Nicholson Meets With Longshoremen Union MONTREAL CPI Labor Mlnlsler Nicholson med mare mum ha striking Inlet mIIona longshoremcnl Amo clnuan 10M and tha Slipping Federation Camda In 0mm today In new bld to and Iho manIhAlong Ilaup In hm Que bec pom Thv 525010nnhoremen walked nII IheIr Jobs In Quebec CIIy Montreal Ind ImlsIIIVI eru mly last month In can mic dIspule They want salary lnueam Improved working cordl Uom and guarantea there will yo no domm in the number of men on work rang tor the twoyear term of Ihe conuch Thm dA 11 talk attended Ax Men tor Edda Rgne Llppo mind Friday The medu mn uld the gap has named considerably Earlier Friday the ILA ma telegram lo Mr Nldmlson mmplalxflu the Mexalum was delaying negounUon by having subpoenu mud on HA olll dnll lo war In court to lwtr unplaan Mudlnu ck ellng during mike year no Y0 STAND TRIAL Tho ledemUon 1qu the union had bow ordortd by court judxa not lha Mmwon la and trial or an Illenl Ilrflw cnflnd look court ncdou alum ILA Frldly Itlmapllna to have all mum on he Monk ml lament Hopped The TOIIONN CI prnpoud 2500300 txpflmian and mm vnlion MM for Tarmlon Cnnmllnn aninnnl lithihillnn mm mm mmmknl Frhlay lry Ilm NIC Amulnllnn 11 plan cnlh Ix mnlm Hm NH rmml end flnlluxul SI with dulwlltlun Marplvv IN Sudan 1d Foxl ank nub Ir mum lmm prmnl mlllon In historic nllc Mu near lhe wntrr HALEHUHY mum nm bronkuwny IHmJNInn Wilma Illllhd the Qurcnn Dmdll lyldluhy wlm Hm lmllionnl zlwn Mn Inlay but 1va Wm no rercmnlnl mmdrn In lnrmu ywm 1M dale had an added Ilznmtnncu or llhodulnm lhn murky WM Imahmlnu th numul lwkwmkm lmn llrluln ununurnlly drdaml lrlmo Mlnhlrr Inn thhl gm unwan Nuv ll Temps Tumble To New Lows mIIONIO CI Hmnunallnl kw lrxmmlum um mli fur mvml brainle In wuhrm Marlo Frldny nlult nuu WMUW um mvomd luv him In WImlmr hm drng Mow In pmvlmu mud inr IL dale Timon mmm rd mm vlnmI Mm mo rrwrd ml Tannin lmermlonal Mpm mualw In provlom men with nudlnl nl bl mm mmmn sum um mwna Wm 5th Vld NMIII mlim Inva MM Mlï¬l yolk olden huh Irv plunl In Inlltwrmmm dummmlon hII The Royal Funfly nu ï¬rmsh Cannoncalm ack nowledges cheers from large Plan Expansion For CNE ioznqgvm No 135 VPnluce in Inndon England to Salute Queen In Rhodesia 5000 Buddhists March In Huo Tha Killian intian Board The Hometown Daily Newspaper For Barrie and District LATE NEWS BarrieBorden Golden Anniverfary Week mgw ROYAL Alr Cam said it will over atu Iuwu on Idlulidtéalginz wer pcmnnc la lhn drum HUM by wotkcn handling tickets rcmvnuoru airpon wunlm olelypc and Mlle olllm 10mm CPD federal abor department medth has moved dtredly tnto dtmula between Mr Canada and its LN calm employees attempt lni to preth mike ut tor midnight Wodncsday night The mimosa um leu Ilian wm cmphasdwd by La bor Mlnlsler Nlcholwn 1n luwa mm the Canadian MILIM Emitth Assodnuan IndJ nnmmnctd Friday had voted 1201 In favor the mike nwn wildcat Frank Howard ND Skeena nmed In me Common Friday to shelva lntrodudlon bill that would have nought Lo and the mm by dlrm govern mfl Fflmumb pulllon was rejecled pre vlou Inluncuon limiting the number of plckelx In three at win gm ya continued day Queen Elizabeth and Pflme Phlup drust In cere monial maï¬a wave from mm mnt balcony knowing flu Trooping the Color Mediator Stéps In Air Dispute FAMILY cams cnown The Quebec quwor Board don Inlklpnlo Any or tympalhy mm am III talisman Ah Cannth nld It wul malnan fll nerv lce lo the unvullhq publh do mile the UleMcml llrlko by wmo maybe 01 In Sale Em player Anmanon undflcmly lmncd th Cnmdlnn Mana Hmloyeu AWLAllan expect All other omployu man 01 AC to honor our amme with hair unions Tmnmonnlhn pl nlr cam and mall de be unmmcd Mr Nidwhon Id was In usunl to appoint under Inbot department offlcm modi Ilor but lhlnk the man wa have ll me but quallllrd at the my The labor dcpadnwm Ind Ibo department at tromporl realm lhn nulomneu of 0m situallon and my mlvtly en min In cum to NW thin ILr it Mr