nu Muer Murman uï¬lrh mlul rnnwuuu 1m lmrr at llmnn Illnmlo uIn mm with rmlul 1mm Ilia 1mm mnl yvmdmnl WWI mum leiral Mnuwnn an Mum MN IM Iluplu PM hum mun 101an dll Mm Mrlv lna mm prrmirr ml Iln mu paHy MN Anlnmn llallrï¬lr my lnln ddul In II In llnllnlu In Ilvlrh ht nnw ml lnlnl Ivu lnvmmvnt Irvt T1 va nunnrwl mm lan um um wand Ma wumy um min mlvuflwk In III II puny Mr Jomnnn wm mad lha wrmlnl pnlllmmllry unil An In 19Mv Imuny mun In 1H hmqu rvmrrel mlnlnm 1n IN HTK IM PM Thrn mhlrnb lullMI ynr 0n llgmlynnlvnllrd puny knl l1 mman hurl Mlh Ilm duh rl munwymn hum lhn Wan pm Iv Irmmm him lnlu Ihn Unilm Nu mm avrmnwnl nl Ilw lulu Manna mll Mm Mk Ilyur mmulwr Mar hi wlnx ml lam Arlunrml Mm hmuh llu mks Mr Johann dam m1ch Imkrn nun who perm um Hy the WM through hnrn ï¬rmM mm lot dlrm 51M the pmsz ml unmnmrnl kndtmhlp Sunday nixhl lflu of lhu Quebec cmml dodlon lmllrnml flow but Immlnaly Minn vldory lo pmy MauiM mhlrnm Im um hln mm in low winnlu rlarllm Du Unlm anlnnnlo mnï¬wr lm Hum lb Mlnl In AHll Mdl smï¬y in ï¬dory lor Dnnlpl Yahruon Unlnn Nm Iknn lendtr DANIEL JOHNSON MONTREAL CPIAll uphill hung pull What pnrly fluttmd by the dud bl an Aulharllnrlln lender Ind marked by pouum mndnl SOUEEZING THE SOUEEZER Wall Street Journal Taxpayers who think our government is pretty imaginative in coming up with new levies may be interested in whats going on in England Over there the tax men are claiming that hotel whosa Walters aqueaze oranges pmduca fresh Juice an orangejuice manufac turer subject to 15 levy on ï¬le value oi the juice produced Theres little chance that sudi In an Each will be tried in the 05 where men generally tend to favor less devious rmachea Which leava lot at us tee ng at about this tlma year like used British oranges Squeezed SAFETY PROGRAM ACCELERATES New York Ilmasb Starting from ground speed of al most zero the federal ighwa my mm L4 program 1h shoï¬hgï¬rï¬apld nuclei313 mmww WWW am We live cheek by jowi We have common language and many common Interests We carry on the worlds largest exchange of goods and services across our border And now we are being taken more and more under the wing of our neighbor if we wish to retain our political and at least some economic independence suggests Mr Pollock we will have to be wary of very advanced United States proposals such as the Kennedy round of taan re ductions Too we will have to be much more assertive of our own interests and do more for ourselves to aid the devel opment of our industrial selfsurfidency and strength If we Canadians wish to remain an independent country our citizens and our business people must There has been freshet of advice re cently from political spokesmen on the subject of Canadas peculiar problem of sovereignty It is debate of the utmost significance and it is worth while to have business leaders views added to the record In recent ad dress Carl Pollock was not pessimistic but he was quite realistic The worldwide level of business pom Etitlon the president of Dominion ectmhome Industries stated is now at its highest point in history and in this fluid supply situation even very pros perous industry could ï¬nd itself in trouble within couple of years Fur ther business in Canada suffers compli cations greater than most because of our relationship with the United Statea Walll Publleher DoItOurselves Basic Provide Canada Progress Regards Quebec As Nation 112 Emir Examinvr OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canndlan Newspaper lelted 16 Bayflald Strut Bugr19 Onurlo McPhoruon Managing Edltor MAY JUNE 1m PAGE HI Johnnu llm admin ntrmuly Munmndk In My In lhal Mll ml OWN IMM mmnlml lwn du 1lrrl MHMI Inll Hull muim Amid mum Im per Ml vrmlnl NMML In Quflw Tam rhltl mld mun pm Hum mwnalan muléxlri ll DIM nllnelml flu Ulwr all Im nwmllu murh nwwy mm Ilmvlnl lhmllh muvlnw ho rluvlwl lhal Mva qmrlinl palm um Iradlni lo drlxl ml Inrvrauul lle hllldl rvultl hanknml nu nmlme pnlmrl Mk Mr nw hilllo vYMJnn rallM or In nllm Mlmt Mr lnhnlnn Inllrvod In In rmmrM nl lnnh In Iï¬ldl It quhl rmur In0r In wlprvl mu mm oldnnl unmlxn haul ul flu cmlniy 1am uylng mommy Hut MI ymty Wu ulna dthumumx IM 1ull nvommonW uhlrh lw ulvl the mural lwl lm rom 74W IYINTIMTION mm Ivuu Nluru hm Ml am In mwnl ml nr sun Ilayl rlrthn uhlrh Inrhle 4va In yrmm but In gutHm Mr Jnluuon Immimly un prapnflnl lho plrty to II nut nmpalun Inctemlnl el lnm In roman Mm hu bun culled ha old gum by WH um inlemllnn ol ymuhn and vmnwn Into lhn ml ullr mrly rmm Hun havlnl umn lwlnnl upnrnlo odor alion In 1062 he led the parly Ink 0w wavinclal election Am ths Union MUMlo nulln OIL will lhe Hbruh Inmmnx lhclr anMlly In he lenllllun HOFATES YOUTH Mom mum to rejuve nnle Ind mka more dcmncrl tir lho Itmolura nnd member Mp Ihn Union Nnflnmle llflhicr walling land Lth dlvldod party lmm Mr Am Ind gamma mmwr ruwn The hearing conducted 151 year by Senator Ribicoff and his subcommittee the prodding by Senators Gaylnrd Nel son and Robert Kennedy and much good work by state governments notably the New York la latures joint committee on motor ve Ides have all helped tn get the Issue of auto salety Into high gear As recently as two years ago no one would have predicted $725000000 budget for safety federal facility to test automobllas and government stand ards for safe automobiles and safe tires Yet all of these proposals were included in President Johnsons transportation message last week Ind are now before Congregm What do 01 have Chances are we have It assiried ad in the Los Ang elm ï¬mes Wanna hm The basics of 1116 havent been chan ged by the speed of our modern van1d or by the many Iaborsaving devices in our homes Life will always be doit ourselves proposition What happens in tlus life of ours de pends on people and what motivates people individually and collectively to carry out their responsibilities as par ï¬cipants in our economy is the key to the countrys greatness Without motl vated private enterprise the best en vironment would be much less fertile without stimulating environment pri vate enterpnse would be frustrated and much less productive It is therefore obvious at the beginning of our second century that for Canada to become the nation she has the potential to be stronger leadership is needed on the part of our elected representatives and lurith memen The nub of Mr Pollocks case is that mu pmpenity and Inde endenoe will not be saved by some p0 ticai legerde main Canadians today need momthan an ng else the spur of private enter so to retain the ownership and con trol of our own development We need stronger belle in our own capabilities which must be put to challenng work rather than be lulled into dependency by welfare programs which even the affluent society of the United States 35 as yet WW be motivated to retain our birflnflght which Is the opportunity to do the de