Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jun 1966, p. 3

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SYSTEM INADEOUATE Vancouver Sun Although Parliamant is getting some business dono in spite of its pmccupa flan with scandal the absence of real accomplishment polnts up the vital need for reexamlnnllon of the system itself In this county as In Britain it has be come clear that tho respected traditions of parliamentary government are inade quate to the demands of this second half of the 20m century 11 II prrunml plmnnrnh uhhll nu wlmArHy m1 m1 mm mute mkwl Mr Imam Hm hm hymn Vtfll IM Wm Hm Fonlnnr Ta hurt UR mmwl mw IHm imludru Lnmnln shnll Most Canadians try to understand the ramifications the Negms tight for racial equality in the United States Here in Canada we do not have ma jor racial problem to contend with like that in the 115 when twenty million Negroes seek full voting ri ts more job oppommiiies and an en to regre gation True we have an Indian ques tion but it is minor when compared an the Negro problem south of the bar er Negro leaders like Revl Marlin Luther King are putting up clever ooung anus fi hi to win the longought battle for the people Sometimes they risk their lives like James Meredith key figure in the violent annals of Missis sippis civil rights movement Ha was wounded by shot blast while on mamh to Jackson 15 Violence oi this kind shocks Can adians and also thmw the racial prob lem badly out of focus There are mil lions oi poor whites in both the south ern and northern siates whose lot is little better than that oi the lowliest oi Negmes These Hoopla have nlospokes HE WHO HELPS LITTLE CHILD Regina Leader Post New yrotootivo leglslntton affords plenty of security to those who are enough to come forward with properly subatanttatod evidence of mistreatment mmch NICHOLSON UlMWA In lb Santa mmmd mood ln your Fauna 1mm thru cl Maan mud that our Pan llama will never rim unul bod Mr Yemen Ind Mr Dielenbaku upland by now Inadm Inked ludtr of our mini puny lhc Now Democrat what he Mt About this mam1mm or our poll ml Me And Mmy Douziu mnlerod tho Crornr larmuin wk penuulvclymnmd autumn ll ll In lllmlm la lhlnk ml OMMLII MM dfliuwu mid ho wlml mrrcly by Ina Imlnmmnl at two puny hud em mm In ml um Mllcd net at MI Ink hi hi Illnl Hoot win Inmlmy Mike the Hull Imb lml in not In luvw up men tvr 0m HMMI Ind Cnmflr 11M on In unnvmm with he whale Wuwn woml rlnl mnTwm yn IN hm om llm pawn lull lluhuu flu lmmu nl yummy Nruher limb 0mm mvn whim mlklu dulmnl In um dume mnditlml Mum cull Inc rompirlu 1r mlrMann Wnlur Urule Hm ml MAI In NM lhh NM My Int bow who mnlml Hut pally mm mvvrr mm lho Guam wmI In In lulinwnl Mm Immr Hu Jvmlor ml wunml mlnNM wally IIM Jonlm ulna ml mumrm Ih uh HIM MInnl lluumhl Hy Mam Hulkm hm hm Mlvn luln Ih mm he uulnl by us In man nor organizations wmkin for them and no politicians or Ma Lu ther Kin taking the cudgel on lhetr behalf iany of em are discouraged and downtmdden They watch as the Negro wlnsthe headlines and often the sympathy In true sense these poor whites have created their own form of backlash against the Negro movement not so much from the standpoint of resent rlnI nw mlm IUINT IOI PINHIEHHY Walll Publisher Racial Equality Is Not Easily Solved In US OTTAWA REPORT Sees No Advantage