lnr luml Innlmfaï¬urinu Ilnn prrrlrncc lth shon lmnd and nlimphune manual Salary lo muummalc Mlh nlmulluu rxlmltnm rlr lelcphumv Mum or 2mm msurnnco mm and Mn Mala 0mm prfllmco prrlnrul lcrm mmt msllion Home may 11 mm mmlwfllinfl unUnn an nndutxpc pr Ir mum to mm CM IL IIIZM k5 TATI SUIMNCE ll mm 51 Ilnnlu mum Im mu Hill llml hum nun nu tomMl July um Aunm mm In um mom mm rnuhl In Apply in writlng stating age qualifications and ex erlence address to Mr Chlfggslley Salada Foods Alliston Ilequlred by local Nod utvlcc operation Appllcanu must be mat in appearance able lo work days and night on week nbout basis must supply char acter tolerances Our company often good employee beneï¬ts und mvrklng mndlllons For In torvlcw phone Mn Gmm mm between Ind pm my education and menace Salary pdxdulo md full em mom beneï¬t In died GIGG City Manager any gun my MAL IECRHHIY IIqulnd Wu shamm1 mmmm egg niephom ML Dkl unnl unan mva In In luv Iwnleunl Tlvrrnuulu num mu In pun Hm um In danvvm hle nunn MMan nr pku mu um ermn npplloallonl Invit ed by the undersigned the position Ink13 st for Ly nine a0ce Awllcam mud gm fun In fonmglon to perm mm Thu wmnn we want ha Ibo amaze capablllliu 11 bdween 21M owns an automobile yd mom Ihn qualiucl of mm nulon and umrhy you gclim are this wman yvu Ill be givnn lho opportunity lo earn Mmlpmltulml MIL ï¬clnln ln mummy nnd will It tolvo Hm nlnvu Mlury After vMfl lrnlnng MirL The wmv Wu nerd wm quk In lhl unrrlu ma Our nut lrnlnlnu mum begins on June Mr ply now ncllme Color nude moor Wu Tarmm humanll you mm Em our gum MIN or 7264531 in um SALADA FOODS LTD uu mu and ma mum Mow mu Summrt monuu 1m mm an LEARN HAIRDRESSING Gavemmcnt Chartered School Thorough alum In Ill hm the of beauty culture nanmrmmmo $010014 11 WORSLEY ST mi mm or wormed 11 mm in mm éAUTOMOTIVE ygmhflmgdwm ant131414 mu mm cmgm 1mm waxy Im oran am CIn be men mm 8L HONDA $5 $5 hm on If Gunmm or will In Ammflu or III mike nah award not new imam NORTH YORK Molmlu or flu hm an 230 Dunn overheld Mm mm an or all nu ma ml wlmnw onzy man mm mm PERSONALS HELP WANTED Secretary For Senior Execuflve WOMENS COLUMN $150 WEEKLY SALARY SECRETARY FEMALE HELP CASHIERS MOTORCYCLES Required Immediately KOLMAR OF CANADA LIMITED 7205917 for an appoinhncnln SECRETARY Barrie Ontario ALLISTON $33 mil established variety mer chandising amnizalion with retail ovum in maria and Quebec requires young may give mm as am managers and ISMan Emulento pre ferred but not M181 MIIS bejlilling t9 Joule Reply In wnimg mung age marital Mus academic background and business expulcnca In be mined wary rep nonnative Sallagy pg beeping mm benef Ml in operation Telephone for per sonal Interview 7161811 Mn pm helluva you an lhh man you will be glven um omtunlty lo earn semlprofeswml cert flcale in Optometry Ind will main lh above salary utter short lrnlnlna perlod The man wo need wlll work ln the Barrie urea Our next lrnlnlng 0mm begin on June Ap ply now BelKone The Colon 31 Bloor St lbronln IANan DIlr am In nu ntan mm mm