Thl glrla waking on caqu 1n duded Barbara Human An drea Sllchmucllcr Isabella Rom bnch Knrm Momhut Helen Smith Jana Brent Jana Mun clb 5113 Sandy Perry ï¬sh pond dld brisk bull nu 1113 was in rharxe of ï¬lth ud HancockY Roddy 13mm and Mm Hancock Colorful head kmth Wm laid by Mary Beth Millar and Mrs Mum TM We mm med caka Ind Ice mum and he ban told homemade candy and RW er comm Interest indquXZn of 0Efllï¬l flanked the stage where plny 01 Wsz dull drosscd In nailanal costumes reminded 91° 1Mwflwliosenm The on mhle wm decoran with miniature trimmed yithfl pogoom apple Xylgssonu Messengem whn pd marmed children mlmmed their mmhm and Mend In an Ippla orde saving annunl Appleilossnm TELL Thu year the tea wu held May ï¬le Fellwwp Hall Kean tor the Mummers Col er Unllod Gmurvh II he 14 Dumoisflim wm WALKWEL SHOES Tm Imluml uuxl lmll or Ioamlvrm In him mnur he mmrnu of null rum mlhlnuinu wilh nnnAannn lutlm nulwlct rumlmull ell aml llveyle Mulvahln lhc wk muuhkd tome lopIIhry unl Mr and Mrs Harry Cmmp on Dunlap St cele mtod lhelr gdlden wedding annlvmaw at lhu home at their daughter Mrs Gladys Morris at shirloy Ammo Guest lncludcd the couple umlly and friends Prmnt ware hdr mus Joseph and Walter and flick wives nl Ban5m Mrs And Mnl Collier St United Messengers Entertain At Apple Blossom Tea 0M mouhlzldldm hp goodlooking comfortable sturdy vasl1able Foamtread slippers DUNLOP ST EAST Heres gift ideaï¬ifor Fathers Day SHOES CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY than 11 lmdina nlcpulnmll Ilnm Mu nl Ilmc lmr hur dm Sn Ihl Dllpluy Kaufman Foam complain slack Klulmln Foolwur no Bren The en was convened by lha Mrs lame wal kitchen mvmbr mm by Mrs Cook Mrs Maya ï¬lm Cameron Mrs Myers Mm Hearmn Mn Sllchnmb er and NFL Lgklng Candy ï¬les Teme after by Mu Fur md Mn Rambam Alma wm told by Mn man Judy 1mm Susan Rub eï¬son Marnla Mm 3mm Lhlnmn Debbie Grim alhy Fan1mm San dm Hawman Lyln and Lynn 5mm Jana Mlllnr Camlyn Cmnmn Karon Burgnr San dra Lanny Muy Ann Npllnl Jags and Joan Maxwell Romain In the tea mom ware Mu Cockblln Ind Mu 01mm Mini bfvï¬ PM Mn no varn Mn Welsh and Mrs mm The candy and newer sales mm were Hanna Maya John Milne Merton Codrhn Dou Hoaman Randy Bowman Rob rt Iknoock Paul baking Kevin Bursa an Wally 0mm and Join mpllng mlssed the ca became at tho 011nm In China TEA nnw mom Emlend on May 15 1915 The bride was bum in Slellordshlre England Ind he bridegramn hall from Lancaxhlm Engllnd Mr Cromplon veteran of the First World War and served with the tank corps from mm They have six mmkfhlldmn 1ngqu the tcgrlablo Wm nn wgrarmanled kl Crow Mohmk umnl1hc Ichuhc Incl muan nmy crmhahln 1M mlnuu hm up himlnanmml Vhppm Ivy Kaufman mi lulml Day Hcll Hunk ml uy me In 17ml llmn an Kaufman lnnluuv Kilclvtnu Moulual Thu lollvwlng mother helped package candy and make cor sages Mrs 0mm Mm Hayes Mm Brislnw Mn Bowman hLdqe n1 Proceeds from the tea will he used by the United Chumh Canada to assist M13606 In Hang Kong and to welcome