WNW Stall Un less swimming unforeseen hap pen we should end We year milk nioo sumlus snld Reeve Fred Medan ths pictures que Soulh Slmcoe cmnmunily 300 whose current lax rates of 75 resldcnllal and 31 commer cinl based on an as essment whid parallel Simcoe County equallzod assessment llouenham was explained went through an unusual sules ol circumstances due to the ecnnomlcs being so advanced by the Mllclnnt clerk Donald Flock that the tax rates were set early or each dollar spent but cosh an hlzher And services we more said Rum George MncKny ln commenting on Orv annshipu overall lax lncreasa cl about 71 milk llnlm Wm the Juno meeting yes mlay The lax bylaw um local ram It 11 mil hr rcsldmual and Mm ratepayers and NJ Our eommcmrrl up and mill Ivszvcly Rec M0 Kny mlnlul out he mulvnlcnl pl about nim mill cl ml levy Oomtmcllon of ten 1y planned hnmes Cooper pnjupeny s4 Expect Civic Surplus In Tottenham Village We based our Alllsmn High School mm on the mlginal lig urc given us and aller we got our all prinlcd were lhnl lhc area received larger Ernnls and the High SLhnnl rate was reduced leave MncLenn related stating SHHNTY BAY did our but ï¬n got valuc NllW SHBWING Tha county levy mill was up mm but yum1 mm In lho county Inkan nm nll usmmw wellm mm May provldlnu mwy university gum and an al macaw con Public tool am in Im In for mlduuunl Im cummmlnl The men ltd Ior mamas ratmnym ln thc mm mum Am mum Knuth Ilawkmlntw will In nmsml mm Mm than lhmq wing with llnwkg In 01111 mm it Irgialu nrtu Wm Oro Tax Rate Up Over Seven Mills The Harrie mlm um 11 mllln rmMmHnI and mrrra umlo 0m ratepay um Onllin the mm run ImklmUId and winnuvcial 0110 STATION sum WI BOX OFFICE OPENS A7 SNOW STARTS AT DUSE THE MOST MODERN DRIVEIN NORTH OF TORONTO Hum MMKny mil lw dhhl Illlhuy II II Gulhllfl nmmn Illnl Ind Mill HOME CONSTRUCTION RT MINETS POINT spean an the Minun mu this 1d Ihe council and mum Mm wicials with pmblem SAVE EXTRA EXPENSE and get out new bill or to stay by the rate sat was the sublet of considerable dscus slon Rather than go to the ex tra expense was decided ll would be better huslness to in along wtth the rat as set and il wnlumlaled sumlus rte vclops it can help cfled saving next year The alternallvu would have been added expense tor the nccmsary revlslons and printlng and Reeve Macuan paint td out the sensible business course was followed The coun cillors Alton Anderson Oral McClaln Leo Abernclhy and Ralph taxtun mt along with the ldea and supporth the reeve Point in charge Johnny Fedinn lam He is shown with Le Grimm building inspeo or of Innislil vanship per liko to lam go up any more men 01m lnxpaym but he lull 0m Council was serving lhq best interests Ihe Lawnship in seeing that scrvicm wm mainmincd In the present Inr nalionary era nl incmsod pric es higher taxes were pmly well xencml As said we Iry la we we not valuo or the money spent he said Councillm Ken Gilchrist Lum nnl McAer and Wanna Key In mmmcndtnk mm cum levy ll Tudhow cluk hr hLI dlldmcy In xrfllnz lhu um mdy They also pulsed Mu Norma Sanduson and Mom ry NMBI or their nhla my Im In curyinz on Mr Mom wan 11 In lmplLfl Reeve Memo was joincd by the ulnar mLmbm Duputy lcnvo Gonlon Caldwell and My mail Iï¬AmW 0mm noon Mncxhy Mid udauiflhcdmxhuluem gm ln mu to develop tho micy Mm human mde notice 11ml Na mad mm Not highway lo 111m Siam hnd hem Ahn mm Mm Mehmml road the Um mad In tho mm which mm lb when lmzw Orol mupomihlnly We luv bum Mulan WA Int mm 11mm anhl limo Muc Kny mman mlblncdm wllh Um offlan Miro ul nppmvnl riicpau crs aocoplnnm DRIVEIN THEATRE has been grafllyinl numicipal ofï¬cial pointed out cmc ENIIIUSIAS using plans of another home The property wll have Com munity water syslom and dock axe for boats survey of public macunn In Tolkenham revealed mud civic enthusiasm Construction of the Conmvallun pond has added considerably lo Touew hams scenic localinn and has provided new source rec reation Swimming classes are planned or this summer ï¬sh lnz good with the waters stacked regularly and boating ls enjoyed We have our own water wrkx scwage system and na tural gas In fact would say we have everythlnx Toronm has to otter al considerably less m4 said Mr Flock lead nz local merchant and civic as 111 on pantime claimant DEVELOPMEN conmmt develnpmcnl company has bee organized and mm bu ily engaged in