Yachtsmen Annual So Tm llwu llwyfl lmlr ma Wnl Mm Md In lnllul sum Ian than VII um um mu In mm III Um Uan Slnlu IMa lliw ml lurlln mm ImIJImumran How lk Autumn and mil Inn kun Muzer ll mm IAnl Hum In play unmnl mm ml um err PM Anvrlran mm uul IM haw pal Mun unrlrr my led by KW Amlcmn nrl dun bod will ban flnu And put the revivwinu mind In kadiflom manner VmGnmnme Bill Porter will kip flu lend yam whllu Rm 4mmadore 012 hluer mu kl the last malt de Yuma bymf ham then poured cult an ym mmll be no awnluau far In Cullen won Ivy Um 1w rnmr amllmr mcrrr Irnln Imluld IlnMr An msa ml be rimhm CA Hm rhumolm flu mvann will Elv In ml vim null bII mum mumr plnynl Amleurm up 11m 11 ml lllrml Indu mung mm In Toman III In In lNMNInndrr Tmy WWWu Innznxm uwluinn um Out ha urln will than player In Ivy or nIionnl lrnm 1966 Commdore Hmld But will take the lute from the reviewing stand when he will be locumpaniod by representa uv of cnmrmnily And nth um um dun TM in Am ll whnluird or Wimlpea Hm mmmer 1mm elm pmvlnml I111 Immh unndlnn Him unaan 01 In In mu 01 name In mullrober mlrL IMN TflAlNlNu Mu Bay this coming Salinity Il lamoon In color water par Ide The local dubn Annual saunas uaditlonnlly will uluu their commodore in pm menmy journry um the Ca mdlln Socm quml Asm tillan bellow wlU nko our yearn broken up lnm three mm Goorn Andmon SPA statuary In Canada 1m mm mm In mnkn good lhmvlnz and knnw cm do ll with Hula morn cnthuslnxm unlucky0 Habit ha Arlul modular sport In nu Var Thu and can membership the Barrie Yndn Cub ex mtn pas uy Kmpenkfl WTNNIPEO lCPCanadn randy 103w thp Uoml tum tempt ln mm and hodwy plan to take Ihe lune path In lnlnrnulimgnl hm an and mm Ito reliev bkthe Imam Indians managed 11 base hm of the My Red Sox mounds Terry Weatherall To Develop National Soccer Team Prospects bueblll awnn Don Johnmn tossed the 5b kmlng distance In contest on Ihort by dlrknau allowing Cream only our llnglea Ha calmlad tight erlkeout vicflma and walked three men Thornton bundled theLr run In Flirt maxing during the ï¬rst mm Ind ï¬fth rune of memo Running their weak ï¬ne In succession Therm Ind1M1 V1179 mars Sex 61 on home up rumz 1m night in South Slim Belcoun was so éfleclive that only Hues balls progressed pas In Lha open Leo Belcmnt tune through with annulu Ilendy perromance to keep Stowms all the waxaboard Es permighgi Jplgflueejnlield slnxfe claimed live 5111th and allowed only seven men to Beach base all but two checked ILL Initial sack up large nu tally at Queens Park last night lo maintain share of the Barrie and District Saulor Softball lead Delendxni champion Elmvale Smurfs Gnmge HI clubbed tut place 05ml Nominate Mustang 102 Gotd Sutherland Dun Shan Tribe Stretches Winning String Elmvale Palace Hotel posted utoul 5nd Barrie Plaza Plaza Produces Big Run Tally nul MMIlfl MUN TW CALGARY lll nlnry flnmpovllI ll llu Mm anflml hnlmmu rtlnlhy nllwlnxfll Mininl Mn ulmy hm Hun IAyM NI Imu mlim Harry Tay lur Ith ml or 01 Am human to rm Print In ha in Ohmdci Um plan It 10 m1 Ih tum ml nmr nale Ah nn Winn Hmann or MUN Ayn1km mm In rdumunn my mum ulll My In In rlly Mum mall Ilium hwf Lee IIIdele PenalImo dan Eric Mm Cmmodarc Ben Pnulun Dahllla Ynnbt Squadron Canmdom mm the Kempmfelt Bay 5min Amllion Cornnunder Em Win nl the 13qu Paw ar mldm shunt km tho Burk