There is merit in the proposal of the Barrie Chamber of Commerce to develop the Kinsmen Conservation Park into trailer camp This matter has been re ferred to committee of the city coun cil and recommendation can be expect ed shortly There are two types of trailer camps One is used by local residents as perm anent place of abode The other gear ed to the needs of tourists is badly need ed in Barrie More and more people are taking to the highways and byways with cars and trailers and one of their dpal requirements is camps serv by running water and electricity Otter they have to drive miles farther than We In Mann mm li at My llamvlu flu flvm Ilnmah new Barrie Examiner May 27 1926 Hon Ernest Drury of Crown Hill former premier made slashing attack on pres ent Ferguson Tory government Its the worst Ontario ever had he declar ed at banquet in his honor at Tem pie Barrie given by Centre Simooe Pro gressives Mr Drury defended admin istration of his United Famers govern ment Another speaker Roebuck of Toronto said In the last election the weis voted for Ferguson to man Ku Klux Klan members from var ious Ontario places gathered in Banlo for Konklave on Sunday Police were prepared but no disorder took place Vhtle 2000 were expected only about 150 stood around in hooded white robes while fiery cross was burned in Ilubbertr field at top of Toronto St adjacent to golf course Thousands of curious nar rie citizens watched Traffic was han dled at field by mounted Kiansmen Can didates for membership were interview ed in tent by Rev Dr Lewis Fowler imperial organizer Some 50 men and 10 women were initiated Speaker said three main requisites for aiimmion were he of AngloSaxon or Celtic blood pre serve country for use and benefit of An ginSaxons preserve Protestant roll on and English language line new oil 1000 pounds consecrated at St Patricks Roman Catholic Church lhel on in impressive ceremony by His the Arrhhishep of Toronto who way ssisttd by Very Rove Dean Sweeney of St Marys Barrie Frenchmanufactured bell was gift of two former members oi parish William Couyhlin of St Louis lilir rouri and the late alien lionerah luck Iey Addrm was given by Rev Father Brennan of Barrie Rev Father iii Goarin has been parish priest at St lata 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Perhaps there is something for other countries to learn in the method now followed by Finland in grappling with the problem presented by those who drink and drive In Finland when they carry things to the point of becoming convicted for drunken driving some thing that happens to about 6090 motorv ists each year in Finland it is no longer case of their being fined or sent off to prison Instead they are sent away for from three months to two years with labor gangs engaged in building airports and other governmentprojects They livea Spartan life too while un der sentence arising at am working full day and retiring at1030 pm They live in armyvtype barracks with tiers of bunks and little other furniture in the rooms except tables Onilnarlly filmy are allowed visitors only on Sun ays Walla Publisher it ish pleasant way to try to make There Is Merit In Proposal To Develop Trailer Park 112 Earrin Examiner Those Drinking Drivers DOWN MEMORY LANE Fublishudby Qanadlun Nowipapm lehyad 16 Bayï¬eld Smut Barrie Ontnrlo Mothon Managing Editor TUBDAY MAY ll PAGE 4am Ivan MI mm ml nIMtHUWIM Hum my 01M My all 1M BUDAPEST GUARDS ITS PAST LONG ON THE WAY llamllton Spectator There are many people who are not so old that they cannot easily remember the days when letter mailed ln lomnlo and addressed to llamllton was delivered the next day So ccmln was it that no one ever douhlul ll it was 1le act of nature It ls no lon or 50 Not in re uently are letters lehvered that were mat ed In Toronto two days and even three days below Nor ts lt unusual to have Ilelce of xecoml elm mall take seven to 10 day to complete the 42mile Journey Evans Onlha lawyer appointed to succeed Cotter Barrie Crown Attorney or Simcoe County Some