Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1966, p. 6

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Wu Urull lnAnm mm mm her MMW Moms run in rvvhlvnl Mlean manual Mvml an Nmnnl 0mm Bu mam rn You Tau mm lot wm ml lllm 10 kids be lhmr but thought they would be bolts on wflh their mother nw mud mm city IM nme um nr yummm my me mmr find mad no hr became MI 11 mqu be but not to confine the Iurh or Ii than to dlvkla Ihdr loyal uu buan um mum Two wmka Ian lone mi mm rmfllon In my Milo hm uer my rMMrm nlmlnn me How can 11wa ImIiY Rad nd mm Mk mm mama mm diner her could hanLj¥cn lhe mm chxmrrn vu uln baMat oncehat you board on telephone canversauom and that ha shmld 5a pmlwionnl help without rnlnutn delay In many pm ha muan Guam law against obscene telnphme aalls mn hmband Ll caught unrsud and round gully he could be In 5111 or xix months yum youmnm amok and mmm And med your help bdam go all lha deep and awakened about nm for mm mm om reason Ind deovcmd that my husband was ln the bed heslde me though hem him speaking to meme In the lnuhen and could not imagine with whom he owld be vlsiting at that hm had checked our two young children who Wm sleep In the next main As approachul the kilde heard him using inductlb ably 21le human and an denly ll dawned on me that he wu talking on the tele flwnel stmd virtually para lysnd or fully five minutes as Island to him elhphone we at our friend um In dumbed aloe he said some the ml dlngmtjnl Ihlny have em heaxd In my lile My husband does In hum Hut hbard Mm and dont how lholfld all Hm ma never heard him nu ludl lmmuxa In the II year we have been married am mrad ho daalh that friends my bus rowmlud hl mice and In them WJMI kph II Plnlc dons ln 1m wan made in Montreal to Ann Landau well known In readen Msnewsc An jmlladw to visit Can dl or in Centennial celebra Dw Ann hudem am hm plug and A41 RECEIVES NURSING DEGREE Toll your hm vrgv ANN LANDERS GetDoctOrs Help Before He Gets Caught KEY TO CENTENNIAL My damn 64m and llrwllnvtl mm Adm NM rim mm podle wmww 1mm In WmTJ TRY EXM IND ANT ADS Ill NE 721 MM Ahnngmm lot lha xi mm wcre In mun of Mn Brute Frrndl Imile by Mu sun Shim The hmlnm Ind wan tan durled by in nu Mn Wil Iltm unllcmirn Other entertainment Indude nondim retention by Mm PurimNance Slrmd and numbers by the Trinity 1mm mm imhkhnk flown Gram My New and Joe hem lhn lnfltr mm wan aman by Mn vn Mglrrmndwr mu lld Huldmon to Archdumn IL Md Mu Hand huhs anlln Ind Ede Summon An evening musiu en lmkinmenl was anUycd by mombm ol the Trinity Angu can Omrch Guild on Mnndnv evening It the Km unnqu elm dinner manual The Steele sum MIMI Wr uku under me dlmfion ol Mu nan McNie wms piped lnlu Lh parish hall by Mark 11mm Neda Inble rut5L Included to Surfing new Imb Dur flllnklnlx What In file wdd did you do nnwnyl Hmhmlet¢ulndlm mshymdmmalnmlho wholemnnnmbeldarh 118 mm and Rm In do Wu IIfi beltenm mom who am 11M harm mums Den Mom No matter when Idoarsayorhowlmlmlm ntflmcellovaymlun Wm that you an ll my side You an the but make in the We wide wodd With out you wouldnt be bum Heaven hum when wmfld bo Mute no plnoe you who longhgs mu Sony Dad the love boa