Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jun 1966, p. 22

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Holstein Cuw yrs milking bred May Grade Holstein law yr trash Grade Hal slain Cow5 yrsl Huefiumlo Grad Halstein Cow yrs trash Grade llnlsteinéCaw yr milking bred ml 16 Grade Holxleln Cow yrs milk ing bred April 11 Grad Hol 5min CW rush Grade Hnlstein Caw yrs rush Reg lslcred Hostcin Cow miking flaunt Fdlz 36 Grade Hostein xcow ll yral trash Grade ital jalein yn milkinx bred Apr 2a Grade Holstein cow yrsq milking due Sept rrnde Holstein 00w yrs milking bred lpnl lB Grad Hnlstcin low due June ll Grade Holstzin Cow yra due July Grade Holstein WW yrs due July l1 Grad llalstein 00w ll ya due May 24 Reg Halstein CW yrs due May 30 Grade llnlstein now yr due May Grade Hol lstein Cow yrs duo Aug 16 Grarle Holstein Cow 315 due luly 16 Grade Holstein Caw milkmg bred April Grade llalatein km yral due July ll Reg Holstein Cow l0 yrs due July 22 Grade Halstein Cow yral due July 11 Grade llolslain Cow yrs milking lbred Jan Grade Holstein Caw yr milking bred Am 11 Grade Holstuin Cm yrs lruli Grade Holstein Cow milking brad Murdl 15 Hol ntein Heifers er due July istein mam due 0c tnbor Holstein Heilm yrs due in Nov and Dec Reg Human Heifers ya due Nov mxl DEA Gratin Hulslcln llmlcrs 31s flu in Janunn Grade lIoIslun Neiforx 0pm 13 Grade 1101mm th rhinfl year Rex Holstein Nriltn yr 71d Grade Ho xlrjn mum open Holstein uciior yrs dim yin Auzusl obtain Heilrxa ln Sgpumbcrg H914 Reg Hutum enter 371 npcn Grade 0mm 011m manllu JGmdc llALxlein div mnnlh aid Grade Holstein Hoilm month old Grade Halsoin Bull Calvcs Implement and Miscellaneous FEDDE MOESKER Lo x7 Con Mars milwcasl nonm on No 11 Highway THURSDAY JUNE ommcnclng at 1280 pm sharp CATTLE Grade Holstein Cow ersq milking brgd Mag 18 rude Hols yrs John Drfle P0 Baler 1m flmfrew sum 5HT and Harrvw mar lur rlmric Hunters ram Squmlor nn noel Dxlvo Brit Murmw In lmmumal raptor plvw Farm 1mm yr 0341 imln Aulcr Imlh motor Clxkhllll mum mmmr mt nrnrly mm 10 111mm McDmml good rundl Unn MrD Manure SprmtItr llj bux can In rubber yrl 0M mxln all hp momr 0141 Kuer um vx rm Mon nearly McD Inmummm mum It Inblr rhul on nummm CHM Jlil Cirw treshropur Grade Hoiiein Cow yrs fresh open Grade Hol Main Cow yrs mllking due Aug Grade Holstein CW due Aug Grade Hol ein Cow ya due Aug Ii Rexislertd Hairlein Cow yrs pub Grade Holstein CW gym dire Aug 14 Grade Hoi slein Cuw yr miikerg brch May 25 Grade iioistein NW ML milking bred Mar 16 de Hoisuin Cow yrs king grad Doc 22 do 105 head tragislerod and grade 01min Cattle Milking Equip menl Mllk Cockr Farm Imple menl and Furnimre The underslgncd has received instruclluns from 13 AUCTION SALES Fm Tractor 1951 made good mmhLion Snnpiack Imdcr dmm Land Roller Sup W6 MCD Tractor Rubber lind wagnn MCD Mnl uhccl Farm all Tractor MA Unll din Iluu Saw Hay Eluvalnr wilh mow Sump Pump mm 511mm mu 1mm we TmuLI MILKING EQUIPMENT hmll Surge Mllklux MatMM wuh pump pipm hr MI an mw Immm Mom Krnll mm mlm numnm m1 mi wl H91 fqlfipmml HOUSEHOLD mrzm upholdan Mm dudm ml le lablr ML mlmu dark than that Inmllu mUrlM no numqu In lm HINIJZS ll THDIINTON NW 01 AIMJmN TERMS ASII N0 IllMZIWE flu um MM hm wvnl mmnfln mm rt mmusomrnl ml rmptmmhln Iur Injury or wiml yummy Ilny 41 gcmfvim mi muma Alllnn Ada nle It mom aml Knnmnml vmlu mm va rmZmi imm ulHnl lnr wnvh Ihm ad hnl ml mum111 1n tn mi lnr nu nnl dny lmr All mm 11m all manlh II prdrr ml Ihy Mn vufnrmn nHinl My nn lh honum mm and punpom who Hum 111 Elm Inar Irwullrd SMUM lulu ly Hum Inn Mmu lhnn Inn vllfllul Iumimum In muwlr An ran may um Mu lnr Ilrml yml mrl In ull 0r my the unl um run In nHr or rummy in am In ml