Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jun 1966, p. 21

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fiARTICLES FOR SALE Setoi COLONIAL TABLES IEND iconno OCTAGONAL Arboriie iinlAhKIS each MCFADDEN FURNITURE APPIJANCEmm Highwny 27 North mtcmo Cedar mute and line lawat price In town delivered 1mqu Lumber 1zaml AND HAHN III £le gw like new hlrpimne RALITGII Iepard Birycle In Eula bur Iirlmh Mme map eltpilonl HM even innU cum XXIII ine ula indul trial DIM Trltvhorle TilIll lurtntr inlonnation cincer reroute And Hagen tor ulu lur qunnui nmm Reuonl Wed aiephonl euro Lerr rimrm nloNn ior It Abia or saw mill aim mini and email atovr wood or coal numn iv mm at RINDER or am Simpuri In nod rendition no Telphone mom alter SUITABLE cotton 10 Illrh electric ram arnAIl wood atnve Ind lea lei rrator Telephone no out or ill rneunl at Lunmnn ior ante email quantity nlso mnuw Reaxonlha Teiwholll MW ricer ior IJI timer and VIIIM III Ir ultenl eonotm Awb to Dan lid Strut WAe nlAullNI or unit Inw alno shampoo Tray hate in and condition IM Tamahly vrirui Telephon mun nrrwnrrnna bournl acid rent on repaired Student ranlal mu ItrIr about our Item Try than any Plan em rpmm Dunlon so We mu couer Hounehald nimuninn Ann amalianrra mailman in tin Alor electric no trim on lbrdroom Aultra nu Alan ma cumm hlrdtap power onmr leavinl munuy lhona mom LARGE elemto novel run ierilelda Lloyd tinny cantan stmuu Vunlru marntnr and mi Chev mm All in odd mn diilan nuannanla Trlrnhon Limo rlzca modern walnuiv bedroom Iulle denote dreurr u1th mirror drum rhrai like new conni tion Reamnahla lnr mum in Innution rail neleoo nzmlahnAron Vlklnr Ii rublc rut no He Never monlha old elm electric rum in en en utimt condition Rtuomhla on movinl Telephon mam Du LICII wulhrmooi llhaun Ill complete with hp lam mi drait damper me one Krten 1900 Cili never been urrd lam Telephone notut rnmru nmrn mm Chroma and man Irhorile utility table um 75 um mo cunmt biocha inch tee no or ii lwrh ior Stepon inunm ran ntw cm chrnl mum Draper tum Din Ainz 725mm nlztLAmm Slnecr Aulnmaur aruln marnine Jeni and mv ail ancy paiirrnn plua hrnmilehlnl mtwiinnlu ell Serial number mantle Ltlvlnl lnrludrd nuular Hm noon uru paianre woo or two vrr month Two yet nilrantea Deat er writ RM to ilerria harn inr TATIRRRIITJI Sprch EARMERS MARKET in Jim Girl in heat prcea pa or or cripplod cattle and horaea Small Animala removed im For iaat urvleo PHONE BARRIE TilTill Collect er ark ior NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITHle tNO CHARGE 24 hours day dare week RR Foxmead Ontario Licence No MC Nick Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies in Service Care New Holland David Brown Really BURTON AVE 7mm CASH TRADE TERMS HANK BROWN DELAVAL my new DeLavai Rniary thluilln Pump In your ban on Iria THE BEST FOR LEST Barrie Holly Hwy mom nIANtmn Spreader ear idea in mm an condition mutton mine Wesrocfion SALE nonaram cow tar lair ou June hiephone mun LIVESTOCK WANTED mnnm pmu will in aid eor mm Illd DID Pluaa rAi hum mam or Cookainwn enema PASTURE WANTED IAartmn warnen in rent near nun tor ynriinl eelvu Alan lily wanted main or baled Near aimu mention umu any time SEED FEED GRAIN TOP QUALITY New 11 Gowan St El Due to uh llAI new tutti mam estAre aAee lailnteaullloml lMl Ick ill nod ErrlelU TIIOQMTW £19 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE KVIAU or RAMBLER£ 72W in Aimm hum Convert lbla ve an root in rtnncn Morons urn mint Road Your volkewudn Magi Wa Service What we ma Donor ior ill or putt when news CARS WANTEDTO BUY mamrm Oh doe