Id 11 years ago and you werent aboard Dont blame your ex wifa You did Ihi to mall THANKFUL Dm Ann Landau am an uyoamld girl who need help Please print thLI letter In my mum to aim can read it in the pmer mank you Guild Enjoys Musical Program paper by John Fisher the Centenniu Commissioner Mrs Flsher presented Miss Land au with to swung pagemltwmvumn anndl plum its Ming lw quiitu Im happy pk Ion ml law ml Mm or mu Mm flvul pull will mm uhlln rmmllnnl MI In NH hulk Minn fllFalll HHZIVIZI 11 mm mHvau INII ll lllmrr DIME all 11 VIII nl MM lquI luv pm warm pink hm hv ownrum mmflmmml Mann uiM ml nnllmll ml and ullm lull in bw IM Hm mml gun HM Infllw 11 Lfifllln Dmi IM mme ll Momma wnl lull mm The bwflmumlnw the Ink IM Ilndw Mrl llnw Irwin mm Mun MM Muim HAnln flu mummy1 IMI mm rm mm Lho Mfillllly flu luv lilllfl Um Mnlu Mlmlnl ll llfiloumhh Mrl le Ilnrlmr Hum ml Mn llmrn Iruln MIN Idvnflml kmu ml MIA Ill MM Mllll Hwy mum um gay nl ydhm IIIm Hm mm uml mm Innh mm at llnly HM Mlln with IIlthflK lbw And lmmlmu lmt MM rumguy uhlln mum Tn min 11 lmnnr um um Mary Mrlkmcnll n1 Munlrml mm In Wown Ghm In marriage hy hm Mr or ha bride um Inxmnl noun or uhlo 1m nnd pom do Inio wllh mm and mini vell Mar hmqurl wru made whim mum and mnk rnrnallms ATHENIMNM St Pom5 Anuhmn mm WM Em was me name pmly wuHmK nn May fl hm Barbara wunumt daumuu Mr ml Mm Emma lmwry If Mllum lname the ride Allan Km Mclhumfl ann HONOR GRADUATE borne McEvoy wu among the graduates who roceivd do gm mm lha University of Veslern Ontario he Conw cation on MM 27 He received SadatIo mu degree In Geography lint clnss honnrl Commencing In Suicmbcr Mr mam mu 5cm mm Traditional Gown Worn By Bride 05m Nomuy neuleml Womun canvincod in advance that contracqvfive pills are dw emu ptvbably will not be able no we Mm Mum gyne cologisu agreed 21ers today mngross Sound navian emu was told that such women an more Ilker to BMW nausea and un nleasam symptoms Mental Attitude Causes Symptoms mu lab011d party Mis tandem cummly on Nmth American speaking war was In Montreal Lo auend the Society American New paper Elma convention ljrmfe Eia Public Ime mm nmnhL pal mnm dam in hum ln mum mm HIM ha kpmnnmn no Illinn nwnrmml plbnnlnl nu lncm mum In wk not In mumlu mm mm Hlyn 84 ml wlul rm UH Inn xlwtlvm mm mm In MINI In mmlrbnlllyl Immer mllhvm ml fumnnwu Iultlnl Nd lrw In ymunl munlrpumlt mu munIn MIIIIVIIInnI hm ml Ilmr mam 1m gum1m uluml um Immwr Ill T0an lml Munide AHAIYI HIMInf WIIIM WWW In nnmmnfl lhnl flu lnmln GMn AHNVIM mm 101 mm nml anrmln llnmIIlIm Invlm 011nm Mnnlnal NM nmla OHM Calgary Winnlpu Mn an NI mu lmnslvmi Am NImn mlnla 0n Mir return Hwy um rmh lheh home In Altar he lrmhllnnnl llvmwinl Mr hmqu uugm Ivy Mn Slmmmrk OHara fl luttr KM Mala xlmntd hflfll Imrlo pufl with mnlvhlnl hnl pum And mm The anynwm grip wlu XLWm Ont Setting Subdivision Guidelines nnlulnunm lrnm an aid Imily lnmd nl um um now bring In mun Cuchmlovnkla menu the mun manned mu one by Enndl Will zma who ud nl MM ul the nmnhfln wava hi nuUm Nigeria when and urban quid mkflul um bu um nmcrinx HITS COMPLACENCY TORONN CmDr Mbm Sabin developer al the oral polio vaccine said Nesdny Lhnre