Replacing Leaders 3119 arms If Publlshad by Canadian Nawnpupm lelted 16 Bayflald Street Barrie 7091711110 DOWN MEMORY LANE MoPhIruon Mannan Editor mun JUNE ms PAGE£ Fnulhly mm hm rm ml lnvmltnml Wu nhmlvl the whim tl Mullah Mal In mu wraith lMulnl In mlan III MIN Itmll mum nu lmnry In ulrmm our mmrd IFIIMN mlwr Um In Mild MW Ihnnnuna 1w lu HUI 11 IHQVPmnlhnn p01 Mn IM IN Hm haw will link wuull 11mm and in ands lha 501mm Mauheun pnmlor Indi ouod mm Would you ammvu Iuir hum comelllng such lvpalrll mm Mind Mm Yes ho mild pd llclyowned Canadlnn usva mt mm In whkh mo Maul lovnmmanl had only mm 10 rm lnlerd muld bu used In lake any luck numbed by ha puhllc llxgl mum the CDC prlmo All Amend pnlnt mxhl In to ulnhllnh rrnlblic relallmnhlp Mwm trim wan and put luv Sweden hm mown an way In Ml Hold My nld Im qun um by mth mm yum um um Nutty had mumd Iunh unlvcmnlly lmw hmlfln mm In Men man n1de than or In yam TMnlly uld we mud man In mullahlu dlwumon lmvmu lln he mu umil Ivfin III mun hurlta In mm mllnnnl 1M dmlrl In duml mull Mdy an II pmdnnl but lmnu In ynuhnhm mm mum lhm nmhlnl mhll 1lmAl lnr anymn runny um Hm um hmmwl mm our in MINMI rank lnhl Tummy um an Mwl luv nwll nmflinrl Vale AIM II plalw um nuwly In In rrllnu HMO lhal Irma In Iluw ink Wait mum develownmt 5mm Mm the other wa when he sus eats the hel less chll is being vlc mized Ph ii Brooke once phrased it He who eip child helps humanliy with an lmmediaieneu which no other help given in any other siege of human 1119 can possibly give again of child The lnlonnauon ls confl denllal and those who report are ex empt mm llbel Even if the law had not rovlded such prolectlvo umbrella for nformanu ll Ls dlfflcult to under stand how any human belng could bo so unleellng as to turn dea ear or look gho other way when he sympcqts lhnt Thousands of these once lowiy Irish weathered their own economic storm and by dint of hard work climbed the ladder to mm mspemus times and even to great wealth They say Le thiLNegllo cairn his place as yel Thls 15 only one form of backlash There are others too White men re sent the Nam taking jobs they feel they 5319914 $°n3efimell°x defi pléieVofflclal Waghlrriétonrsfl imtuda to the Negro pmblem often to the exclus lonofthe whit mama Eredlcgment slowl especially in the US It possible that the Negro is mov ing too fast for his own and Ho waited 100 yeam in the sout for the vote He cannot rfifiht all wrong against him in man or year He must prove too that he is lawabid ing citizen and that he can take his place alongside the white man in the operation of the nation 16 Racial oauauty therefore 15 not an easllysolve uesuon The Ne ro den serves the voe ha has the ht to work and to bring up his family de cent circumslancea But often in his fight to desegregate restaurant and buses he shoulderlng his wa throu lpngrreoognlzled pustnmgu ch 516 person soon becomes failure who decides never to work unless he feels like doing so ment dying the black man but mote form of protest against their own In Boston many or the first families whose ancestnrs came Mm Ireland have not Iongotten the dnys when their grandparanls and greatgrandparenu were reguded In much the samo way aslha Negroes today WIIIon General Manager mun wdlnm mm and labor leMIUm ha qu Look II Medan Icaln an In