luridU Ard tinder to Camp flnMIn workahcylhmt will fly MIN worm eoion aim menu etate rendition And Incluon All lnuumu Invited filmle IH blah It or Ii II earlobe iln Anced rie Box Butte IO Ontario TRUCKS lTRAItERi me who ude rim men PI box till Ml nlntu Mun leil tandem Yard WWI till Dump Telephonl LI 561 llONAL to low mnnin or 12 im reasomus AA Il YOU Ile thla NtnlnlabIl youuanl to atop MAtI our butane TiaBl hr 1mm any time RIDE WANTED mm to Hattie Aloud Mule 59min vlnl Barri mm leavlnl Ire hint Telephone mam any Hull womens uran LEARN HAIRDRESSINO Government Chartered School DANCORD ItNiiiIit BALER TWINE Price way down Regular 10000 ft ion 11000 it We will he receiving no im iher shipmenta thia reason Ow tamer are Adviaed to place or dare enrly LIMITED QUANTITY CUMMINGS FEED MILL Telephone MUM RUCKWHKAT ior hi or bulilli Trlevhone at one pm 6AUTOMOTIVE AUTO REPAIR DOMINION TIRE SALES WALL Loa DERIVIN AIRDRESING SCHOOL ll WORSLEY 3T mesa Em 9IOST FOUND Juno htanatield Rubber Am nanuunnna mun wallet Ounar will we to ar rrnt oi man woman to in or Tlrale can la FEMALE HELP Secretary lor Senior Drecutive SALADA FOODS LTD Apt In writing stating ago Linualiiications nnd ex orience addreaa to Mr Chressley Salada Food Ltd Allisiun ALLISTON CLERK SPEND ROOKKEEPER Dept IOLHELP WANTED FEMALE HELP urnran required Live rennet railann re not Private room or Flo an eclion In inn or more TUPMWARI MM PA Doenlu hit two run time In em IIRII dealer io demon LIII If halibut an va roll or money write Box at Inert llllinfl or phone ivy ante autumn MALI Help HERES YOUR KEY 10 BIO lellE MAIL TODAY THE RAMON LTD lamnu I005 indium Montreal no Gentlemen am Interested in the world iamoua nantema line on paride beats 14th baeia tease und rne LEE Cook Rook andlcaiaiog with lull deihiia NAME ADDRESS DRIVle WANTED tor oily da llvny no as or over steady ani Pilimeni Overllnfl MIDI on hutcmnu man lineal Fromm we rim replyF Tn lull mam experience to Ell Examiner IAN wnfilnu Inkhell went rm to Aunt uni Trough at upmu umm unmw try PART TIME tut Mvaw Mull have loud dflvlnl rech and unt neat Awerum Alan Iorne knuwiodle till ml in man to Deluxe Text upper 5L nmte PELD UNDERWMIM united Clnadlen lilo nauranea romp any No elperlene nae Amy lien rild man Ina 75 to Wilrred Complete romnrehau ve traluinl prolram with field Inflation For renlurniiu interview in ynur 1Itll Write Hal Barrie Elm nrr Museum BOYS and GIRLS ior BARRIEEXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Router available in Barrie and surrounding commun os Application form available It CIRCULATION BIZ1PT 16 Bayiiold SL Barrie 0R PHONE 72643539 ATTENTIONI IM TIRED HAVE been Interviewan men ior potultial hlzh income Aulo lob im tired oi the men who come to ma locklnu tor aub ataniinl anlnry older men and young mm with no Ambition ANYONE WHO is IDOKING FOR OPPORTUNITY NOT JUST JOB 12 mus TENDERS FOR TRUCKS sealed aeparaie deeraht envelopes provided will be re ceived by the aired up in ei uM1 lit or moor the ioltowuir Three Illton trucks The IHon Iruzlu will he used ea Ataadoin on the ubove sAgo they be men at it Robert Specification and rendered velopoe may be obtained at the city Otertra Oilice loweet or any tender not necessarily ai de ll STRAUGHAN Oily iietk laAUCTION SALES INTHE MATTER OF THE MECHANICS LIEN ACT nso 1960 anmn 233 TAKE NOTICE the alumni to the llodtanin Lien Ar that one John Sugar alao hymn an John Shuxar oi 119 Queen 51 W14 in the City of Thronto in the County oi York II Indobtod to the understated In the am ount oi mu ior repalra and pane done on an