For larger 11ch now the reeves and dqmty reeves have lwo mic each he said here no good reason why on rme couldnt hnvu up in six wit1 or so when It comes to matters meaning cxpemli lures Census Begins Tomorrow Will Lust For Two Weeks Says County Council Should Be Smaller Ink Ilmvn flmnlu mm mm mm xvmm Ill YINP Lulu Onllllvl Iliimni II mll ï¬nDy Mllmum llw crnsun ammny 1wu1numwwruw wry cw min In IInrrIu nru MI cnn nun Um mm nlur nn llInl mm In Ind only mull pm mum Illa nrrn mnlInIIon VIII he mmwmln IhIn ka nlnlcd Mnrlrm Ivlrimnulx Cm aua UmmnnInm or Ilurrlo uluy In Ilwnry llm nun IIMII Juno nul mutinva on ImlII nuvkw 1M IMII In INIIIlIl lnrl iwmwu nulnrlly rm tnkm an new In Mr Wm mly mmIl nvnhhrr mum Mo rnmnIrInI on ma hm day mu an IM Amnml day Hwy ml tnmlw mm flu Im11 IIllfllï¬lfllllT In WW 1n 101m luy lmvn enrnunmnl In If er Inll II llenm Illnl day Mu lrlvhmulx mini Um In rrnmu all lrin lildl rnr munm MI vam ivlml no nnl mm um Vuhw K1 11 pqflatlm mum mml In In rmvwlulwl mliwly Mr Campbell nallvb of 0m who AllVCd tome 11 year on tho 0m council bdoro WW to name said he tnjayod the toUmxhip ma larger county mum but mid amal Irr round could get Just much done and bu an mm lwr ratepayers Mr Camplxll Mid ho was 1111wa wilh Ibo mopoxn now hninu sludiu Ivy Simeon Coun ty lrszlann mum how by Coldwnltr MN Em nrnndm lo mime he mm hoxshlp lo 25 ECONOMICAL MARINE FORECRST ALI READY FOR PIONEER STEAM SHOW IN BARBIE winIln W1 mm and arm mum 1an Im wrkAl Aha MM nw mum at liminch fur mu Mdululmina IK llm rml ll llw IBM lisrnl mr nll nlw mew my In um limn 11w cenuu Mmmlu rm lully dwiml by tho emu enm mlulnnn and lunhrr NINk In Iriimnl Hm Hmunlm Durban kIonHu In Univ mu Toronto um llm rmvflnflnn nl mm and In Irlmw nl n1 Mntlpllml Illa mm Maw Aim mum mu manual mum lhn rnm pulrr rrnm KM Thry do no need 55 mm hm 15 or 30 could 11w he some rmrcunhlian and wmxld he were cfhricm because nll Um mmimr would have In be more am It would reduce cost loo Even when wan warden nml that was ymrn nanl could am this thing cnminlt he mId stating ha was mar ring bothllo axioqu ï¬mrrm mundl Ila nurmlr urantrpï¬avt can must he ukm In my new ulup In kw lho council domA n31 are Barrett Incas and Ben Pnnglc all of shanty Bay Also In be in eluded in the emin are WW evsiw°£t Dycks Food Market um FRONT QUARTERS lb 380 um HIND QUARTERS lb 58° um SIDES Ib 48c I50 Colllor 7185319 Built 0710 TI H01 Vllll HIF lflTflMlJl IIHHIT HIMIUNG COUPONS IIZIJIIHONE 72115330 AND ENQUIRY AllOUl OUIK COMILITIE F001 PLAN SMITH CAMPBELL Mn roulnvmlx mum thn mod tnr public Mopeerm ram mid ml IN MI wu Mn ylmmvl hy the datum belnu vaI luv Ilw mm Mu Mm In lln mnml For Canada The law mmlrel mmimdy In nnwnr 0m Nmun qwulom lull Iho rmmu an only he amphi and ntvlunlu ll Ibo public mulls the MM 5h BIN mvhmiwl Hm Im my he mum mum poluuvl ml um mmimvly walk mg or In Minn 4th Do nimnn Ilmonu Hlnthlln ml mlmdnl uqulml In tab In mm nl mm You should limp local cun un with the local ratepayers much possible and the coun ly gavunment should alsu be dlrcclw rcsponsible lo the vo lux In said stating clhu method shauld be acceptabla lo rahplum While ll was he year cl llm ricnnc llmcl VIth did so much damana he llnllaml llnnh and vlscwhcrc Mr Campbell mid ll wnml particularly stormy year or the tounly round llul wo €01 ll lm done he mulled praising hls colleague or good coopernllon Aslmd but he thoughL Battle Mm bclnu In businrx here or wmn nlnc yum ML Cnmriwll mid has been calm ahead dummy and hm rwry imitation lhll will mime mentioning lho my nkkrnhlc expmrxim nM in duary In nddiflm to new mm ocmtic and dirwjy rcsmnsibla