crunch mm has no minivan wan El by pay ptobIem ora Thu LI the formula moaned hymnloadadoheNowDum mu yur old Tawny Dwain who lpeth with he plumm lbs man who hu hoodcd overnmcnt lmler lhnn my emu CAMdllll mvl mm In 17111an Mo with the am nmflm ol Nberul Foul kafll Fromm 11mm MIM flwfilfil in nuded an Pur by It mt Uh lam Dully fiumllyl IM Elnlulnry Hnlhlnyl urmlrd Subwlpuon rnlu duIIy hy um um unkly I11 yearly 5mm mi Iu Inn Ily mall mm HO ymly Onllrln 110 If Ilwlnr lhruwoL yur Mull ulnth OMI fin yum llllllll null llrllinh nmnlma mm yur NHL Im lnnlln mm yur MINI L1 lnlvrrliir Au annnln CANI url 5L Mnnlunh 501 um an hr El Vnnmwm nw Lnmdlnn Im II urhumly rnllllnl In In or muhnmlm of NI mu Illruka In IMI pwrr mfliml In ll Th Auoclnlnl llru nr MIMI and II Un Incl mvu puMhhrIl lhmn Amhth xde tlm null Im Olllco Darrt mml Ottawa And or mypwnl nl VOIUII In Mvmlrrr nl Um Cnmlun Ime Ntmpnwr lulvllnh AllMlaHrm lhl nn ILHMH Im ml Amlil mm IINIUHMI HIII 1mm Hmnnr Uni nruulnn dommury lwlnn lum lawn rm MIN Hu mm 11 mmnmm hawk ml lnmh ml Ihal Hm 1141mth my wqu runlml lmh mm Innmlhl human In ear Md MIN WI Ir WI 1i mmlul mvamlu Ilw mm lvallln mm mm W11 IIVHM Hun1mm shvIM Imp numml lhr man lvuulrn 1a M4 wnlml 1N mm le all six me the area ulm times Ihe populnlivn and 50 per cent stealer mmmeni was pushed through in very qucsilonnhio manner without regard the mmnmendnians lhe Select Comm ol the Ontario Lez iliaim on the iiunicipai and Miami Acts which 01 in cal MPP was mumbrr and should have insislzd chm both onmia Ind village aulhnrilics respect and allow lhcso recom mendnuonsl and without regard to he Inc that Premier hurls hnd appointed Han Mcnuer QC lu look into this very emsinn oi democracy This annexation was to be came maxim Jan 1906 he liming of whid 5+de com4 plus luck ordinary common um and caused lbznl cmm Irl r4 ha Department Mum klml Ami admit um Iomeono had odd No pro vmnn wn mldc or the paw llu of the annexed ma Oak vlew Beach In luva nny rm mentmnn the iLngo coun dl period two yam PM the apparatus deltbtmla Alum lo drprho thew tlUunJ at their demo cratic rlzhu The rem and ha mull the VHlnxe Wm Bend wm no main that they would haw mm the annexed arc lor two yuan lhnl hey 1de mi vehb mrnlly Ind rmnltdly whldn ltd one 1mm lhnl hla us wrnnm could only have emin Mcd in My dopmmcnu ol governman The mm Ind bl cmmcll nhkd Iml loud hy eury nvm mum lhclr Wu la mwm rr £10410 mtr the mllme Vlllua Wm mm mm mm lum but KIWI ho mltlmu Oukvicw Henri holr ml Iml damn nrnflc rim In mu Um they wnhrd mmrol lhclr munici Ju mil And ewendnum munlclpal Million of Mich My umld mulbulo 35 of lhu tutl nm lnrlunllrly hm mm In molulo mldrm 0k New Ilmdl On rduul In quima ln my dmlnl cl Mir drmomm um and mm mm unfll my Dual wmwl lmm he Inurln 171mm mndl ml Onlnrln Munkb ml 1mm nrnl mrr lhv runVt Inn at rum ml Iho VII Ingn mum 0M Ihlrh wu dcmwulknlly 11qu um It WA flhmm try Ihm inn kni Ivl Mumpwlly drumUr aw man Unler rm damn my ml tmrlmmnlnl nl er MKWH luur mum INMI ll wn llnnlly rnnlnl Ivy In 1m In Um Mlurlo Munlrmnl hum nr mwul Nnclwn mrr rnllrlwl HIIM Mala hath lm JUN 11 EROSIONIOF DEMOCRACYV Deu Sir Democracy bdrm eroded and not by its avownd enemies but admin 115 vodt erou delenden and ll high at ca holden Perhaps Mm In Onmio has this Insidious erosion been more nvldmt man