Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jun 1966, p. 3

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FIVE WEEKS cl 1M Brandl H7 were Minted or last um From LEFT Martindale Mn Kay Rowe Ladlu Auxlllary in nuyal outstanding service during RIGHT Mrs Flo Drake Mn and Mn Flo Peacock Canadian Legion Burl honor and awards 1in held Marion Dlnmond Ma AREA WEATHER Presenjgd With 03 Variable Cloudiness Temps Will Reach 75 Seawnnble lcmpormren In Mxpcdbd to prele today and lnmurmw following ycamdayl nwcltpnnz heal Emma wea lher office cm or variable cloudiness with wink was In southwest 10 co Censuses Underway NW mndmx It The Exam lner office last mm 56 ms 70 at 10 mm Temperature W1 drop la 51 defines tonight and In low lo read 75 lotrwrrow Synop ammonium In 1mm lakes minus will drop to Mason nomuzh following mldsmmner hen al the gum 10w days Above IM umu am slow movlflk And quun ulcnslva Icw pram Am win mm couple nl day rela Urrly mol unwind flwwcry Munr Mdmink by ho hum Mll be knocking min dun um 17mm Ihvy muld In lanai Iour am wanting lo know every 0an Imm ymu phmn numlmr wr View on mo mm MM 1411va Advmud ll um Dwnmkn mm with mum Illun wimlulnl or wle June 15 romm CPIFoer is flux at 530 Hmmw Hm nlwl mam MutantM In mm In the MM Ila municipal le nuk Ill mquirim ul mry AM In Awl In make unmu more mm plkvdrl UM Inmh 11M ln llarvlh mmlmllnl nllp hm mnW will ma rl up 30 mtan calllnl II Mun JNNIIWN dufll nmlhhm ml vlnu II that INrnl uumzll Mllwv IMI Irrk nr nnl Vnnm Ml Mudw IN MI lulu wk rm xlmuq Int min ml ulna lnwivm ml Ilv rum In mil nl Hm lmnllmdq num mmlllnkm all mun In mummy run lmhlmu human rrmm mnmmm Mn mm rmlnmlx mummnm In my mm mm leflnufly lulml rowl mm mow mum DOORBELLS RINGING CITIZEN 01 YEAR RECEIVES WILLIAM WRIGHT MEMORIAL TROPHY III Lake St Clair bake Erie Lake Huron SouLhem Georgian Bay Wulmn Lake Ontario Niagara Wlndsor London llumuon Toronto Vunnhlo cloudiness and acasonabie an Mraluns Winds 51 In mlh MN 10 cioudy IIIth tunable lcmpmturcs southwest 10 to £0 Easicrn Lake Ontario all punon 19111 fignny yilh Nnrlhun Gwrginn Bay arm 9mm 5M Marie South ¢n wmm Illvcr Tunagnml Sudbum Nam Day Change nbk skin with bnel untlmd Ihowm And could Wrsl lo Ioulhwcsl winds 15 lo 15 Nordmn hlm Var Godh rune Waller James hay Cloudy and cool wflh occasional Lhmwnl WM ll mflwitst wind 15 lo 25 em mt lo lmwwm llriar nae mm mm mu Mimup the hull nl um IKKM mph Ma clutlnnl In xi er an MM Mm XMnmmli IM Umla bun tho Imly dillmllly 11m Invininn flvooww mm indudu medal quantum II In mm and Ilvmlndt or Inrmrn M4 nhNI or llnlwmlrm 11m pmflmlnl municipal rem In In nlm mlmmy mm nnd Mum hulnhulmwr Him lrfllhlgn mu an urn11w n1 mxnli IAan llm nunin may rnllon but no Whom lmuhln mnml MWIWVI la mulml Iuvlw pmvlndol mu mum Mum In Mk uhler ham ll mlwwrw lulll Imw runny loddmu Hw lhn lhuy nu mmnnl ll mm Human 741M110 nr Inimnn nnrl hm wry 14m nu Mi honar LI awarded annual ly for outstanding service In Ibo oommiby Mm Mac lmrlnq mhm plu to Mvml nmlnl In wuer llmn hm mp Mr lnlllnlun Ink tlw mm imfi llwl nwvxlr duh lulu Inw luuunmwu mw up am ml Imy IN In In hula lune MIN vamwfli mu ullh In many mmnwnnu lh lull ul mm In MN 4m In 1m wry lelln IllimltVJ Ml carp imnmlrmm mm Benice mummem mlxécmn 160k Mm Mac on and me Which notheasl winds near 15 In nontth sodium