Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jun 1966, p. 5

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ANGUS 15mm Angus place which grows on ynu sald Charles Brilnell rcslrlunl or 45 yaam hlr Britnle said he cansidcrtd Anxus wilh mare than 3000 population in ils vlc lnily large enough In incur porale inlo scparale polite village Al the same lirnc he said he would like lo give Essa Plaque marking site of he onHime Huron Indian capital Callth has bcrn aurad hlEWART PAGE Alrlulllunl flrprellnlnlhl Nnrlh Show Up lo middlay crop pros pects in 51mm County were LIf 1mm gml Dun cull wea hcr prcvuiILd win Irmucuz lmsls overnight Progrtsg wtth Accdimz was about two wok lalcr than normal and growth nl wlnxcr crops was slow iirywcvcr wilh recurring rains Um third work May and mcr wcnlhcr wilh some sun Ihine growth is rapid nl lhc prmnl time and prospcrls are or air mm Lillie winltr killing was nolcd in Ihe hllll liclds and the main prhbitm or many lnrmnrs or he mo mm is mnke he dwindling numiiu of hay and siingn last will the pasture livid an many kw grazing in ion early rrpurl on spring sown crop n5 lililc urnul was noi cd unlii he Inil rmislurcsiium Inn improved in Inci um nirrnhiu cr an nl wrung arniimz is nliil lo 110M in Mme nrlnL an lhnl urwlh inn xlnrlcrl ii Hum in lhink ni umi enn rni During the pnxl ilrrnrlr nr lo our lnrmru haw mallc rnn mdomiflo pmnfl In wninxilu mu nmi innit on Iiiinbil hind Inn nn lnmisidr wmin inml nmi my am im cnnnnl lillml or wrnynl um puw rr rvwipmrni our xmml not wry gm Full Village Status Is Urged For Angus Time To Think Of Weed Control nnn pmhlrm In MM and hrush cnnlnnl hill Wu In whrlhrr we Hu In 11an Ar mumy llw unnlml nwl Hadl cnllnn lnuun Ivy mm lmmly wuh mm 00 fun nl mum on Ink film me And urnlun Na and Ihmunmls inland IKnuly won II mmly In 1an lull ml Ihwn nu 1mm ll be Ilmml erh Inrk Ill prngrm mm grmng nyl IHI mlwmnu plan Mr unnll In uhlrh INNII so many nl WRENCH JACK HAWKINS mumm AT nu mx mu Sneak Preview Next Monday nghl PLAQUE HTTBHCTING MUCH ATTENTION Council hcadod by Reeve Gcnrge Davis and Ihc police village tnlslces headed by Mervyn Mil son due 0mm in Angus im There are number of pmb lcms to be worked oul he said in regard to scnarale incnrpur atiun One concerned $70000 Dominion paymem la Essa in In earner ays he de velopment chemical sprlns it was practically lmnussible lo gcl lid of him vy except in lillublc arcnsl Today however hm are several cllcclive chom lcals that cnn be used mil to or Slthl mcnUon only lmbnbly the man avail nllle chtmlcal is known as Brmhklll Any ol hose chem imls mll do good job ll an plicd thoroughly and al me right llme The best limo lalrly curly ln the season In soon as he learns have hnen fully den10pm rrpcnl mal mn monlh or two lnlnr ls mlvisnbln la cnlch any planls lhnl have won mismll in much allcnllon lhcsn days Dlgging operations win slat soon or more races ol old longhouscs near Vanninstcr our vamliun and beauh larcas Mule il may Indusimhle lo him pawn Rpm or mad Mdc or Mk umlmcM he nnnlnn sprayer I5 quill suimMe or trcnling pnlchu of Palm lvy in lhe wmlu and alum Hm menu htre it Is lnnsl ullon amt Thun mm mm danger nl damaging olhcr Manl mm in the area but this mall risk mmpaml the mm and tnlnymml he Inmily and mlh mm his damage run he kw In minimum Ownm mmmrr mum and many llrnrh Aunrmlm might hm ll lann lvy Clcun Ip Campaign cutllrnl Tru llnninl lronr In with momth 101mm Involved nmhl dmre Nullle 0n l¢nllflclhn and routrnl Inlmn Ivy nlnnx wxlh rNommrmlul lunlmml lnr hy pulvmlnu Me nvmlnblr 31er Infill Ailimllurnl litr 11m leallrl vulh Mo plclmll 0m rum Ivy plant firming 131m In hull um um urmn wxll Ix hrhlul 