at Wasaga Bach durinx the pa seven years 1hL1 eroflon culminated wllnln Inn last six monlhn when wllh the Orderuh Council 1mm annexn flan 915 Yllpge gt Wasaga Death of Oakvlvw liéadliwii THE GREEN STUFF ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR wm he vrrIenullon Un mm Puma lllnnml lanlllllnu IM lml mun lwlxomlu nhmnx llln lltl anvlwr Mul lhl lunmlmulwnl In ril by HM DamianM Ann ml For NI In nrqnlu hn lwnrh mm ml M0 1m hurt lmn flu Mlh watrr mnrl wadluny In with ol In mm mm wqu wu lllwhul II Irwfllnl IM INIUNI Mrlwry mnmuln In Win null led in Tmonln mly In MunIv vhm all our Iwm Im tmmnum Mwugly Mnjnlwl Ihln pmmm In vralluvl Ma mhm ml moan ll annmnrnl and mm Ilnnmn an IM In Ih ruflmwl Mn hnvII ruvvl and lhrlvinl rnmuwnHy MI mo WM Mhrmrl Mu lvrrn Ilrrmnwl Aw lnnuuhlul uithml mnquUm my lilvl wilh lurll may or olhar lml III nr nlnrllwl nml mmvlnml Menu All Im Pm van In It Ihmrl It IAN WWI Illmluwnl Im lrmflfl up The flash the mom wllh the installan of our pay entrance was fly and um cconomlcal method Lain funds for tho necemry service Mar Mdhavo oma 10 enema nva the Mame or perhaps wt cl allth rain in passenger car llwuu 1m alarm cl he Iueel wu done In optic nl Ilron oancHnn by practically everyone Incluth ha Dumber ol Commerce bua lneu men and private roman owners 1111 was flagrant noman democracy TAKE OVER Ibo Ume the takeovar ha Damnmen Land and Forest piannlng cam mlllea dlrrdau the saga Bench ohambcr Com mme and other individual wu rel up who bopelully mcled wad an ha Depart menl in yr lrnprovuncn was dll Mully 1mm nonman NI miller he wrll cr In an open lalkr lo the Hon Kelso nnbcrll Mlnlmr Land Ind Forum durlnx 1906 wrote Ll your drvplrtmtnl had 11424 with tho Msdom ed uovunmenl ll waul not nniy hum welcomed And work with mud amines bql mm mimed um Mich We ho Faithlan had not already been owned of local knwdcdgmbln clllun work with your dqmrimcnl mm dmmmrnl wtn It awn MN my llwndrrinl an mm one blunder In Another mmmlna power And wntrol our are never mvhutd der lry mu nr by Hm mum lrlnnlmn or nllmu Mm In viled thtrn In for 1m 1m two wan meclnlly II In been ncqulrinl nr Wmhm or rumrmnn Almmxul Ihtrnlly dcnylnl rmqulllonl wllhmll rovullnt M10 NI plum and hu mdnd the Mn when ll lnrondu buMm ha Illa rl ha mannamy well an IM lmmu lrmlllm mhlmu on mummadafimeolm Each especllally on Spudlysl my convenlencéi and was policing Menmar Um remvnl ul LheI muck 111 mm was gamma the poqlbllty01 lhe Emviyce saw mills etc 1m me much of the muck um wnsh In with the pawIlla was my wlnds In seven yam the Department Lind and For at has done Mug devise proper machine or an suck Ing up and mmvinz muck Mich mm haw been Marko Mn in mm mm Idva his beach gamma gunmeandopeqtqunwlr um Loom CHAN NINEVITA 0L runumn ulumm hm rhlrptl nlnayumhl lwy Illh mmll lvlmlv Ml mmmel nrv Mm 1m nuv lwv llvk vwv mqmmn yumm mu Mr mimi ynfw alrn uvrvlmunv My mu IraMn nu III In um um Ihm Ihnll In In men In In Imfl mu um And on nhnII In It Tn mm mu flhfllnl mom mu um um IM mm ML Imp mm mm 7m unmu flu miuml yr mhlnhmnwl Ilml ynur lhlfr Jmu NH IN cum lllm unlor levrl governmml wllh ml adrqunlo consullnllon wlth 1110 local ml whom It wu designed In MML Then an llne word try the Prtmler Bul la It Min talk or doc In mun What ho say For here than hu boon Ihmlnlcly no consultation