COMMONS BRIEFS The Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Warmer nnd General Women CM said tally of mm mm seven seaway lo cals allan 1159 in favor of strike ï¬xation and Is mm There were three spoiled ballots In Lhe new vote held during the last six days mm are admitted ta he UN me Emmi Asth nn mo mummian ol the Smuity mm 1M next mommy pm is the to wen 5m 2m Gmzna ndï¬cmd lndqamd ante ram Britain May 76 OITAWA CPIst Lamcum Seaway workers have voted ovemhdmingly or strike ac flon it was repeled Munday night 11m was no immediale An nouncement strike dale Union pmldent WJ Smith was axpeptad to Chg daleulodagl InfomaKLxaay the walkout It liker June 20 or within week After that dau led federal concllllllon board recommem daï¬on or an immediate seven perum wage increase and miller seven per cent in 1961 under twoyear agreement WANT PARIIY 1m uninn has demanded 35 pereent increase bring Cana dian many rules more in no wxlh those pald on the US side 01 the waterway UNITED NATIONS Rmkrs Guyana lormal awhcd Mm day or membership in the Untied inns Th mu51 mm the nowly inmmdml nullon was con lamotl in tabla rom Prime Minister Forbï¬ Bumham QmtaryGcnual 1mm TORONTO CPI4N9 GM 51am twin girls are In Mr mndlllan and now nre Mn Ind through Hui momma Instrad nl Intrlvmomly tho mud or Sick CMldnn mmed Inday The trim born In Guelph in lmzrndny to Mr and Mn mmM Mon rm had 3m Uhnxml mm in their kn nnul heuuwkï¬id hoaplhl Mmman mid the MI mncd 1mm ohm in MN In henl with tube Umxm moulh ramm than by bade Momma ol their mil gin Mon ll ho hmplial my may uh 1m hm 1th Imrrmlm uhrflm the Mm Hm he mnrntul hy mrury RpmMs mm mm anlnn uhrtlm My Ihnw anl mns mm hum Hm Mill lnlnllnu TOIIONIO H1 mmlwr nhmn MM Mrmnhy Await InllrM1nn Inwhqv ml In Qurlw Morn um lll IIIIJMmM MTAWA Nllu nnmla Minn Ilan lmwlmml qu hrhl IIJIJMW In Imlnrml ml lair mvluu my Hm nmum Mimm sham In thruva rNuIn Mun lay Total mum rm mm unwn m4 nnxm MTAWA Mm 17m 1mm p14 woman In mwll wing ham Ilen mm Hum mm Mrwlny In humu Mum mum mum WITH 77 NM 3mm Ihn meM Imu lmn vlnhmrl In 11 17 anm rum mm in Iml hamw mu Inlwml lumhy Mmu mum Ilrllyr mm mm mm OTTAWA gv 11 mm nwvl II IhIlï¬nl mvumumlm luM lry mm Imwmm luv ya mu Mum In unit In Vlydmwnmn lulu mm mm mm Mimmv ram Md inmku HIM NEWS ROUNDUP THIS PHOTOGRAPH 01 MW 14nd Harbor Illustrates the popularity passenger cruise ship on the Great IAka candy 1931 In the 0mm Seeks UN Seat Twins Paix No Opinion Thwy MI MN In lnmlxflm Seaway Union FavOrs Strike lluwevor New Democrch Party leader Donald MacDon ald said lha Union Nationals which upset Premier Jun lb sagea Liberal party in Sundays eledion has no real mnccpt Suchecs place in comma OIL slm an opinlm about Mute federal pmvincbal or iMcxpto vincial relations Mr Robam salad In an aler vlcw that while he had been ill prlsed he election rcsull he will work haul on get along with Daniel Johnsm leader at the Union Nationals may want full governmn ex Nanalion ol the can the na tional um centre under con struction in the capital son mid them been cre mcndoug increase in the cost The origlnal estimateku 59000411 Woï¬q Minister Mcflralth ermplod and said It was or iginally 3130004300 No mauvr The Ontario Milk DIslribulnrl Associauon rmmwnUnx Ihc dairies said Monday lha 0m aria Milk Commission saw ernmcm body has turned dmm tho dmhmm mum on mp lha lncrene scheduled for July Th4 Onudo Mllk main Mind nolh or govtmmcnl body nnnounmi 1m week um the who dalrm pay Arer or milk to the to 0m per 100 pade mm mm the mm slnzle lncreul of producer 1r many yt TORONTO UP Ontnrln nrhmll MINI MK Mucnllm nrn liming In ma hawk rl childrm InmclhInx Ihnt ull mmxdmly dnlmy am the mh rmvrnllnn nl Hm Onlulo Urban and Hum 5cm 1h MI lwld Mnmhy Very llrv Finlay Slnwnr lrmlyytrrlnn mnlner mm Kllrhrnrr UM lhn IMP mm Hnl pm lurnllm would but ho lIvINMNI any lmur PAL umflvm unlhl mm ha mu puner 111 mm Mclrawh laid the centre will include mooscat hall for music 97mm hum m1 Socmat sludlo drama IORONIO CF Onlnriu dairies plan men to Agri culture Minis William Sew Irt la lry lo provem price mm In mllk The milk bond nld XML wed the mall price It milk may rise am or 4mm be came at lha hlsmr pric Io armor th MM he taught In via volnp mm mu wlu ml In vulus nmllmm MM IhAl human lmw If Mang mpoxmla wan Mp mm prnhlamu rnlmi try on mflfllll HME KlZNNEDV IM 010 Mg Imlllu manna parkNI ulm mm nmlmrnll Hun my mmlrm IVS wru Hhr IparNuH uva mm mm HM alarm in NM Imhlm mm mm mum In ml plmt Twnnty mm mwnwm anl 040 mm ï¬wnlml mwumwnay Mr lrvlvmrlnm mum mmwm MUM dnlvr urwlNl lulu nummm mmumz laqv IMrI Inntr um Hirnmnrnl mm Ilmmu rm Nuk mi Hw GO Wim IMPIWN NM Ml lulu Ilw Mk1 lawn ru mnhrl