ml Cnpmlcngly 51 In In dq I06 ixmum lunl EMM um umnwmw Consistency AUCTION SALE EXAHFJ rum House and V1 am good housohold lumilmo homing some nubqua and plunlfinl supplies for MRS JOSEPH MAMASIER AT UTOPIA VIILAGE on em Concession of Essa Township miles um Bar or miles east pl Comp NEEDAY JUNE ATVSW PMi SHARP lo sell the followinlz Flndlay Connor large cooking range good as new Phllco on Relrigerator good nowanking cabinet kindien ables andll drain leather roddng chairs wooden min In chnira Brock coal and wood cookan range large Easyfelearic washing mixde lne Antique pine cabinet In good condition Odd tables Ind stools lnundry cubs 0min frames and quilting frames Set of house soaleLs Alarm clocks Oak dining mom sulle compch with mum table Bub in and chino cabinet unkind and chairs good common Davch land as new Phl torm rockeru good now parlour tables Singer sewing machine in good gondition Veulngiimne parable TV in good condition Weminglmxsa TV 21indr oablnca style An tique wriunx desk and book case combined Antique wicker rocking chair and side chair to match Living room Nib 7x9 Dhesierlield in good condilion Chesterfield dialr Antique large letaher upholstered rock in chair hilight Parlour side tables small fool stool many vnluable pictures and flames Several valuable wall mirror Bedroom suile with dresser washsiand bed mattress and springs complain Scoiter rug several cushions Antique crib Several new handmade quills Several pillows Quantity of Wedding blankets and linens Antique rocking chair Antique dremr 2nd wnsiwland lo mntch Ibrau bml mallress 13 dremr and wuslwland lo mulch brass bmi mallress and minus complete Antique pine chest of drawers dram and washslnnd Antique baby carrlaze Fern mand Clolhcshmw Quantity of old book Electric Inn mantel elcclric radius Wooden had mattress and minis complete Anquue wicker easy chair General Electric flour polisher Electrolux vacuum deaner wininll attachments ln good condition Coal oil lamps Elec lric lmn Elcdrlc keillc An tique irons Large 54 mum ltr wales In onpaclly Croclu and china dishes knick knacks mile sets Silvcmare glassware aday dock mod condilion Lawn dialrs space healers power lawn mowers hand lawn mowers Kmiplde bathroom Ml uiece kilchen rinks Hm wa ter tank nanxmle film um comblnnllon dean wood screen doors vamum clean 54 hp electric motnr Gar hot walru tank Basket of flafiillxzhls Bully flanr potsh er SW hedncmh Large pan molar garden nuts lherlbar rou Quantity oi wood slme length and many olher ml clcs loo numuom lo HA Termx cam No Icscne on umiune Mrs 31mm ill and MI given up hausnkerp inn Naming to he remoth un til sculrd for Frank Webb dark Aumnnecr Owner or mnnugrmm will not he held rmpomcble for ac cldmu on progeny awning late JIIOIIZILIY room hrhk laww lmmwnl ml human lmlhmom plemv ol unlrr hum mm mm cmnlumx Bumth ml 1an in good nlnlr cl can dwlinn and will In nflerrd lnr In nubkfl use hid Tmm ml mndxtiom on mrp mly Will be pun menlnz no WELL HELP YOU WRITE iififiiitnops 593 AUCTION SALE 2m 100 Cunleloupes Lun Should U5A Nu Fruh 0nd Lug umJuh 1m Ii tmlu Humlnrr Tnhr wlll in happy in hrlp yml mm mm elmmm In To pm pm ml wantAd In It 11m 1an In UK Vnnl Ari INN JERRY OUCIHJM BUEHLERS IHUN 7M Tuesday Only or all maulam ruminant lw undersigned Natalee has rccelved inflmdlons from STELLA ALEX KOLUZA to sell at MERMMD RESIAU RANT rlnht an Oakvlzw Was ma Band at thz corner of townline betwcan Sunnidale and Nmtawasaga MMhlp or one mile east of Shayne and miles wen Highway 0N WEDNESDAYJUNE AT 1230 PMSHARP Myth kimhcn utensils burner pane gas stnva mood as new Large Propane gas stave with grill mi bum erx large oven in mai good condition Starmasier deep at fryer