wllh local pcwlo lhrwzh thrlr local comnmrm nr my olhcr way lry the Do pmmtnl Land and Forum and num Dcpirlmbnl ol Gov ommcm 0n the mmll In on In munlrlpnllly and 1M ruldcnll by hrlr Aerrel plln lhm luck lcmlmhlp an the ml ha bull mmdl Ink llwm dummi Inu In In consulted um could bu unwed 01 how uwlxl Mrn drny mu In mnMrily Inc rnldmll of hu mumdmlllfl Uwro lMlkaualI Mu pmpuul mm dhcmfilnl munrll Implml In Iva Iwkrdflp and prepared to do he nmmry mew andnz ml above NI rtpaml In demand that My rm cmwllul In mater um mmn m1 mmnunfly mu truly ll lhmrll lnzuh WMMA llmh all the properly all those Ihay hnve lnlured and who wlsh to sell vhat Lhenl Expropria tlon There are many nho hnva barn here 30 40 50 or more yum who do not wlsh to sell At any prlc and rLrnply do not intend to be cxpmprllted EDITORIAL JAn odllorlnl In the Globe and Mall at Aug 23 1063 read Emroprlallon An exercise ubltrary power no matter how many reward are pro vldod or how dunucrallc the body which Impose lad But most peopa are prva to accept cxproprlnllon lhelr yummy nmsary evll ll they are convinced that or the common good that there no reasonable alkmallve and thatohw are being 0011mm ed nlrly an hclr losr Bul hem here Are mlm who at convinced 11m this exprwrll don mn acquisition mp by tho Dapmmont not or the common good ellhero local resldenu and pmer owner or the people of on provlnco generally and more over hay bdlovo lhlt Ihem ll dellnlle and much more rel lonabla Ilkrnltlve but an Inn flu Daparlment thlnkl that all wisdom llc tho head tow pcopla ln Toronlo no held my wlll be mdo ln nnlv In lcnslhlo gnlutlon Prumler llun lchn llo Imu as rnrlorlod In the Globe and lllrril Aug 26 1005 uld In my oplnlon would be dlsaslrnus ll lhrouah luck leadmhlp and maths thought our mm 01 local ¢ovemgncnt itmlpd grwu aimed by BIBLE THOUGHT hich mmwlry on Ink Ind uu elmnl Hm In mayor Toronto In IMI Ila wan nwnflm Hm rziv Mm Iml wu 1M maul lime llu KNIUVMI ma mu him hark oncu munlmo anlly Mmkuuln It 01 ON Amvln ion L11 lufd In la Hm UH lg run he grmhlhrr mu Clnulnn mun prim mil Nun Wflllnm loon Mlcirmll who In lJlxrnl puny mm mo In IM Hy rotmldmro Mmirnxln Klnz huh mnnl Mn ml mlnmrr Cum unirr llun In mm man on Juno luv ume yum um Mu Inmlallm hr nunmi mum Mire ll wurbunnlo lhe point hean lmlhnrdy In ha run er In mm dayn Gourhy had hem deported nIltr mendlnl Mnler In JAIL Ha hld been kvm In nn unhnnled 11 mm Hm nnd Hula cmllnllon hurl limos last mind uhm ho yin tumult lo lrlnl Hilda hem mmm In Colunlnl Advocm In Qurrmnn In but mom to ank lolloalnl your awk In rim lo lhe Itll ol orrrnmenL 1hr nlonlnl Mm cm mu mnxlnnl muse wimlun Ixnlml 1M nhuw Im Imn Ind look um lendmhlp In dam momnrnt my wu km Io mohnlm mm Sam Ihe you Nnmn the mmnnnlly Including Inv ornor Mnilllndn mum look nullm Inla Ihclr nun Dumb 1m mam tho mmnpcr nmce nrvd lbmv Um priulm mu Mn Luke Onllrlo Tler hm Lumrd ul In 5mm break Ior llnmnxlrl Ila wed lhem In ml ml wn nwnnlwl dank pl on pounds 1m nulth him In my all hm hm m1 Mu numnper lwlltrlhln tr New that Gum hi ml premier then in mm ear In this pmvhm That very mum1 our we have Ind Quebec in rem yunbubeen bufltupbythe act MI leader 0n the momln Jun ma lellnm Lynn Mnckrmla 10qu um hi ncwmwper 0mm In York ananLn had been wrrcknd He had mm lo Cumin mm Scotland In ma Ind