Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jun 1966, p. 13

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no coon Haunt fr CONTRACT Barnes By JAY BECKER pronoun em to an opening bid of one no rfi NOTE 5R ONElec OIBREAD MLLITA tru Pa tn mp errsponsas HAMWICH though it were the first bid of the auction Your righttse opponent deals and bids One Heart What would you bid now with each Static Electricity la By JOSEPH illOLNEit am Dear Dr Molnar Weve been searching or the right source Carpet expert Electrician Doctor What causes electric shocks when walinng en mien carpet ing What can be done to pre Vent them All members of our lamily except one experience these shocks We cant turn on alight tourh the wall which has metal lalhs under the plas ter open window imetal edicaiiylianniess charges Cotton however which absorbs bit of mole ture becomes conductor in stead of an Insulator so charges leak away as fast es they build up Result No sparlu or shacks ANOTHER SOLUTION carpet manufacturer told me that for several years rug and carpet cleaning establish ments have used spraywhich prevents nylon and other syn thetic fibres from building up static it takes the shock out of of the following four hands Kata or um sum on com seem an arm vaoaa Moe 47 stresses ea or sonar Double it would be wrong to bid spade Overcalis in the one level are unially made for the purpose oi competing for part score not game and basically deny the values for an opening bid this hand to tan better than hidandthe bidding further when they best way of telling this to part nor is by takeout double in Four spades To sorneexi tent tilts is shot in the dark but there are substantial ad vantages in the jump overcail Partner needs little more than the queen of clubs to provide ten tricks which is good enough reason for undertaking game directly hut in addition and probably more important is the advan tage to be gained try preventing the opponents from exchanging further information at low level The hurryvup tactics may succeed in silencing the enemy Mien they ahmld continue hid dlns or may excite them title should remain silent Excellent results are alters obtained by DONALD BUCK NOMDtT IM mt T00 SURE 0F ANYTHING Mitt 50 THINK ID most cases the doubler has no long suit of his own and tries to find the bat morn suit by asking partner to name one but the presence of good suit should not deter him from dou bllng when he has sufficient all framost or dial the phone with out shock This has become such prob lem that we are ready to give up the carpeting Can you help itin carpets in dtaddru around discov ered that this spray still com pletely unknown in some car peting stores and that some cieancrs dont seem to lmow putting pressure on the opposi tion andmaktng life difficult for thud JULIET IONES lls not strictly medics question but what happens is this Friction between two dry insulated surfaces tin this case your shoes and the carpet about it either One simple temporary spray Lhave found effective is weak solution of household detergent in water Applied as line spruy to the around values The double is di rected more towards announcing highcard values than towgds ut expressing uncertainty the trump suit Diverting Water is Not Feasible Commons Told wmrEHALL my ANNOUNCED OUR more GROUNCED THERE ARENT ENOUGH builds up charges of static elec FOR THEM tricity At the first opportunity these charges will escape to the groundand the metal in your house or apartment is con nected to the ground mats when you get the shock and small spark carpet this is dioctlvo for sev eral days You may have to do some hunting depending on where you live but the process does exist have no list rd places handling it youll have to search or it yourself THE APPONYMENr OF LORD BEAVERBROOK A5 MINISTER WAIRCRAFT PRODUCTlON Pass it would be danger ous to bid two diamonds on such weak suit business double by the next player could result in severe penalty Overcalls are based more on tricktaking values than on highcard points it is true that we have the UiiAWA GP The Grand Canal scheme for diverting wa ter from the Jam Bay water shed into the Ottawa River and the Great lakes is