motoring tourism from United States ll rcady seen on Bame streets advance guard of hundreds to come Every citi zen should give friendly greeting Cour tesy costs nothing and mm for much Keenan is moving his music storvl to tho former Goodchow shoe store premises next to Bank of T0 ronto At Grand Opera House Uncle Toms Cabin Prompt assistance by neighbors saved Ellsworth Crawlordl farm house near Minesing tmm destruc don by fire ricks more than 40 years Rev Black comes Barrle mm Orlllia as minister of Collier St United Church North Slmcoe Baseball League organized with Clarke Armstrong Midland presi dent and Dr Holly Dyer Barrie mercury William lrlb le was Bame delegates Barrie also entered team ln South Simcoe League which elected Kl wood Jennett of Ivy as resident Albert lloffatt was llaxlrleï¬c egate Prank And in ionic ken by that weakness in other countries Can ada could serve as case in paint and the way in which it keeps on growing ins1ead oi yielding to corrective steps so far attempted It would be difficult to argua positively that the Finns are not right The Finns theyve soved the problem presented by drinking driv ers They are constantly tooling other corrective measures proposed But most of them are reported to be convinced that their work system comm the closest of anything to date to coping with wealmess that is all too prevalent in most of the worlds Vadvanced countries living The prisoners get paid but only 60 cents an hour or their work and out of this they have to buy their own meals at 50 cents each and buy or rent their work clothes The government al so EkesuZï¬ cehtsof ghgir gay in taxgs Agent from monetary considerations the nsmen Park Is not suitable as residential trailer camp If such camp were established then it should be en ated privately not by municipal aut on lty cam for tourists however is an entirely dif Brent proposition It Is dir ectly linkedva the driva to bring vis itors in Barrie and have them remain while in our midsL ship liexzé than go oï¬Eumma place few miles away And once they stop they are pumhasens of goods and semces wish to dg In any one dig to ind 67s 71th iviéï¬abpoim jn Bagie many peqple will 3° Wm Other Editors Views Wlleen General Manager Iran aim Auva ha minim Mr IM II r14 II NM lhmflm nm mpnrmny Li umu qulln kwm wm UM rm Expo rm he rll nlmh smmwnlnl ullmbl In pat Hum nu iwilxm ILuIrIt pmnbly will he wmclhlvm I1 will be prowl Inmy And II uHerlun drum And um writer luu hNn rnlknl Im It wmt mrmnulive mu pmvmront lhal Mr Ilamlnll and his movie couldnt my haw It rmuuMnllvt ll he had In NH or ram mlllm lo mnlu up Mr mindx on INMM Um whole MIMI might get mm up And be rmrly la optn Mum lhe NM the show WM ready lo ION He has reasonable explana tion as tn why he hm to aka it on wall Ile lhnl il be dooml do hi the pavilion min pol refldy in me And In View ol the ï¬rm clo mml Ind the unrulnlndr mmlnwflon today he prtiuMy L9 11th cqyyn DHMY me one point he has put cum this year 15 that the Inn nkdshm will be alli In ircb made by himde And in 1mm many cl those as he comfy ï¬ll have lo be madcl Although her natural Mum mum Mr nan dnll qr nInnIn nnupan SUSPICIDNS RAISED Mum you th um he docggl kgwy or hasn made Imth milk Last year they mw model and inwrim mum of the pavilion 1mm But Just what hymns if Mall building will be he Ontario Pavilion wont be olï¬cully named alter the minister of economics 9nd quelmmm 1M 32 we mismmmy be unity well woman thaw of Sign My Tllemuribcls dont know loo much about What like hap Pcflin at 019 Ontario By DON onmmx Thls is going In be III uh ulln show TOWN Randal And wr pavilim should be building at 67 in going right in mm with the best be lull of mm Sometimes vm am he rrilirnl QUEENS PARK Expect Surprises At Expo Building IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMER TIME ll hp immmvmz PM mwlm In Ilu Il an m4 my prvpulatmn Mn May mu mm mm my umuy HHN hlwlwvl 1va llxhwhvu linmnvl mar Mnmllmu Iml rm mu nallnml mmlr Pm rlon Ivy MW 1mm mlmm AM wnpu mm Iry mmmnm 11v 1mm xmk mm mm mml