nua ovumInky lnr In MM nymnl mu Immn and on mum Arrl In Mn mt ï¬lm The man wowEn xiluaxbéwbova nvmga mp3 een 2M5 omuihlnqulmukmlï¬e yet WW es nom pnï¬sï¬on and galRy ll you 10 Lln to pm BEAMISH STORES CO LTD NEW AND USED CAR SALESMEN mm unlm Ia Am mu I1 malnu mun Mud nmrr mm mm Auly to Mr Norqu Madam 0m MI Tammy um Amen Mua be emlnmd Gmnpany car wwllod uamneed sal Bun mammflwrixï¬ 2111 7m gnu bgne WANT mm lulluh whom ml mam Alum all mu an mil mum Mun dun nm In pouu we Berm Emmm ADPU to Box 72 um urumr mum In wmw MIN uvcmma hum ml mu Tn mm Nl lAllIm hlnllnl Ind In lulophnm Tmnla nuA Acmnmu cramnun maul mum nun In urvllml qmnunmn mun mu anu mom HI 1mm mom on Canmd MM THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mun Extensive benefit program Apply Mansfield Denman General L1d Barrlg Iry 113 éiceuclx commlsaoh Ind nu plan Contact Mich BAY my FORD SALES Work on cordnxflm ulpmmt Ind lrudu Smafly 3m NW BAILEY CONSTRUCTION CO Orillla 324M422 11mm Mutual mp rm umnh ly um mm mm mm Mm nod lenl mom Ind pn lent pmnm mu mm mm Apyly In non ï¬bilu Inn1 llv mm mm mull htfllnfl ml WI 5m TDNMO DI vzn Am to up nu and sun umnurpu mu uumry ml olnnlnl ml mm In Mn Nunlul oml 10 HELP WANTED Want Ads Dont VCostThey Pay JUNIOR SALESMAN Ihdusfrial Electrician For Shift Work 1501 Carlsz Menus mmA Ontardi MECHANIC FTMEETELP MANAGERS ASSISTANTS let1391 TTIL 359$ VMALE HELP DUMoï¬T JAL SALARY $10000 imam Xequlre mm qualilim Madmen or new sdnol beginning In Sop lember Salary schedule In el lcct Alluwnm or parlance Apply mating qualiï¬cations to BUT HAWKINS Secretary Masurer RR ALLISNN ONTANO Morrison Township School Area imn In mmlnmmy v1 mm iginln lvlnmnlvu rnlnl In he My ll Darrin WNW than Kiwicl ml Mun ml Alma lluulmhtl llrplm Ilamalul Mn on ï¬rm lumime IMm ï¬lming Ilwllnn ml nmnlwr of lmniflalrn amm ulhm ml 1mm weth may In tMnlnrvl lmn Iv 11y Tr1k Uflkv ll Hlirr HIM mlr mm 1m hm my mm nu mrlly In MAM mmuunm my Uni In cum Wet than Aver Income 11 you In internal plea write mum age past expulence any For Me Holmanon plum write 10 Box 66 Bank Examiner Joan Jory Lula the 1W1 nhlp Vespro In In Qnmty of 511mm mme Woman in dlal on or about ho ley Hflh day of Fdxnmry mm mm ONnu IMHO lo the un dcrximcd on or bdmo the 23rd day June 1900 Mar which dalo KM Lndl will bum lld Amman he pnfllu untied mama and me Admlnlstrator 111 not be liable lo any prrmn Mme tL1Im he mu not then hzvu MUN DATE nl arm Onlnrlo lllh day of Juno AD 1006 WIIADN 00le I7 Ownl 3W mum 0mm flrnlnl lmhfl In mwlnwl wuvlvlï¬l will he rmlvnl by Um mlrnlmul up In pm Jllm 11 NM hr II 10th llqiarnnmt pnulumlrly llfl lmlmmt by local mtwrant Amienu must be experlanced In chum mamawa and able In pradm lood commendation Good yang Emily working condition Apply In wrlunl to no We require an ImblUmujmdamHM man or wmnln lnlmated wanted for new additional room snicilmvoc Amunmmnr nit Eximlnar BOYS and GIRLS Routes available in Barrie ï¬nd surrounding commun es mm on wonm no can llnd mm 11 be Mn mu no man woo monthly Join the 1mm