Knmmm 5m vThu new Iralnlnx ground It nhnul ha same am as an miller and will be his mouzh or Imide mmmcurrm and ullury practice Also rifle range up In 1000 yards will be lamb toll in the Pine River Vallvy The plain an mostly at sand and how great lewl metchm 11 as mm hills Md An immrlnnl mm In the mnihtion will be 010 Amy m1 Rwhioh will make vary mat In Imp ho mm dry mu hg Min will he Imidwd the NM and MM rim Llhda numerous nrlks NI Hull he sunk In pmvlrlu drlnkinx Punter Ewï¬c light win he 1mm by lamlng the hydra llnm Into the ramp mm Mum 47mm mmr Cm Sunday Sir 31m Hugh win was nccrrmmnnd Ivy nnx mm mm Ibo om nanca pm 04 mm 1m in mmm rhnmu the mnlnkflm mm Val mu Dom ROFL MAN nrynwn um nahy of nu um amném Man than MP 1mm Vlmrml hum Dnlrrmpio and other mum Grand Trunk mu wny Yummy by ma mm SMIn Yunrhnn In NJ about mumth was mm Angu and will be mam by siding to be comth aver an and lag road which gives an ExamHm entrance the ï¬mmi mchm within about hmllu mm Tinga on the Gland Trunk Railway and Baxter on lfze Canadian Paciï¬c Railway Tamra may also be nun la mm csu mu llncs an Ontario Valcarlxcr awminncd on Sunday alter an apeclion had Man made by the Emman Df Militia Sir Sam EHnghw and party 01 miliLary Irmnn and other inflamp Botdcn is the name of the new training mind and will Wis about 16000 acres lak in in inst IMZ inclusive In the 9th ï¬th and 7m Mummieer nl wTosqnmqtio and In 1342 inclus Tossmwflo and loLs 1m inclus the in the Isl and 2nd of Essa 311m camp mypu will he locnlrd Emkqun were L9 be the The persistent tumors which ohzve been In circulation for irnmdrs to me cried that the Big Pine Mains in Em and Captain Gems Aï¬ken at the Royal Canadian Amwur ed Corps poinis la model Recalls Selection Of Borden As Cc From The Barrie Examiner 19M SHOWS MODEL OF CHURCHILL TANK Corolla guiltng our laalmnd in garlic 37011ch new Calabqu 014 461 94m 911 pme Jm Jilted 011 5mm lmxrncylru south czlst they mdml lhe second line and pm modal up it in Angus whom they arrived 115 pm Mler dinmr the party want In what lmnvm locally as Cnlnwam pus where saw mill was ualtd years ago This just ï¬lm miles from Angus stnlion and Is at the odge inc level slrcldl alums entirely rte from slumps or Iron Sir Sam and his party having look Id nm his ground thoroughly duidNI that lhis wnuld be he prIpcr place for the camp and sclMal the lite and mo we upper part at the plains Ihe wm side and Ihm mulh touchlng Lisle and Tioaa Na miles cast Tloga sum was made and mnsidcnble time was spun looking over one 5110 suggested or the camp Imtion Arriving at Angus at 830 am the party was picked up hry six motor car driven by Todd Smith Mn bce Ray Bolton Ross Fawicr and Fermmn of Barrio Board Trade Ed Todds car 1N1 he pmcssion In it were Sir Sam Hughes Col Law 001 Dcrnche and Mr Vï¬ght Tormlo roe estrle man who acted as guide or the expedition wth may were jnined by mll My officials from Central on Lani Mum mquns mama flux at the Woflhingwn muswm at Bash Borden nmse tam new action Second World War We mid Me to thank you Mr mn pannu in the part and unn mm to ma you boiler In the Mun BAYFIELD Propulsion Hnrvoy Pnchmln 100 Bayllold onglalulaliond Io BORDEN on your 501k ANNIVERSARY 01 DickInd 650 also pm nounccd it mlmdid camp and one that would ill deep marl In Eaurn Canada Unlike Ni agara whldx on mm its rcsriclu Area has nlvmyl han dimmxd hn Man In ammginz or training work the new camp will give mom Inr exlcmive manoeuvrm Lmslinx aver Wm or lhm days ihe best military camp in Noni America lie said it mauld he Mme to cam in man oeuvre an an extensive scale 34 Lil camp Ihai would be in valuable in mining the troops and mnderinx them it im serv ice immediately they mm sent oversaw He said he prommy was not Loo iar away from Tor onto and mim big telAxes oi mdnliun and yet far enough away Io pmvmi me mm mm running to these places daily 1m object the govanmmt in acquiring the property we la pmvide lacilifloa or the train in of man nndur mnriitiom sm ilar in what ihcy would be unv dcr in Europe Camp place or Ihe railway station which Is to serve ma camp Re turning to Angus at thme Im the party lea lmmedldely by rain for Toronto The days motor trip covomi ow to miles 5111 SAM PLEASE Sir Sam expressed himsell as pleased with the location and that would be one ï¬rst