veloping and o€eraung of much of our Cagfsdiansocley agduecppomy ELECTION VICTOR flWllson General Manager WWWwwmm Amhnx he pa In hl nounud he MI uke In men nru In mrmrd the Fund luuunue In provlnte mm Include man quh mic mly Hummus And the nub lbhmnl Frenchlmxmaa ncwl urvkn MIMI could In Him mppml ram lhu lovmv mm In lnyhrzd Ldnnn Dupllo hlI parUyIrlahIound in Mm Mn 1an Ihnmum om rumma hz huming mm mm am my In nut Imam mm mrponlim can and 1th mmsslon dullu Fa Mr Jnhnmj litter of our mlldml ma cnmpalm Mt2y pgirl mm 01an W1 limb flumum TORONTle 1mm Mnmlwf Imuhlll nauy vanmmr HMh MI Aurlnllm Milan Pr and will Ilumu nl lyrnlmvm nw Jamaln lmn In emuAmy mMIINI In we lnr winkum cl mu IIpalclln In lh up cmlilul In II or AIurlMM Roulm AM Ah In In INI rumMl Hmwn lmly Sunday And Smulnry Ilnlulnu Mrmlul ï¬uhmlyvllnn um My urrlrr Inlly uuo ymly Shula cup IN Inc By mull urlq ymly murln Inn your mnlnr unnde Ill war MMI mllnhla OMA nu In Mr mlMa nmla flrllhh mm mu urolnm um OHNI Unmtu Im vamm alh rarl Mnnllul 12M Wpd Irwltr nnmlm YH Aunmnm mwul rlm mm IM 0er Denm mrnl Dunn ml pmntnl nl pull nub 11m dmlm nl Ind awn4 rillrrm m1 unlhy mm ml munw llm Ilm IIHv mum unn utcl In min AM lnhmilm vaiuln Anvl NMNHWII AIMMHIM hun hatl mm mu1 nwvrlnflm ll hwy hm um Hwy Wlfllll mwvy Hm lm lwn wlxly III In My ï¬rm All xl Hum 1mm halo tnl nury dm4urnlm ml up null mruqm mum Hy MN hr ulmlnlr lmflon Iv mvwml Hwy In qnah In an mink muha 11x14 In mv mm IM W1 01 Mrllmv Andy Ihl Inn paymwi ha ha 1m mmluo lhln MUN qu II mil on him will mull mat unlr vmulm imam Hurr uum mummn mu mtlrr lwlnn hay In Ihrwl mlh lvvmhln mm prnpmy ll IOWIJIA In Ihlv MM 51 maximum mu your In my Immnnm mumHm lo mullHy an lunklhnmd ViUrid Laurier made min or hitmen dcbater Mule be 1mmij On gm realm he gfgued no may fie hecama mnnber of the Quebec legislalure hm be mu tiny 30 and mum lhe House at Common in 0mm 0m em atcr One 1M most mlmiul norm nbml Lam prime miw Her was when he um nation In me In nuend Queen VI lorias Dinmond Jubihe and take pm In mlonlll Mfume is charming manner 1an beanul flow nl Immune In Punch and mzum won the hum of everyone mun Vldom mid la hnve flayed rid in order to get him In new knight hood Ind hn mumi Canada er Willrid Sir Wilfrid Laurie muster cams In Canada with Maisonncuve Ind hehaed la lnund Mantra In 1612 He was born in humble immanm Lln nur Alumni In his father helpad hm mun An monishinx erhmflon Hm ha young wima in live with Presbyaian lamily It New Glasgow Quebec Wham ha laxlied with ï¬nishpuk mcnhg remixed ï¬gmlcalnm n¢ Lmmlm my 1m Humou hm mama mtqu mum mined to wly Canada um the prism closed the Mann day WYER EVENT ON JUNE 11 lamMania FmMsher hem Hm worn to Bafï¬n Lnnd NibJohn Davis mute Hm raynus la hat now Dnm 9mm mnLa human dllmzd Lake HuronLake Erie mm for Comm below Mm mm 1m mm Mule uiuflui 10er we aw mm he look course main Sir WLlrid won hu first general eledion ln lwï¬ In one ol the stranlest political mixups ln Camdinn history munch Roman Catholic hm opposed his church in the Manitoba savanna schools oonlrovemy which was be landing 3qu in Hue ma elec tion The Commotivu mm shanty More the cledion were led by owner Orange Grand Master Sir Mackenzle Howell who mp Que Roman Calhalic position Look Slr erid nine year 10 became prim minis me Then he remained In ofï¬ce until 1911 and mi Iudl In 01mm lng figure hat was diflimlt for many Canadians to Maine anyon else being mlme minister