ix loo much complacency in North America about polio and malam lie nld the Unlird Slate and Cmndlm polio im munluilon program not iully idem and completei Counselling needed or women entering the labor farce as to educate them an In their responsibilities Ind right she wid panel mretlnx dLvmssink the pmblLrm of men allies worxm um delegate passed She and delegaka that putfine marker generally IN anduded mm bamabalng mm with Indexmine Ihe madam omer mkm MAY ENDANGER RIGHTS Ml Royce said Hem full wotkm may be endan getnd by those who work part Meir uzemu to obtain Waymm may Induce than to accept conditions am under mlne mam that other unk ers have Ilfllzglad In Achieve the Mid Older woman going back no work man knew nothing the labor market Mum Myer dimlor ol the Wmenl bureau lb department lnbor In ow old um cmlerencc held by the womans comrnlllu of UM Ontario FederaUan Labor Rimmamas mm 11 un lons named flu the biggest Mn warp educating men that wamm were equal and getting me women lntmslcd ln claiming equal VTORONTO CDA muffl unce studying problems writing wmnen agmd Satur day that paladin unlna Mlmenlnuluding salary and fringe benefit discrimination be eliminated Mendy mm St Lowv Mm Gwen la the daughter Mr and Mn Michael Frawley Sh attmded Midland Dlsfid Him School and graduated Irom tha Kym Polytechnlcal In sum and Toronto Teachm Callas She ha bean teach Hams Ecnmnucs or the past eight year and la munfly th York Board Edlicétién Teresa human on the exe anllvolur the past urea wart and will be one the THEA mamsz unending Illa 0mm in Home Economkl Omen Lion Montreal In July Mrs Tareu Gwen ol Wll lawdale ha been eloclad Presb dent dtho Tmonlo Home Ea ommlm madman mm group 00 Hume Econosztl Dietitians Pmlcssm and To dlers who and mum to an velop hidor stunAdam In an field Beamch and prmnou welfare the Canada hvmo Iamlly and mmmuty life Equal Rights In Labor Force amed President Of 300EconomiSts In hath mpalionnl And mamlary maum the mind between new And July will firm1m Ll your biflhday your homscape lndlculu that mm 320 you should have noted the beginnlnx nl an upunnd In your Job nd finan cial main aim at that lime you enich ma amplcious tycle kovomlnl these human which will Inst unlll ha and nl September wilh July August and Squamber outstandlngly good on the Lu accrual you amid whom nl my him In August Manage momy malv era cmmlwly from 0d until he and hnuary and look umuni do nolhcr ex meoly gench cyclu or in mnsing mm Wm Fab and April 15 next your Forum main be mom genemusly Influenced Thursday um nlhn Icuviunespeclalky lrozn noon on In bums Iaumhlpu you my 11nd mu persons dilficul no deal With sopwvfillhawtobaema ordlrurily tnctluL Make no im pplsivo mom or hasty dch FOR THE BIRTHDAY BARRIE Ill PARTIAL LIM or WHAT YOU GOVERNMENT INMMTY LUV FUND IIEIZT lnliuhwu Mull llylnll Mukl FHIIM IIIIII fllvlnll Tlp nlmp Mlndlu lllh All Ile Ill LM AMUIITID AHIKT MEAT mi 70an or Raul llh TAN GRAD VIRITABI flun MIId YumMu lun nllflown lul ovl on AM ram mm mm mm Dunn rimm uupdmll llmnuh ALI FOOD III All UNIDNIIIYIIWMM lilAflANTEED IUWmWIONR 171th Wlu Mr llnlmd Muhl or lulu nflrhl In HIM rm And mm DIM