for fish and chips opera tedbmepamgasandgoodu new Large electric Beriml barbecue machine for 15 chick ens good as new Lem kitchen in with mom new Woods large electric deep freezer good as new large commercial Bur eka refrigerator suitable or hotels restaurmtr elm large stands for equipment 14mg kit chen table with meivos Com mercinl large double Tonsilnay or toaster Small hot plates large premure cooker Pots and pars Pia plates Roasters Strainers large quantity of restaurant illSPAUMNT EQUIPMENT Large Fieetline munch roirig orator tor meats milk clot in real good condition Brand new Corona cash registtf large size 1nledo counter scales good as new Coca Cola mach inc larne size good as new plastic top counter stools good as new 15 mo dem orborite restaurant tables 60 chrome chairs plastic seats good as new childrens high choirs Whipping cream unit Western hog dog machine dec lric Electric Vncnlator vlaie coffee pcrcolalor mach ina good as new Large Hamil ton Beach Modion milkshake machine Elcclric clock Large Imperial air conditioning unit goodosncw alugetrayatsw crai rorvimz trays All dishes out of restaurant including ice rnps glasses milkshake lnsscr sundae glasses banana uplit dishes ice cream dishes nugar shakers lcwictie hold mustard and ketchup enn tainors naltmd Pepper shak ers ash trays small cream holders tea pois dishes largg amount at silverware large arborlte counter Smaller Ir borito counter counters are good new QQuontity of up rum and many other small or tlclcs too numerous to list 13 AUCTION SALES Terms cash No reserve as owners are going out restau rant business as Mrs Koluu has been In ill hmllh Nothing be removpd until stifled an 0mm or manage ment will not be held respon sible ior accidmls nu vropcrty day of 5119 equipment 11 all good cont lion and rml clean Ammo hp lcreslcd kl stood ankles muld be Ml advised In nllcnd Ialc Aucnomzxnsrnmmnxs nnmumm BUYERSThis Noun LI hcrcby mm In pcrsmu in mwsdon mm In amordante will he Nd Comm Ad 19m Srt 15 and 19 that unlru noximu weeds Krnwinx nn Ihclr lnmln min the Munlclpulfly Evil Are dostmle by June 20 19M and lhrnuzmm the unmn me Mu nlripallly may cuter umn lhe 51M lamlx nml havn Um um dmuoml tharulni lho mu nunim Iho Inml In am In net out in lhv Ad Th mflpernllm Ill rka rnrnmly mliunrd JAMES HATHBMN Wm Inqwdnr Iilifilims 2b 11 rmmh nu m4 nl lhln IIU lnr Ml yur Tm hmlll In nnlirrd mn mulan ll For Want Ad Service Dial PROPERTY OWNERS OY WEEDS $23 AUCTION SALE mm oouCIiLIfi 7282414 31110 le hymn Towndxip of WICE T0 Ahcliéficcr Den Ann Linden My hus band worldnx mm and has always mndua modes salary We have managed In raise and aducm bu our chlldren by aflwing my mothers rule Eat It all Wear it mu Saw it up 130le more cant gel it through hls head about he dit cunt um wnes We an in Sanll Barbara Last night he called buddy In Bullnlora 1100 pm nnd wondered why he didnt get hlx helln He uni mud and yelled Haw du ya like Hm Jerkanslccp 1100 ododi Naw tllat Lll chlltlren are on their own lhlmu qould be nloL easler tlnnnclnlly except for one thing Myhuhaml gm on drlnltlng spree every two or three weeks and plum long dlsuuca telephone call to friends all over North Amenca Bacall peoplevhorhasnt mu tn years Ilka hlr old Marin huddle can tell by his and the aonversatlon that uome of these pcopla dvnt even member him fled to explain 1th uhiia is 1100 oclock in Cnlilornla it 13 200 am in Now York He aid was crqzy bum me up have to hunt for bargains to save mv pennm on cannmj sand uth my husband squander hun dred ol dollar on drunkm nonsensejhat he rnnl even ve member he nexz Iny Please ell me what to cupVery Am nnyed Denr Very Ask around and determine any of your local