ml 4w ul WM Mum llwn Our WIqu mmwnl Lyn mm mwv pmvll mHnL mlr MN 1mm In lining yumn In If ruma um rainuh II ï¬xing our and tm rlmt ml In Mm wth mm umanynflMlM dullnn In mum Ilw in mlr rm Han InMl la ruiuL ITIUEYIMHI IF lluim lln llm ll tiny 0w IMm mt Iv mnl mu mumI ma mm Mr hmwwll an In Ind mrml Iwawk Ivy llm MM 1mm pm duml Ivy In InmImun Mum lnl madnm in mr ovrrlrll Nlln Dmnmhlu mm 51n mm um mm or IM Hm m0 Hum day ll 1M lmrm mm mm Imin INh mu WWW hvun Mlku 10ka ll yn mml Ihe mm Mï¬rncï¬w Htlo the pir lurr whrn lhl are In mum and LM lrml erndira nidn whm they nn Kn qmwlim flu Inflh 11M umhue Onwom mow IMn trawl IN Imuvwl by mim rlnm uhmn mm mm IIITfl ml blood Ill mu limo mum LI ml nm ml Ml Mm Camdimu have ï¬ts and are taming himtr wam man over More in our hiswry wording to some governmcrl spokesman Our nnUmal prov ductinly an Mme mm um Mm we mad the no papers and Wally Inter to he eddor We perceive lightly dfllcrwl pkinm Johnny Cnmrk mat nmuxe Canndlan is wmlenénx II he Mx bile his wile L4 complain inu the rice Imme hmmhald mending worker omryuhm are mka or 11th mm mmnmunu or hum hidm um and hlflm prim worch um um mik lm to back up Um mm 50 when KIM boom we tn be ham Whm in nlflumce nmlï¬l Ivy nn kmsinzly im mm dollar F3 ANNOT LIE mTAWAM boom flu is And cur pavilim should be right in mm with the best Sometimes can be criucal Mr Randal for bullin ahead Whom the usual arm mg elc Karim can never say he does mine without flair OTTAWA REPORT So If in ml dan Hy PANICK NICHOLSON When Does Boom Cease To Be Boom MI in that tame Mind the antrnmanlal lulu from rm wme Innow lnx me About so rant surnly you Xu lnkc 1mm mrpnuh mm Income tax ran by About nnrHllrd BM tho ï¬rld mm Inrhrm um mm Ivy About mam Thu Mural pmvm dnl and munlnnnl lam urn ymHy uUmM Annual mm have run by nonrly MM 000001 fill 4132000 dunn lu lnIl yrnrx mvmrlnl nmnivm ml mun rtpnl mnynm Mum hnvo plnynl Mr pm In nun Misl 110 wnrk lurce munmod nix per cent In hrs 1000 Ptar xon days hut the ms living inmnml wvcll per can justing our nnlinnnl mndlxtlvily lor those two lactarx we see um its ml lnmnsa was 31 prnximntely 14 per an vnr ml very imprcsslve Mum tantrum In my Wm Ger mnny or Japan Salrim when adjmlld or Ircrvasu In hr me wmkinu Ionc and In Mm mu lflj per rcnl or nllmlly more than producllvily an far In chose 1000 days as dld In the 2000 Dllflnbaku day unm innate minister Dunald Fleming Mmrvd pall cics uhkh 1mm prices mote stable flxe Barrie Horticultural So dew extends i1 appreciation to you or the assistance ynur paper gave lo the Spring Clean Up Campaign And through your paper may we think 11 Individual and groups whn helped in any way to an Ear ri looking its best or flu xum mcr mason 0hr Bum Exuuxuur llv nnmlmu Fun mInIuh mmlnl In Ilw nu Irwylvliulmn um ximum In um lupor mum In nr 11 Amwlzlul Yuu nr rum nan nlm lhn lwal mhluhul Hmrm MaudN nl Ilvn nnmlmn 1tu Nouqmvrr lulquh Aumlallm Ilu Im avhau llru wul Amhl INva IHHIAIIHH ILIIIV Sunday and lnlulmy HnIlrlul urrplrvl Ruhurannn lHIII daily by ram Ur unkly mm mly 5mm mu In In llv mail Ilmm yuvly lumln no rnr mum mm all mm Manmuiln mu rlu in war nunm um nnmh nunINN mm yMI HM ml 1min mm mm lnhrmly Arr Tnnmln Mu rm rm Sl vallrnl 01 Ml lrnrlrr Mnmnnr Aumnrlmi mmnl rlnu mull lml 0mm Ilrpmb mrnl Ollnun nml lnr pmnrnl rosinu ln uh LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Mu 11 GaBiEZ Secretary ours vgy lny In Imewhll lnlnll Iher bull lhou hill Io Ihy flrfl 710 Rrvtlllhm 1M roxlly mm In IIIW um Ind cimmuums tn cmwd hrm am of your 111 nunm ye 11 book 11 solutions Inde 11m nl tcspomibnliu between No any book analyse the challmxm fauna confedera llon lh loderal governman Parliament political pulls Inf mletf ln metal nuL mi demdnmant deem Ilve Mr Lamonlnm hard at work writing book for publication in the 131 Ind re main policy Idea for the en parlyl metaIce here Oct 1912 The exministn my he en MI his nw rule good my to help try your Once lhe govcmmcnln influ mtia minister of culmu and loading Liberal Idea man ha has nu asked single quuliun entered