Finds Work With VON Varied Interesting Barnes own Lady with he Lamp Mrs Gray num in charge 01 the VON um may be called won any ï¬rm day or night to Siva nur sing care and Mann Insuuclion In the home nalhinx an rlderly wamm In her harm plum drop In hula girln cyu or win In anmion mlwllmgcd man all in dayl work or Mn carcl Grny um nlm prole lnr lluw rllrunlrally Ill and nun who ham hem mean ranror dl hem mph or mhmu llolmhllllnllon and rnnvnlu rrnl ram In part flu ur vlcn whim hM lelold pur pose Nvl only do l1 pmnll The Florence Nighlinaale tra dition still exisb in our mm om axe throng the volunlccr service of the Vldorizm Orda ol Nmscs Her xdmdule often lnchldm mm hm mus each day and on occasion 5hr may he Called out in the middle cl Iho niahl The VON has 1mm Hume ml dmria for man than mm lw Men covch In r1udra LM Iwmhim of Vesprn Run lnnlbfil Ind half at Dru In the nun 01 hr dunes Mn Gray travels an average 100 nulu per work ï¬rm or mm ï¬lm are nut types VON nsns um Mhrnmx glut mm 1111 Include giving Injections lmlhaflu man And dugnzlnz drrssim fllIAWA NW 11w TM AP m1 110ml In um um mm mad he Alle In Mid 1mm Im hum lhn rd mm mm lhw um um In wmnnlly In hdp lvrm um up wmi mum In In an Imlm nnnmnu 11 In Mlan IIIva minl 0mm mm In uï¬ml ml hum nigh1m ma mm muma mm lb lixdlk nn lmnl undo Ila mlmm in 010 Hm Kmudh kw nm inhlwl Unim Irran lmly nunI mu Hui ml nl 1mm luau umlngm in ll 1Ilval Vhlwhn lr monk Imrlpm rm MW mu tun nu ml va huhrink In Irinng urn 1h lmnl lnnlrrl nla ullull WV mutme kl MAI fluid In vanml II III immu Mn mm daily visiu VON mm Man gamt Gray is called upoan provide number of different Tax Appeal Board Rules In Favor 0i ExBarrie Teacher By GERALD GRINGOWIEN Enmlnu Sllfl Writer In hum In tho nllnl punan go home sonncr un der Lhc supervlslon of nurse but in shortening he hmpllal stay it makes more bed avnII nhlo or olhcr nccdy pallcnu Tho lasl ma VON scr vim and nm which Mrs Grzy cnjuys horoughLv is visxu lo the nuwbom and heir 1011mm Here she will provide malcrnfly mm or which born no charge Nursinx can and health nuh lng emu under the lmlnlc inn at he mums doctor and the visit an mad dnlly or ed by Imlicnl The on or the 011m services is bum on the cost ul Lhe visn nnd is ndjumvd according In Ihe palicnls abihly to my and he rcqucnry 0w visiu People with law flncomo may apply ar mornan numinz mice In lirr Ihc Hammmkm nnd Nuxc Servicr Acl FREQUHNT VISITS ay mm In chum then nra nlm sum 11 mild nun who help when aha her holiday or when cm land gcu very heavy VON bean mum at Uul ho wrvru the omanlmlnn In brim mu the lull mmm on muwhn nl Harri and Um urrmmflu Mom mun Ihhmu unil he Imiun Imlu until he nflmel mm hm mum ml mlrnmmL nmiy uml In Mm Grayn oolnlan not enoum people or no man 0r nnnlhn nu man 01 Ml ho VON um do lnr lhtm There la and win unil nhln at UM hmpllnl uiwm limls Mum ho ehAm mu 411k wflh Um VON milmlmg luv Vnhra niul on hnmnpaldul rlvmhl hln wmrhl 11mm lulu lull Imllvi Mani in Jail Ivy mm um hum mm lm mumrr Mil hp Ema Wm Inlmain van VI Mu qxflbm mnmum luvv mm MMIITI Ik Irv flmmlm Iflmlinml ml 1le awnh In vlmwuum lwimlmi Mam 11an nkwltml In dvl thnmlm huh munIM allI Mr Olin III unlflilflfll 01 vmimnl wnunwv 4m in um um Mull II II survicc for mum in tha homo ABOVE Mrs Gray is about give one the twice weekly lnjecï¬on to Joseph Mayor Leaves For Convention Mrs Gray also discusses which patients will need home care and supervisinn with the head nurse and doctor in tho medical um surng wnls Upon the doctors recommenda Uon and patients LVnMM VON visit are started STANDARD PROCEDURE mm may nW need Mu mamdng at Ipxm The roulim cunlinuu ullh washing IIIr hands and pulling on hrr immaculnldy hilt np run When AM Is handling bab Kcm Mu Gmy ahoyn uses gm Mm Gmo lwlimm mid to do IrnIr My VON nurse must have nunilnl chm drrmirl and pnlicnce un demmflmg lllknllko md real lnlm In people When sha enter