Dweoa Flar mm on eio name the underaimed AND FURTHER TAKE NM TOE that tho Altonnamed Eu atne ahall be eotd by Auction at undereiwda piece at buai nua 76 Dunlop Sii Danie Ontario on Wednesday the 15th oi June 19 Al to Arn by Jer ry Oouxhlln Auctioneer THE IIIIA GRDWE CO LTD Houséiioid GoOds Tflonnron Ry MRI HOLT rihornaa Krupp who at one time termed in the Thornton area beiore mum to Barrie died May it some tanner Thornton naizhbora and irienda attended the iunerat Connatulatlone lo ltliu Mary Cm who graduated lldi olozy technician at Soldierrf Memorial Hospital Orlille May 21 she received the Pearl Dixon Awardlor proficiency Fmdeaidt hold otter ceaailli term auction tale my 71 it la believed the count ior latma acid in the Thornton conununity now uumbcre eight Trinii United Church men meat June in the church Mn Ernest Meanwh eon hottest The pronam will be on Chriatien Stewudlhlo Congratulation are extended to Mr and Mn Janina Spare who oelobrated their nth wedA din Anniverury May 18 They wemrenterlalned At dinner at Bnyahon Motor Hotel Barrie by their iamtiy Open home In the ovrnhu at their Thornton reatduwe wu larzely attended When Simooe Soul Vomena lnrtltuta Dlairlot heldlil Iih ennuni In Alilaton laat Friday ladica wen preuni irorn i3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY JUNE AT 12 NOON SHARP For ALVIN SMITH AI lot mncmlon to Sunni osmium hi mil out oi or on way Sale at rerialeccd and Ma gziettein Catlin talks Militia pom ma new condition lncludinl lrar lore SIABAIM conditioner tare hamster mnblne an and name household hieruture lcrma cash No reserve farm rout ARCHER OOLWILL Auctimeer 11Sale n4 pnrvnwnv AND GARAGE AT 349 CODRINGTON STREET Morin to United Staten Mu Selix Zone huldalre Zenith electric range Mayne wringet washer oocaalonnl diam dock dill eeai old bedroom act 10 Herony outboard hp tummy outboard commit aleeoimt beta movie ecroen eetbatrow IIth eei galvaniud laundry tub power lawn mower rthher boat LEATHER editeasel man dozen oi garden ioola and odds and rode too numeroua to mention vrrm nAnnm MONDAY Thornton The lull registration lor the day was no The re porta were welliimed and en nourazlng tor the tqure pro areaa oi the south which will now comm at is brawhee in aier group oi lnity United Giureh contributed to the Minimum And ltlllntenanca Fund at dedchth to nunaion eervlce conducted by Ray Varr laal Eunday Sunday morning ihoee lrorn Thornton who were preaeni at tin anniveraery eer vieee May 29 ot Bradford United Onurch were Mr and lilr loom HoltI Who Al mqm2i oi airlrtlan Education Toronto waapmmer Musk we turn lighted the Junior choir Ioisi Knecsltaw Holland Lending Ladka Choir The Explorer Imp oi lo Kiri and leader Mn Pea cork were win at banquet provided by the CGIT Tuesday No you Linda Gale and lareuda Schaudlen graduated tram Expiornra aloneone ol lowod delicioua me DEVELOP NEW BELT SYDNEY Auatralla Reit eraIA nevueat be MM de veloped at edition collate ailort the eara enxlnn until the be la W11 iasiened Congratulations Camp Borden Were pleased to serve you with the finest In new used automobiles VIAU Marcus LTD PROGRAM OF EVENTS BARRIE BORDEN WEEK WedpMounieil military panda approL loo vahiclee between mm rnen parde to leaemhla at fair munde lhreudallarrleatneiaend II Berrte Plaza Mayor Cooke COL FCC Him In latte salute AI num ertal durinl palAda uv erel mm euperwaie alrentt will fly ever rriBl all at ama Bante hordu Gum tutord will lbmtoe David CIA lon Them The Citation Barri roek and roll hand and the Rohlnettea el mutant etarte At mo SaturdayArmed Form Day