friends have husbands who are smdlarly Ifllldcd The hays md mm grow known as Telephmm Drunks Annmmom when they get sun they can call each other up and talk lhcir heads cfl This would be hnckuva lot cheaper than call ing Buflnlo you cant turn up anynne ky waving last monlh phone 1711 before his bloodshe eyes whun he begins to so the deep end might helpda pcndlng on how smashed he in ANN LANDERS Dur Ann Linda had an appointment wilh my doctor hr day and mnelhing happened meg upse me terrjbj GOOD REASON When the num 51 lhe ream picked up the down chnIL had rand only Ecw 5cm lcnm when the nurse mth Thp Phofie Bill May Act As Detérrent For Your Patronage Th ese Past Years Take Out Service for Your Convenience Just Phone 7265151 for Fast Service of Kentucky Fried flkiaken Lakeview Restaurant and Best Wlshes durlng Bordens 50th Anniversary Lakeview Restaurant and Dairy Wish You Hearty Mum 011 811M112 014i back lnlo the room snmhcd the chart lrommy hand and shouted le not up posed in am this 1th doctor Ildul wlh lhe nurse and blew nw lap told him ll couldnt the chm dldnl want to see him oilher He said mm the wnyynu ecL goodby Please tell It this it mmmon pmfim or my doc tor Just plain meanEm Clllre WII Bur Elu Clnln know no physician who allows hil pa Hem Io see the chartsInd or very good mason said Why use 11 MM me Isnt The nursa did not swan She worn to ma ductnr and laid hlm that bid begun to read the chart Ind had nul en angry wlwn Ihc lock away chart contains the doctors impression and xuspicions patient might inlarprci hm notations as final diagnosis and be unduly concerncdi If ynn dumbed Ihu numa bchuvlnr accurately shn wasun necessarily rough with you think she on you an Apology and yml awe ha donor one Confldmlld to Murylnx Fur Freedom You may Ind your self wilh Ins Imdum than be lure Miss 19 True your par ents wont be able buy you as In day yore but mar rlage carries with It mm crnshlng mmnslbllmes What mu have in mind could mean more mtrlcllvn type of Im prisonment Cowl il Slam Hy MM SAWYER Mr and Mrs Owen Bell IL ended the graduation Min Lynda Steer the hospital in Orlllla Mr and Mrs Kell mind In Soulhamplon wllh this IM lcra Lister and RomaIMAM Mn and Mn Muir who are pallcnla in hoeplml Somo relative attending lha luncrnl of Mrs George Sawyer Purl Dover were Frank Kcll Mr and Mrs Kell and Mr and Mrs MIL ms Mmgnni Nciuy lei by mane Saturday mnmlnl or holiday ln Bermuda HOME OF GILFORD Quality Chekd Dairy Products Lakeview Dairy ny M158 mm Michal Stein has inlshed his in yenr 1n electrical englnw in at nvronlo Unlvmlty and has mm poslllon with LEM In Toronto for the summer Mrl George McCorflston re cclvnd word memly or he and den death of her nephuw Sum uel Hnaklns Coumy Dowm Nurlhgrn Ireland in hi 13th yen Mrs Xolnnda Stein returned over the holldw weekenq mm CIllIornlI when she spent the put winter Omfltmadm survive will be held In St Johns Anglican Church Wednesday June Al pm Sunday andhoiiday weekend visitor in lawn included Miss Ruby Davis oi Barrie at her home Mr ind iiirl Jack Kidd and ilmily Toronto with Mr Ind Mrs Bruce Mcbean Ewan Kidd Toronlo wiih Mr and Mrs Kidd Mr and Mrs Jack Smith Oshawa and Mr nnd Mm Ken Coburn and Bon nio with MrL Palm Mrl Harry Mlhoriand Schombcrl with His Mu Suiherland Miss Judy Airih Tomnlo with her mm Mr and Mrs Dr Airih irs Lorna and Mrs Ford with Mr and Mn Vil iinm Gadsden Mr and Mrs Packard irom Oxbow 535k wlih ihzir uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Garden Rneburn Mr and Mrs Bassingthwaiic Toronio with Mrsi Wi Walker WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Congraiuluilon to Air and Mrs William Riley who cele brated their 40m wedding an