Nldwison told rr porlcrl Calhoun ind US CRIOL hint 250 mm day In Canad one CU cm 5mm Vlol Nam mmmlq 1L8 Mldkr Mm mod to um Mo be may be um want to un lenml lo yrnrl hml Inm ml ï¬lm by mu mar llnl horn lvxlny Only warkm Ln Cfllmdl vmuld be allotted 111a eds allywernbud nank has 11311 WW we llo Mun Vrlvtr Nu Mum HIM Man II Munrth mnvmlm at um ul lllldwyflll In In will do my that dlvl requlrt pm In klll Sevirai intn lndualrlal prevlomly sent Mr Bran LolheAlgdenluzovant men and Intervention Ind officials of the 1967 Mvnlnal wrlda air have expressed lent mum dellyl In waiving ma terial by might mlously affect commotion deadlines om IN CANADA llévolunloww rve In Mulllm mnlul mural cunw min ll no main In l9 Amp numlnz Hm 01 eréd WW 5151th pokcsmap We 1m mullmm Imu or alum Lu nun hmulnnnc mull wllh hm Inm IM din honmdvlo nwma mil nun mluml Mm In lull Mun Duo Imml rn ij rum de Hm illuvflm hlnv mil lmnunm mlval RMNI VIP Nlm All In Mn IN the nth lnlvmry mmmwnm male mUnuuu Balm US Soldier Is Sentenced The annual event mark the Queenl ofllchl blrflxday With the 10an coup Is heir youngest child wovenold Fringe qud AP erapho caméi Judge James Hanna 75 who mind Wm the County Com bend last December died this morning it Ms Armlwme neu Hafly Ha had been In poor health or sumqrmmuu Announced may by 0AM h0g3 County secular Jahn Conigan spun ms the week Wm Monday us Supreme Com 1an Thu Supreme Court ruled flu Sheppard did not rncelve air trill In 1951 when he was an victod 01 com donco mur der and unlenced 19 Illa Sm Nlloumen 1n lhs blude dealhol 11L flu WMe 1mm carnival atmnsphun tamed during the Mn tbs quuno Court laid and it amazed me trill Judge Ihc Illa Edward Blyflfln or what it culled hll failure to um Sleppard got lair ulnl Thu Now Chlm mm agency my um cm In low dil lrlcu particularly NI drousbl op yield In mm MN In lnmnn over 1m ymr recall that In all he communist party calla on commune Io dJIcnrd lllmlom And get ready or Mnch 511 Main drwgm Mun Mn 70 can cl my um mmmom midlan nrlcllq mam Amount mmm munm wmm 110711 In Ooldwacrludge Harvla was appointed to the bench in 1941 Am 37 Obloth repay 1954 muder trial will be condmlcd probnbhr In the MIL But Lhm will be some basic differences Suit gtcpnd MalI Sheppard 42 won nine yam in prison helm hLI MW 23 Mom court order mm him in July 1964 51mm snld he welth flu prounwwrl dchflon and um ha L1 sun he can mm his Innocance mm thm counlrlu Mm MW Immu mpmzd lodny mer crop mm shnnlmz one at mum IhenLQrodmlnu provkm lflilrdllié nml Mm ml In vlllmm In Running hr nxmzxlm Axumlln Arï¬emlnn mi lmma um munlflrl Nth hm Oxpollld whom lo Guru mm He leTt 0613mm aller cam pleung high school and entmd the University of Toronto Ilia with In hang on mG nn 1136an lrflzlllm MJKII anmml durum 1M mm may ALLEGED FRAUDS CST MIlllGNS me docwm ï¬ring Samuel ll Shopping lg Na naqu was Sheppard Earns Second Trial Chinese Report Big Wheat Crop Dies At Age 75 udge quvie rams nmmu agna Barrlo OMIIIO Candc Sllurdly Juho II 1966 Ann Lumlvnl Clly Nunl HAIIIIIOdll ll omk TV ullnnl Wommua nlhnH lllllIkLS Mllnllul nounl The Examiner TODAY later In the Royal Naval Service Surang wile well kmwm Barrie artist They were married In Iondon England durgng the ï¬rst World War weather Idvbory located lhe Winn about 75 miles mum em Wflmlnzlon mind toward an east norm at abou 15 mile In boon Tho advisory wmnea 01 PW slhle Iocnx mm In MW eastern North Cnmllna dm 10 09 heavy ralgls huntane Alma let dud In Honduras uvcn In NM and live in Florldl The exlcn nl damage HUI wu un dommlmd IRMILKMM Timm were un hadlng Mmuenlbomd cup Gmnnn ml and the hon ducaflon was deterred by ï¬le First Wurld War as he served Following the war he com plmcd his education at Osgooda mu and was artide 11 Al berm He wacflsed In Orllua uni 90mm 043 flaxï¬e in 1911 Aka surviving are son Peter RR Barrie two homers Dr MalBey flame of Toronla and Dr Home lhrvle Espamh 0M and one Alder Mm Ca vln 59mm