at Diem Captain MI ken who served 1n the nllian and other war theatres now resided at Barrie In addmm it will provide an 60951 Work far couple of hundred mm will be Immedlaiely pm vlded and those desiring same should AM at once Col law who will havu charge mnsuudion 00 how was largely mponsiblo or the will bunsfnrmllon effective in tha Gmerai Hughes mid report er Ihai the work of propang the camp laying out the siie clearing the ground and install ing drainage and lighting would be mm this very week and naked night and day until ready tornogcupaiion much needad roam lur really ef llclell tollmll Ircnch war rare and field engineering Cnmp Binden will pmvlde mining grown as large as the lamou Aldusle Camp in England while it is very much the same kind oi country Such camp ha been urgently needed or year and more speclally sings the glitteak of war BARRIEORDEN 1945 BQREENE9919 31 Penetang St Thats right BarrieBorden was our original route Since we started transportation service in 1945 we have travelled 3000000 miles carrying 3000000 passengers We had2buses on that route when we started Now we have 40 buses and have expanded to city service school runs and charter service With out Borden our success would not have been possible We will continue to serve and we hope to carry an other 3000000 passengers between the two centres in the next twentyione years GREER gamma GREER HAS BEEN CARRYING BORDEN SINCE 1945 Tours Conventions Church Groups lnduslrial Groupsl lodgos Picnics For Information phone N0 TRIP T00 SHORT N0 TRIP T00 lONG CHARTERED COACHES Sightseeing Trips and Tours Educational CHANGE PLANS The announme the early opening of Camp Borden has necessitated alteraljm being mad In the plans originally armed for the use of Niagara Camp Instead of sending bet talions am the lake only eight win no to Niagara these being 98 11er Hard 126lh 134th 147th and 169m All extra work on Niagara has been slapped as the warm pared are ample for the troops already sent were this year Ar rangemanu fur district head quarters will likely of the moat bemparary character sings It Is probable that just as soon as mu arabla body troops valley Valcarfler It the lablflshment of lhu Quebec camp and hi experlence there will be gm value in the thor ough and speedy equipment Camp Borden ï¬lming We aqmuï¬Ã©emenl of Camp Bordens Establishment has been galhered Camp Bor den Hm enllra stall wlll move there ll definitely annmxnced the entire Lralnlng stall under 10 Blcldord will remaln 11 Max Ara mly onwarlly as all medal sdmols puck as am of trench waflare bombing Held engineering and sud wlll be nwved as soon as the writer at mom ln the now Baxam area manta ll All maps hillelcd al 1mm Fxhihllim Pgrk and in Miles unlu no yet provided or wdl go Cam Borden just soon Mu and other Accommodw Linn Ls pmvided lhe numbuJn ho ho steadily incroased mm If expected Um 25maom men will he commuted nl Camg Bprdm by July bunam which must be va calfd tnlgdher wily ï¬le newu COMPANY lTD Barrie in per acre awrdlng mflle lmprovunmls but adjacent property in Angus In said 60 be aready bringing fancy gum The old Queens Hole has been said In be rated or year at good sum Numbers of men have been In Angus seeking 10 caUvn for stores pool rnmns movie Inmkboarding houses are up Angus and ev available has already been lak en up ln Iact some at the prop My ln Angus has changed hands several ï¬rms The prlce paid by Illa gov the camp grounds TAKE POSSESION On Wednesday military MAIh orities arrived Angus in two ll HARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY JUNE ma Lherewas rush huslneas menand real englg specplab Barrie villa in Annidaxe and Angus Ta lranslorm the vast plains clear the surlace and make them Into camp wian three week is the gigantic Lash Ihnl laces 0d law and his engineers special train carying Col law hn statt and 300 much more man 400 men altogether Col Low and stall lon the Angui plains of 20900 acres that morning andpmceaded to lay them out stat of engin eers surveyors mechanics and lahurm and mlght train 11 supplies arrived at Angus yer tcrday special Grand Trunk pullman carted stat and work men The party and supplier left Ottawa hesday night and travelled tn Angus via Scott Junction ttluwgh Algonquin Park than south from Hunt la page 17 please