Sea Cadet and wpresentaflvo lha City of Bama van to run thy ovrnl NI WM Mum ll hul latml ulmdnnn mnnh In we gums Aln man In low ml Sao Paulo In 191m Amwwn hid Alnmly mo SM nnslna nemmmmlnliou my 1M and mm MM Iml mm mum or Ha m1 imam Aflrr flu mum 1M SM Iqu in Ibo nurlnu Uw nnlmnal mm Inuth ur mrnl letlnl lvn hurl to the sun The wlll first pass the review Hand In Me line mm then mun abreast On munnng to the clubhouse me the ceremonial undw of receives ho Lnditioml lot wm Conrnodon mu on the review 15nd will be Hon Tram 1mm Dnmh ohm bu Album imkaldmm Mmilolu Onlnrm Qudrc Nova Scot and NMMIYMI Innd Mu until Mu In mum Mir ham or ml nmmrrn mum robin Mm good phym lens Scum Amrlun leamx What wnm trying to do now bulld cum hr the Pan Arnerlmn Gnmu wlm VIM lo the 1066 ch Gama and 013 1770 World on math to be slam in Mexico CflyJ think that il newly laxmed IILUOMI Mm nuke good Irth In year well ham lmllmhanmvm an chant of placan my wall the Olymplu And In the World mm Am DEADLINE The yacht Me hy 11 Lnx the Jib for few wounds whfla power boat their raged ulhcr fho flag en Prep Sailpast Ma MILAN dime com We Says Andcmm Blanchard Mam Ind leson Johnston and Sum erlnnd beon batter John West brooka wu best or Creams with two xlngln He also tained their anly run Barker and Mdlavish aim singled mdlans next game 01h Sab urday June when they plw host to delending champ glob Orfllln Majorm Qreembro 001 000 non and Dune Campbell all lagged two single Don and John Johnston both connected for double with tingin gained by Bob Bmluy Merv Brolay and Ted Laycnck Elmvade won wbh ï¬rst In ning sunk as they pounced on an error Pal Wannmnkcr led all with single and sun mm was we on mull committed on noxmder by me Indrer Jim Thompson After Gary Keeler finned va Imakar toured the winner when on BeIcoufl cracked dim cun grounder bad to limt base Dave Campbell allowed by Id one to came Nine mm were Inï¬eld mmdeu Ind our were mum Jim Annlrong worked well in deï¬ut for Stew art He scattered five mu Ind walksdnone over the 3mm frame 1mg enoukh 6111 or land stmnz nlghl delensively He mod mg Hut by Frank Mm 111 in opener with bro men on but Th M00 hid mainn1 early Ken Oun nzy gained an Inï¬eld ï¬nale Ind Terry Burke walked 119 cltdl took my ponihlu threenm homer dmllnr yd In In leI lad In both 0111 mm Burh ltd wflh bun ninth and John Again launched Incl and Into rum Held Emms cod back mun hm ruled la huh mouldidlllllmcmdlm run balm In WM Bum wu mum on the play and moved am the name no end slnxle by tummy And one by lurk Fowler rounded out Iha Orlllin hit loul OTLUJI on Plan an on 10 can And Fowlm Drill and Gum TIMELY BLOWB Glry Him was most con Alxlmt lat KM winners wiLh mm nlnglu Ind two mm 01 ed He sent was lha lead pair wnh oaeoul base loaded Lina in flu HM nun Tad Erma ambled Mad Mad whil ludoll min Jim Quinlm 5mm twice Gm Owl Adam Loam Loser John Bun was hand or eight Plan blm He 15 sued six bases on balls muck out ï¬ve and hit one batter Plaza umck again In in ï¬lth to Increase their mum to then mldued doom gum in the ImIo hall cl um um Or lllll committed live costly er xon as six Plaza an wen un earned Plaza wasted nm um es ablishlnz mmth mm at 1h victory 111ey posted Pnh In Use ï¬n and three more in the mini living pildur Don Dylmn conflvrtable mirth The nun rlaxunuder