the Western Jamm nay region Furecnl emlcrnlum Luv unlxhl hlth Wrdnnrhy Windsor 57 7B Thwm 51 75 Landon 55 75 Kikhenor 75 Moum Forest 51 71 inznam 71 SA Catharina Toronln Pelerhorough Klnulun Trenton Klllnloo Muskokn in Wm in now 1wan minded Iry Hm Unlfli and an Miami In mwd Um rilyl tanning mum mum nufimon Kapuskuinu Ilnv chltvy Jaw um dny Um nun1m with btflilll In my mm in he calmMn Mlhln ml luv mm in dle to Imlp n1 nuclmu mummliom dumnlna Um new and Wis 11 lhu Iauuunmuu um rhunh uklmln um um lnmlllnr um um um vlnim walth Imam an mo wan him Iv 11mm and th you hde um llw mun IIny hunk inqviml lry Gov Mr Jim um um For Summer Sloraqo bring your boul lo BARBIE Municipal MARINA BMVIEW MAIan um Ilnlm In In 0mm Imuclml me Rough Wnlor 0Tunvrnlcnl lo mmmvwn llnnl launching Hump ODav crk Month Mason Ham For Rum Ind lnlnvmallon THROUGHOUT BARRIE DUNNVILLE Mrs Flor ence Collins Dunnvillc Ic tcivcd Iha Royal Canadian Life Saving Socidyl silver medal Saurdmy for her rescue or our pnrsam lrom burning South Cayuga Township home on Feb Mrs Collim WM 01 ML mand Come kmm Alcarncy Vidor Comm brake down the 1mm door and round Jnmc hlncDonnm In his mumrin lnw Mn Larry MacDonald Ind two childrcm twoycnr old girl and an unonmold boy overtomn by smoke She mused them And led 01mm outside minutes Man the home mu destroyed by flames Dawn Niamey Minx Mllva of mandala Ind trad la n1 Barrie CenLrnl Collar anmrnvn In lln reunion lurvrry Hum will ho In 341 In tho livhl Inner lhi week nll war Ilmulfulhn mm 1v ulaln mmw In rm 10911nd mu mhmlm Ime Whllu mm Moomnu pcopln mun upon dufan he Iurvny ham Im Ian to Mr mm mum Hn dly Illndury pawl will llvlll Unit mull In II emmwmhn Nlhrv thin work 01 non mumth to nmkm lmn Al In an 11m mnmny nmh mummi ml In rIy mm In mi numo mumhm ml Mqlmo Immv mlulum lklllnlnn Mu numlxlml rum mmlml WIN mt me he Im mmly vnlvmwy Presented With Silver Medal For Saving Four Lives REV SHERRING RECEIVES MEDAL FROM NORBERT MORAN Mm Am Mrs MacLaren Receives Award At Legion Hall Wxfliam Wright Mam oriul Tram Awmied annuaL 1y or outstanding service to the city Barrie was prcsmted to Mrs Jack MaeLaren an Impressive 2me last night The Citizen of line Year awani was presmed durinx honor Ind awank mm the Royal Canadian Legion 3min Branch 147 Mm MncLarcn said she was kuly surmised when she Inm ed she had bean chasm ra cipierl late in arm Mlle she had some noliun that she had been nominmed she said she never thought she woubd ha the one modal am quila we lhere are mp1 1n Dan rie whn are more deserving than she said Tho Judges Mt otherwise and flu was an unanimous cholce maiden the name SURPRISE husband Md ka Mndlucn Her c9chaxrmcn of Lhe Banla Lalo Swami was awarded the meritorious mv vloc medal lho mm Wlun award pomhh durlnz honor and awards nip hrhl ll 1h Lexiun Hull CoLllcr loll nith Harrie brnndl cl 9an Cnnmliln lulm Dr Hide lichen Farmhnr Gr ham Fox George Sudan bmmn and IL mm YMvwéA Ind she huh he Red Cross blood damrcnn Five new memle wm Inlet by pn nruidrnt Nor bert Moran mu openlni me Lila mmbcrmipa um pra ncMrd nix mqrdmm ol GI Life insurance now can save money for young marmds Auk nny lndvpendmt nnnnrlnl cnunullm Wlth In urrpllnm tlwyll ndvhn HI Imurlnu II on ol lh flmtnlqn lnwmdn flnundlmnlty Furyounl NONI VI vnrrnlly Hm only vuy la mm lmunl Ind