not feasible at this time the Commons com mittee on lndmtry 5de and energy development was Medically it is harmless but rnember of the entity does not it is startling and annoying What is needed is some way for these static electricity charges to leak oft gradually instead or building up Youve seen gasoline trucks wllh piece of chain or metal ribbon dragging on the ground This is to let such charges leak off to the ground instead of building up to make spark that might Oh you may wonder why one gct the shocks The answer probably is in the footwear You may have noticed that when you walk barefoot you dont get these shocks ihcres enough moisture on the feetto let the static drain otf Foot wear which ior any reason conducts electricity would do the 5mm in warm moist values for an opening bid but this is not the solo determining factor Safety is more impor tant element takeout dotrbleiwotdd not be right either since we are poorly prepared for one spade or two club response It is well to remember that partners re4 sponse to dotfbie is forced and he may have poor hand told llhursday Patterson director of branch said the proposal may have merit some day for in the frnure but cant se plunging into ltat this time lie said the plan timid mate tromch problems of water control an the Great Lakes it was not enough list to get wa the federal water resources THE GIANTS One notrump more ae curate picture of the distribu tion and no card vohies is given try bidding one notrump The netrump overcall is similar weather there is less trouble Dear Dr Molnar Can excess calcium make child swcatl No ignite the trudrs czrgo oi gas For years now uprrnting rooms in hospitals have been equipped with conductive tor into the lakes systunJhue also had to be some way of get ting it out without creating shoreline damage he said floors that is floors which will carry electric drama of to the ground and prevent sparks tSorne ancsthctics are highly iniinrrsrnabie Nurses and doc tors are instructed to novcr wear nylon slips or underwear Nylon is an insulator hence wilh friction can build up static Note to Mrs 11 Per niclous anemia results from lack of an intrinsic factor in the digestive tract Giving Vita min 12 Walk snakes up for this However we do not know what causes this lack oi the intrinsic lactor Little Progress Reported In Longshoremens Strike MONTREAL CPD Judge iterlc Lippe spent lorimainy shuttling botfaocn mum at threemn suite in midtown hotel in his mediation of the st Lawrence iliver lnnphmcmens strike but reported little pro gross Official of he iniemntsonai inngslnmrms Amintion cw reprmenting 4750 long ehmcmcn run Montreal imis Riviera nnd Quebec City sat in one mom Those of the Stimuli Forlor ntion oi Camda representing the shipping companies sat in another morn The meeting broke up at pm and no date was set for future moctinil Phil Cutler the liAa legal counsel inter praised Judge Ltppo for valiant effort but min that the day hailtm spurt discussing irih mamty tor the dock workers with no result lie and the HA nmv wnan to ham tile question of reduction nf writing crcus posixwwd un til bargaining for the next con tract invlge um said aim the meeting that if the question at inh smrnty urrn scltlni thorn likely would be ralum In wit The Alexandr habitat as lituA ainn lklMflltl vrimi sailed mm Mammal litinculny m1 White Sox Lose Canadian Ward CHICAGO AP Gringo hxtn SM Imitl inlnrsr iy liltrlit thinl lstwtnnn irte vnni Id Montan will the In or tmn our in we immune nl lrmtln Only If lvnirn cariiw the ltnln tan Imt slwttslnp llnn ilnnuvl for the at of the son non lavth rupiumi rpnnl rllsr Dick Brown Has iinoiher Tumor lltlilillltlli Ml lilllt iltnwst rattle fur Ilnlirmlu new will win mnvtun xeuy liwrllmtda llria mix it slitmuldl II INVIM lrlftill ltmhvr llw fiitlmllnlt Iottl will llll Irmllm Larry plenwwp llowlnwl ilnlvnm Miti lmi nrlny isury lmmrlt is Irmv niua trmn midupln rwtmre of the skull and note Larry um no nut in term Um Indian lil lrrtivra ma mill luran mucny in Im than linen not Itvktvmuq an lion MM alumni lim Iazlyl Hole lmlys ilmwiflim ranl anivl lite lluiv mnM nlu tmllsrr Matrmwt atlw WW Litlrml ll mw Iaillii lualirr itltmr