Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jun 1966, p. 4

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Economic Facts Of Overlooked By Tories BEARDS NO PROELEM Oshawa Times The grovdng of boards is not expected lo npread to nll three services when un lflcallon Canadas defence force compme the defence depadmen pre mm UnlrlmUOn of the navy army nnd air force M11 lake place within the next Thu fact that by chance the vote brought the government to the brink of defeat and almost threw the nation in MEETING IN ROME London Free Press As one of the principals said it was Indeed great day in history when Pope Paul VI and Dr Michael Ramsey the Amhbishop of Canterbury embraced in Rome and expressed their hopes for Christian unity and peace in the world The very fact these leaders of two great Chfisuan communlans have been able to meet on such viaduct of re Epcot and flimtyuns13ple thqugh it sun ls holds times layman amund the world have recently been taking upon themselves new commit ment for peace nmong nations The breachln of ancient walls of mlstrust and mm ct Within the Christian faith ll soli can surely servo as an example lo lecular ldmlogios now at war This movement has long way to go There am many problems to be resolved before full land productive spirfl Chrisflnn unity can be realized 15 pm mt that thcso difficultics be faced and rankly It is not unnatural that them shouhi be ml vlng and aviation on bolh sides It doés all this while in the next breath denouncing the Liberal govern ment for allegedly allowing prices Io There must still be some Tories even In the Housé of Commons who are thunderstch by the action of George Bees MP ln sponsoring lhi nonmn fidence mollon ostensibly on behalf of the housing industry ln defiance of his torlc sound money principles of thelr The form of proficst adopted by par 9f ciggzmm Who foflpwed gho Arch bishop to Rame we not worthy how ever at their high calling To call Dr Iumsa traitor to Pmtestant Britain i1 io aee this whole meetin on small wilticaL nationalistic plane cm is no hin traitomua to Christian ideals sure lfl an earnest attempt to infuse rough all humanity little of the good will and moral energy im which the wurid ir starving The Conservative pany which in vote In the House of Commons express ed its nonconfidence 1n the govern ments alleged tight money policy has reversed its traditional position on these question It has in fact completed the drcle for now on of If previous demands for more government spending anddrastic tax cuts it lmposes demand for cheap er money They were outlined recently by The Vancouver Sun The government can cut in own spending and if need be take other measures to limit private de mand or it can mise taxes or allow in teresdt rates to rise so as to dampen de man 111 II Mk mind Ivy MmAHnl um hr um mur Winn1 may hurl Ila fill Me gm nflll In In In hm mmi minim mtva gm mm 14w Ivlnmu mu mh Innn1 mind II Luz=4 uwum An When the national mummy isthreat ened inflation as Canada is today tha m1 government can do one or moie of three thlggs Walla Publisher 119 flame Examinvr OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Cunadlan Newapnpm Limited 16 Bayflsld Street Barrie Ontario lsher Wilson IGNIK McPhereon Managing Edltor mummy mm use PAOEI mum umx MET 11M In my Mudmu In mm mm Hum rm Nani rilll mum ilinmlw 1pm Ilw vimnl dry Inch fifilAlLNV mmmm Under present regulations navy per sonnel may grow beards their com manding officer approves but the navy doesnt enmumge the practice In the last war beards tended to collect all when shipswerc sunk and men were sometimm suflomtcd In addition thay Intertered wlth the wearing of respirat orsr Any navy rating who applies to grow board is nounowcd sharp leave until his hirsuie decoration has grown to presentable length Thla tends to dlscouragc beard growingby shore pen sonnel as will among landbased army and alr fume men year but the popularity of beards among navy personnel wont spill over to the ofllgrrtwo services RearAdmiral Dillon dc uly comptroller of the navy 15 sure are will not ho rush by army and Air force men to amylateflleuI naval mmpqpions These days are nor as sodated with rather peculiar people such as heatniks pratestors and the great un washcd They used to he mark of male virility but today they are more llkcly to be sign of latincss the rear admira suggests INDIAN NOT ALONE Windsor Star One doesnt make complete mp0 goat thu Man In saying ha sometimes cnnt handlu III ironam any better day than hL forefathers dId when 1th hemisphere was young The Occidental In many Instances not marked no cm In IcndIng of alcohollc