Myers Motors Presents The Keys to Ed Rogers AVIS Manager Likes Dealing With people who HARDER dip to 45 degree 0mm rising high of 31 tomorrow law registered 1m Exmhcr Iim last night was 41 10 was Synnvnls lame high Pres euro cell we the Great Lake mm line sunny Saturday for swam and central sec tions the provim Tum atlmcs were expected to run mund the 10 degree mark Chrdkwss and shown or thun der showers were developing In the warm air mast lake CIAI Lake Erie Niagch Imam uric em man gamma qudwr Landon muw um uufluuxl Tomnm Hamilton Clear and sunny with law cloudy Inter vals Sunday and warmer Wind HQ MIME 15 lo 25 Sundw Alyoma Northern Gmnzian Squthcm Whlle Rlvcg Tl maénmi Arie Sudbwy emun lullmad hunteds of roargo odginnlly dbl ï¬ned fvr St Lawrence ports Sydneys lone Wharf crowd DAILY OR WEEKLY RENTALS RENT TRUCK Wm BAY Sunny and warmer Variable darling Sunday with WW dwwexa and possibly some Mummers dcvelop In am the day Winds south cs 15 muvwest 20 30 Sun wuuuu Inn nlver W09 ern Jame Bay Mostly sunny Vaxhble doudlncss wflh scul temd shows and mundcrstm em tonight and ï¬nnday écry warm mums cone over un day Symmeer winds 10 In 30 becoming mluly late Sunday Earn Saul Ste Ianlo Kapuskasine Tum River Forum Tempenmm Law lmml High Sunday yvmgisar 55 no Emce ed to capacity The mike ls connotm Quabm City Threeluvers Ind Montreal GP waxmom Nonhem Whil Myer West 0R PHONE JOHNSON 7266577 He mkod provincial subsidy the 01an1 Transponan Commlmm to enable it to km ll equlpmml up to dale and are down But the federal gov emmen was urzzdrln help loo WRONTO Thom should be monorail system In Canadas capital the Ontario hgnmure was told Friday and provincial government should pay part at the cost Hmce mun Lotlawa Eastb apenklng during Ibo lhmnu mch dobaw said he envisaged such systum run nlng east and west mm King Edward In lawn lawn Kent sum in up ment to dmp Incl nnd Isles taxes on municipal bus system because mu vehicles do not usa provincial hlghwayl Brnndm the system Mr Maine laid cauld nm aver Lho rm the cityl canals mm more than 100 yam ago pad the Milan Canal system from Kingston lo 0mm MP Advocates Ottawa Transit EXAMINER HOME or THE WEEK DINING 519 CONTAINS CAPSULE IDNDON CF comer slono laid at the University of Western Ontario Friday cau Ialned capsule with rash man beanie nap and Immun um pills secluslnnlialhroomlual um bulllvin vanitory also ampla closet and llnbn spare we is pmvhlon or an extra washroom in he baseman To build In Frame ask for 2m 1161 square ft Smulanl Bluo print at this design no 2095 cost no or the ï¬rst set and $5 or addlllonal am 111 print comply with the National Bulldlmz Code Canada and are obulnable by rclum mail Ontario mldcnls must remit per cent Sula Tax This nthsalve ranch home with La canveniult stepsaï¬ng plm nukes tth dadgn loada in mlaruy Tralflc dmflaflon tnxn Wound mat entry to all pan ol the Muse is excellent The side entry leads directly la the bosmwnt and kitchen Wm an beam at the HALL wwflwx Alldclfcousjlavourl vmr Cm PUREleTEj hm SUE mm 10mm mm mm JUICE EH NS IIFIIIIBLIRE MIN Nil GHQE BHYVIEW MARINA For Summer Storage bring your bout to 35133115 Municipal Mimi omorw cam WW CH=203 CH 209F SAME DESIGN BU mm chum Molar us nun OBoats Protected From Rough Water OOonvenlent to Downtown IBoat Launching Ram ODny Week Month on Rates For Ram and Informallon we 216313 WKNNI nmhmmn 21mm snumm JUNE The Burl Eumlner neverknowlngly pubuxhel mhlwflnl Inudnlen or lull Idvefllllnl All Id verflumenu lle Acceplcd or pawnIon on the premise llul the pmlucl the Iervlce or the on properly And hone ae Icrlbed And ll not worth ed nr deï¬ned lomIIIed lhn renders In In re Ipect 1er mm hm Ihud 1rd will not be Damned In use our Idmfldu mu Adveruslnx Iceeyled for pnbliullnn muu not mm tall lulu or tauntM claim or enumled campylive prim Ind my reader comm Inythlnl Ital thin flllhlnl cnmpllnnce wllh can an 1121de In any Idvertlumem wawonld lppredlle howlnl Just write or all Burk Exlmlner or the Chmher 01 Commerce at which Ihls newpiper II In no llve member Advmlun who deflbeh