quxieg BordenMark 505jY1ejdrs As Neighbdrs hi mm In invcim Nu MI hm Inmwl lvui In QYI lernwmu vw Mm he 1Mle mathl Mn dnhlm Friday In Mfume 40 nulu mm Mudmul mauw mm mum AIM mvflm sn Inland QII hunk lm ml um mm fund It m5 Mnntrnll runnian Mum 1W Iill Inlm vnnl wan lleml Innnnlly Ipmlflq Frhhy luv ha tlmflu anml nmlrmwhl mm IWI Mn mth Ivy ll 7w lo Inn Om mlan lvulny brfl mm ndmw up In MI ML MONTREAL ll AM Dumrhcr hwnnnl himml In mtrm mum nil all My Hunky flnlu nunlltna mmlm Inf durum cnmlal Thu golden nnnlvcmry week hjl bcllcvc in mm flulallnn or the excellcnt coapemllan and community mlntlonn whlch hnve cxlntcd between Dunlo nnd Borden mrounhuut the years welcome this opportunity of congratulating thn mayor the oiiicinis of the Chamber at Commerce nnd the military personnel who hnva joined together to outer thin pnrtnmhip betwnun the two ccntm nod to wish them overy success in thoir project During the past 50 years thousands of otlieer and men from all parts at Canada and the Common wealth have taken part or their training in Camp Dor den It has been an operating base or the Royal Canad ian Air Force since 1920 and various army schools and training centres have been established within its boundaries over the years Memories at the genomity and the hospitality of the citizens at Barrie have been carried to all part of the world by the servicemen who have passed through Camp Borden BarrieBorden Week which begins June lmd ends with Armed Forces Day June 11 la week whlch maxkn the golden nnnlvcrsary or warm relation be gween the Cqu nnd the City IN JAIL CELL limm HMva hiva wm guy4n My hmï¬n ml Minister Lauds Special Week Rivards Friend Hangs Himself 102m Yur No If Tha Hometown Dally Newspaper For Barrie and District MAYOR CDDKE By THE HON PAUL IIELLYF Mlnlsur Natloml mum DEFENCE MINISTER HELLYER Iva mu Mu IIAHIHK unlmra Jun umvhlm Arm1 lrflwlm l0 vhkh ho Md flwkl mlly Tin lnly WM 1qu In ulwn maxim hm hm Ihwl dull l5 INHMN ll WM Alum ta Ilu thy Mum Hivme In Imr lwrn Ar ruluwl Inlay Mum IulL Inx Amlu lnqurlm ml MINI maul wlwm MI Irv mull lull Ivv ml HMI It llmalIIMI mm Mar IINL VII my MM miw rum Mmlwnl ley dlv mwrul um Umn mr am 1qu lmlhu Into mmkr ham was ban 0mm Jum Avril INN nukunxan MM lhwdwr Irman Mn Ml loot he was dwplnl In Man In WM Inm Hm lullmlm In hum lullvsnll Hon the palm wer hr mind hmxlm hml Ml Mg uxplnlninl llw mkhle nu gum Avu mun nun Utl UK commerce In HIE CEIC showed ll np lecllllorn Io lhe MW brnuon All clly mullet luve people Ba alum men 311 In the week celebration been ukcd to mom um trlbullnn to the city boll ec WI II In WWW windows Ind swra lnlexlan momlully and soulllly Mar PM Wllm Id wlth mumm human Ind or 009 hi often ud mum mum Burl has taken Bordens In lhe pm nld CallElliot 0n Wednesdny evening pmximlly for granted we hlve Ilwlya coopemed 1n glint mounted military plnde Boxden Commander Col ll um at and and hid the Illll will be mm ln dovmlnwn 11 315m fiP Examimr Moan Mk1 flu Llllc lmy ï¬n Mp mo In mm mm mmd In my ym uuw Imm Hun hu WM Hn mm mum flwn Ipidun m3 Im MM in nu 01w junln by 1le lmkulnn Huh In halnmo Um no KN nll Mm haw mlnl Mum Il Nnm