lo the mlmnyers This aspect is most important and shouldnt be passed all wily he uId stating he was glad to see it given stress in the county mun nil Nuns as well as by on mar warden Gem Lisk of Benton urea and others County building enlargancn sinned htn Mn Camxbcll v115 warden no health unit hen mm inln ollccl and county li brary service enlarged the lure runncr thr improvtmcnls LOCAL CONTROL tique gasoline maddnu and amomobiles 11m shaw ï¬rst of its kind in Barrie is In be sponsored by the Georgian Bay Pioneer Steam Gas Au MIL mm um mm mm Ir HRH tndy radind hn Vin moo Gain Eldmngo mny nu mva Idmw MM mu mml In der Jul 171 as hMur tn Iwnf Mny In by dunml Imm May no nn lwhzmflnl Md MM 1275 brother Hush lives In Oril lia Ilc also has Hm sislcrs Mrs Slum Koycs Mu nuUI Brandon and Mrs Francis Rae anblc Mn Cantarball was first clbcl od lo ho 0m Council In 19 nnd rozmlml until he wn chasm wmlm ln lost Alla his hucr am he was clan Liberal cnmlldalo In East Sim lecrnl lorlune the Limo wrc ml goal and Mr Curan wn Idcnlul nut ha made many lrlcmla lmm hll rammimlnz and hold the pncl nl political Inc as well lricmls man plenum personal lly Mr Gumball led life has been good In him and he mink highlyol Darrin cu well as hls native 0m llocmlly his ï¬rm optnu Maud om nl Mld Innd He said he found lilo in Bar rie quiio cormnst lo tanning mentioning he had farmed in years near Mildlell Square in On Township Lhua wasnt mmh ILmln as in bums he mid onelimc Oro hocqu play er has two 50m Douglas and an both ghotkyim wlv wofnmg III aged with um in the 011 am busi hm You have to work harder on we mi to more QMIVE and Anï¬qug A5961 tian mé void engineabw Wm used umx fairly recent bmat an on Tendnip sanv WINNIIlX CPI 051M FARM PRICES Tle Izle and Irdarn on mom lumhnrm flthaw damaged global on Ibmn lumtnalm Hans mowing location nml nuth of luminaim rpodflraflnnn and londor envelopes be uhhlnul mm Ilw le Clorku mm Onlllvr Skicl llarrlo Onta Scam cudm In rnvnlopon yp signer up to pm Junu 1000 mmp llmlaccmonl pmximMe 502 mm Hg OMnrin ad be mm by tho undu he prnxhnntoly 1124 Harmon lamp in up nan Iumlnalm lncalcd in the My llanlo 7110 MN or any lender will not nommtfly be Rama IL HIRAUUHAN ly Elmk TENDERS FOR CLEANING lUMlNAIRES MATHEMATICS CLUII Snwycn pmlossor ol nullhexmflm University To mnw will be guest spcakcr Um mud nutmm Hm unr rio lilmmuary Mnhwmudrs Club be hid in the ncllvily mum mom I26 min Ds lnid th bumble lhum day my mccling win In from 10 to pm SCOUT REUNION Firs Kmlbmlrk Hay DLv lrid WNI mmlon will be brld SMunlny nml Sunday Camp Vnhlnum near Wynne vin Wycvnk Camp unlu onrn at 010 nm Snuany Ml mama lnrmrr mum mun ml mmnl mixrs hmde ml wim wolcrmo la ml the uukmxl oulllmr flvimz Yl MmA huh wll In held Ilnrflo Armlrim Jan Ma pm The udmw won fluldrm nmlrv 1va pm II kmdg Ilil flllllW Third nnnunl uldrrnn Id mummy by unis part of the re nrxnnimllon program a1 Copaco Mr 5m Will Do rcspomibla at mnsoï¬daling me pmvisiom urmiom of um um plants He has 2x yoursv emcrimoe in the mu puking business having joined Comm in 195 1m break emu and the occurred Snday at M1 Innism 9memoeranera Gmrles Earl KJoephcr who mu away for the day Dec Sgt Neathway said part at Lhe stolen merdlandjse has been re Merci Llndsay Inglls president 01 Comm Limited First looper ative Packers ol On1ario Limit ed muan today Ihal San has been appole mm ions manager for the combined operations the two Copaca plants In Barrie and Slraumda Mr Soon will work out Bar ria and will retain his respon sibilflics plant manager Air mochanlm of MAP auxi iary squadron now have the op ponnnily in