Pldon Ont The My uni at Slecr Ieyn Funeral Home WlmflNGNN NC PAP Truplcnl slam Alma dumted mm humkiln sum to up tho Sam CarminaNorth Cuov Hun cam todaywundmbendx own with gale om wind flwvy rAJnlall Wk DE ELF end Ike aeasunl am my mum conunued mova om to an tom 01 11 dam hm been mud Alma Her 50mlva winds II Alarm cenm were well offshm but am extch 250 mile he east 1nd with And 100 mile 10 the northwm Thu mnuh para will In almva llllll Umnuh run llrllr Imva nl IIIAHHI In US 31 th me lrnulm llw m1anle of lnwnu IM much eu wlll mu county null In NU Neuron to ver mala lrnflm Hum PM Out CHsie mlrm mm Monk And om minim the Milan Mrvnmh lho llul Nmn ll llw mumHy Mlululmul will qu lwo IAyl hum lhl 1an lowml Jnrhum lhn Hale rupItal Mm hr In mwkwl hm Null nl hlnl Hurricane Force Weakens Unload Autos Rt Prescott lIrr head and chest nched breathan Ind MUM bocnmo difï¬cult her we was painlully sensitive She suffered Mm my upd mumlahmurm MlAMI Fla AHFor 1M daysonce every our mlmtu wry waking hour on tho nvcmgHune our body was WW Then hut mmy the 17 ycarold him ldnol MW aimtad and immediately ro crlvcd nn miensam doctri cnl shock Anolhcr mm nn other shark lnur Mun Inter June Clarkl mysterious mahdy had coma lo an and For he Hm km TOKYO AP Gllnas do once minute Lin Pm fauna today Info merging current lglnzjaï¬mnï¬ Party ME Red Flag the mm at gun the Chinese mmt padyl cemnl emuaim por trays the 51yearold deluxe minister an mm Maos Idem autumn not given any oiher at 5130 as dudes Mao ML MAMOIM XUMINER MU AM Dr Jul Hamlin lwm ll mum Vol punI llnrpllul MUM mn Lin Piao Could Lead Red China Machine Ends Sneeze Spasm JUDGE JAMES IMFle day same nl his Inletmaul have given the RCMP Worms im on alieged bankruptcy rmld that cost government 150000000 in 105 revenue In the RCMP with iniomwtlon about 52 legitimate and dummy corporation or syndicalu aus pecud fraud Mr Nieisen the lnwyer and MP for Yukon who broke the Men Rivaxd ball alllir in 1964 said ingn interview that thefmm inwlved were boata1 TN means In sxmpla mm the m1 nl human behavior by mun or WI Dr Kuhn and Wuh Km usedIa Dr Jack Slndlur 30 my they havn used lho mth with mat Iuocm In honking Nd bad hnbll IL nl Thollsm nnd mmch Addic Ion An ROMP Kpolmmm uld the one is messing the Man malkm and In the process of dedging wrygch agency wil wwwmqi becmentaflo Nm Individuals also had been Wed la the RCMJ 1E tank bid taken ping in the last few dayl OVERCAME FEAR ear hid to be om some he laid relerï¬nl his source leu underwmld Iv WWI Dr Mnloohn mm CW WWWWW omm cm Comma gm MP Er am said go mu with new dam In the Vecuainunumimuai Hospital in Mlunl zen June trpenï¬ha tall ovum con véï¬tlgï¬a the combialni nll on Vlhnl flml Juno Invkl Hummh mung MIA lnluda nmhlrv MIMI um warm wwlllmlnz Wm 111 Mural Mr Nyflgen uh be murky Informants Tell MP Nielsen 0i $150 Million Revenue Loss He ml Informal came to No Man Than 100 PorCopy 12 Page ï¬ve Clear skies with warmer em pcralure today arm lomarrow law mm 42 high tomorrow 82 Full summary on paga XL Mr Weber Vim lho bib 93 cmnlrnUon nl lrnudultnl bunkmplclcs he has referred In ncm Wm 1n Hummm plied to the Iuthorlua wan to give every possibla mm nlty or the InvasUzann to mud wilful preludlu lh Inld heAexrdnAngcdr myrt mm win Jusuco humm Cardin Ibo maï¬a In Sad QM Justice Min te Caulk add his dopmmcfl baking We the mmuonii brought up In the Commm by Mr Nlelun Asked ll the mvmuzallml would be canled out by 1h RCMP or turmi over In the inch police orgnnlelom nvolvcd Mr Cnrdln HM than all can tell you luv lurthcr comment pedal bankxumy rams Ah um conned and have do ydved the Metal and pmvhv ch zavemmmu 3150000 Ln Lax nwenua Thl Ll only fradJm of in real lusts ho nld INN that Lha amnion mud by his lulumum meted only pardon of an hm rand complex immod to Ink avg gummmmg uEHc AWL nw lmlmwl lnniv lVl nun Hullc Dink mar Md mun ma ul all lMIr hm mwk IM Hrpphda In jfofunlo The Stnrqu9lu ERIK NIELSEN