for IIM Mr rum An 091an main Ive lwrtn Hm gnvunmonl ml huhlhlpl Imlm hon lnul null 11w Unillul Hull Gmrdl hum Human calling or I110 rulmllmu and MM Mhrr lmlen should be appalan lo mnhum All lnlrrlm xvvcmuvnl pewth ho lnrlinn ulnrly allM znvunmeun 1M Milan an be mlom lo nmnull only If hi umcru lnku run In Ilnlemrnl laid AI Mn that Tlulm an Ky to not mvlnml pm in Wllim would only Llrrnzllwml Inlnnnal Muff MM me no dvlllnm lnrllulul on munrm mm llw Ilmmn fallwllu and Inmwnllnl Cm Dal and II an IItIlIlMIl mu Forrim 5ilnlï¬r Tmï¬ Vnn nn wu IIIn Amnnl thnu th Mn Ilw mlmul anll Nguyen Vain Tile armir Prlmn Mlnlnrr Nguyen Cno Ky Amind ii flan nl head we SAIGON lleulcnl South VIM Nnm ruling Mull It dny mndo hld In nppcnso mlll um nuddhm leader by uk lnx 10 clvillam Join the gov emmtnt nu ma numb wm ru bufled with laugh mm at In saggy mailm mm IM mm IiAdén mmi Um MUM the mlice cam broaldnz the wind shield In two And dmnnginx am Thm cm spam nam with hqmr Menus Md un lawful Isembly and om with mating dLiuflxmce and re sisting mast All worn Med nu hall andwiu appear In Simme valnclal police med mun oullu early Sunday Alter hrawllng dam hall crowd of 2m damaged three pollce cam and litlemd rurby beach Him amply beerlndm boo ca £99 mind Guygo Creed TilLsonbmz In MM dmmm by ï¬ghting and mg 9pr 17 91 public H5 em hflnmong thumdvin Mice minimal Thgmdan Buddhist Leaders Rebqu Govt Bid In Viol Nam Police Arrest Seven Youths After Brawl ï¬n magIQ managing qu rognz om cm HERES ONE lESAGEISOUSIED INQUEBECLVOTING for muu cd mim mun loam hlo an um ha mu lnm 3m mm m1 Jul bolaax bur um um hark maul llu rlrr mm mum Wm WM and us vay mumml pm Thnmil maul Mus on um MIWm mm lay my Hay flip Ilwmghn MMJM rixgry yllw ml min In In Ivy 1M kw lam Ind mud Um MIUIA nlmolpllur mlmlml In it In II am ICIYI nlml milm mu rl nw Knumdy iml mt mil nun Ibo mnnn mm mm TIM Hudllng pklmr Inn all 0Man 11mm mullr In ormpn ml ulnla pnrnrhma wnn Mann tulovllm lmn 1m mu ll nu ma Hm Kim Hm IIMMNI nwwrnll le Imulnl vim rwlmll In 19mm my mmrr In mum 11w Iiu Nryldna Imam llli IIHD SKI ly Whig 1mm 7mm 11m Geminl nmmmuln mdu um iumul mum prr an Inndlnu In Hm Allnnlic 0mm luhy maxan mllnnnl Mm mdimmm fllxhl lughllullnl by PAmrnï¬ Iumw mm Muln in yum Mm Ia umnnfrï¬ymlrnlctm Tiff gram 5MP fluxkqu Mining shingles mow mm min sler Hmon Av enue Unilcd Chunh dcmln Inst nixhl lAchn mnluin td ï¬ukmz Mm lo mic Perfect Ocean Landing Ends Gemini Flight KENNEDY Fla MI u=m men will In special event the my Ilnce World War baLh 1n Em and Ibemmp Motorized vehicle wulnsem cllmlxed by Armed Force Dly bl we Hume Flirgmund on June 11whnn the ffllefll at 640 pm and pmceed Alon gubllc is Invited to yin Bot in mnin downtawn Burris an me Barrio anarloCanndi MondlyJuno 946 LIGHTNING STRIKES BARBIE CHURCH 1M divNI mum and Cmnn unvo In up uiuml thump Mr Imu rnll winduw Imflml 1n Malmlr In MM wnvN In Mth nmmm mllnr nwy 051mm ln Hrllhnl milllon KM dlvm Wnl Thu ulrmmu eIMul to Any lh mm mm flu Wup mm wide RTAND 71 ANI WAVE Thu mamth bald ml ulna mlmlm lfln lmKh dawn Ind Shillile Ami nlm um ml wavnl mlfmli deluie nl water and de brLI cmni heavy damage in fluid