1n nnyuno um IMIiHnr win We plmll Mm wur lmnl Wlfil mmm muld In hrlflul In nrgnnlxinz rlrnnup rnmmlgn Friday and Snlurdly lnhm 7113 MM pm lieu of taxes on Camp Borden properly If Angus withdrew its share in this wauld appnr only be lost But on the olhcr hand lax es paid here would gn Inward keeping up our own service and not to the entire lawnship said ML Brilnnll Kathy Hewi 12 right of 01 illia and Daveon Kirk 11 Kitchener were among the latest visitors the area Explaining the police village boundaries moslly between ihe Pine and Nbltawasaga films were continua and did not in Elude builbup areas including the cxlensive Mchorgc subdi vision llr Erilncll said the lil ualinn was charming daily ROUNDARIESV CONFJNED Ho Ml he ifltwgo hoard ol mum should give lncomur nlion consmm study and alien Imn sincc here miuhl he up her zrnwlh which would make the sup viqL my 6p niDn it his to come in ime and we might just as we get ready he said Like numtrous other Angus residenL ML mllncll Inferred lo the Improvemenls Includlng lcvtlling amund he Pine River sldcwalk across he bridge and widening and rnsurlacing Highway 90 Huse will cor lalnly help us and our develop Wnl he said praising the mmmenu Xamm Gueruln snld he thought Angux shouid in my scnnralcly busing hi winlon olwmflion nml lnlk he hnl heart rum olhrrs His hrmhpr Ed Gucruis who out Um village lrustm old mad and alruts garbage collMIlnn and mm unions rmkud by the Maul The mall lncnrpnrmion ix aomtlhlng lnr the rcsidcnh In rnnxidcr Fin Illp would be mrNinKJ explnln Ihc mlvnnl MM and lhon tlrwlnlc Ion HST REQUIREMENTS Angus made an npplicnllnn your nun whirl wax lumrd dnwn by he Onlarln Muniripal Man with 1M one Nnrrvrr lo rrnmrk Maybe yuu hmIM your case linul up mrw and pmwnl In nuukr nn Hm mgflfmlnnl II or In 0mm nm dmuld be alrpl lulun nr lmmulinc inn Anxm hey MM lnrxcr Mmlminn Ilmn mule umnx Slnrmr hvr IIIAnn but Mn wn nnl muuniud II fllmlld lmmm Ihtl mnmmnlly luunl evrn villnnu Mal The nnr ml ol nm and vnrlly ln Sunnldnh In gnul urirulluml Mm Irnllmfly CHI Ilonlm Mlll 11m mm and mmvm prr mm mm GROUP HEY KIDS Malinoo Silurdny mo pm suggested ml brim about aohm In imam me palicmg me Since we fit all on he ratepayms general Wnbim has been asked Io OOLUNGWOOD Police su mnt and first class constables will receive pay MmAse nl saw pm your under new agreLnmi approved by Golfing wood council with Um Collin wood Police Associafiml $5303 and km second and mini class oran the incmses will be levelor $5160 Md 551 nugllx WW Pmballonary cmslubles bcnocfarlh will receive $4000 per year an increase $150 annually 1m pay sculcs cover fiveday um week with provision or time and hall lnr nvufime Members at the farce also evolve an aruuml clmhinu allowance $200 clean CENTENNIAL BALI COLLINGWOOD Copten mal Bail has bcén discuswd by he Minguwd kannial Cnm milme 15 pan celebra Iion Tontalive dale chosen was Jma 30 at ncxl yam STAIIT CONSTRUCTION TOWENIMM Conslmclion natural gas main and serv lmx are due In begin 50m in thsvcommunily by Uonsumcn Gas Company DECORATION SERVICE ClIIIHMOIIE Sponsaml hy Illa Ormnnro Minith Asst cialim Ihc nnnuul lumntiun service wnl he held n1 Crow man Union Cmnnltry on Sun day June 19 nl 111 pm WAY TO llAIIINIH IIILISDAHI Smfl Take time ll be Irimny Um mad In hnmhincs Ihc ml IO be duuLml wilh IIIII Iain Wamonn lnstMuln Ivy Mr IIthmy at its rrgulur mm in on Tuesday June 21 Mm Collingwood Police To Get Pay Raises In New Agreement yrnr payroll wide lawn businru rcvtmlo with an even larger polnnnn Angus do vehvm filmIgw annual gay will be VAmovNMnk to man com munMy mm lmn Illnlnx increnml inlemL FA Waymouth Ilnr pihhrr 0r Ami Soulll Slmcm Indium lmll lemL