rami THE BARN EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE F9 TOIORROW reufluflm Huh wnmln nhauld hold Job or eleeflve pm on tho bank of hat qunliflmflml no sex INCLUDES BOTH FOOD AND FREEZER nun nl It In round drllrhml lrwl drllnnd In your ham Ind In your an llul hum Ior only Ila prr Imll MIDI food And ruler InnIndra II IMI law hly Mr chum llmlm at Jun llmlly ul mlrh him of with mu 4M1 you fl lllhl law In mmplm lulumnlhnthml null4m 501 POUNDS OF FOOD nms mum acum Had Tu WHAT THE STARS SAY LAKESIDE PROVISIBNERS SAVE Hy ESTRELLITA Food and mer Snrvlco Influences Kovcmlnx romance wlll be amllanl ln lala Novem her next A1111 and May and though mu may no lravcl exam or alum trips mo ampldous periods wlll include Seplamber January and May Your social We ahould prova highly Illmulaflnl durinz lha next year howzvar wilh gala happcnlnzs starpmmlsed dur lnx ha balance 01 lhlx monlh ln lata Wombat early Odo bnr 1m Nomnbet and bov mm per aam lo Ach hrwnmlndaym be endowed with unusual vm utility manning remnallly and line Iense nl lnymiy be mmndingly good In mak ing language planHo com two yam II least Incldenmlly lho emln mum of July wil be excellent or properly lnler esm Period ln whlda mu likely Lo Adlleve the mm in the way Job advnncemenl And recognition alter the line four nmlh cycle lmrmdlalely Ahead will lududc lall October late Novanbun next February and Mm The nrllsllcully lncllned should experience llne period of Inspirationand reoznlllm the first and last Mela Octo ber next January and March Veekand guests at the ham ol Mr and Mn Walter Per kins 11 Vancouver St included Mn Buklns mother Mrs ll Perkins his aim Mm 1n the uiw to visit her Ion lnlw and dnumer Mr And Mn Guam sleep ol Kam penlelt Dr is Mrs Edm Ad mu Urinm AWWI wgamp ovum An open house celebrntlon will mark 019 um weddan llllll verury nl Mr and Mrs Cedrlc Tedx Joye at lhelr Tlmn Sim tandem on Jun IL 11 even willrbe MN ym and to 11 pm Frlendl mddrolallvu Ire lnvlled to Ah en my AusmAuA OPEN HOUSE Fitment Nam In Intended to new the untul InclI III of III cIIy DIIIrIcIwealInn nlvmlrlu brldul Ihowm brldu run tomlll In yulIu InuIIm And vlr Itnrr Ill luml ol Inland lo render an LIIII pm Your help In mpplylnl lhll um II In many Ipprw Inled PIem phone IIII Burk Exlmlner 1mm Ind In In Ellun DIIun Andny coullnn III Womenl 09 WEEKLY SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES we to 1m rhirriaae nu Wanda Muir was guest ul honor mural entqmimnem Miss Janet Wheaten Ind ML San drn Rm were Mousse ol ENTERTAINMENTS The marriage ha been In muncvd ol Mm Loin Margar anlanco to Rose on Fridw MAY 31 In Atwood Presbyterian Gumch The wuple will reside at 107 Strabanu Ave Barrio Early Ward As you know one Iheurlimlddluonuonawblbyl mka diel ix Ipecitl bnby 1qu pmvidnviumincmcarbicInd GuberOrmuuiteilMnemmul mum of IN iumin Ind In 2x nllenllmingjnicerormaubabieu Imam popullr it now mm in hmdy Dilvltkl for your mopping cammimu PS Your hnby ml enjoy Guber App nice Apple Chury Juia Ind hm du licicul ombimunn Juia drinle Mr Ind Mn Elwood Faun ol Stmd wlu mlrk the 451 Anniversary their wedding at an open house reception 1n sLoud Commuqu