hnmr Mrs Gray ollnws standard prondun or whim VONs no 1an all across Canada nnwxpaper on whim to plan her bag lLmdnrd lnr nll VON and in many homo she visils waiting at her Mum lhe arrives The bug shu carrim conulm n11 um mcnlhnls or Mm cm Th1 lncludm Mlle luau paper umcl and variety om lnstrumcnu Malicaum Mums Murpqu by p1 ï¬rm HM arudunlu livable Nurm in mm from Peter Immth Chic Ilmnnnl ml hu nlm Iml ythr with lminin nl Uluvenny ol Ilmlsh Colum Ina Hm 5114 ml In xpm OI her being Awakenle mrndunally In In mrly hour or the momma In And vhll am her Cnldul vlnnnlnl IllIclpllanI Id MIII lollï¬ull INK llmlrnrn ml mild vmulnflm Truth luulc Irrvlru Ira 1M lmxmllr nm lulinl Mlmklnp INKIMAMT AGENCY LTD NM 01 HAMIIH hawm nmu Inlujz AVON If ury WMdIlIK aw Howcmm mm mm chitwa Kamn Grant receive are am mu sutan rm 95 ITS EXPERIENCE THAT COUNYSI SERVICE OTHER SERVICES flm mm also recom mended Bu cumin services be THE 3mm EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SUM 11960 son as of Barrie may walla imefligakor win du um Io ommence as soon as pay sible was moved on recom mmdaï¬m ofLhe inane m1 mitwe headed by Reeve Barge Maosz of cm The Id rpm0nd be hiring at Ma Judlh Bolton as secretary in the welam mm ML Dohsonwaa hired on take the place of Mines Blimp who did not awept minus ap poimment Omndl was advised the new welfam department orgmï¬minn which ofï¬cially stafled May pmgressing mummy Total expendihlres or wcilnre Xxxhim Ednimstmlim are expected to ba well wilbin Iha mommy budget cl $100 and LI hoped thiswiu be nyduqed as mgï¬nzmonmd maman Mary Jane Hanson 37 757 Daytich 51 was charged with railing Io yield when the car she was driving collided Min motorcycle driven by Ronald No accident wllhln one minute mil other yesterday afternoon resultal in $275 dam age the torus Bus and Term Street Constable non Pic nrd Banis city police investi ¢alcd the accident in uhlch estimated $50 damngo was caused In the moIorLyde Stream an occidmt invnlving In car driven by Pearl Leila Heap 1m Barrie and one driv en by Margaret Hawky 28 To ranlo rande as damage Curpoml nay Lacey Bani city police Investigated Charges are pending One minute later at the cor ner of Owen and MacDonald MONHLEAL OP Agricul hxgg 64xth wplg cartons Extra my 21 lnrko 4M AMwn 475 small hmAverue wexmed price wholesale mail In one dozen $275 Damage In Accidents County COuncil Pagses Welfare School Changes FARM PRICES ADAMS 60 SW for unsinkable flavour Canadian Rye Whisky Compare tlwrobunt goodness of Adnms Gold Stripe This Cnnndlnnryo whinky keeps its flnvour right to the bottom of llwglmwull ngrce hot in Gold Stripe for unninknblcflavourOntarios moot popuLu Nice Included as past nl the cum welfm program Under Ibese the newly accepts momibil iw or am Mann unth ap provod by the welfare udmlnk tmtor Gordon Mama at Im an burial the ma out opening undcloshvg flu grave ananwMflOImamï¬ nus mice Where burial required mugt be prgvhicd by the local Mummy Wm mm 59 agreed to Pay lha Ontario Hospllal Service Commissim premmms for any resident mnmended by ha welfare ammmmr Also accepied will be any cw eligibla under the llummak em and Nurses Services when recommended Dimluflon main Can tinuaflon deol diam was up 13va by Simone Coun cil yesterday on mnmdatian of he scoondary sdmi mmflu live commiLlce headed by Port McNicoLl Reeve Calvut prova lhe Dopnrtmml Education for me dungc hid will add that pqrflon of Tiny Muship Amhwrxw was zlven Mr Ma son to Mend the wellm ol flcm conference at mawa in June with expemeu paid ASSNOHS bylaw covering the IMM ment ol unruly assessors Mm took nver weir earlier 133 WHWL rzemnuo combing the M4 onenkne dlstrid In the Midland Penetmxuiflxene my deol Dimid 01131149 In he Collinwa High School Distid to mly with the mung up at new county school area in Grey Coun ty hwolvinl the uniting ol the Thoth and 58me High Sdmi diam also Ed It