at Borden SundayElohim oi llarrlrlon eel mlnietere Rollo Simpler 295 Sunnidele Rd WHY PAY MORE WERE OPEN ALLccitEMiimmi WEEK Experienced ior corral nlilre unrit altorthand tiliut strnciln Rig ut oi books This Job in PHONE 7264011 nearnNnInLa nnrme nouot won ltrmlnlion Royal sum mm llrrrnt Tirminlton drluuod Nolaeieu llld iIl onA Super Spud sunn All Limit of bonuttiul cm 661 65I All the way down Bob exited What Price tum men newt all automa tic mtum new New purtAolu Innm nun ram nnun WM Mali nu Iarlrt in soon Millietil llnr mu lullv mmntud nrpoot um Ilnlanra con irnwu rant nlrni Ltd toll Maury llaninai oumr DOGS PETS Lnrut KimM incline lnr romlamnla name in mr their rule rltlnnlnl uertlnn mi rs FENDLEYS FLOWERS Gornnlum Begonia etc All Gerrlou Sup lien 74 lllnke Te 7221mm GARDEN IUPPLIES Wm vimml hnraa manurl In nilml IIM In huahvle lm mnmve Tlievhonu nut some More NEW FULLY Emma 14 Cretillncr Mustang hp Motor on th lrniirr litIClZ ILJIIr ROILAND BOATS LTD OHHJAA IMKICFRONTJ llIONH liHltt iI lltrllllTlv HI In no root and nuth min wmr mm in II IMM uum MIMI AM mu ago tanwn nuts Minr um nl Anewt mu mu mm with mum1 Ml mm and aharliu mum mi in it warm mun um All in nu rnmtittml 1mm it rr nIAI mu Roll war no mum nmou mm um no nu no Mal mm um th nun Ilirphm In AancLnTWANTnD rtnrerm to OH illrl TIIPNMI WANT nos SELL MOST ANYTHING Department Lirensod lilwhnnlcn Your solely on the mail is our usinoss Front Front end alitrnmrni And MIDI Check ant rnit alignment and wheel bulance 05th nowhereMuffin Citrate mvlra and motor tunerup 0pm ltlondny through ltalurday pm Friday ill Ito BRADFORD Sr moms BOND HEAD Auto Wreckers CARS AND TRUCKS Vnnlcrl tor Wrecking Thomas Street Harrie Oii Vrsprn usuo THU5 AND AUTO PARTS uunmicmfwiin ml Illlllll pill II II If routine but rouulrre irnn ntnallon accuracy and the abil ity in mrk without ronniont aupcrvlelon Working condition and hour exrrilcnt All holl dnya and brneiila Ialary moo yearly Iocrnmant Telephone lire Steele mum ior an Appointment CASHIFRS Required by tom ml urvira operation neat to Appearance thin to work dnye und night on Meir almt basin muat Aupply rhar actor rriarenm Our romoany oitm noon amployre honnille and Vlitlitinl conditions For In lorriew phone lira inrvrn At Applicant mun be lull nu pm lime in in mm laun vy Ind rirawlnl MI um All Malt NutIna iirma ualut IAnnt tuily uv rirnmt my Ilotllud In Ina AM mo At lent rlenu rtmlv Write no um nulhvr rmlfu torMn nelam pt la noon Ill IwInyHnmIviu lnn Highway South of Bnrrln you in win um murmur Ihieh am when ii ventilate ihla mm um momnu mama Art An mount It Only 01M Intiiltl smutu AUrn nmwno iil AUItlhlAiii TRANSMISSION SERVICE tAIJi IIIIIIIY MOT MM lllSIER Transmission Ltd Automatic Specialists l1 DIINLOI AT ml TAAvaL luau TRAILERS me nrm ltli tlIthtiI Mobile Homes iArI ionnal lionvielr 20th trniury Homer Part and Service Full or Term to have IR IIIIHTYIN AV MOTORCYCLES nullmravrml in Hartwell MAT MI 7282Il4 Iya mm ptu an rm um hum GENERAL DUTY GRADUATE NURSES vequlrod ior WIWI hnrmiwl Too lulu flood pummel not iclu healdcnu Acmrmwiaiim available Ii remitted Ariva In Illltlitflnll Ntiltslhfl SERVICE hlliiliilitillllllA Ililiullilil IIAILIABUM ONTARIO RECEPTIONIST nu ohjrtt lallrd ior iltm risk In booi own Knewiadra oi Man at Good iivlna in mint turn Tel Co Mm Dona uhtowl hflduoll Ior ylar old NIL hut limit ed but eahltm In nei hurIr mu not nerernry wnontro hint Man or in alrrmly tumor in hlmrul ununty and narrta with uumrn lm urn CHI um my ym lime elm hill tlm um Rauinlflt not Yin 35 mt nlrmlleu lit Henry on mm