IlcurllwI ninnlt the mod nil mu It mat tum llw st poundi nitriteIll 1N Marsh lie wwuumi wilch arms inst tiller Lime and without incident II was feared that damage to pas senger luggage May would room but it did not Assistant Chief mus Woods of Montreal national harbors board police reported tith ing telephone calls which said buses hrinxmg pasaugeta to the wood uwid be maimed Elsewhere Finance Minister Mitchell Sharp reported in the kanrmru Wednesday that 13 090000 bushels ot export wheat either nimrd or to be loaded into at ships is being tied In by the strike The Montreal waterfront was relatively quiet Wednesday in cumparism to the previms day when gangs ot mct causal dam age to OWNll buildings Sevm men rdcadcd not guiin Votlnmdny in municipal court to rtmrges of trespassing on national harbors hoard pmporty on tho Montreal Waterfront Mr trial was set for June it and they were lot so on lmlr ranging betwa $50 and 00 Stage Is Set For Divorce Probe OTTAWA tfilIt Joint cran mitte of the Commons mi SNI me Hi the hinge Thursday or major inquiry into Carwlns divorce lows particularly pm limit to whim annuals for rli vrm ilrn lint mittinn at tho dan mlttre rlnciini to roll lawyarn nnriulmzlyln and dim pinto on divorce lam hurt their Niacin itrlirzinm mmma labor and other national truanimlims will he lllllNI in admit lirirtn ilrili limit lNDl Iltmnlll iultuiitl raid the inquiry urntirl sleqioiLls once ml for all the wriely litill nth lhst lurch udivm It the minim mum wider glutwle or tltr mv iltu runnnlttre II Mil 11 Mthtfll Will Md Iawhlmtly wit urwntn nxmtxn hills iv nlnn 14 ml by Senator Ari linlr iinrdwnlr lirthllmin to tho trifling nnm ll Millir1 oral imnrnuai MM of tin him thmtim nintwd ldlrnsrr lIIVHnlII tn muin luv summon nrvl ni utoml In 1w Iltlnlln 1er llnn Inn Int ltNtr IrniiM will nut wit COMMONS BRIEFS WAlljll IIIMlMmm rliAlvA ltii It Iulrml mwlmlal minute water Villain in NM Hwy tnltm lvvtlrrmnn ml utlutan Iring hit in Mmuml this In Him Mmlrln lrpiu mill Tlunsvlay Nu llnletttt lIIANur inTAWt ttflt hn moit tltmcfl In pnnnnwnt mains em ll in esrwtml Mm Mimle HHIM in in mm qwltm nnnnlay Him Add new mink or lllrurre in DAILY CROSSWORD DOWN Mined or trotting horses 20dd Hoot 8De Scot 40id time thudla Solitary 77km maudrn elected rennet chel acamldmd 17Naighbor of Breakfast Tex lunch and imitolato dinner 201152 110na of 50 for one 15 mt QLWoodooekl event relatives animu lectured 2LFeughL 150mm Tankers from Tam 31 Poauasu Allen of the Alin SSchlsmal tion Mltlng at Buhm SSJosh 36Afrtun warm 31ml aloft 391mm ILNO Air clpliIl IDIXI Julia Mice of drama Mums or Ilap ACROSS Fashion is Slipped Smithl 10 Gem bread 12 Went astray 13 Beginning Moslem title THE OLD HOME 185mm quami lltann of endear merit 106mm alone among bird nioin reame hood 2ath TLKlndot stew ZMAdger BOJarm 32121qu us Indra1 Answer as Dread nails 50 Volcanic Mk 38 Blackbird ea Cunning 40001 mound TOWN ByStanley Ybutamtck KNEE DIDNT aor You FROM LUGGINE IUD mimos 0th DROP Now the only wayto buy WRIGLEYS SPEARMINT popular modern dime puck WRIOL flawM cnswmo arm You an more In mm In the ennvanisnt Dim iuh nleiulyl Btmvmlnl rnrlNi tn ilutrnml ivnrietauhlrr trons Junta at run imh tlavom amt lively tallel eas FAST CASH Mil llnwanlnl artlrlrl TART IIXAMINI MTIUN WANT All it GRANDMA SECREI AGENT X9 BLONDIE BUZZ SAWYER MUGGS AND SKEETER Il50PHILI accouowsro NETRUCTIGNS JM TaTAKE DFFNON ROY l5 THE kllCMEN WOULD vow LIKE ONE on MY CANDIEE MR DUMSTEAD Ti WELL THATS GDATITLIDE WHATS mono GEE 45ka noon Emaer ARE THEY 0UP GOADUATING CLASS KNOCKS IT €37 RAt5iNG Mouel To buy TH 5000 our MD WHAT HADFENSJ PDINCIML WW5 Ir so motelsBOY IF you wanton HUME FOR cone MIRA Benet be am neitrm PLEASEJAquoau TRY TO EAT YOUR DINNER HlFi JUKE BOYFODNE UV IN on tuttttust WMAHKR SNHW We upturn note sum lLi runs luv Al MU altar Sr was warmrm IKIIHRICJMI Ill 7W MMer MLO AC llfiiltluihl AMYlSUGGlZTWI GlUK Iii ilkvllfilh Willi NM not WT ran yr ounmAL nur you Mul 79 man war AlfJrs GUN MUST to Mill it UHM THING it tum Hr MODEL llmMN Alii lemon Do my rvronmruritx ilii iii If itll vlr MFA mar muse La flACICgiO Ir Malta Hm monttri ks

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