Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jun 1966, p. 2

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Dr George Darby physician in charge the Oak Ridge Div ision oi Lhn Ontario Hospital at Pennlang told the gathering that rcxuai offenders can be peopia with families good job and him intelligence BM 1qu in their awn vmrld and communicate in jargan all their own Some rcier to it as gay world and guy in of existence Dr Darby am The hmosewni Dr Darby explained is any person who has sexual relations with mem bers of the same sex The maln problem at the com rnunhy Ls clzrmrncd the homosexual who weir partner In mile and not Lhasa who engage in sud chum In private Sex oflendcu generally know what they are doing wrong but they are unable to control their urges members of me Barrie Branch of the Canadian Men tal Health Amcinfion were told last night 11 lo sax diender vary greaLly in their pmsonaiiiins they fail into some disilnci classification such as the ho moscxual vvyour pcdaphiic and exhibiiionisi pan out that while hm mummy ll mega In Canada mndlnncd in Emlard mong adults Who carry on In perc ILLEGAL IN CANADA Thu voyeur more commonly knawn accpimzvimm is nsnaily young lad In his lulu can nho peer lnla windows in the hope of seeing wamnn gelling undressed This type of activity is normal in Male tents but Income annoying when It In puslsicn 1n lnlcr tens Those boys gcncrnlly hnvn pour rclnllonn with women and am quiln my Dr Dmby mid 11 mumml Damon Hm Ilrrl llane nnd Mm Aunmrmn mm In 1m fly Mwml 11 MIN I11 lwzm pm ml mnlmun ml pm GUEST SPEAKER It flu Barrie brand the Can adian Mama Health Asodl nuuu mt mhlmu All anl ItsInd mm mam Mn m4 than mun for lady lklv mu who ruvlml Ilnlr dirk mm IN mm IN lo 11 Mamm mm mun Indnnnr III Wmh ll Nar lu Min Illnhm Danni ay ml Fun run mum PHYSICIAN STATES ui Ignizu uni An ivér IMnL flrvgll Mm mfljmfly Sex Offenders Unable To Control Desires AvNlMl IMIHHXUE LADIES PASS AUTO MECHANICS COURSE They are usually harmless but they have been lian to clme up the side of an apartment building at great peril to hem selves The only way in Web they receive sexual grnllllcullon l5 to see an Imdraped lemale Exhibllionma receive vicar ioua sexual tallsfacfian by ex posing mamalvu in pdblic This we ol person usually in his and umnarrim Tha young maIa sou to an MW aim and walla or loan female to pan by4 who is in pasidon to see him He 0an wank her La Ice him and nothing more Dr Darby aald Should the female make advancv es to ho eddbllionlsl ha would In all probability not scared and This type ol sex offender wny carries out his mlvlw away from home He receive no sallslactlon unlcu seen by manger Hi oven Milena are an example cl his mum lovllird woman Dr Dndxy in AWAY FROM HOME The last iroup cunslsls or ad ult uha galn sexual lullslullon through chlldrcn Known put ophilim lhcse people do WI have actual sexual contact WILI um chlld but rccclw sexual matllltauan mm louchlnz look lnz nnd londllnz There are three main age msfidi the majority bclqg In Lhclr late low And early 20 These are person 1141 have had disLmbtd upbringing and whose pyschoscwal develop men has been disturbed The next Age group nelwtcn 36 and 40 and in their use the sydmexual development has goon ranrdcd Inst group rangm ln axe 1mm 65 to 75 cm ho HIM pracm hm cnumd organic changes In the brain ion Dr some bad den and mm mm mm rs tn L1 51mm with Mrl Joan president Morris program duinnan This type of xexuaf offender can be ller dangerous as the offense oflgn 5709ij cloe lo home mi tha child mos rei The eflea on mild Vulu lrom almust nothing to causing pwblem at 1119 rest of in Me More often it allow lhem al thoudi It neednt Dr Darby said parents we can help the dIHd by not mnldnx an Sum such an occurrence He pointed out that no all sex offender are