wnrh nl IJX Numrrmll ollwr Anum Inltlrnlx am anonM the mm plnro ur CF Harden communin waltmum nml nwnnn mythm lm Non IImu nl Ilnlslmr Hm linnnru llm In per Nn Turunlly mumu mu hrth inn rm pnblun dulnumm nrcrmry linnnrmz lnr lhn wnpnml rmnmunlly mun It AND II NOW PLAYING DISTRICT ers OMISK HllMN help Mice hold things in lime Cain Hughes earlier usde ms idanu who lmw m2 culprits or saw vandalism to come forward andgive evidence This in it sclt is believed to have been Jamar in helping tn quid But we am not taking any thing or mum1 said Ihe spokesman 1111 new eomablc Harold Brown Hhnsbeeligitfing in he pmm mg ersml and Douglas chman arg 9h uthar commits on he Essa tome uhkch is responsible or law mloanmt designated area 1319 minder oi the wwmlfin cavcmd by pmvin cial palice llmsm Gwrge Dans corn mtcd mpolt whim said Essa anxulfip had held back school cheque payment in 19 think the reason wt did so should be made clear so then will be no misunder standing We mupaid In 1962 and smpjy hu1d our over lng allawancc of $25 and sm kfiipay or gqodvcondw There are Huge benefits which indude payment at halt the cos hwspimlimlian PJY men eephone half pen sinn pannem and sick leave allnwancc equal to day and ha month The latter may he 1chsz anbcrs ol the force will re ceive days halidays up to years service lhen days or mmmrs with 10 lo 10 years service and 28 days or men with more than In year saw Icc Counullor lubed Jacks chair man of lhe own police com mitlco introdlmd lhe wmkin agreement to lhe council Maya II Mcnmald plLSIdtd Pomr ill be hmlm and dishfig annual rcpmjstill be given coilmmvoo In lrom Jnhn Nn Rev 11 David numuor will may at nm Irc1vdnn imunh here his coming Sunday June CRIMSON WOMEN COUISON 15mm Liffl Is like uanlrn you lather what you saw is We muun chosen for In roguhr mcolim ol Goul snn Womens Imlilulc on le nle June it Mrs Clinlml Fuglm be Imam and Mrs mum uglicullurc hflilmnn is cnnvtmr in dmrgc The lunch minnin Inclmlm Mn Dalmn Jmmy Mrs wkmm and Mn IL Cooke TIlfll VASMIA AC Anxirnvfll Dcparhncnl Tmkaer lnvn mknl or now will comm vhln lm vuupn nmrh during lhu hmvy fiummtr Mun mum VOI DI AH ALI on Mr play We South buncm Mu Mum flip ul hm Mun um whm murly 20 ncm nl uwulm lnuhlfinu um lmrnnl Allith The pluk mu um tn mo rmmdnutlrm $22 HARBARMDEN M1 IfllIACIIKR JOHN MILLS R053 WWIrs mmt 43 he CHALK GARPFN Al nuIyvm whim uww rum NOW SHOWING wmmum Munmun hum ELMVALE We expect emanation to be starting soon said vaale Reeve AIEXMC Auley when spoken to afler Simeoe County Cmde had giv en its approval to plans or new 11mm public m1 to he added In ar near the vil lage oI Elmvale The Simme County Cnnsulla five Commluee reporled that McKagun superintende supervisinn debautmem ol educaflbn sum when request is submitted or tentative approval oi pub llc srhool lldlug project the covering lel er mm the ln spedm should lnclude stale ment that the pmlect ls con sistenl with the recommenda tions which the mmmillee will present reorganluulnn with in ins ma iurmdiotio lcuncu OVERLAPPING Acting on request received mm the Board at Pdhllc School huslm ol Slmcoe County School Ama No the Dammit lce gave the necessary nuttwr ity to the inspector mncerned Ellis Midland to In cludo such stalwart in his covering More Elmvdle Area Soho Project Starts Soon Albert Calvm rceve of Port McNicoii whn is chairman ol the calmly mnsuimtive com mitwe expiained county an proval is required preva municipaliliu or schnoi area from overlapping meirschool CAMP BORDEN Prepar afions are prockcding here or Armed Form Buy on Sulurdny June or Canadian Force Base Burden LlCol Luker is uhairman and Sqdnnbdr Manley vicewhairman or the Armed Forces Day