new comm to Canada Mmcr leaders Mn James Mrs Fnlr Mn brunt and Mrs VJ Knox She said owns will hive high neck 11m and narrwl deem The most populnrwfl be crepe and dmlffom acconguate fen Inlnlty in color cm all um um Many the black Alm flvo dresses will hAva wry Mailer neck lines although the silhou eltes will be an unreveallnz lrl angular shape She told the Game Salu mcn Onlarlo Market onnvcnttun that one the most lmporlnnt trends in the market wllt be to pen Jackets or the armyvnavy look with black cpauletlcs and bran buttons Tha Jacket wwld be kneelength or matter to shuw low inches of skin She said the WM and plastic Id with thighhmh skim have proved too youthful and that womens lashlon will uwlng back to more lndymu do signs TORONTO CPIVivian WUz cox fashion editor of SW15 and Chalelalno magazines said Monday that kooky look ï¬nished In adult Iashlon will be the most Ladylike Designs Finish Kooky Look mam 7262397 Exmulvu 547 mm mm mm mmer Immm Wu Iv lam WM mm mm In Magwl mm lauvvï¬rng mm IMmLqumV an dwmv In Nuva va nu mu mt ny PMYMME POPLIN 55Asom XheiBlvlstlng STARTS TOMORROW ArmV 14 Finn quality canon wllh hand Im hvoldmd 0nd In on amvlmlnt oldulpm and olou Rm 195 pr 33 88 Sturdy and absorbent lint quality tea 0de Bright assortment colon and printed or woven de Wm 63 100 fllxIDfl fitted Double Walnut lamum hard weaving quality sheen and plllow cases of snow whin cotton Sllghl dalam will hardly be seen and will not allct All mawvlrnenls an llnlxhed slxu mg Jams Hand Embroidmd PIllOW CASES Wllkm of Earth 50 Dunlop mm 0N STIICII IN SUMMER TIME SAVES MONEY ly TlXMADI l47 FAMILY SHEETS 77 ugjznxmflu 77 fitted min mmnm my min Mm way mm nwmu mm Mm mu pwvd IMI We WWI mum ol Wm In quw IVI an MM mm mm wmwu Id I6 Iln Anomd clan In 25¢ ouch HIOV comm dink do wm Illgï¬ilv Ililchtd hgml Grueva REMNANTS Up To 50 saving Mafchingx Pillow Case Sfauflcr Dobbin DI Cl an mnnm brldga an WI luncheon and banqun un ldwl of thc how 01 on aim Shop noon Ior Ihc but ulmlm Iv I4 Illth Luxury qialiri fmportod Tin plocu at unsath mlngxl The assortment Includu hand workld pillow cam vunlry 93 FANCY llNEN PIECES 13 OFF 67 L67 27 LEV quamy Hallloom wind 97m Iovlngl Sublfandavdl Ilight flow will no amt look or may Anllqm Inaw while In twin or doublo bed Hm Wm mum and mum Iih In hm Inn On ml mm mm mm mm Nu mm Nun iwu and mm Inn Mm Ml MI Mn mm IN Mm MI Mu mm Bath Inwals Face mam Hand Towels Hand Imls fï¬bstandmdx cl luxuryEzllfy Mull SMILde am or may M93319 pamra STRAW llNEN BEDSPREADS 1088 3323 tn uvï¬uyuk Luxunvgnm itpwns mm l27 by COHAMA Heirloom rvg Dutstflndmg Shvtngxdm Mum 197335 Myiaiincéah MidiWng Ioï¬ilééï¬m by CALDWELL Fin ali blind blanlull wilh nylonmélnz om umn pdmed dollgn 0100 1mm HP lolod pamml and colon 71 84 Rn 793 IOdL laxmade Two 5mm suiifs1 no mm MN In oounl 00 um cm Ii and mm ma in mmw Wuhan ml In rmw fvhnu INIIW now In mm mm wk Nu mmhml 11 CHECK GINGHAM mm mums 688 um SPICIALLY REDUCED ggï¬ mm In Printed hot 0an 391 447 391 447 18 72602