tcmpIaflon either When person hem mum on laugh homily In those parloun times be down wonder what amused himho wonch he lgnl losing his mquylca Canada would risk foreign exchange crisis comparable to that of 1952 were It to fall to keep ahead of the US trend Mr Hees who was in the government in 1962 should remember what happen ed then in situation induced by that governments war on Us lnvwlms the flight of money from the country the import restrictions the devaluation of Canadas dollar Apart from the domesnc inflationary threat this is what Canadian monetary and fiscal authorities must face The US Federal Reserve Board prodded by President Johnson has been steadily ralging the Km intch raga The Vancouver editor concludesblind ness to such economic history could be expected mm some other parflea but hardly from the Conservative party in gm light of its experience and tradi ons It whhé Vn lhlnksflbl himscll doesnt wony Mm miners think of him cause him llltlu concern to another unwanted election smacks of lrrespondbillty The Sun notes Mr Hees and those who voted behind him have neglected some economic facts which cannot be altered by wishful thinking Interest rates in Canada must always be somewhat higher than intho United States The reason for this is that we depend so greatly like it or not on mtematlonal investment most of which is American anyway and the moment our interest rate fella even fraction below the U5 rate money in cluding Canadian money would flow automatically to New Yank Paragraphically Speaking mm mm mmuwwmlml my main nunm My Izmir Bumhm Dally Sunday Aml Sululory Mulldnyn mud MmlpUM uln whlly hy urn 43c weekly um ymly filnun In Inc lly mall an 11 yurly 0mm WI rm mom mum In par Mull Mlllltln OMA lln Oll yur mm nuln nnmh mlmu IIJM Mr hm hm mm ur 01hr 4L5 Unlvrufly Tmrmln am nlh ran Mmlvul MI nun ul lrmlrr Rt Vatumnu llt Mrle Un AMHln 1me tempm humh Ill Aluwlnllm In mum luu ml Audil huvml Hrrmnllmn 1M nnmnnn lrm II utlmlvrly vnlillnl In um nu nr rwuhllrnum III run dinpahlm In mil lmmr maiml In nr AINIIMIVI Imu or Ill Iml nlw IIKII yummu mmm Aulhwlml umml rllu null PM mm Depth mrnl 0mm and lnr luymrnl nl roam In um Ganeral Managar Life alecflon smacks Sun notes vho voted behind 1e economic tact red by wishful in Canada must gher than inthe aason for this is My like it or not stmeht most of nyway and the ate falls even rate money in Iey would flow York estjc inflationary nadian moneta MM llflllm VII Mir Illdznnr In MIMI le hmly limflvi NI lmlh Iulnl Tm IMIIMI ml IIIIIII m1 Imwlml leln Hamlin Km Ml Mm Inn MM Hum um dumml lrylnl in lurk Ha lm Ivy wuumu nr pyfilllnl 00 NAME 0an1 flmrl rfl hil Ihinhu Ind mum In IIum MI ll In nfimu rm Trnluu mluml nut lh lnvnhn mu nwn Hun ler mm llmuwhfl midi Iv bwd Arvinr lnrv In InnHI lo mm mm hm Imlhh 1wa Wm mm 09 MI luv IMWV lnnamum ma nary valunl In MUM In lennl lmlrh Irwh 04 1M Um MM In In mmhbufla pm lvmmmm Mqu mullm MI harl hon MM pre thm hun wandHm Humva Hm mmmuhh ml Ilnhnq lh lnmvn mum mm lhml an but In Amnw ml nu mam mum rm r4 Allan mnnnl 571 mm Um us Find lino Ymum ludiu ml ciml 1115 thm va 1mm un mm hm rm nu uwn mm hull ml Irma wn ay ml In himh mm the rmlm Iml mm Wm unvlrr 1h Um mum in mmnim an ml mum am yum hlhrnd uhulm mn ll In mfy In if mamlnz Mm uky Imhi near Fli ml In Mule won aka FMIInI Ivnflnl mmy um Unllnm and will mn rub mklrn harm and mt on lMlmlIg My people Tho mm hum MM do pmdnmnllon Mm Gwen Ewmwy and Mr nny qumrl wu will the 0mm lrrllnd nwmiM HutIn Ind erml CmuMIm un ollva hand nl pun In hm hm Krnv Mmmu llmmar Duty had Inhn mcmllm nlllnl Rn mm Um no Ila mu nl PM PJh NIH m1 mvl my mollllfl fur Mp IlaVIM Imdyvlnn It hirulmuiml Tuma IMUIO QUMI 0w mm wm out In lml Mum Hy non MWMMI 0n Mth 11 Ilsa Mary IM OM MW IM Fvnlnm mm mmkllmm minim WenInn nld Now munid lrmu mum Maine Nov South New Innwick In Canuh HIM outflumll hm anmnrd The Mini moFIilgMnit lhc NIqu Imlnmln on hm MM and Du ummlm awn1 Ilh mmlc open 11w would tin Iver ho lemlmlhy In lwp min lvlpnnqn upd mm By DON OHEARN mom We not many 0mm didnt cnm plainlnz mat the legismlan was poorly drawn Ind lhll they might get In um 11 may fled to Id ImdA ll with 65min liwraach in annual ehn dluau hu bcén um Emmi aim lag much Elm dime The government hu brought In dinmu In lbs Punt nu eam Act which darkly lashin unn put arm year Thin legillauon empowered SIpaHUu by und they codizéh prints propexLy Ind dewoy disemd elms All lhn hl years unend mcnll marmlly do In den up thin thll doubL II in will In Mvidtnl mmldpuflflm to dun up dlmu In Mr cmmunl 1114 mm Kill Am wn vary Invertn Mom n1 um minimum In lo cut down duo mu low municlpalllle passed the