menuam mum Sukryrlge Write hmllu 16w SIMCOE COUNTY IOSSORONTIO TWP AREA PUBLXC WHOOL BOARD nrnl tun munw rm cl nuu lmmtduh mu upmmu mm helvy mm mm wm In Box mn Landau ummlcm carvmur denim um mmn mo mum commu nmudeuln MumNI nlu Telemann mm II lEGAL All perm huvlnu dam walnut Ibo IMn14 JEAN MARGARET JOIIY also lawn my wmurmous mm mm Muntuunu mm 01 ynr old Hm Tnvel 14mm but urmnll In not mu necemry wnu an nudmd mm vnnh Anus om IZTEVNDERSV mas HELP Adï¬ns Noncaiobmfï¬ï¬ï¬w 10 HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED Stale full particulars to William Ireland Sect tmsumr Severn dge Ontario available at CIRCULATION DEVI 16 Hayfield SL Barrie 0R PHONE 7268539 TEACHERS WANTED BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES MALE FEMALE Appllcgflgy fogms TENDERS FOR CLEANING lUMINAIRES TEACHER WANTED lu mum Night Cleaher or Real Estate Salesman AUCIION HALE Friday June pm mam Fur HIM mer nan Innll fll Muddp xmnl mad mil mm ll ml at Imn vmdwlnny In ml at Imn vmdwlnny In duuvu lull qu of mvMn mung mumm 7mm only Nu vmlvo Um hum II mlvl Ibo Oomly will be recva by flu undude It his ofï¬ce In the My Allmlnldnflon Bulld 101 Bank Ontario will 1000 udork um D311 an THURSDAY JUNE 30 ID for tho ruininqu Emma My Hand No lo mm umm to ldmy In tho Mum lnnllfll 11w Mitt Indulu grading drolmn mmflar but mum Ind rmint mm Mullw Form nl Talkr ml Tm Dunlap may he mm At an aim hilly lhglnma Ofllcl for me mm Mun Him 1500 with will not be rt hnkd tmlllu dmmo for 55 flue Mmurl mind Itd mm WWW Mdl luv Ind Ibo ImMM H111 will In mnflml In pmle 507 INï¬mmwu nmvl AM 507 hint ml 1le Dnnd mm mill Mm Agumml JEIlIIT XMIIHN Amlmur Wpllh Im MI WM Ymu STARTER SEALED TENDERS will be oemd by the undenlmd up be pm EDST Monday hfl mm m3 0993 50 of Pigikae le lorcycle an one houwyce Electric sum to be mum on 1963 Harley Dayldson Sexvicar Spodï¬oaflxm and Tender Em valopes may be obIaand me My Clerks Office 84 Ocular Street Barrie Ontario mm or any lmdur not um madly aooepicd STRAUGHAN City Clark wowed up In pm HOSP Jun 1966 for as phak paving on various mm tn the ï¬t of Barrie madam mad pmmauon ml the WWW mNlMCI N0 6609 mum TENDERS on Ionnl wkmmuwcdy hunt or my Imkr will mt nmnrfly In mrqiul CLARK IJMu County hvdnm mm Mawmum an Darrin Narla 5600 tons ol lhlck Dense Graded Amos Asphalt flnn Overhuy 1720 tom of lhlck Hot Mix lot bald HM 300 um Hot Mx lloï¬ bald 1A Asphalt in with coal or hand plated path 00II gallans SS1 Wsflicd mu iack bat Spediieatiom and Tends MI lope may be obtained from the Office ol he th Clerk my all 0211111 ï¬red Barrie Maria Five Duiim n00 mnreluxinbic deposit required on Wilmllms mm or my Tender nm noc cmxiiy Accepud SiIMUGiiAN My Ink TENDHS FOR MOTORCYCLE AND NEWEWC 13 AUCIION SALES COUNTY OF SIMCOE TENDERS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION 33 PAVING TENDERS TENDERS MALE HELP ha Speciï¬cations Ind Tender en velope may be obtained It the City Clerks ofï¬ce lamst or any lender not nemwlly ne copied STRAUGHAN City Clerk Inclgdinl 653113 