ï¬red 1m ï¬mrrimrf hls m7 ica mum to throw the Naw that team Imam vaccine availaltihe this dB ease and daner cvmpli caï¬m can be prova 1f pggqnls will Just see hat um Thms noLhIng oldlaslfltmed about 163th Mm You are no wrong in advislng that mild with in median d1 ease be kept 111 Ind kept qual For one thing it prevents spreading me dlseuw Them are other reasons loo particularly relating to men ales and mumps The dukened room 15 lm measles The dis ease does not affect the eyes in damaging mm but It calms WWW MW in 11 Mum 5qu Ameseflmunulterlsflw posibmty mcophamia or of Item m0 My to ughrf sixbdued baht in not new to be logaUy flmwhkhcanbeextrénfly mmweucnusedoam children have his vaccination wm mumps keeping mild Quint and in bed is or much the same reason To pram complicauom vmleh xmsfl lesly to 1ch the ovaries tw uclu and Wrw rDer Dr Mom L57 vgllgy fem caused by wary L9 11 mental wardenV Valley ever 0r San Joaquln Fever caIMd by hlghly Infecuou lungux mad mainly in the summern United Stale and South America It is not mental disordu 111ch are two major arms oi Ihe disease primary which Involves the lung the fungus L1 usually carried on dust and pmmm which can invqu Wily came down with chicken pox and advised my dauWIimIRW co keep him in slda In dark room because soxm childnns disease can sued the eyes and heart com1m oldiashlmed yauni molhur the darker childrens disoasu Mn 43 311111 mun cm mum Shaw mum Th Oh wl Ind Ivor Mr IMm amnn may lWmld In Cmnlrnt Lm Secnl Harm ll Lav but llIunny Campn1 ixninrlr Mm Inm1a Llwml tum Cnnlul Dont Be OldFashioned With Health Protection By JOSEPH MOLNEVR MD Emmiu mu Ile HUI 11 ml Mnrnlnl OLwlln Klnluoo In IUnhlnll All Allwn ad ON aUwullnn Amum Ann Mm ml T0 GOOD HEALTH Spam llLmnml 11 luv HUM Mn Mm in rmmm IAT In MM lm IMr lannl mum mm mm 1000 sum am II TIM nv munqu Ilmm In Imy Ilnllm mm mm mm JIhrll 41 nu 1m mlmvsm in bumrll lm Mm Hn wmm llrlmral 114mm mum nmmn mm wuml Du Dnl Mnlncr uraqd lBUFFALO SBARME GBUFFALO FTORDNTO 11MMILTON nun7mm WEDNESDAY Il TELEVISION PROGRAMS MUNINIM JUNE TUESDAY JUNE EVENING 10a ZllunueyBnnllu lcuurnl IIIn 44 NE MORNING l0 1Conunmurm Jhlmdhr mm Con Ilium Allm 11m xy mm cu In xndm Enllun nu an Vn IM Ill nmm ofunlu TM IL lhy lrul nuy Mwm mu cu HDlnlfl DWI lHuu nonl nu Dmm lRnd sxelmu DOmner mo llann ITN llml 1m 1mm Ihunl IIn Chi mm Lna mmm In mu Army mm lNm Nm INlmnfll turn mu Tm llllmuvlvln1u Illn mm UNI TVVI IlnnlymhnnIl mm UIIVIIIII IMIM In vhmlu 14 In Dr Imnml llUlnn AuI LMunul mmwnu Lam mm In Ilnuuvll Inml IM l1 Nnnnllml 34 Mo 1AA L4 mm Dhrnlnl IDnll Han lAnay Mlybury ng ILlfl My Allvn mr rmmu lmg Xny In mpldms Nola lo Mn 11 Them In many types Ind will ol the Salmonella germ Mich min In cavsinz dlanhea food poismlng and similar mleasanum Nol knowing more of the ease unnolnn all lbw kl mam lt ls qulu common Elva mated mm of LEW km ruptod by petlad mallea lorm ls Fa whitever mason the disemlia 2105 cram among peope com plexlms and human die Ila of and 50 Bur Dr Mnlnerx When womanhuansmearumlt Wv vlrlually every time In the boy mlan bones that type ol banMB 565vade EN MW Reuters Eon elgn ministers mm 51x East European countrina and flu So viet Unlon meet here ths week In try to iron out dillerenm wimln the Warsaw Put the CWUHM delance alliance its meeting About whim there has been no rfliclal III nouncament but which my start tiny011w alks here last weekend between Warsaw Pact delch mlnlsterl Th1 conference also went un announced hv the Soviet pm and unconfirmed by East Euro pean embassies Minister Corneliu mm Ilker to be cluser questioned the muting AW Romanhl incrclsimy inde pendent line