lulu Illllllnl upllnl to rrpllu ulnlnl Wm And ymmnv you In whnn you buy tho In lhI minluypm Youll we mumy in nlwflmr uy loo It ynu buy mh ulna Ilia Imuunn TM conulm lhlnl ruh 1mm Hut mm lhnnuh lh muic nl compound Inlrmt Your pnlhy up vnlmv tun bouwl ln Hymnn mum nlutnlhm In tho mum mm In Ivmmll Incnmr In llm monmlmu II nvnllnhlc Lo ynu In un pmunnry hullnul nmmmnlly Fur umnplo Its Ihoul lhq but luln wllllml you an luv Dn ynu own my Imuunrur In em Ilm mt qumllom yqu hunk mung1 will uk llnvf do you Injzuungfu nulmu p31 It llnvl do you at Illa lmunnu in our Imdlm mlvr lmlly than um Manulndumn Uhl MumMlle mud llln ll pmva or mumn mnmllly xlulunuon mm you hunk mum Ind he ynu hum magma wovflm Ink the Man mm Mnnuhrluml MI ya man Youll llko hlu lvinmlly Iml mmpotem npptonch to yum llh Imunnu pmblrml Rev Sherring Is Awarded Meritorious Service Medal MANUFAGTURERS le Mrs Madmen convinced that ibis city the be of plat Kn Walch to live and brlng up lamb In Novem ber Mr and Mrs Madmen cclebme their 23m wedding anniversary The ward she said the nIcest possible prea enz she could rcceve4 The comm spoan by the Barth kglon Judge In viled by the Legion represented The Barrie Examiner mdlu sullen CKBB Ministerial As sodnflnn 5L Marys Parish Legion mum tone other wmnenl map 100 VOLUNTEERS Alter receiving mommy from Lelion past prcsldent Fin lkGlen Mrs Madmen expressed her rehwtnnce at mpdng n12 Iwnrd la the nvcr volunteers as well unmet she snld She Ilunkcd those who had presented her name or the han or and valued out that she had nuvuvmn trophy Mom Tm no Ilhlcliwfly Inclined And nerhinb wasnt acflunlcalh she alg Just 30 you know Im sun working Id like to remind you there will be blood donor clinic held Monday June she laid Major Hersey repre xcnllnz Barrie Mayor Ccoke nld lhu Cililen lha Year nward gave the era Barrleile lhc opponunily to show 1er nnprctlallon lo Individual or community uh vice rendered Vlllin nlz nephew William Wrim by martian ollmd his cmxrnlulalium Mrs MncIuJrLn nnJ mmmnnb ed on bchll of UM WIlEh family manlcs comma by LegKan mgldpmumnylu myson Major llopkku pndn ol the Angus bundl AXIOM pmidcd over uremia dull cMInK am now Cunndlan IR We Nth received can an merit or mlnndina Icrvlce we Hurry Indium wu rglzd Wyer pin Ladles Auxllllry muf were MIch Wealdcnl nuhau lln 25year pln mu Award rd lo Mmlmlnk MxIIl umflrnm ol merl were pn uptyd Mu Flo Duke Mn MniiJn blMfiih F10 Pamk Born and educated In Bank mm wurm BAXIEE Stall Follome cmlnlntl from mlde Em Township Council 11 June mecunl here yesterdn paued motion authorizing Ls solici um to take tha necessary stop in Issue nnlnjuncuon against mam 09109 Mutiny Home River wller which em pl Into It Nouawaspxa NV 11 in meeting our Wnshlp Illd our ratepayers feel they have just grievance said Reeve George Dale stating hi council agreed adequate eclinn finwld be taken fur effective controls Alliston douncll he asked the Wake Resumes Com misslnn or survey but with en mlny demand on me com mlmlen Lhe Essa member felt We might Lake too Iona THE 31mm EmuNEn Iminn was 1m There wasnt polled vote taken but Reeve Devi declar ed the mollon passed without opposlllon Also present at the meeting were Deputy Reeve Eugene Smllh and Councillor Kenn Bsnumrd Fred Rose and Morgan Murphy Harold Nash dark read he corres