commiflca amninlcd by he Base Cm mandcr Col Elfin The ohservanc here will be part counlry wide Armed Forces Day which is being held at all Base an the same day this year Win it ohjncl acquaim Canadians generally wllh lha rule and Julius nl Canadas Atm cd Forms Ihe observance ex peeled to be in lhc interest nl pmmoling gum public relations bclwcen clvllian and mihlary papulalions Camp Borden Advances Plans For Services Day All dcparlmcnls at the base are Vein asked lo help make lhc xay here mean CRHEMOIIE Arranxrmcnu have been made or the public mmls rl Nmtnwa Mnship MM lhrir annual pitnic hm on Thursdny June Die Nolln wasagu Truslm Trachch and Immuycr Achatinn hauled by Donnid man will ho in charge rohminury nrrnngcmcnls al so ham been made or the school nlr MIMI 11 In be hrld on llr5JIy finlwr 20 rawcomm Amman Mr nmwn in Keith flpplr viruwmhlcnl Anhur Imhimnn mmnry masum nnll film lenm Cmll Ila lwln mkl ln lht Man LUNCH IIb Mun lit also HI he hfld In Crrrmum and uhlhils may Iv nuula by nnv mhllc lrhoul pupil In Noll 1m Nottawasaga School Picnic Plans Made nlh nls mo hrng Inokyl lnrwnnl in Mlh cnnmlcmble In lrml areal Basically he conceded It is Ihe cmcnrn 0f the mun icipalities concerned and the depaflmenl of education but prevanling duplicatinn in pm pom school mas MUCH ENTIIUSIASM McAulLy said there was mum enmusiasm or the new Elmvale area school which nlsa wlll include Flow Town shp It Is an uxperlmenl which will be fulln ed with con siderable h1th he saié Businemmcn and educational leader in the Elmvalc area al so showed considerable lulcresl In the projecll It was suggested the progress should by allowed with countywide lnleresl be cause ii it is sumesslul it will be adapted elsewhere The school area idea pmvcd an au vanooment lor ngh Schools NOW SHOWING SHHNTY BAY $52312 THE MOST MODERN DRIVEIN NORTH OF TORQPEQ BOX OFFICE OPENS Afa pm SHOW STARTS DUSK ARMED FORCES DAY Canadian Forces Base Borden SaiurdayJung Hh I966 Base Open to Pulilic from 15 pm This it Ohc first lnhgralad armed one day and an lnIarasOing prognm is plannad for all visllors In In ban Stalin and aclion diplays mm men and equipmanl of CInadas new armed form llllhlly 11 II Guthrie Belwcen Burl And Orlllla DUNLOP ST EAST ROBINSIIN Hardware REGDSSE EDIMW WEED HUME EVER UUSSEED GUARANTEED WE ESSF BAMIDIM or your money back MIND wun MIN NS WIIM VflU fllAllV nun Will M0331 PRODUCE Avallabll why nnl elementary schoo was any comment There were numermrs other who gave lhnir View and prac irally all the comment was favorable One or lwn mention ed the mible dtett on taxes and expressed the hope large sdwol with transportation pm vided wouldnt increase the cnst At meeting in Elmvale when the schwl was discussed transportation problems wera aired Parenls told concern abnuc small children havinz to wait for buses or long periods during cold weamer salisfac ow arrangement could aver came ths and other such prob lems me meeting was tnld As the first Simcne County Area mimic sdhml the pm ec cuuld start new trend in vlcmunlary schm xyalcm lrl yonAnd your kmhfl lhcjmlgc Watch invdnl lo work on inwclx black mu mum and nHILILW And It knl but nut spray youve Mr um lcll Wnle Oncn mu IrmluclL v0 Ikux 4H9 Mnnuul 5ch bolllcmlhlulflJnducllxnd you you 10va lurk Applied Iinuiul Ipuy ianlnl ltmu vmlvlc pow Lkl duu drmuu lu va Imuc humman Am mlumc mythic in nnlil Imulc I0 plnnl 11 lymmic inwllcvda dnlnhulu lllc llmmllmul um mm plank mulrumx If la mm mm Inwl damn luv up In Iwn ml Mm nppliminn Symqu mnnnl he mm MI by um um my uv wuhm lhc phnL ITS CANADIAN ITS OUMIYY mum nu IMI IIIWINWNMMI Of CANADA lMlllD HUI

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