authorized bylaw QUEENS PARK CANADAS STORY They midlth he auUwrlly mmwhm¢to mimer vim make my kn Govt Plans Curbing Dutch Elm Disease Canadians Puzzled By Fenian Invasion HELP ALL HANDS ON DECK woud call fur millions for ma government to tuckla mvlnmwidn Dutch Elm cun lxol woman And oumlally mum ll come dovm lo the docision needed and II It wmlh cum flaal many mnlclplll uu wont enact WIWI Lou camel dont like by IIWI which mean Ihey will halo span gnaw The Mindy is hit the con lro1 ptogrmisspofly But humanly adjoining it will he lands which are ellher In rural nunkiaaliuesar held by the Crown Ind mesa lnndx wont be under wan Tl lmt Ixndlcally Ion mama Andi Wald mm mm ha government here would have to lake oven H1 And chum the disease wfjl and docg mug him All pollution cant be rprlly mnquumd on m1 hr It can start In Me commu nlg and ghcn sprfad widely rénly pndléa Ipfiraéch to control would be on prov lncwlde hull To date It hasnc been wliUng da th Woke fixun mainly qumlonol mnry 0n community may clean up Icknuwlerln my sin unlo Inn in mlne Inlqnlly hm 1M Md ma will conlm my numflm unto flu Lard uni lhau nuvest the lnlqully ol my Ila Pnlm 315 In only as we admowledu our tin to God that we cm have um Insurance argivcneu ihroush His Son 11 can less our sings Ha lathtul and Just to lmave In our slm and to cleanse all Im righteousnu Hardware BIBLE THOUGHT DUNLOP 51 For QUALITY Its 0W Of Course um nT ma mmmm hr kn nanum lmnlu mm mm 100 In MmM mm mu mm mum mum FAIR ruin my uiun mm MLxu ny mi vi rugu 995 HMS num MI In pm mil mt WI mm an mmmm ml 1m mum rm Immu Ill my hon Inbou IIflon and Lha thwlam thmmcvu things my true whatmver firms are honest wbaLweva things an 1m whatsoever flung are rm whoever thing are lovely whaumva Lhings good mm there be any and S1 film be any pmke think vn these things It was dailich in his larewell speed he urge thus Wank won the wanton av dlredar on the mic with Vlha Malian Hut thus would be salutary magnum that hmdcaster YITAWA Seamu lhomu Alaxmdar Omar mm Mlle west Guelph will eelsth bl 30th Huh day on 17th of this Mb wok he ddlvued ldl eazsiy malted firewall speech ln he finale 1er lab was Ming an essentially wlxe 953de began on note nostalgia maklna hlm feel he 1m admlued to me very emotional That Wu mt mum when vgg recall that this typified Um Canadiana political ca roer L9 vivide mm by the unmle fact that 12 will be like 50th amdvusary his um nppnlmmm Mm cahl um mhdshet The erect mldierly figure of Tom Omar hm mluflflyrhm mum lehl an Parliament Hill as laminar the halo NW Much ha earned and has flwaya Walnut by hi qua lfiu These could be fllusrMed mmy excellem program luv frequently raferred la Senator Tom Omar In Ottawa flewt Indicating that he per OTTAWA REPORT By PAHHUK NICEDIEON Retiring Senator Warns Of Inflation your curlzr Im not mind By pm plan plum THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI word Saint DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS AnlA Copy WI El Demand To Your 11an II van CARRIER MISS YOU TIMI MlM Mull mm Trnnn main 1v mutvi mvhlnl Nn Arum dudn Ind Mlln rmHM Hlxh IHM llrl ll nwll In him mnpwly lmmomhln at my rlrunlnI unknl mm hull lrln hlmlh uw ulhulw 99de UK mVNA BUNIIBAM AUTOMATIC CAN OPEN Prul the lam Immnumuy unul lhu Md mmved then 1m Immllufly Hamcflc lid holder Opau my mum Lilo can In Mandi Tout Full ram ul Idling aim nu In your lam mum duml HEM Int mu In vmrk flay rml lukNIu bundle Zlonminu dmno hnirll $1M 7282433 Paul In sonmu the slatesmamhip which chamber mid apply lo our maul problem It Was no maiden that the wt nu MIMI he mall gave his man was What would do prime mlnkta Can His Em rmemhfim was that the powers conferred on our pmvindal govemmenls by our mutuumuhould be Iv sum to hem Secondly he warned Canada that at he mm than L1 no mm Insidious dang lacing us than lrflalhfl Ha poimed out that the 1940 dollar wvflh mm 58 um our zovmnmu in lulfilnfim wan on demon mxmises qufilyhe aligned that in finely mired by labor unions RECURRENT THEME Nady and this has beenI one of his recurrent themes ye Filldztd year and progremvdy more every year or Ottawa plu the cm bud Nansen Wehmwmemwnyawm but Cum pmkem About this Sixthly he cfludzed the vast mum by the CBC and mm It In News the huge mam an white elephant beadqu In gumawe lha mm mm biugéd th qvgrqueumwgfiv me hxxh cost of federal mun ment mw amounting to $500 In every man wwman and child In Canada ml year On top ol that must be Addnd the cost 01 provincial and municipal pmh mt Can he avorago cs nadianmfly oljmgl wile and daumed $1295 Thin lge warned amps fin $2995 lunhum 71M

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