follawod In 00m Scouzmn ohm Gourlay in campaign ngalml 11M hm Ind ma power UN gownan clan known In UK Family Comma leader Wu be to he rm ol armor Premier Lune Indmmwhohu ulkedln tum cl nlflmhood Ind nam hond 9r hi pmvlnqe My mun Thais areunosevrhomm lo Whtn ha talk of muon thlnk that hood qrolatehoo infiuplm be umy BM 613 Elm ready to scalp ho good citizens 0mm HA8 BALANCE Well Dugohnmn land In mm mm mm IN will be In Anny ol wbhem out to win the hurt ol the 00d peoplool Ontario Over the year be new Que bec premier his visited back and forth here and we in Illa press hava had chance to WW Mm we Amidlemknlbmoluawhn has met him and went any inw with him who hasnt liked my figmendomly He II mu yzhm hat bl 31 Mad him very mm Héb not unauumlnl Ha ha QUEENS PARK CANADAS STORY THE LIGHT TOUCH But on true tn ll not told by the number can dla on hthy cake by the spirit the ml batsmath youth And you in still pretty mm In bean You dont mind making up blby even look pretty sticky one mr nephzws de ddu gmw baud you dad nacesurlly think hOl zone bally When you come mm of mm you hm In lmpulu Io up them two at Hmo avgnil you dont obey the 1m Youre an the next person come through molvlnl door will be may llrl not blll oullcdor someone nlfued round trip on an mend Ipacn cupaula gala Ibo Imm youd uh IL NEW YORK AP HW Younl In ham are you Me meuured by many W0 Hy WWM Me menu W018 by du color the wrlnldu Iha le physical activity By DON OEEARN TORONTO like Dan John THE NEW HUME STAMP THAT NEVER NEEDS AN INK PAD QuebecLeaders Hat Fits Him Well Age Is Measured By Many Things Raid 0n Newspaper Helped Publisher 25000 IMPRESSIONS TRY PERMASTHMP fie accfufikion of III mung down at By HAL BOYLE by non BOWMAN confidence But you he my much home wllh him He has 9W mpo iii 01 all has given the impreslon belng mm mm with vm um bllance No mam any tense radical NEEDS mamm Mr Johlm the right Mr Laue In his million bo lus lull mm as Illa um tu 91 Qpebec Ilfiomemedru Bul chore Isnt nnythhlx lrlzhunlnz about than belief or at least there neadfil be Wyn him of muon 1mm be remembered than wmds have dfllemn dude meaning in French than they dn mfingllsh fiiachlnz lo the Frauen spoaldng people nl that pmvlnca finupesize 33le at re mum olllhdgvidelifiy Ami In really mm all IoAbejrlgmened of Quebec 13 not going to an out Conlmmllan Eavn It wulted lo It couldnt II lmtln anneconorqlc pysjllon ya do Under Mr Johnson prob ably will have stronger iden IlLy in own But 1mm whn Ilmaw IN man will be an Identity arrived It in wt dam and one whdl 00qu mean Almnxer Canada Any us who hava mtg livegglmkxmuqalmbeen Guildrm today dont seem tnuch dillarent to you Ihnn M13911 you were child ynuh Ac he ultice us one of the iris rmmbem mm hmhday and xivu you unsung and km at In Hi mqu red mu Youropen he mornlnl mall with more emuncy than drend cut one dny week ya rhmlo or burn whila shav nx quilyouscléi cram You bigger thrill out reading ho sport page your nuwxpapef than he obit IV You am ncvcr lhe ltd £qu to leave cacklall 935W Néw and um you hear 50k ygu baggnt hoagd before Yod hmw ha mm lam on lune played by the Beatles 93a can Mk to lead azer about his amnion or Mi Wits withomulecllng II Vyéut name Is James your buss rclem Io you Jlmand noi 01d Jim

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