propcr Member the count111m and nlhtr mlunlmi Furled whilufé Iridly night he came n1 mlwa movu to the Burrle Ann when mammoth rock and roll dime wll be held for all young people In lhn IlEI ut 100 vdalclu clrryinl betwcen 200 1nd 800 men wlll plrllclpltu in MenuAde the lumen mllllaryjnnde held In the clty Ilnce World War ll Motorlzed vchlcle wlll Imm bla the Enrrle Fllrgmund at 640 pm and pmceed Along the tn downtawn Burris meets the plrade renclmtbg lalutln blse at the War Mem orlll fllzht at CF 100 Voodoo xupemnlc almm will over These 1er uulnwu uvuu give ymmgxten um mmlty dun ta thelr tlvog mnslc wllh three his land pmvldlnz lha entertnlnment The new In tvr lenzen baglnl it no pm Armed Forces Dly pmmlm be his one wlth Ill moon unit Ind depnrtmentl vay Army and Mr Farce worklng mu togethn to put on In lntemt dis In and enjoyable pmmm Actlvfllu get underway at p111 Ind tt ll suggested tlut come rly Ad nuke lnfl 1nt gnu vnleu trampoline dlsplny judo demonatntlon wflbnll gums Ind two Tlnllnlln student lelm laying soccer wlll he mud or tho beneï¬t at sports mlnded vlstton For actionalluded ueken then will lleldnmbulnnc dlsplny Elllfl lire flghllng lay Ind tlylnx dlsplny Mlny Items at mlllmy lntmst will ho on dllplly tn the Arm oured Corps Provost Corp and Servlce Corps Museums egmymenl nu an mung die mrade ranchesmg togethn to put on In intent lalufln blse at the War Mcm mg and enjoyable pmmm orlll filth of CF 100 Voodoo Actlviliu get underway ll supersonic 11mm will fly p111 Ind In suggested lint over Then Ilrmfl will fly vhllon come only Ind nuke mm Non Bay to orLheeqï¬lre ugh 14 HahnII mmnua Wuflmfl Ann mintH lly qu noH40 nmIrDII Dunnl MildII FQHIINIAIl The Examiner TODAY II My mm tunmu pl ryl mm than haul mu Mmul 1me mm comm lint Ilyrguw mm llu ym IUN Mullml Hm Gnmlnl mum Lam Inn rown4 dull4 lll Iml ml ml wink In hal In Four mull mm hmln tJmulM In Mm Maw tlnrhnl inflm mun Mmml lbw I1 amunmnlmr mm Iry am mill and Inmnl MVle In man mu mm mmy nn llu matk phqu lurk wazl lhn Ml hank nl ha MW Alnuvhnt TM lirry dmonl liallnl IN an ll Imflc 0mm nmr ll gunmanI 14mlHK In Ilw nnflt law Mm lvrktll hm IM MI in mm EIYI mm lmvlul um dri Mll ml In lllghl mm had in um and downn wllh rm whim nllrr Another nlnmllnl HM mlminu Ilium AM nllw II lnumhlfll Iml mm in km LinimL Ind lrmrfltd rut1y 10mm HIM Mmk hank Mm by Immlnfu Dmimz 71 In ml 21 mm Mm in Mill man And Sub while lirtmcu hauled namc while lumen huludc llnmu More Mum nnd cry on palm dunc lIaniner PM Im The rumor mMM II Ilrpllnel hnka gum trucks menu elecllvnjc equipment cumrulon flight xlmuhtors moble dental llbw Irmlment fulï¬ls eguipmem Lam lmwzvtr returning pl lim Ilidmd Ilmnqud Inldlhe mull will not be knmm unul thn ulcrnonn or Tum Th0 rrmrnlhu mulch that while cnuMinl In prnllfu ha Ml 1mm nl Ihe llxum mm vlrlmn mm may have her Irnmpoud NIAUAIIA VANS NA MIAA mum in Imuunlm Mwlnyru II Ihc Hell Arum1m Iu plan In wlnllllln Whul llw umlvy nrll lnl anu MM mm the 19 Iny lay In Iinun um pmdmu nutSundny nith Ihe lmal mm of the cleclinn was mu urnmin 11w nixhls lasl re port to 1m Canadian Im from lht Ste llyuinlhe cmulh anry lmlicnlnl