within the alliance Both meeting were said by wdianonnod mum to be part ol preparaflmu fur Sovlecrbluc mmmll puley in July Foreign Ministers Meet In Moscow Na The puma7 mm usiiallyv Ilnl mean she doesnt hm lTnnllhI Maw lIIIIA 01 In lknlmhl Mlml lmn mum Show um Hunty 1117 mm nNuw wmm Sport lDlel Vin MI Hulk luncfln 1030 zmuc gamman Mm mu mm AFTERNOON hobby su kfllu mu MlIlu IMnrnlnl Mn JENu Ind 71M Tour Ium no 144 Mm rm In World Tunu um um len on Lhu Jhnunld Klu rum DDu OMIth mu In node 17 mm lvmn llmm mail In Cbnfllrl on um um IAnuum Warm lru In 1100 41 Tun mm le mm luv lAhh mm TM Mn NI mn Hm ll unnY campn1 IN 00 Allm Mth lNulmnxim tcns Nm smIl II 11 ï¬dlfln waIn mnunu mu mm mum kan l0 ILW Wumr inert nNm wmnu 5WD me lTvnlfll n0 lMery In Kw Amy rum um Wu my rm mt ll II um um In In mlmn Im lnl hand it not Maury Hm in MM sea the adverse cant dedmer unmask than 315 as mam as he had seen them became the lid ding or the nuns ahady made BIL him predsdy mu cam each oppmen has For example take this hand whys South is In three nonmm In tune out that West who opened ihe biddhg prob iny has sad and every one oi ha 12 11th points missing MI that deciam MW has Io misuyloilgumoutawayni maldnz nine iripiu based in the himlady he IaL 1h not really Mimi husk once Smith puLI his mind to it He will the heart lead with ma quem and play low spade mm ihe ween ll West goes up wiih iha king Hie ms the piayii mimic South winds up with nine tricks Ind Wei ion1 hééfl Scum DAILY CBOSSWOBD THE OLD HOME TOWN Wst dealer Nonh South vulnerable Opening leadka of beam ACROSS 473 Argument Phat Yield Haunt 10 hm wheel 12 Coins 14 Inï¬ll 15 Room in hnuu abhr Fromm 175an of 20an nu ï¬lled unit 23 Mars delulutu popular modurn dime pack ILRJm of Euiun mm at mm 28 Dkxam wlnl um 81 Wk Mlulem mu Hudlul 51 Number 911 35 04min cmcfl Ibbr 3D PM map voxmm um wnllzhl larulyr 5W1¢kd Curved WRIGLEYS SPEARMINT 11 NW 706 North You on mm Inloyln cuuvpvï¬ml mm rm nl vaqlyl Sp mum mm nllhll lmh llnvour Ind lmly ll mold Now tha only way to buy CONTRACT BRIDGE luau sun MMKK tr nn QQI AAQ v04 9H7 NORTH mm who 11 naposxuan 1s Lendln in humid cm Clay Tmubfld Attempt Flnlahu Emu Sn By JAY BECKER 13b1 MOSCOW Reuters An other MM emhquake rocked the dry Tmhkent curly Sun day an lowGI sedan humor hit the MsImlc central Aslan lradjng centre In than six An earthquaku shook this unp flal Macadam Sunday hm no damage was reported 1er yum ago vloIent quake lev elled much Skopje and killed consisiilu of three spades tum hem and our diamonds if West inlwa low on the mm at trick Wm dummy win the nick with tha queen and South can now count eight iridm mistinx oi two spades hm hurt and four diamonds club lead establish trick number nine ihe non thinking ubciarer who makes no alien in diagnose Mhidi cm are masinu or how they are divided mid easily go dawnon the hand He mint win Enter Win diam and who spade muse los flï¬ï¬ï¬ 951 WWI West would than one out the ace hearts and Sam would avanually have In no dvvm me an dim result of Pi allure ho mum things out Main damaxe was 00 houses In the uld city Mlich had 91 randy been abandoned lb 50 viet news agency Tim said mm Vlhan 1000 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mam New Quake Rocks Cify 0f Tashkent 2mm muam Ann2 so Needlc um 32 Velchlike hub 38 Munch Thltket 51mm 3951qu AP Ml ununlul mlrlu FA lfll XAMINIIII ACTION WANT MM 71H By Stanley FAST CASH 391mm mm uAw1y 1mm nun 43 Grlpu lekl in mm loan III mocked WSWE lmmor alman mansixu Him MULE In an BROOK YWrmrw°ï¬mm LL nuMSTiAD vw KWUOD msrnnr vn uAswoD BUMSTEAE BARRIEZXAMINER TUESDAY June ma mum om mu Ammn mm untamed