In ml lml mm In pm lh l1umnl diml Milly erl Ihinn lnllr m1 um um nmlmw llrM VIrIulxmwl man ml urI mwva uruu Inmmlnn ml umlym In Immphnrk dawy the Scum Amerionï¬mw the last cruise ship all the mm which mpodedly quad out of here Friday alter her final call In Canadian water Appeal Increase Want Centre Costs Sex Education Orbit Satellite MTAWA ChM mm Sodall 3min Leaflet 1qu EVANS HEADS AMC Dinmm American Melon 00m meeting in Detroit va day eleded Robert Evam chairman of he boardY follow ing Lhe resignation Richard 0w nay Aboumhy com um as pmldent geneml manager and anel executive lica be canpany ClL BIKES PRICE Canadian Indusuim Lu an nwncnd Mondgy in Manngal an lnctaase ln the price of sul phuric acld hat will be ellec llva July 1966 The company nd Magma baume sulphuric acid will then sell for $2500 1101 um up from 52350 the ldt the lism EMF North American and It PM an unidenkdï¬ed ves eel both since mired 1M Somh Amman docked hm BUSINESS BRIEFS 233 Bradford St Olds luxury in everything you could ask for in fino cnr Thats ptobnhly why the reasonable pnco comes as such surprino to most people And light now your Oldsmobilo dealer is doing hm host to koop that puca nt lockbottom low Which makes this tho polfoct oppovlunlly 10 not ac qumnlodwilh Olds Itonuslly you wont know who youm missing unnl youvo soon lnvon and mood on Olds And onco you havo youll ho mady to make the kind of dual Its the Olds you drive out in Bo cm In no Bonanza on llvo CBCTV nonovk each Sunday Chock your local ï¬ning 01 01on and mm Point Minna 1M Pyramid shareholdgm get 526400 Pine Paint sham Wm marks out five or one Pine Point share Slamldm ol Pyramid Mines but at special med ng in menur Monday awr whdmingly awrovcd the sale 91 thme aw Ping OIIAWA CF Forestry Minister sauve attending the twwoek worm forestry 00m resa in Madrid Spain The led eral minister is vicechairman of the nsmalinn congress aypaenfly or the last time In pemitnneuly glassy gem tu diwmbark and visit Saflnlelflaï¬e amonl the Hur on 1mm mm Man tyn Shrine DANGERFIELD MOIURS LIMITED PINE POINT SOLD AlmIOMZED OIVIJMIMIILYI mu IN HARM MIDLAND tram era Vparenfly ended here Friday When the Sdufll Amerlcan safledout here on her return in Detmit and Gavelnnd the passengers Mostly Americans probably were enjoying the ï¬nal ship cruLseol Canadian Great laku waters sat the can mm ship on 1h Great balm my be retindby July be cause ol pmposcd legislation gov ernng passenger vnssuls our remly berme the Us Congress 11 RAM EXAMWER TUESDAY JUNE As the highlight of WWW cruise nearly 300 passengm disembarked or three ham to our SelmaMarie among the 11m $5464 and the 1151th boring Martyn Shrine For zmeraï¬m us ï¬nd Cam adian passenger vesseL have been plying the Great Lakes and callan at Georgian Bay mm In Huronia the cradle of Ontarios hiswry The iast the Canad Ian Ships the Canadian Pacific Railwnyn Amnihoia and Kerr wann wave retired from the Port MoNlelszehead run at the and 1351 season TM left ha South Amulcan owqerdrrbyrGeorzian Bay Lines of Holland Mich 15 he last cruls ship on Ihe Great Lakes Ami now appamnuy she has sailed ml of Canadian wawrs or the 1m Um and an era ended But Mhenvise service is im proving or trawler In my amed hisoricyitu Sainw May End Cruises To Midland Fort 31qu5th Tommy Barrio Maria the ï¬rstEuropcau com munity Onurio and flu ml nlon contra or six 01 Nnrth Americas elghz French Jesuit marm salnu and the Marlyn Shrine Canadas national shrine of the NW American martyrs Pleasure craft thx year will travel the last mile the origin al 17lh century mmfle route the Jesuiu and Indians ram Que bee IIuroni By the and n1 June the edml Department Public Works is scheduled to comle the dredging the Wyn River from Gmrglan Bay to within sight of SaimeMarle The channel 60 feet wida and sh gel deep will be marked by nngm and soar buoys Oldsmobilefl you probably though just didnt exist any more Only your Old dnalm has them like this So duvo away In now Olds soon Youll never dnvo honor doaL Barrie Tent HWning This Is our 2M non urvinn Blrrlo and Clnml Ontario 34 BIVHDH $7 BEAT THE HEAT ENHANCE YOUR HOME PROTECT YOU YOUR FURNISHINGS Finger dock win he construc ted Inter this year No mhar new mvkea or lravellen also am unminenl Gray Coach Lines anticipates the on June 01 daily In mvlca 1mm Toronw via Barrie to SaluteMarie and the Martyn5 Shrine and 500 car pï¬rklng lo Idlacent to SainlrMario isdue lg open by the and the month Canadian Natbnal Railwn still mainLuins line Immed inlaly north of SaluteAtria and expected to resume char tered passenger trains next sea on rum Ontario Quebec and US points Phonn 7961 °l For Fru Enlmul 7266437