promotion and resident are making Iorwnrd la early growth Beside lhe water adlitlc menuunui Tollmham ha good ball park and ï¬ne bowling resident nl Toucnhnm since 1939 Reeve mth is serving 21ml war WU Mo noun Wellington County he moved Io Toucnham because he was Im pressed with its pcssihlliULs Mr Flack mum She bumc has lived In Munhm or 15 years Below um he lived In number Men in dudinx Barrie nllén and on nngnue manager of Mn EM bundles large chain are nu 01m no place would rather live than right here In Toucnlum ha mid wiul In onlhuxlasm wnid 1d no doulx his malty THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 723241 Elam mpoooand down Molson Golden CFB BORDEN veinan the Second World We who else served in Korea Captain Min 000mm will bid inte weii In 15 bmpany Royal Cen uiinn Amw Service Come here Friday June the date oi his rednmgni Gem Uounenay wim has been member this unit here or flu pastiive years will be much mieeed An mive curiar he he been imiiier figure at ibe inch dub along wiih his wile lou0ept courtumy urv ed 92 the etaling ciuh execyiive and was Incharza of Army Juninr curler or nearly Inna years Mm Owlten was past president of the Ladies Cul Inx Glut nation In Odnnp Borden since July Ml Captain ertmay name to this base mm FmOhumh 1H Manitoba when he alsu Wu prominent Lncurflnl clrclcs Pint eniisunl at Ottawa his home diy he joined flu nvn pemunent active militia at Cumlty Clearing Station RC AMC In 1937 In mo he was comissionedv in the Canadian Amw Active ard am three months It Hie RCASC Semi was postal oversea with 2nd Oanndian Division Supply Coi umn remaininl with them hmth th war serving in England and oh cmï¬mal Returning to Canada In 1945 with the rank caanln hl took his ralease bulmoincd in 1950 and proceeded to 2nd Canadian Movement Control Gimp In Japan and Korea On his mum in 1952 he was post ed to tha directorate of move ments at Army Headquarters Basé BoidenCurling Veteran Captain Courienay Retiring CF13 BURDEN Tennis play In lull swing It the club mu near the Garrison mam when mm mw sen have been installed DISTRICT BRIEFS JACKPOT $100 WEALTH ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE BINGO Evnry Thursday WEDNESDAY JUNE STARTING AT mm Door 0an pm JACKPOT $29000 lEGION HALL COLLIER ST MUST GO SPECIALS SHARE THE 25 Colllcr Smut RAFC lEGlON BINGO In 1955 Capt Courtenay and Mn Courtenay and Kindly Pror needed on Germany where surved twoyezr 10m with Flve Transport Company Back In Canada in 1951 he was poet ed lo Four Transport Cvmpmy Winnipeg and alter year than he was posted to Company NSC in F011 Churchill balm coming here After mating Captain Cour tenay mend to lake Mrs Cour lanay and two daughlorapMary and Patricia on boating halt gyllhoy Inland lo settle In this mm TRY EXAMINERWANT ADS PHONE mun AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT The breathtaking dUSIJOHNTOWBENNWE sunnuNG iEllxémcEéééEruL bR16HAi2DSALEmMOSEPH£meWWCLARENCEGREENE RUSSELL ROUSEMuscbyPercyFaithIn PatheCOL PmmresReIease Hu qua or THIS YEARS Io BESTl STEPHENBOYDHKESOMMERMIUQNHBERLEEEANORPARKERJOSEPHCOUW JAMES STEWART mummm mm gunmen mum Mm mm MONTREAL OWThe rela tive math reezlnz at flu current level tho number of non opuauu worker on Canadian rallmds was discussed by ccmpanle before condillllon boayd gcsdayu Also discust by flue comm Me was the demand but unlon assent be mandatory on future nducllons ln slafl slrenzuu The ubmbslun by Mc Dnnald vicerrcsident nu mm Lawncm roman in ca relected lh proposals In demlblnzfland dome he 65 sub mlnlon said In named ll wouig mean that when an em pluyee reflgned or was dls thawed he would have to be rcplmd even though the po duon WI no langer necessary NonOps freezing Topic Email Meet FEATURE II 701 Ind MO NOW SHOWING Mimic My vlhvullglnlllwnd um nu vnnyImmInqsurï¬r munham oncuumuIIumn UEADAM3ERNESBURGNINEï¬Xï¬WtmsonRussgurrgqqsg Lace for Hollywoods highest award 111E BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAYV JUNE 1956 JO unuzs wan GAVE YUUIHE saw EscAiE unwanmasxvau m£ ULTIMATE susrmse mum mmnu Now SHOWING TUESDAY TO FRIDAY DISTRICT NEWS NOW PLAYING EVENING SHOWS AT 645 900 For the right taste in ale VROM MOlSONS INDEPENDINT MEWERS SINCE 1766 GOLDEN ALE Emlmmm WWW nuumu MOLSON nimmummmmm ti mmm Amman EEDRGE MAHARIS RICHARD BRSEHART ANNE FEMS DANA MEWS uï¬lUNIIEDLRIISfS