niversary Frlday evening my 20 at the home ol their son and dnuzhlerlnlnw lllr and Mn 11 Nley Met iamlly dlnncr party In Barrie friend and relnllvc znlhercd It Ihe lllicy home or an aven lng 01 cards ailcr which an annlvcriary cake and colic were served by he hvsloss Thu happy ecupie um flu rec irnlr ol moral xliLs and cards Mu Coburn Drum 15 nest of her dauzhlcr Mn Tom Demon ad lnlcrcsled per la Johns Anglican church are asked lo keep in mind the dullcnllon lho ceme tery vault at the 11 mm scr vlce Sunday Jun 11mm unl Tomnxo wlll mum Mr and Mrs Wllllam Riley spent holiday weokand ln Parana with thcir mlnlaw and daughter ML and Mn Schum SIMCOE COUNTY NEWSIOF COOKSTOWN 0110 won By Mus IL crmwonn Supply Borden wlth 7Tb Monday Night Howling ls proud to lliroughlfllelnumpa ndlvlgiu in close Saturday evening May 21 mm banquet at New mnflm Plazaan 66 Myra In unendanée Idler delicious metal Lho mmnlnder the eve ning was spent 1n dancing Mr and Mrs We Indie Ind Fumes spent the holiday week end at lhelr cottage Then Mlle Lake Muskokn Mrs Gcnrge BurtGermni 13 guest of her slam Mr Gor don sebum below ramming to Anllgul West indies of children were Iakcn Barrlo Monday even ing May 23 In View the lira work display 111 Arrange mom was curled nut by 000an tnwn nccrelllvnul Commlme bus had been arranged or but hum was notsulllclem number to carry Uri out Mn llneburn and Mn Audel Attended thwer ln Scarborough May 18 for Mlu Ellen Jackson lhomhlll who will shortly become lha brlda 01 ml llnobum of Toronto Ian Mr and Mn Gordon Bur burn Cookslvwn FIREWORKS Mn Pinkney spent Lhe hullday weekend the homo her son and dauzhlerInlaw Mr and Mn Lyle Plnknny Godcridh Cookan United Gmrch Wo mm me May 19 Ind over 90 ladies tethered lrom nlhcr rcm orhcr groups ol UCW and other churches to thr Rev EHzabelh Newbort the Rural Evangclmlc Church Ind Along with her mk Rev Nor hurt thawed many Morest plcturu of way and customs inhcr area Mn Murphy led lnibhu worsth period and lwn CGIT Elalne Taylor And Danna McLean lanll duel social hour and lunch Wm mo JoyM TheMay meatlnl of St Johns Womans Auxiliary was held the rchory Cookxlown and Mrs Wflllnm Rllcy pm dcnt had Invocmon pmycu tom mu lelng Mamie Sho was asslsled by Mn George McCoxrlstun Canned good to no lo lhc Church Army warn donalcd md than we deliver ed the Deanery Mwllng 1n Alllsmn my 71 Thc Dlllerence Christ mnkcs in Frlcndshlp was ha Me the chapter mm the nudy back annn lo wmmn alv cn by 11 Howard 11w Ins mccllnx before lha mmmer will be Tuesday June 11 It Ihe church in th lorm Al ple file Sympathy In cxlcnded la Ike Maud and lamlly of Mrs Wll llnm Pealen who passed away xuddemy In loyal Victoria Hos pital May 23 espcclally to her lrnnddauuhlcr Mm Sundra Macbamn who lived wlm Mn Pearen and allcnd Noth Go lexlnle Mr and Mm Georg McNeln Mr and Mr Mc mesh and Mr and Mn How ard Crawford aucndcd the Luv om Mme Mn and Mn Elbmera mended lha Bellnurku weddnm In Slrccuvnlc May 21 and won the werkend with Mr and Mn Grnvusgon 1n Milton Congralulauuns la Mr and Mrs Tracey Alcmllonuh nee VlrllniAJoncaD who were mar rch May in First mun 0hurch prllll Mn Jae Lelchcr and Mr Harry Grnlrix um pnllenu 1n Barrlo hpsanl Mr and Mrs Gellnas Kcv and Leanne have murncd lo Sarnla havan spent Lhe pm lwa wenka wnh Mrs Gnllnas Count on to Mr and Mrs Beverley Campbell non Marla Millnr flex on ho blrlh daughter Molanle Rum Rule Dleu Hosplm Cornwall lranddaughlcr or Mr mg Mra EH511gy Vlsllom with Mr and Mn Crawlord were Mr and Mr Dave Scou Orlllln And Mr If Mrs Jim Scott 1mm Boar laulds Scotland TRY EXAMINFR WANT ADS Adamsvl UNSINMBLE LAVOUR lhc rye whisky with the PHONE muu

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