immediaiely unman APARTMENT lllthi now we ha many read are lmklne tar arirnenla ior rrni Evnry tiny we rt ralla trnm nihith ArIvIrtlnera lay in tnnrri my Ad lhn Apart mrnt la renird Why mitt lince your art now He Sure To include lnulnher 0i ronma Olocntlnn Chow IIcilIIlI Olurnlnlml or unlurniniml Illhilll warn numlry IArtlliteI Ouan oi yarrtl Oprim erunrr mnipleta Inlnrmaitm CALL 728241 STE OGRAPHER ANTI ROOKKEEPER Rrrrunl Ivy local twamh oi MIinnaI mm mm winter Am In North America Good eatery ileum Iinrnnullnn ACCOUNTANT hrnl dealing with Ilaiui Im not in willow Imwantin mmpii Imam to WA ro RAIUUE EXAMINFII Orv said What are they worth to our cuttome COME ON IN NOW AND MAKE AN OFFERANYTHING GOES 81 011mb Dmnmic Serlea The pride oi the all line Finiitld In mom ilmlurnn maroon all the line optional tqulpnlm that makes this prusilaa car Licence noozll Wu tum NOW ONLY $I 295 66 Dodta ta rxelttnriy new Coroan Rollo with rldi black broende lnierlnr dralgnvd to minute the bean tiiui yellow exterior AM what extreel StetIr Hill VA engine Ammomini flurnlnre lnoompnrabie Aut nmallo iranemlnelon and iii an any power attrritix Lirmre um WM Jill NOW ONLY $3200 Sirnio Chit Tontlae lie dan lhe IMAH to the wmmindm simmer Ho epieruient in Frrndt pioviw cint while The Interior II mat to the em in thin Indy try Flatter automatic tranamlninn too Licence ml WAI ILM NOW ONLY $l 495 01 Come The povulur ria tton wagon aertee Tinuiied in emerald areen Dttuxa model with All oi Henrya ltna ionlum An Ideal oar ior the iiahmmn or cnmplxu luniiy Licence XitTil Wna Hm NOW ONLY 5995 et Pontiac In the midl nought alter Leuuntlnn ten in Thin Isuutlill ermine white linth Aoeonta the phuh mu Interior to pm thta autunohita In due all ita Mn lZrmimlrd With the emu mutant and nmoih Wilmar automatic pour ntoerinl redid Lireote 7mm Wu OLW NOW ONLY $l795 Ford iiataxie Convertible Jtut loaded with exiraa and NW to curry you on your vary with memrtic VI Automatic rr hnve ion in the run Thin oration Aulo mohiie III only In avniinhla at lliiA low low price during the ante Hm mm ewe NOW ONLY $2695 60 DAY Iu llerwry lionterey IDoor Ham FlnIAhod in pent In panther bled Beami Iully appointed rad Interior Thin liiiDmOMIl in one oi Henry Forda produce pro durtlona Priced amnion Llano 3171 Wu ILM NOW ONLY $l095 60 Dodge Sedan ntnaterpiece oi line workman nlilp inmd in beckoning ebony hiark which MI oil the red lriertor to perticiion Yea thin oar cornea nquipped with the popuinr nlnnt air And ti mural All the euro tiAht to 2le you pielllfllitil drivinr Licence mm Wu tlxe NOW ONLY $1595 ttl lnnilae onuertitlo In lha inhumia llrbirm lien Inn hilly amiiwad with the man porntlar VI mar IM llle lmotlt momma Irlnnlliaaim ltaamimily no tahrd In aqua blue and pluneruori with it eul pastel Iurquoiu lot MAKE AN OFFER FINANCING IS SNAP DNV ANDY tom one when Ina AM ll FREE EXCHANGE 0N lACN AND IVERY 63 OR CAR No Payment TIII Aug ONE YEAR GUARANTEE on each and envy IAIM at doalere mt pvlre on pull and labor um hen In low by flnl llama nunu tin mil mad Mn allnne It ran aimmil he Matt Munur hall tl Vu lunmd 001 eel learn II eumld nr all mama ntuu Iran mmtn be MlMliIT In In it man nule In armnun earn ma AM lellea up may in mi in My mum tum mm radii nu mm earn not an no ma Inmmi he no In no um All our 11 mt mt awed mew ORV HARDY 176 BRADFORD ST rt tilt name mu we Ileiiy you man ml in pan Ime lt at am tat wt have non nmm All men Anllulleu Armed mm nun ll Mil IIIART lARMINiI TO RAVI It TRHIENDOI llFTIAT RIIINFM THANK YOU

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