places he bmmdary along the boundary beiwccn Gmy Simone cumin NEW SCHOOL ï¬y approval for the new l7 mam lllmvnleFlo school as received lrnm the boar ol gm of Simcoe Caunky Area sodjans botwcu E592 Misti humsem and Wes mum bury was nmnovcd In another Mdaw Md nwmval 315 was given at construction duo dnmvom at Ndxnwa pub school Mead one as anth 1m council also npplmul me Vesvm Township achool urea boards ropoml add mm mm classmum to the ï¬x mum Minesing mm School COUNTY HISTORY Nflcaflon min llumrn of Shun County was Wat lbo mn lnd la ludmdsm Bond and mm of Owen 5min or 1000 copies Mu plus sales Dimlmim 01 the unhm sdml Harm In lids age of neicnï¬ï¬c pra msatm mm on lug it absoMeLy emable or anyone Jo have 10 live work or pray in Mugs that are not mummy dean Mac Mmley txemtive vice president 04 64 Wood Cm Erindale mm the Mom last night Mr MacAuley an exABmrle Jan Club member said um our awn personal good healflx de pendent upon good mailman and good health Lhe mast prgcious Ihing we ha Sa tation he sald way of life IL delinxflnn is the science and practice of ï¬lming healthful candida Atomi lng Mr Mauulw it shouid be inlcdim conLrol on par assionnl basis LONGWAY To Go While We have come long way in the In so year in the sanitation ï¬eld we still have much longer way Via En 1n lhe oplnian of Mr Mammy vrlw said the industry has med the Icrm sanitation loo looser and in many cum than has Rtslgnatinn al Edwin Pcny man us my saintly Wot was accepted by council and ruplacunml L1 mw being sought Al myde Uvomeding the when abutmad nun utca silence In rcspoa lo ex Councillor Run Williams hose umml was held ycsiudny spuilinuy budgclod or 1th item it was decided me money uhould be paid from flue mmty WWW fund lhe pmpcfly mmmilm was mixed make necessary renovatiom and fumifllinzs nflcr it was pointed mil Lho $1000 WWW aflotwd wan Immi des Sanitation Key To Our GOod Health MAC MACAULEY LEFT WITH BARRIE LION BRUCE JOHNSTON been an unicicnulic Exemod approach to Tchlyï¬ve your am the main malerinls available were ordinary soaps cannar type ol disinlectamg brooms mops and he old type polishcr or sum he pointed out Ta day we have available new pos iuvevading bacteria killing deanlng chemlcals whlch enable llw sanitation industry to deliv er mnllaljnn in 1L1 true form Today the ward dmn must mean not only madam from soil but also Irccdnm from disease camng hadma Until reccnuy cAuleY mid nnly haspitah in mm of Median controL Widely publicized epidemics ol mï¬nfodim in vital have accelerated the mention howi tal homckecpm are now giving lo infcdion control he said schoob plants ï¬ne bulld lngs must also accept Ihe sponsibiuly of keeping chair as tablishxmnts free lrom mama that cause common cukk influ cnza hepatitis mumps Soil in lemons and may OUKf Hines your unlu has not arrived In mm pleuc phone THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS And can Will Be Dellvued To Ynnr Home by pm CARRIER MISS YOU Lth ymb and half 7282433 Acceptance of H135 new sani lion responsibiliw is the ï¬rst step 1m as an almiwllc mm ndmll that he is an alcoholic be on action can be taken In cure him he said use disposable sax as paper alps lawcls and plalos lo cut dawn LM great lass of time and mwy cwscd by Media and minlation his conï¬rming battle Bndcxia dcmop msistmm to mcmicals just as our body will develop resistance to the continual use anï¬biwu So ncw way have to beruqd lo knqp them under cvmrol he stated It Is continual Inmï¬unal program In ensure that our housekeeping personnel an lull trained and rblrainod in lhe Iai esl and prove moihods sani tatiun It has reached the pain are specialist salcsnm are rcquirzd to advise and asiisl hospitals schools etc on noblems peculiar to Ihcir own operalion he said In other words he Concluded he sanitation irndmlry has grown up Sanitan is no longer MN it is reality fllelrend ladmf he saidtts lo