uuluery goo 20 Con 10 Innis Township Vc mile east of ngwwny 11 In Ibo VIII15A of Mad on SATURDAY JUNE ll AND FUNTHE TAKE Nm ICE llvl my Wu um llhlml HIM MI lml will In mjvllkial Iy mml Ivy um nah lIylaw ml Mn mm In Maul lnhwllry umOoundl nhlp qu nr hy MI Hum erflnr of AMI THA Nvtkv IM Hm FINHW II NI day 71ml llldmnhn wkTn urw ll wmhlp V91 Mnrlmckn will be AUCTION SALE Friday June 24 630 pm sharp For MRS HERMAN BONNEAU Ac 10 Concession Med ouie Mimip mllns straight out cryptsdaxg mflo gnawiwew mu um THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARNES NOTICE IN THE MMTER the clas MK pan of Am sum as shown on Ragstxcd Plan In madlydflmï¬emlthecmrny of Slmcoe mwhkv am ml pull um um lIyhrw In alone And up um pm Um MIIMI ml nlkmm Mum Is Mk la to NM GM of mummy ym an on mm vapln un uu by be mad Hwnlm man mklMï¬y Mull In On film ï¬mtm UK mm Liamini Annnown mm mm Sealed IepllMa Tunic In envelope mvldod will be celvod hy maundmigned up Monday Juno Sale of good housde furni lure including some antiques eleddoal uppuances rota trac lor mu lawn mews won Terms msh No mscrve as the ano Is svld TAKE NWCE ha Lhe Coun cil ol the Win at Lha OVY Bank will AM the bIloauon of this Nofloe on once week or four suc cmive melts in BanIa Ex nmlncr miller and donned epedlam 1mg nynyg lo close at LhntpmalAdm Sued human the west urly limit of Oliver Street cording llegLstcnd Plan And that pan Adam sum cloud by Bylaw Number EM and mom pnrflmlnrly Limabed in Ibo drafl Bylnw which my be pom the larka Dulce the Sly all during dï¬m houn AND FURTHER TAKE Nar ICE that any pawn ho claims that Ms land will be mludldal 1y alluded by qu Byan and wpllm In ho hum shall be hand by the 0mm ol the Iowawon nl ho my 41 Bar flc 01th In pawl or by Onmsd Solicitor or Agent THIS NUHCE ï¬rst pub lLshcd an IM 20th day cl May AD 1066 BEN STRAUGHAN UM ol the Wk the City of Bor rle by Ms Micflm BOYS SEAGMM AND ROWEL Own sum Bank Ontario 0n publth nl um Noun 74 km am im lour ruc mlw wad In 11 mm Enmlrw AND Amrn podinu WI Nam lrp hr load um nmh 11x at ml public 1m In lb Irmmmm nelfh IM Ml clan nfl IZTENDERS THE CORPORATION OF THE NWNSHIP 01 WEST NOTICE IN THE MATTE 0F Ule closing pm of the original mad allowmen bdwm his 13 an II In the flflh mmdm of Vann mm in the lam ly Simone TAKE NOTICE Hus 1M Dunno all Wnlkxx r1 um l4PUBLIC NOTICES laAUCIION SALES ooï¬mmwhnd 1110mm Auctioneers Terms dish VERNON Mm Auctlnnccr Phane Slmud mm TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 TENDERS FOR TRUCKS nulle wuery wot and sonic Irquue fall hm HONOR SCIENTIST tlitYIIAWA CH3m laden mam depuunen mm was Way received Flt lemn medals lo extensive eon Mm to Canadian meteor OIW Royal Meteorolme my bloom Black Otwwadepumm lupefln tandem of mulch Irelnlng and development and Inner did at we Moro ozleaa branohn camel may titles In MontreaL cor nunRicANa sum ï¬fm ï¬gkwï¬ï¬ï¬ no on lho mm US was have been mm by Na Hard Emmi Owndl in 01 tam from orbiting American yean gamma Mmy tha mull reported Way lhe NRCu mum daea r9 