permu ted live ML Ind med men ham He worked on hub ouk or live frame balm ur lng Ln he shah WM onm rallied or he hit And both mine min tonight when Hwy inn Io Quensvflle tor an no odod clash will Newmnflm Next mum at Queen Park Mm day June Mum mm Vil Smurf It 830 51mm zoo 00 smurf 000 090 1m 13ch Ind Lou Bet court Amulrom nndMarlin Plua had mm didiumy pick hxg up two point In an night cap they nomad III In place Mustang by wide 10 margin One of the two new entries Orillla expelmum pitchinz problem and win leg Ln our mm ran DELIVENY an mum so mm Wu mum nkuver he lulled In more as Bob Den ny And 90 Harrison Wm CROSS THE BRIDE and 0111 Yllllfl FBIG BREAD lgo lonvnl singling zeros Kimble with ï¬ne Mound tally LEO BLAST In the fourth Leo 391mm bolstered his on cause by cm netting for km twmnm hom er Into hitcentre The blnw wu preceded by Al New bloop mm back mum and Camelll sacrum hunt The other Elmvale hit was twoout mm by Ed Bdcoun in the menu For Slower Jim mulled two he hit of Bakourt while the em InfleId My was ï¬ned by Ann mm The dam the Gange men cm to wring wu with one zone in die eecond Ron Hogsazth drew walk no second 1nd shifted to NM on hkolLerawfllfrmt by POTATOES PEl galif Lou mu Hwevexi SHORY RIB BLADE ROASTS PORK SHOULDERS PORK BUTIS YHURS FRI SAT SPECIALS GROUND CHUCK SlRlOlN STEAK WE SELL BLUE BRAND STEER BEEF ONLY BAYFlElD FROSTED FOODS ORDER YOUR FRESH FEAS NOWI COMPLEIE FREEIER PLANS Illa Mnd ha Mad Arab mum nflor ha mm mhu wry Donna tho ï¬lth and Hm It huh ll 11 may who palm Ml ludlm mm 311mm MI talk mulay with MW Guml MM NW rdmi HM That am My NEW YORK ANA and nbdmd Wins nay re amed by plane lmm Cairo Wainwday and denial that he had said he was coming home to beat the arm armhlng like unflm Clay on his arrival cm mm lhal died Inst mm MI new flaï¬m MM mum Hm lbw tn nnlhny calla VISITED UAR mmwzémm It um be mm3M to make Hus that It wwld Ema no my mm him TEE BAMEEXAMNER THURSDAY JUNE 1966 Weary Clay Returns Home Sinme County native Mike Kilimany nyauow major league pikzhbg prospect fmrn Bradford of to good tan this year in his bid to to make flu grade To date he has achieved record wilh lwoond divlslon club loll 72M Illnlo 59c 69¢ 59c 49c 59c 89c BRADFORDS KILKENNY PLAYS IN ALABAMA like Montgammy ol rho Class AA here marking mum day mam He repealed mat he Wm ready to dolond his Udo against toot threelmh My in making ma Denoil Tigers lam system Kllkemw was with the Dayton Beach en try in the Florida Stale Lea gue last year Ind he is shawn West Ganmi KM Imdm bcrgor He aux said that nancial 0mm vum acceptable he Add ho human in mow in mm hemW mum Jose TM New York NEW YORK APlmwm will mama and Arm505 ca Bhgï¬mg arm Deny Request For Long Bout pm marking lhHOUM day In hi professional emu He indicam pan of woe to hi amidst John KuJun xa deplding 40 nohillar conquest It Damnan Clty Island Park Under I150 guid of vdmn minor league hwmldlwthufnflnbeï¬ BHYVEW MARINA BHflBEMunipiuql MARINE For Summer Slorugo bring your haul to chmhr mum nu Im 030m Pmtacmd hem my Water OUonvengen to Downtown oBoat Launching Run ODay Week Month For RIM and Informath tut Elma Plnn Newmukd Slewanl den 70003 murky Roldan mo Sunday hmnEMbnln at qp Wm Bend ll Shï¬Ã©oe C0415 gunmen minis Stewm Hm IDY Drink Lgn mgr SOFTBALL INTERMEDIATE gum Future SENIOR