For years alter his deem in ms 11 was nld 1h many FremhCanadialu in remote places believed Hut he was null prime minister QUEENS PARK Sir Wilfrid Lam1n who became one at Canadax mm pnime ministers was deem lender the when party on June succeeding Elamd Blake His jab was to tzy Io end Conser vmive nlgn that had 1am since Omledemï¬w except for tha ï¬ve year when Sir John Mnadondd wu out at flies owing CPR campaign mm Mania In pm ymrmm CANADAS STORY Now Have Defence In Expropriation Wilfred Laurier Made London Hit HELLYER DEFENCE REDUCING SALON MUM mp By BOB BOWMAN Yoo H00 mTHEW 1m Minn mlnhly III tml In Ihm 1mm tumamid ha mummm um nu nitUM am to llr mhhr mum mm PM P0 In an In my Mfllnfll Ill Chi mm mm wm 1m hula In any In mud In Uta Vim plan lln mrmlnl mivIuy II have In mmlnu Hm IvMy In nnmnry mm mm Mmlu lnlvmuy ll Tum mlnbly mnllalnt MT Mm uN In lln Tim thI VII in mm rl lhm Inliu INNAIIM I1 1v lha Hula mun but rlunu Wm mm mm mm rry mm mutt In luvJun rm UM Illnmlnllm MM nml Ihry win In 1h hrul mmny ln pman rur mmdmu nnw mmxw mumd lw um Hm In mo Mun WILL IIMH TIANT 17ml boy Imully can nmn lnu rnr nlwn ha Univrrlily Tnmmo Mmul In upmmnla mu nut nl land on ma muklm Trrmln Unm Mw lha mqmv mm Iwm rimmin In lure urn hound In hnvo mlurnl tandem In nvrvarwh AM uuw1y lvar lime is nothing too hard or the Lord or naming too good or those who rust Him Faith LI lbs victory mm gun at leprosy who acting Jun Ml an hll Inc And hnwrhl hlm naIng leI than will than clnlt mlk in claim And he pnl urlh MI hurl Ind louched IIIm Ilyllll will Be thou dun And Immedmey the lemony dov parted mm him Luku 512 13 Arum Du um mim run Mull muth lnllll mm nnmm IAu l1 llnwnlnwn lenflhl BIBLE THOUGHT WEBDS JEWELLERY Tendemst Klnl hl Mlnrnlnx CONTINENTAL SPECIALTIES NEVADA WOOL Wool Iar III need In III colour wolghh leum Klllmu Hume Frcrzrr Supplirl Cnllillfl nnd Wrnpplnu Call inf men Card ADAMS MEATS Hrmxrd MNhAfllrl Grnrnl Ilrpnlxl Tim murm HARRY SMIIH Gonoul Svoro MONARCH REFRIGERATION Rndio Ind TV Sam at DUNLOI Moss rnluma Jrnllny mm In Ill In VALUE OUR SPECIALTY 11 II llunn Fl ery El COLOR TV all Now COOKSTOWN MOTORS Ws UH 718 19 72M7l PLAY BINGO SI 3551 In 111 H4 071 II II 1017 I¢lll II l3 l1 2nd Gm On Guru hull only Nflmlurl rlllrd ll ï¬ll II ll IM ll II Earl not lor 19 ell hue llll be bl lha hullnul on 1111 Idurllument BINGO rnrdx which mu bl abmned FREE OF CHARGE Itopv plnl In la lhelr pl of bull um Aha nth Ink lhru Illl Ippur lhmulhoul lhen llumrnh In numhe llnl mum to MilIn In urd mm Ml The lulu Edl lar cu Thu lhrrln Enmlnn HY TELEPHONE II rllllhln In It uh Ill uh Ink thrvr II no Ilnnrr nlnlu Illl Inrruud by UN Ynu Hunt III lhl furl romplvlrly rnnrrd In hr fllllhl tn lllllnr lhp Iillllnllnl qurllllm In Mh Ill The tom injured on our high ways during 1965 was 150156 This number greater than muld be mommodausd In all the bed in our pubiic hos pimls in all provinces mth excepting the Prairies The ï¬ber seven provinces have total of 1mm beds in pubflc hospitals of with 10 per cent at any one Lime are filled wiih amideni viclinu This Mn is insufficient In ireal the na tional irallic mu ll headmit tedlymiikeiy vmt that All required hospth mimem at in same time But this com parison in aioqumz Thé cost ol My damage arms be an immpme ï¬gure as no Iouls for Quebec are yet available But Quebec altered AIJmly mqre aqcldcqls man NADAll mkels will nu clear warmth were In Mt Osh awa P011 Arthur