Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jun 1966, p. 4

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We have had good many vlimu Min mlmlrml nhMr dd Mn Dmccn Roth inlmg thllm lo the wood caLvinx Ann golf lmlsh when ho nvunno family homo had mrml bxrmn the pan lnur uhldu was munlly Irrved or vaMng nnd Mm lnInIHK mum on pmumlar oc 3County Change Better Former Warden Sure wm muiixmzm In try to an muss calmy hmng lho flrflu point think legion govemnmt theoomlnxthlnxlthu to because pm fical but still hale to 500 30031 emmcil losing Ihuir pow us said Emle Miller mm wardcn Simcoe County who now mfidenl ol Bane qnd malnlcnanm superintendent or county buildings Fast senfimmls are not me an first came to Bar kle county councillor had in drive to Orillil and mm mated by Highway 11 he stating Io mug in have By WILLIAM CURRAN ntnmw cilidnn Edam don In play In he parlour Md usually boom lho hm lumLh In mum mmm nhmhrl In many old v1 L9 for Deal governments It was suggtslcd perhaps lo cal counclls wwld ad more than boards al trth ln pm mldw police village where they 1001 am purely local im pmvumenu CHANGE INEVITADLE rmmm Ammmmh Corner Chair At Cookstown Is Relic Pioneer Parlours OOOKWWN Slum Ion nlw draw allcnllnn as IIIII or dmir mcr 100 years um build farmer your whom nmnnx plonmr relics Nd the mud on usunUy um Imn bun numllnz particular kmL aumflm Imnanl MN MVP mm mu ho finnlnfimd Alliston Rotary Club is mak Put Photograph shown Mng wading pool 11 man base or pool now in umial nylon 14 Elvetdala calm nl commzcflonmi on mm mflmdcd lo pmvlde nary and mum route mm 00 waln Barrie Thu mancu Barfly prac the onHJme Coldwaler vnuage move HMO14 ed as he added the comment Anyone WM is oxward look ing will have to go along with the changes which are coming my town mmt Counly administration as scssmcnl and welfnra came about because this was prank cal Local assemncnl and we ems but 11 use lmvd devices change was inevitable Wing Ind other magma nrvlnx And mid linlsh Thondmlr Mons him em NEW ROTARY WADING POOL BARRIE TEEN TOWN Ilulmd IIUI IrNI min In In original no color chnlr In hem 0w Infill MM mlylo mm mm oItIllrmn Mm hm mu II moflm mm ud Mn Mk ma fared in thru mu mm mum pm Ivy KOM ytau 11mm in mm demand lodny lnr surly lumllun mhlch ll mmna though In ho rmorrd In good mmmlcm Fame Inch pim nm mum muan Ion also draw allcnllnn dlvl MM farmer your whm flu mm usuauy mu kmL 1hm alien hnnz cnmmcnl mums yhnnm Mich II mumII link with Ike mm MIMI Iudul nnrl mlram mmhlnzf Iho murk snowplawing eqummenl had been greatly munwed Munici palities have nddcd mwh Num men since than and people to dny even on microns demand mrvicos they didnt in the WI In lbs deprmslm yum wa were alum reminded lo econ mile many poop didnt have be many lopay their axes and ohm loud It struggle uld the lormcr warden who headmi Simone County Comm In 1946 Illustrating the change con diunn lodny will mo Mr Mll lcr mid when he first became county cmillor mosl ul the were then you would 51ml in Um snuw Since he late 30s Mr REL ler was Kim eluded to Cold wawr council in 19 and first ERNIE AMER Foaming Al The EMBASSY SHT JUNE ll 115 AND THE BLUE SET WIN VALUABLE DOOR PRIZES EVERY WEEKI unnx ll nhmlld have ard lkdnl Ice no so the mute hoc Iwy mun could play in ma Whm WM Ind mid the ammo Ivwmhlp mm Md Am and may bothy and mmno aI Ibo old Cald wnlnr Palmo IlInk which nume Anu pmvdul or me qudnl want to ha younl WI In 11m am May dmlmi nl hockvy skauna and rmcMIonnl mu Mr mum old he tell mum munity um led be mt value MaMu ml Hm lllf mwlinu lmllory would Ilka that male phln uld the hummer mu Mr Merr commented on tho good mnly leadership under mo horse meme Mr lialnn whom he ngcsuxl mm the second younml county war den In humy In my opinion MI 100 per cent an outslmd Ina warden uld Mr hlfllcr 131mg me