mill dwi ateL ll boy are mentally Ill mpy molt comman sch mu and court appearance may have an oiled an certain kinds of sex oficndcn These people cin be put on prnhallon and their prabauugllomcera can snnc qucnuy known to wander ladlenhisownddldornm of he nelgtbora children tar as malmcnt con cerned Dr Darby xnld we must recognize the sex offender is damaged pgrsonnlity TREATMENT gex oftmdcr should be educated and more should be done to improve lhclr soclm onomic positlons Dr Darby Inld He has noticed hat many sex 031cm have luffmd kemum don cmelllcs Al the hands 01 their parents and he believe nodal altitudes should hr chann cd take 010 emphasis on micro disclplmn chlIdrcn Proper health and mcnlal cllnlcs should be developed well specinl insllmuans or tho lcx lender Drt nid 0d following hlx address Dr Darby was ask od Whether then are any mule emibluonlsls He mind that thin Wu difficult question to answer because no one mm to upsct when woman dlspmyn her charm in puhllm Oumda the commons 0w lllia doctor said he was run ring so propam shown on um one my 55mm night and about yrhldlhe had waved nun bar 01 amylaan mm Orllha and Tamale He was particul ufly want by Ibo appearance on file mm clergyman vho had alerted lhal xua marflal sexual mlauanx ammz Bama resich are in star or disappointing weekend least wenmeerse showm an lorecast or this anemoun and evening well Satur day Tmperalum will remain seame warm as the To rorto weather office predida hlxh at as degrees Iomurmw Low Innis will he 56 de greu MW at The Examiner allies lust night was 48 degrees Wu at 1030 Lth mm Ilwnfl of nlm Vnmlm mm mm Um ROM hm nl Nnnh my be made pm In Um mer mun um mvlnwlnu inml nL Um Cum law In Mormrial 5111mm Tnklnz Um 111 will he 70 II Hull uml 701w mnmlrr CHI Mrdrn Mnynr In mm Hplm pm Mrnl llnmn mum Wm mrm Ind lmxlvl Inwrnm pmldml Harris Ituiun mum Nu Synomb Much cooler air 15 advancing southward ram Ilud ann Bay and by Innlgh is ex pected to reach the Muskoka and Haliburwn regions nflcr which should push slowly Iaulhward InLu the lawn Great Amer his car ran out nl gas Ruben John firm High 54 and Mt passenger Elalnu Buflon darted Imhm Lhe car Alana Tannin SL The vchlm got away and hit parked car owncd by Harvey inkling 510 Grove EN rcsuILinz In Arrnnxuncnls haw been mm pldml or Vulnmdny June Mn mrvkumon lmm Can ndlnn Fonts Hm limdm wnl mount oloriml parade Whldl will he the man urn In Bum rum Work War II 1m plrodn will arm at Um Barri IAlr munb lmlnx than mu prmwflnu Nona KN Hand llrndfnnl Sl Dunlap In name 51 Colller 51 ml and Park damage aflmatéd n1 $100 The mishap oowrrcd on AREA WEATHER Rynard SaysCBC Should Tighten Up On Programs Complete Plans For Military Parade In City Two Freak Accidents Cause Minor Damage Police Report CITY NEWS Expect Showers Today Saturday Ward limo ll 1mm 1nlrluno L1 1006 Wnnl Junn In 1066 mm LJIIne 17 1mm Hm lmlnlmunl cl Buulnm Tu June I966 Plun bvlng or Inn mmplnlo Tn Nolko wllh your paymnm due by THE llAlLfllE EXAMINER FRIDAY JUNE 1m I966 Clly Tu Inmhmm Third lullIan Propmy Tun JAGGES Elly Yum NOTICE he Dr Rynard aakl similar Jectlom had been raised by Rev Patterson of Toronto speech m5 week to the synod of the diocese of Toronto Rev Pullman said he was mallad mainly ordained clergyman should have an gull lay what he did ghoul premarital sex ltkhlgh menialth lightened up on Some these mm It has been flwwhg Dr Rynani said Il In or dinary layman had made WI statement on aha naflomhnot work mm be bad enough but when clergyman maku mm it that mum warm yoong peoplo would blessing have hla Ho sald that when man wean cluical collar he tabs on some rmihillties and WW You W0 would be In fluenced by his ophfion qu agwpllng an mm way ol Dr Rynard said he issue would likdy be Mined up in PM commom common on Lakes Soulhwesl wind will bring warm