dnbaus In my way alnce the new Parliament opined ani OTTAWA CmSix munlhs alter his resignation 1mm lhe cabinetv Maurice Lamamagna has became one of the least puan pcrsmulilies on Parlia ment Hill British Medical Oomci recognized Canadian degrees minSouth African War ended More than 7000 Canadians served lamlegislative Cwncil abolished 1n Nova Scam leaving only Quebec with upper chamber lmDnmemy Powers Ad expixcd Canadian International Trade Fair opened at Toronto marriagm below ary public servant val IBMBank of British Colwnbia received royal charter masGeneral ONeill kd Fenian attack on Foxt Eric maria lamRailway opened bchwzen Mo and Flaw Nova Scam 187711 or 0mm incgrporatcd ti mum ma mnwwu Father Gavmi NINE Ti tow hurry The bitwrntss In Moan3 and homo 11 eventually In the defeat the Hind Morm governmuzt my other atom ware Involved OTHER 0N MAY ll mun rt Fmbkh leit Brlaig Van 3mm voyage to Amie we mum discovered 150346111 Louis recalled Governor Dmnvifle and asked Menu take position or second Ume twoBritish metchart trading in Quebec asked at new laws I793U Ca ada parliament fpened umioqjhidx made II Ilia exitaimn iriar made his message to Manama On flue nigM cl June tried to speak to zamring ai Ziwn mural hosiila mob gathered amide and the militia had to be called Prdesor Ga Hardy in From Sea Sea PM it 11 way in the dimb lighted square someone gave the order to fire By coincidence whini waa remarkable the blde an down Gavazzlu IMQathqiicamfle nm was only mebégmnmg rioting The window extant By BOB BOWMAN In Lime days when dund1 union mush in the news L1 31 man mum to look back on 01 mm century and see the bitter nan that estKed betwmPmmanu and Roman Catholim even In Canndn There was bmer political nm in 1553 when Emeleslntical Corporation nm was mended In Parllammt It gave mun prlvfleges to Roman Catholic and mm led Nu delut of thc Hindcstrin Relorm government George Brawn hmke away from um um Ind Ihu govemnmt barely squukad through by vote Juan uw Gavazzi was we Prolmam WM 11 wat then clly 40000 people Ind ham was an exciting event especialb when it was glven by spellbinding mun Mm wore longblade mbe purple mm on the bums and number on shoulder llva ledure on in night ol May 31 was Wu Wu that Gall111 gm apather on June BIBLE THOUGHT It wu this an that former Italian priest Father Gavan came In Canada He had taken pm in umkinga against Pope Pius Sh nd in lo avenhraw the Pope 16 BAYFIElD ST THE NEW RUBBER STAMII THAT NEVER NEEDS AN INK PAD Former Cabinet Ministers Book Discusses Social Problems WEDDING STATIONERY CONTINUOUS FORMS CANADAS STORY PROGRAMS GUMMED LABELS POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES HAND BILLS DRAW TICKETS LETTERHEADS BROCHURES INVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS BILLHEADS BUSINESS CARDS hr fllzurir Exmuturr COMMERCIAL PRINIING Montreal Riot Caused By AntiPope Speech TRY PERMASTHMP 25000 lMPRESSlflNSI BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR Mr anonlamc mian Ilnle swam Ins Dmmher nller beinK flicked or In he 1er5 In Parllnmml and inside the heal pmy or buy an furnitum urn any mmt mm several your MP lim lrnm msom Inter Involvtd In banknmicy inqmriu Mr lamomaxne emphasize that book will not deal with mwnaï¬dm or with daycoda politics but lmlead plan broad soan pmblï¬ns It also will mvcr Canada r5 lalinns win the United Shlu foreign aid and ddcnce polcies manolimz hAIinmalism ml an equal pannmhip batwoan Frlmh Ind Englllhspolklnl Canadians The book be published in Freud and in an Englidl trans lalion will have title soma thing like Canada in Axe of Abundance 14 Canal lEre da lAbmudaMel Mr anonlagne cantnl theme Ls um Canadian palm Dian are obsessed with post war problems and lssm that have been mmeaM that may lgnare the scrwus new problems lacing individuais Ottawa and me mines eco normc planning Increased sup port or cultural and Maura activities and msearch more dcmocralic party slmdmx rconzanitallon ï¬le federal gavcrnmenl and an overhaul parliamcnlhry procedure 72645537 Vr