pmcnldly loader Och 00 lr MlUrr said he conUnuui lo be much interested in the vllllxe when he md lnr no Ian and he huncd In no Rood commun lly Iplnt here Anoihcr fllmafion manlionai wzu that mmnbors ol Parlim men at Ottawa then mered $1500 per year without any Id dmonnl tax me allwancc comparison to todays $11000 yaar mgular salary and tax we expemo allowance at $3000 In nddidtlon thaw mm extra ccrvloea sudl unnamed tree all Nan some free use Mr Canada and cumin rec mnflinc privilogu 11er has been big chanzu In prices or Just about every thing since then he said flat Inx any mmpnnmn should taku thin Mn corwidmafim chmr hotel bflLs and meals HA said Ihe average Mel bill was $150 each per night when the Immbem thawed double and Ihe meals wens 60 oean Today the mcmhen revive 520 per day plus 10 cean per mile b0 ways When the Ln flannau and is considered Mr Miller wasnt sure whether the 1939 mombm werent bet er LEADERSHIP PIMISED aiom Todw most the mem bell drive balk and their home municipalities daib because ha good mark and regular wintertime snawplowing INFLATION REFLECTED that Mudflats then recelmd $4 per day session allowance and mileage once week The megnbleu may pgy for HT ALLISTON Maw lor WP WA on M73716 splash sinvmoy 611 cm hxm wly beam nu tar hum Ingo and II popular Any place when would um me said the nativn Shul burno who nlso has lived nl narrlo Orlllia Orangeville and other place More mm here 15 yuan an The now commmum pond is ouppllmi Min 10000 speckw mu per your Ind mom mnnA paradise beam provid Inu wimmlmz and wmlnz ladl Ilku and nldlnx to Tulcnluml ugnlc afmogimc Lam bawllnz lanl 2m born mar wort hm and the local bowling Irmn canlinuu lo bu pomlnr 1M ball park Organ opmcnl cmuxmy whim L1 haw adive with pmmotion work was at uni sequences his tilmUon Tolienham today can boast cl its wn municipal waier lyuem in mm disposal plant it has ample Hydro power to alter any new indtukins and Ilsa muna gas crvicci va17m here 11 we are on ma verge wine Neal do velovmem laid Donald Flock local mNchnn and pm limo clerktreasurer believe um loo because our commule now my NW east min mmhmbmi While Ms pram populnllon al 900 is not mud larger than 35 year or more ago my civic imprwemenu and senice have mused mom mlhuslmn haul mi beep qyldeng lot qu WHMI Stall concerted drive in promote Tot cnham lndiutrlnlly and other wlso has been gaining mnem wm so that Ioday almost any visitor will be told of in ad vnnlaga livkm In thin en mprislng Soulh sizmoc village named mu pioneer county an madnnnhed Inan whim mate ram living man like Ming in towns or bu be Mt the bid way llad advant exes tun PRICES LESS For one th prices werent so high taxes were away dawn and you needed haw for your horse you could go It and cut it instead at having to buy gasoline he said stating tamn Ma In Earlier eras mean hud work but was moye but in the 01d days we were hav on much leg bum con dition were Merent ha and We didnt have car until m1 THE BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY JUNE 1066 Tottenhom Plans Civic Promotion Retired IVY Farmer SQYS Old Era Good Magma Acadcmylwd DISTRICT NEWS WW ml mu Dull Canon and hLu We the lnrmcr Elennor Franck Min son Teams And Huck lhm chlldtm swim Ann Ami In Therm Irene and Ind wu lllm Raymond Davld mldn mum 0mm Mr and Mn Eric Canon Angus Onllrla Serum Carson mm the RCA nl Tammu In 1952 He wn lulned nadir Tech nlclnn It mum Ontario And his urved louu duty at Canadian Puree uses at Mm mu Onl 5L Snlwsm PQ Tollno BC Edlal 001 mu Franu Ind mm recently It llama OnL Mum he has been nu 2d 11m Nyqulm mm RCAF Mr Defence Command Helderer have Announced 014 pmmoUon lo Semnnt Corporal WlIllIm Carson son of Mr ung Mr Eric Canon elude Reeve Fred Madman and Commissioner Stone and Thomson was credikd wflh makLng nrnpla power nvfllnblo or industry