pendent WITHOUT OPPOSXHON Reeve Davis commented on reports that wmer pollullan was apt to become more serious not oniy here but ekewhere I1 early actlon L1 not taken He com mended the eflorls ol the pro vhclal government in having the water resource commssion lake Ihe problems and assist local Iuthorlllea PARK DEVELOPME Velopmcnl park on sIderoad 20 6th Concesslon Essa mug the Nouawanxa RI vnr will be cansldercd as centennm project Reeve Dav Ind member ol lhe councu de cided to make an inspection to mom Wednesfwulm at be pruned 5m The development was nked by pe uuon containing the names more than 65 rutwaycn 1mm great deal at an muxlasm Ind we hope In no mxxLh smothhw mama said Mn Gucrgb he asked or Essa assistance library project It Angus has been approved 11 one semen nm prolod and Uri proposed park mlghl mak another Reeve Davis said stating he felt shank be lakAn Ingufe proposed Baliska new council will also make an ln spedlon of parkland at Alum ANGUS DEPUMTION depumlon tom Angus for whfir George Guam we spokesman uked the wuncll to 5d recreation tommltcz so it could qualily or prwln clnl gram or recreallon ur vicas and ovumm Mr Guer gis wld nl um conslderahlo ln latest shown at Anlua allowing the lommllon the Angus and Dislriol llecroallun Ccmmlllen oi Hm he was elxlcd chalr the no cssnry bylaw nuLhcrhlnl lhc 56 Ilnz up nth cummilm which to comply with mm lallam so down by ha pro vinclal governan lo qualify or KrnnlL we Davis commanded Sim coo My mad dapulmem or ha nlllnu and erMe trul men job on FA ulderand 15 Mon mud dccldcd lmprovm men rum 51mm and lo throum Baxter and on Io huh my 27 Coumy rand 10 the was wflnto ollul and rented mdudxw dust find lhh thing has been rlzhlzd some 01 ha Mk wasnt Just lnlr In us bul lhIx dcnu all up man ncm Dnvh all nnlicc wax mm mm Dlrrle slrkl Collcxlnlo lhll wllcllorl Idleod lillml further ullnn on dalm cl 073 rogn Em Mnmlm nmo DIVLI mid lrmblo mu Mun liun ovmuld ml yclr Ind lhcn wn HIVle thou Wm provhlm In the nau Illlom or Mum So twnshlp hrlxl up su lnler TO STOP POLLUTION magma Millie name 9135 1119251 Sejek Injunction Against Alliston uAnm 1mm quisluon to he Imaund um Tho circumstances werent always made loo plain phm this was reported and mafia In look In bad light Ycu win all be dad to see It eafi And In the only air way hi 55 1° his collelguua as by coun dl or the purchase or nzw conunmlal tutor Ind mm for road wnrk Councll decided to luv pmhm of douch menl like rpm eni load erandback has until pox year Pdmhase cl Mghorusura Emlyn for SL750 also was aq ulorlud This In lnbe used In warble fly work and weed conA kg alonthe maglsldcst Reeve Dnvts also asked for guru about the Domlnlnn gov ernments paommt to Essa Townshlp In llon nl Iaxcs in nrdor to set the matter right He slid bl understanding was that about 355000 was plld In lieu 01 um had of this 000 went to Slmcne County He was advised this was appraxl matety correct this 15 pub fished It houkl clear up any mtsundermndinx remark The mum passed approval or Miran toward the DU dull of Matter the Essa Scrum Fair at Thurman Th 1100i board also to zlve 0100 and school fair revenue will mist Nclve new 2qu TRY EXMIINFR WANT ADS PHONE 7232414 Adams UNSINKABLE FLAVOUR The rye whisky with the

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