alr lnlo the south ern region today although ln mash cloudlmss may tend in bold fawn the emulates Slwwera are cxpoded lo mead gulde mum our mod ol southern Onlarlo today low overnlthl mu Emmiy Windsor 75 SL Thomas Kitchener Mount Forest Winghnm llnmlllon Klngston Trmton Killnloe Muskokn Norm llay $$S$8€$S$E€$o assasasssasaa cnst side at Queenl Park yes lcrdny Mr 1ch had been lrnv1ing sommm on To romo SL buwccn Sophll mud Park Shoals Ooniable Doug Jones lnvcslizawd dog musing Florence St at 615 um yustuday caused single vehicle accident resuk lng 1n dnmngo cslimalud at $50 Nanak James mm 17 of 51 Park 51 um mm mnknrcycm when the do sud dcnly nnncnrul Ln atlan ml the anmnl he loat conA ml his Mamie filth armuhod into Thu youth suffered hand nbrnslnm Cami Jonu invcsflxalnl lwomr rcurcnd volition rmlunx In 315 dnmlzo wu ln mllRMcd by ConA Bob Mc Kcnxlo nt 5M yumday mom Inun mum WP Marina mum lard 030 am to any will In mm Slur Drich mm which lllnpm mm IIh llnmm hauln llux Iflll will Milk 13 In II hill hound mlflwml IO Inlr lnnlulfl erlunlly 1w twmaiuu xarhlm rilmml Iry lvw duran Hui Iflrmonn IIII unfit mer J6mth mm rim Wm firmware nn MARINE FORECAST 1r rcurcnd volition 315 dnmlzo wu In by ConA Bob Mc BM yumday mom Inmhrd the ICCI mwfium rpmvm mem moni dopmm under me amberHy the umgmcy mmmmhmhfifimfiiz tympanth in ms at for all Dapamm Way employees now under way at Imadqumn we 7mm Emma mam 0mm nuon Simcola Gamay Building her he mi of Vlhe laLgesi wonld mm in possum or alwnizc and hydmgm Wars the thread at nuclear wan is mssb Tbcrefam in such an WNW and me lee the Depamnem Him car mthszkmmmm WW°Y 121mm gm plum mm Depart mm at mums 1mm MI Pox wmmd out HIE We to tho 1m mat gresm mommpmfldmhxme wmnmmduwm ml at iMayL Mm bhal the mid anna 90 mm district pm std mcmbcm in rmiobciml defence giving flu Dtpartmml High Ways Ihe umabilly measur manic on tho pumimii 60 140 oi nu Vpam man this course Which Include he handling and um ol mm Lhc MmM or mmuis which includes the comm of Bruce Gm and Simme has counties L1 fluently being RADIOWGIOAL defame tome tonal Dwamnmi Higthys empdnyees hrom Radiological Course For Employees ofDHO mbm Scum Dam of wmi this mum mm $00 BROKER YOUR GLASSES lATElY l° 31 ARE THEY HQ 33 ARE Y0 SEARCHING un my HI omen Wfl TIMI nl Mn hmullcawrd Mmum ml Iml lnnkr mlzplnml nr llanlvl wr Ila6M 51m lulw ym MM xlvlviuL mm or le unlkmn My not who mr mun ln Uw minim and um Inexmnvo wnx 04 ml ITXTLA PM NOW IN muddy dupllmlr ymnr Nnt Irma mm Illnilnr mum lur only Nu unmlnmm mlV ur munqu We uimply mm lhv mulqu ol yum puwml lnwu In In mntm law 1qu Mlll llw AM ll high MMIUL ItlrnlllraUy nmlmln Irnwuwlrr mo km of HIM he vamvmrncv It yuu Nuw mman mm Elnwr mm llmn ur mm VIM 1mm mun DOES Tia sun norm vouvls Gef lat EXTM PAIR NOW PEYER SWEET SOUIH ORllllA 0N1 Phono 325260 pleled it is our lntendon to In legme this scrka Into the existing milologiml xysuxn he mum of Blue Grey and Simone he added These omnhes am hmded by Pong mrdlnatror or shadowy Rm coordinates or Grey county um Organization Barri Féd comm at he headquarter and Bands immb nwnatfiwcmmdwwnhae janes helped you pass those WEAK SUBJECTS it could SAVE year of your school career 54 Dunlop ML um pm Illlay mm III pm llnml All my 1qu Hllll 0pm Tull th comm Special Study Pads2000 sheets 45 EXAMINATION REPRINTS 50c if an inveslmonl of $100 find my Atklnnn Simeoe 0mm inshwm an James Balsam ol the Money Gm urala No is assid ul by 11 Jeplnm mainten angina or me DupnflJ qf mtnwm 0mm Sam pmva from William Gremacre Alex Floyd and Murry My SW1 war patrol PM mum Junnu Falconer mum um Ilurn AMI ummn mm mm IVrAIIl mum Onvq aw FurIna 1mm Innnut um dun wu 1m I11 mum mu Mu mm wy mum mun $1295 SINGLE VISION mm kn hum bad In ctrim In lam 1895 Ifnv WOOl Barrlo om

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