mwrable rllea Mr Fleck laid the ram won the dieape north cl Toronto Telling the pond dove mm Reeve Medan mid It was mu Advmmgo lo the cammnlly fllo Conwvallon AumodLy purchased lha Abu ham arm properly and Tollcn hum mkflmed ho pond which LI wen the Mllc ndore that when vm arrived Ivy Ind had to to to lawn or suwlles we hluhed up the learn qnfi day wacky get MilE needed arm jg gimp upg Am 353 mm up with Ithe laid explain inx he cm upme In me when he mined ha Dwamenl Land and Forest filth We he remained or 15 yam BANTING RELATIVE In mar la quuuonx Mr Mug add his Mar was lksk main Sh Frederick Bmflnl codisooverer Insulin Winn Alflstonl 3am Memorial H1111 School wax nam °d WWNWZWW mm mm la WJV WWFEQHWWI in M15 momma63 We used lo look onward co that Mp Now they just drive In Burk In law minulea and Emu1dr Lhapplnz dam in no It all Pgiqdqa out in gamingaim Mr Md 1n msmdégnged my wwxnmmndm He was devout to his re search and mutated on his mum be an the Ma D11 Banflng Having mad l2 years on the 02h 5M wlmrmleer fisrére available and it is hoped new Industry will locau here Th Ban1 whim mm in gash MM the Smnd World mtre for all enlhusimu lwl pointh out my Indus Former Angus Man Promoted By RCRF TH MOST MODEM DRIVEIN NORTH OF TORONTO STARTS TflllflY SHHNTY BAY $2333 innisiii Council Lneiudinl two reeve Mr Banting had con siderabie munieipai experience Hi1 sonininw Joseph Lennox in member Thurman Board 01 Trustees mina arent aiwaya an easy on done when you are on tha inside they seem when you havent the responsibility he said when asked what he mum ol presentday Wk tux es and government in general They are laced with probJ lama today we never had he added mentioning the steadily inmuinz demand for more so ciai WW mm wages and BOX OFFICE OPENS ATUI Em SHOW ART AT MOST HAPPIER TEEN Allvwfing or the mat strides award In production he won dered mla were any hot man May WWMW° were 11 er in meggum 1W each other more If Immune had in mash 611 Joined In and hslped mus ITHEOSCAR 51m WI jfllSUMMERFUON RENE IUHORDMRJOCHWIHJ musmnmuume gpl£uvgwgslmmg mm mum1mrumueiiimmr mm vimm MIflfdummwmmm Aommummm Mm rmmm THIS IS THE BIG DRAMA BEHIND THE BIG DREAM 0F HOLLYWOODS GREATGOLD RUSH IIIIIIVI II II Gulhlll DN lllnlc Ind Mill numbI KIRK DOUGLAS WWW LASITRAIN MOM GUN HILL SAVANNAH LODGE com mm mm MALWALUS Junu swncss Wun GAVE You NUW anmss mu ULTIMAT NOW SHOWING TUESDAY T0 FRIDAY CIdlr lebour Alcona Bnch Concession 8th Road oppulh lnnllfll Flrk His Country Squires Every Sulurduy Night DINE DANCE lo GEORGE KERNT Jgmwwmmmmxfi 4m Imle Ruthsrun For Romvfllom Cnll 4363005 imam manninuuu cufnnr on may to rebuild They tried lo 1m war me other lnlcicsu when mixtuer unw innings soclal ccurny dues this in way today but It Jun dogfl aeqm he Mme Asked what he thought nbwt ha change In the area Mr glancing smiled he thought or moment gum It has all been for the better hope I0 anyway he marked Thamton was idendw com munity good neighbors and he uld he very much epprecleled lhe place NOW SHOWING Evenlnll It 1100 Ind 9100 JACKPOT $100 WEALTH ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE Every Thursday 35 Colllor Strut MUST GO SPECIALS SHARE THE GEORGE MRHRRIS RICHARD RRSEHRRI RRRE ERRORS DANA ANDREWS RAFC IleTEDARTLSTS Mull ml IIIHIIVMY TIMI IN MAIN DINING ROOMS 430 Io 8x30 The Continental Room 12 Noon to pm Smorgusbord Ahnr Church In The Main Dlnlng FULLY LICKNIHD UNDER THE 10110 SUNDAY NIGHTLY IN THE STARLIGHT ROOM CALL 7261314 FOR DINING ESERVATIONI FRIDAY NIGHT FOR YOUR DINING PLEASURE IS OBSTER NIGHT IN MAIN DINING ROOM Continental Inn RELIVE THE GAY NINETIES AT BARRIES CONTINENTAL INN GEORGINA JIMMY SATURDAY BUFFET NOW APPEARING For Your Entemlnmont FEATURING NIGHT DANCING SUNDAY BRUNCH 930 lo 00 Par Pmon 5L9 plun hx Includlng

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