qualin in their Lrnde wider the andth auxiliary sunmt ground rain lm program mmmer Génadmn Forces Base Holden proved so success ful that 31 medianics will at The pamime alnncn sacriï¬ce summer vacations and annual holiday to mend lhe eighuwck course will qualify for trade group one Borch this unmer Aim of the program In to stimulate rmiflng keep sew Ins airmen and pmvide auxiliary units with qualiï¬ed men who could he quiddy employad 5min ï¬rmiiarmmatCFB Appointment Ht Copaco Summer Courses Set For Borden trial course candlth last 341 LOCAL AND GENERAL LOUD DONfl CLINW Humid brundl Hm Claudia Rn hm vaivty muralan 110 blood damn or um um wand tlumr olmlc whlrh Ml MM 01 IHIMIy lnrkh lln on JIlu Dnmnllmm will In mm lrnm In pm ml IJfl pJIL POLICE AUCTION Pamu nncflm has been at for Juno Harm or nuc htm am midns he palm d6 pzuumn has ucuxnulnlcd dur inx lhu xnr ml will no lo Harms Puliw Commis mm Amflmm Will be salmy olllccr 07mm Rnlxh Deny TEMPORARY DHTOUH nurhckl sum um closed to mlhc rm Rn SAxm In Dalflm 54ml Mn road mur lmnx and mm mmunmt nptrnlklm wcm mnllmnl rmrninu ommmu mul nwrn 411 lmlhc was domxml by way Maple 54mm The mad Mid minw new Lillmulkn mu Huh tum mad mnrlml impmnu mun uhkh nkmdy hm born mud cummdnl Members learn read mu and the claxuical terms in their first course Then duty an taken on 11 tour at main Hy dro installallon Boron mmbcra are tested they loam axious IMUHXI ol arliflcinl rcspiralibn which can ho min link only in case drowning but in the awn 01 any electrical shock Mm uxamlnullcns nn achicvmnl nigh is held and each member speak from two Also attending meeting was Ray Allen Lieutcnnmflov ernm of Disuld Kiwanls There are 33 person in the cluh between the agm 16 and 21 seven of which are girls The objechves of he club are creme belle undersianding of safe and advantageous use of In the arm and The unwell the North Slmcoe 4H him and Home Electrical Club was outlined to number of he Kcmpcnfell Kl wanls Club yeslcrday Walla flnvgcndyke Ontario Hydro lawn sales superintendent and instructor at the Kiwaniy sponsored club was guest speak er at the weekly lundmn meet ing of the Kiwanis Club me sale and economic spmca lions of duelriILiLy and having book of slnï¬sï¬cs elmical unparnlus Ontario Hydro arm tales su perInvariant was guest weak er the Kanpenfelt Kiwanis Cluhx luncheon mecling yw Tells Work Of Electrical Club ClubpmjepL1 lncludp studying WALTER RODGENDYKE live mimics on their hmxesi sinus of my course and sup plies constructive criticism The course concludes WWI our of the Sir Adam Beck No Power StaLim at Niagara Falls nday Mr Hoogendyke oul lined the Inncllon ol the Nnrlh Simme 4H Farm and Home Electrical Club ol which he is the Instruclor The club is sponsored by the Kiwan Wlma Com Talia In HHMon Nut Flpnmh Fur lighlwriflll mulml with cool mmlun in Ihn puny inllr In 513 up And an lmlm unidv Inn will nlnlmnrn hipq ulul Ilrnirrn Do lulllilt mm Ilwu yml um In in Ihxklnglm In ulmv uvr ynur ummm lluurtl lvgn Ono nin nu uniII In plain wlIlIr nml luwimnlnl mil nf mlwlulr pinkwhile Munwhim Am yrlluwwhilo Rania Lu Laud Inn 14 1mg LAWSON KNIT TWOWAY STRETCH RIBBED PANTYGIRDLESV Cluly ML Hoogeï¬ykgflrlghy is scn 117 eifllh jawam ï¬residénié ï¬mmm and Ray Alon Lieutenant Governm of District um mull lbw mm vlnLl Hun Iboul mm pound of Huuldmull New 11 kIdneyI beam llnulsh uxlnlfl luxuuon and du dimmer fnlIuIL 11 mu un be hlchche mum nlxh Thlx when Doddl Kld Im help bun RIM Dad Hdnry nuun help ma madman the husk Ichz Tm noddn you dunl led but rm mm Jud urem uuy by munm or am 10 Inn Nu hm Ilu nvu mum HELP KIDNEYS PASS BSA DAY