Hell on Sab urdey June The celebmm will receive their lrlend and mum ram oclock In the afternmn find mm un 45 oclock In he eveninl MMRIAG Orv 1W Ha John aevmmnffiy rm and JUNE BALL The Jam 5311 of Harris 60 and Gounhy Gab wll be held H145 many evening Drew ll lemltfmmal nnd dancing be am It nm oclock to 01 ms lcnl Gemu VLlsonl leuma Style Bud In charge of ar rangemunu one of the club rillodors Charles Tierney and the entenalnmen commiuta chalrcd by Dow Smflh wilh Mu Norml Cohan Mn BH Ira TLng Brass ladflm nary if your younzul child is ill min Ihe rib oull mm In mura him to mulu bed berm ha min or flu newcomer By livinl your child lime to in used to lhl new bed hall bc less likely to men the mwmu kin our ha cnb In ANslypuAny Analhcr May on Im my ll yau plln to hIVG huub N1 wand ii your hospiul time nuundmulhzrnltnlaodldnlu lethimorhunrylcouplaolnm nilht vixiu durinl ha Im pm of your Mixing petiod Canm ha dny ofyour dzpmure ha will hm mmn mmch ID the den nd will prohny Imp momudxly MIMI common DIN EllV all All hm udded vimnh or hbyx gallkin Tumul mu You an alien diminish mimncl to lhl nzw may by lunatic um 33 brothr or liner shin In cm of IM lu rudr Jellouly can Ilsa be held in nhmmlwum BWWBW Mun and her IonInlaw Ind dwmer Mr qnd Mrs 05mm Mnlu other uesh were Mr Ind Mu Pu klns commlaw and dauxhlu Mr and Mrs IL mwlsanc and children MIMI Kim and Mark OfiIlJa trm IN Mod lluld III mi mm nun to Wall my Ilh lmvhlomn and ham Nu Du Inl Ill ruanu wlll nuln FREE 20 lbs of Beef 7268651 Hm AM rM 7M Inlnvmlhu mlth UMIHIMI Cl lulld Ilml Almost berm you know il ynur baby will be mdy rot melL Good In In paint lot ml impolllm mp Cerul1ll uholnume xinsle min um M11 lclemed by Iiny om Luu flur luby wlll llkt Gather Dunnu Halley Mixed Ccml And Prouin Ceml Feed deliulu in vour crumyxmaolh In mum Mun mixtd uilh milk or rnmull lhe my they Ihuuld for babies All hm mum AM viumxm thinminl 31 $an Dz Ind mmn Oubtrmby Foods Nium F1111 Cumin Tumul mu You an ones diminish mimncl to lhl nzw bub by lunatic mu bl brothr or iislet shin In cm of IM lu rudr Jellouly can Ilsa beheld in Ibcpnn by uvin billinlmdminxomfluncwblby for lime uhenjunlora oul ohixh June supper parly Maud by Dr and Mn Mnlowney nl Green bmok Drlva Toronto was no ended by he bridal party Fallowlnz the weddlng rehear nl Mn Percival enm talned dinnu dun Bay shore Motor Hotel BinIo Miss Muirs manlags ho WI 115m Jame Pmml took phcu at an allernoon mommy in Unlled mum Mlnaslnx on miscellaneous 31an It lhl home cl Ms Vhtsone MLra P22 OIlahuy was hum linen showcr ll her St Georg St mldcnce In Toronlo Mrs Room mumbled lhl brld that at her View Ava home Lmea 1th pm wnn nusccllmenm showermd Mn Schqu we wlosteu Andher mlmllnneous shower wu liven at lhe Vcorbtldxe ham th brldes no In Mu Robe Vnrdlnw Thu AnLen null Club held pantry uhell thaw er II the home Mn Glen Wuhan Mlnulng coumunlty cumtamed ll mlmllulewa shower In the Chrlxllln Edua Hon wing at the United Church CENTRE OF ELECTROLYSIS UNWANTED HAIR SAFELY REMOVED FREE CONSULTATION For AppcInOmInO Call Mln Eylm cm 7200380 Sulh II Fred Grant Wlllan Bldx MIMI

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