hnl Dtnll noxuqurl Unlon anhmnle un dldnle had damned Rene 5L Plem mlnlnor public works The coum hnd been Klvcn 101 or Mr Doulqucl mm 101 Mr Mammal lelnr Gnuda nlrndelu In llnnomt Mamcnl pour IIndeptndnnu NIIUMME Mml 1mm Mr Im our Mher anl ralvmrl mln um ml under Ln Hm Unim TYHlONTO CPI1h Humran llauxhtrvn and Mn Inmale Mm liwlwl umllnmd In halt Mr mm my IrI llvvpllul Nk AMI Mr rundlilnll lhlp morning lrmnnrll mdmnml n1 lair Mm unmhnwn and run mm HmMMII IHmuv Ilrrl or my nvmnmm Hinton new mu wore added In Iha mmme or an int lime lhh clocllon llï¬lll TIKANM Nulnmle Np flw hboraly who blocked he UN Into ha political wild emm by liking power six year ago lound their rap unuliou slashed to 51 110 mainlnz two zeal went to In dependentsme an Independent when The standing After Sunday nights vmnwnting wiLh lhn Handing we the 1m cIcclIan and dksolulion nl the lblil Mun ï¬n April were My in Guggecflw Hon chlrxcd with he dram of upset oio consulqu wn uncer QUEBEC ONThe Union gallgnalg wm vigor no party led by Daniel Jdmwn Wolf th Ieglsh live usarbb IOE xéaLs ll thqugh vlqtory crediled to Cï¬minals Escapo London Pxison Siamese Twins Condition Fair Niagara Plan Hit By Slriko 111 Annivemry Week will wind up sundly wlth an lnlerchlnge of Burris Ind Borden minlslm At this time Ms hoped thll church goers wfll also vlslt buck and forth cm 2mm UniOn Nationale Gains 55 108 Seatsln Assembly Sundny Dissolution 1m LATE NEWS No Moro Than 10 For Copy 40 Plgu Mnln gain for Mo Unlun NA llnnnle urrr In mm mm NICIN whim hnlnm mm or rmuldrml lrmlnlnnnl Ilmnl mm nu puny my hum lhll up In ImannnlyLihrrll Mnnlrenl by winnan we All mm Iho Lllrrrnlx nwl rlplUrInx new our Imp ul L1 Mhlrd In uw pmva Man lhr Inst rlrc Inn Band on rclurm mm 5561 pollan Matinnx or 917 par cent the pull wm ullmaled ll lbw 230am of Jun our 71 per cm HM 1mm Minnie Merl 1115 Machine mu In 1961 was per rrnl nut hclunn hem lhay look 55 per mil nl the vale re lurnml by the 151 mllinz All llons nmnrcnlly culling lnln the rlll In nylle of the Inwering nl thl voting axe In the province In lsMnh gave the vote In 250 000 pcrsnns undrr Lha axe ol II and lho nddillnn another 250000 12rd Mwm II and were loo ynung lo me In the In clcdlon lhe lnlal poll was dawn by more lhan lx pnr mm the 1m election in Im The upnrallsl palllu Ie Illu Icmhlrmcnl pnur llndrpond nnce NMlnnnWe and Hall menl aninnnl um um mu mm nduv lusding I217ng to lose their ml were in partyl whip Phil Lalonde in St HemI and Jean Jacques Hedard dep my Speaker of the legislative wembly He was standing In he QuebgcCnly ridinz Gun vuu But to 915er It seemed clear anoflur election may not he tar away 19m no DOWN First In go down was Labor Mlnlsur Currier Forlin In Sher bmke He was followed by Tourism Minister Alphonse Con turler in Rivicreduboup and two ministers wilhout norllolla Gerard Coumnyerin Richeliw and Albert Marisscue in Archa baska 0n the urmnlh lhe mums Mr Johnson daimed victory or hi Judy Mule Premier Mn he mud have xludy he xilualinn More deciding on the next move Thunder showers and mm Low tonight Eédegrees High tomorrnw dnflreu For lull weather summary 1133 10