caMnx swim elm melved or lira ume inhaled mm Punlune as mod ova Fem ddey in resumlng hearing an competing plan to supply Dn txlo with more mm mm Noniem Natural Ga Omaha song he delay an ground new mauxlnl had been ï¬led In the ease by common TransCanada mp Linc 1M whlnh plan to deliver an rmn Albem Via the U5 MOVE EMMESE TWINSV maomn 0P Exe Sa mese twin daughters of Mr and Mn 00an McGee Gublpfh Malay were moved mm their imitate at the Hospital lou Sick Children The wetknit babies ancd mm be chest to he névd now an In room kept sIlghLLyabove normal lem penmm ISSUE ATOMIC STAMP UHAWA CPIA now Ive ocnl posits stamp IllusLIaUnz peaceful use awmlc energy will an on sale My 17 was annomeed Thursday The sum maxilla of Cana dian ï¬dcnum and mark Can Idas Hrs ammonia large scale pmduoflm cl nuclear oloddc power the Douglas Paint scaLon on the more of Lake 11mm DELAY GAS HEARING WASHINGTON 1UP la Federal Power mien WW weeks womb ans IN BRIEF do they always come back toIBA WEJ because its such good ale EXAMINER FRIDAY JUNE no eign mm Brails Don Alencar dé Vu mules arrived Thursday to me over her new maiden Mn WM 65 Id one of her ï¬rst MN will be Shake spewn Festival It swam Spe has published several books NEED TRAINEE STAFF UHAWA OP Willing wnlkled stall L1 the MM ad mlnNrauveptdblem lacing lht extomm Main down11cm the Canmom edema allllrs com wnmee was mid madly The deganmem is about 400 persons short 01 ï¬lling IL 1900 pnsIfltm said Williams 1mm macrmry date or 3mm Blinks UNCONSCIOUS 21 DAYS OTTAWA UP Warren Wm In an army private rum ï¬anldom Ont who was stricken with sleep stables at Camp Fetawzwa last Oct 15 entered hn day at unem sclqusncsa Fthgy hqyplhal NEW ENVOY WOMAN WMWA UP The ï¬rst Maï¬a pastel pr mkuman said Pee Weeoe Mn led Inmvemnfy has been Icing weight here wai little hope for recovery GIVE INDIANS UQUOIIW WMWA CPI More and more treaty Indiana are voting to 41va liquor on reserve as gmviyclal laws are made note Emmi report the Com mm standing oommflm Ln Indian swam 11m said 171 of Canadas 550 bank have VANGUARD ENSIGN TRIUMPH SPORTS CARS 75 Bufllld 718411 chlir to AITIJTIE Anthorhed Dad For HAROLD JORY MOTORS IIUAD SERVICE 718416 to glow mks1 mam more uqomï¬nu in every HOURLY EARNINGS HIGHER MIAWA 0P Avenue hourly uninnlpaid In Lho manufacle Induuflu kg January Immted ms one cent from Decembu Iha Dominion Buruu Stallsuc ported Madam FIND FLEEINO SPOUSES TORONTO CMSpecial In Vesflgalms ol the provth we 11mph Iaqf ym 13 WOMEN umnmem 153 ya 954 Igungleghya lad Manda Mlnlmr hauls Cwfles anmxd report to lusui Thursday said an flng mm 252 per cent cl the lam sought muted WM 21mm Mellon me In the 1M ï¬scal yew WORK IN WET NAM HAUFAX CHTho hon lclellerald am mrmmm dredge Swellmaster of Saint John N3 is en mm to South Viet Nam to clear wroduagl and the debris mm maml ta undo the has In the 115 lovemmml Ihe dmdges 60 new number will be paid to H000 week plus dlnger TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 774344 SNIDER DRILLING 1185651 CMIGIIUMI