Prince Al ba 3pm 13 Acton 30 and Oakvim Ind kill or wound ev ery Inside In all ï¬ve dues he appalllnl calualty loll would be ruled national dim asler According to the latest census gum 150064 men wmnen and chlch would be killed or Injured But lhal Mal almost exacfly matches the total 155030 men women and chlldrcn kllled or Injured on our highways dur ing 1965 Instead al Inallnz 1131 annllonnl dlsaster which must be curbed me led em gavemment nowl qullr hling about whether ll hu the power to curb rcponedly dan xemu lemma In the Mapom which prove lethal or InJmlmu on our hlghwaya The Dominion Human ol Sla tistics has Just released the mm Bcddem statistics or the louflh quarter of Last year Final ofï¬cial ï¬gures or the whole year are not yd nvail able but have compiled the unofficial Nimokon stadsliu totalling the four quarterly W6 96 me chat ï¬gure as an estimate On this hula we wngn SWAMP HOSPITAL MHI Fl OTTAWA REPORT JACKPOT $4000 Hvluunvlv lll Illhlfl AMI IL In Im In nu th huh hrlirv Appalling Toll Taken In Highway Accidents By PATRICK NICHOLSON Klu Milton Fur Tho rimt FM um mp In Town Tn PINKNEYS LADIES WEAR lnr Tllr MI 726 03 AUTOMAIH IMANSMISVION SHIWIIE IIOUIl TOWING 4476700 Night 44mm and WIN THIS WEEKS to IL II 11 ll M4 sn NH 10 MRS PINKNEYS LADIES WEEK BARRIE SEA F000 DOUO DEAN SERVICE Ann Looking at 2h ï¬gure Iur II dIviduaI provinces we see mat in 1965 Quebec ngaIn led he parade shame with 130 auldenu Ontario was close secwd wiIh 128461 BC had 40251 Accidents Saskatchewan 19251 nd PEI I556 ill higher than In 1964 The mu of death me In 18 In Ontario Quebec dmpmd to 1531 Imm 1501 In Saskatchewan In 224 1mm 23 In PEI to 15 from 59 But In 80 II wand In 500 Imm Hmmvur all these pmv sumred an Inmased Inul accidmua 1n 0mm It was 60917 at one every min utes day and mm Ihmuthl lhe yeah In Quebec than wm 39109 acddenu In EC 17574 In Saskatcth 6778 and In PEI 608 Me Lha the properly coat highways accidan was Emu irnalely $206000000 This huge ï¬gure L1 more than numdem no pay an addillonal $50 month thrwghuul the year to every old age pensioner now pendent mlely upon the $151 month government pemlon Thus are startlng ï¬gures In general lhay show an all round increase about 10 pet cent ovyr 1m If they continue In mw at this rale the trafï¬c toll In 1970 will he equivaleg to kllllng or Woundan the en tlre mlauon at hlg city UM size of Ottawa Calgary or win uipeg incidentally Mr Gulf tells that he is slflirecdv in from readers at Ottawa Ill part lcuers and lists rx Sign lures In suwort his safe car campalgn and inspired by my colmnn on topic Jan 12 Thls he believes consu 1qu the largest writein ular lobby aver mn an Parlia men Hi1 These ï¬gures explain wlw altar Canadas year nl 05mm like neglect lhb national scandal the young 0mm ï¬ve MP Reward Gramey getting mulls mm his cam paign or national enlighten ment and government action COLUMN HELPS Nullml nlllvl ll Cl lhlvllnp 71 HO mn GM Tn hm To Mluo I1 mp1 Am lllnlo III II Hinton Fperllllxlnl In olhnun RepIr Tfllln ms Tim Batteries Lubrication runp Mum of II lelly Plk GS While Fkh MACSAY Mun th Lqu Slmcoe ROY TRACY SALES mnlny nu Han Hpnmnllnlldn 0pm Mom In Sat to Sun Dunlap SI Ann St HURON MOYORS Aulhnlllrvl lulu Ind ï¬nk 400 GRILL GROCERY In VARIETY BANEURY FOOD MARKET IMunl Thu Knlur JEEP Cumin Lid tuluflnl Flllar Ounn PETER KLEIN TEXACO 7M nu ullh llaml flIiNI Repairs run In HI MI llvrlll 71M mm llml we lb