Potato Planting Aided mam nu ma um All miI In In ml in min dun Wylian 91le Nair9a Killian lath In ShahMil lmr mumu WWW MM 1h lfl pm OWN Inn IWlï¬l mu mll rl armk mu upmal mm hm KHNI Mm Ibo mum 11 Wu MI NUHTH HM IVA hint rur tlunilmrm Mu luv 1w Ilny mm Hllfll llvu main lim ll will NII1NMIK lul Nu um um hlmal lnllnl nmII Ilrqvly rm mud WM Ixy llll no hp IIM Inn llyo Imlnln ilnnlw planu Ir IN hy mmm 11er ml nln rminlnl Ivy xluuhlo MW lull rmh IN nf uhrrh am pm m4 mm llw hnmrr and mum Ilnwn mu ymwh mm mvl rrlmm il an Inilanl balm dhr NI Il llrmh Shrulnl unwlmz lhn phnlrr when Imvrnzu nr Mum llw um ma umll 0m mu mm 1lw firhl Anvl Innl Mlll hr phm lrr rnvm an miu Irlr um rhrmw hy 1m with Dorailmcnl Blocks CNR Main Line We MLKO llm palate rnw alum lnrhu mun Ml vary llw pnnnn In ml no mrdinx In tho vnribly Inyl ML 13de UNLIHY we mm Kmndm nahl inrll pm in Hue rnw 3mm nml mkcu In Imhn and erhvl Zrnu Inrhm Inlillnn mm on the MM lulr uilh Ill rnllnu no or Iix pmlllr Inn mm unmvra gun an mmnll mnmm ham4 1m hm per ntn Out in he huur 101d Ill nne IME he need polalo ruck dnw up bak hc fourmw xylnmrr and nulnmnlimlly unlludcd boul KJ ham soul hula Hm our hrwm nnd lhrn he 2r lilinr truck mumd iilmr In the lranm 1mm llama II 1w mlmnu Mm uml lo Ilka 20 minulu Inn work by Mo mm Mr Andi buys most of hi seed potaloc mam New Bruns wick as as one man can empty bags ll wed Into an elevator An aulomaflc machlno from he 90mm or plint nu Rubber whrcls force the mm polalocs through slurp crossed knim uhlch cul the ublzm into unlfarm pieces evolving dluler drum htn mu he pleas wilh lung cide pmlecurm against 110 Lalo nllmcnls Another elevator carries the rum xrul llincllv lnlo bulk ruck holding to or so tom Meanwhile scllun lnmlinu lmlk ulillzcr ruck ll llllNl wllh 1010450 lonllur My Mum tipping adult hac lor which lllls onetun lnxrs nl lrnhuvr and tips it n10 the Huck It the shill lthr UALLOMJS AUTOMATICALLY One very large polan grow ng operation in the Cuunty is that owned hy Clarence Lead Jr Alllslon who is presemly planling 430 acres ol potatoes In order in handle this large planting optradon Mr Leach has mechanized it thmuxhout In potan planllng here in vary large bulk of material to be handlLd explain Mr leach Depending on the var My of 90141041 you are planting you plant anywhere from 20 to no 75 pound bags of semi pn ulocs to he acre plus 10 lo 11 hundred pounds erliliun Machlnexy takes the hard man ual wnrk mm of palate planting With0m bulk tuck and four mw planter we on plant 26 men day mw plow are Lhe modem meth nd potato planting that can be seen lodaw on puma farms in Simeoe CouMIy noably in he MIismn area where deep sandy1mm soil is ideaHy suimj to the cmp far cry mm the old method of planting potatoes by hand behind horsedmwn oneur By Modern Equipment ON THE FARM Clarencg Leach JL Allistnn Carmine Mongillu 1055mm watch By BRIAN IMKER Mr heath nnlcs hat the Do lam mduslry is still rapidly ex panding in mur to keep up with Ihe cverincreasing de mand or able smck and pro cessing mamas He aLsn lamcs that in the near ulure there will be more direct contraclimz be tween potato seed growers and The land is prepared or plant lng by plowing it with plow that turns who swnth Trailad by he plow is heavy spiked mller called ackcr which pulverizu lhe powing leaving deep secdbod mady for planting STILL VEXIANDING 65 Oldsmobile OVIJY 51 ï¬nd DHCU On mummonommaommns no mrocxusmnomxusmnwrn I000 10 OHIINO Vll ON of Knox USEDCAILONMIVONIVOUH 00 DrAl VOUI ll IoM vouu COIIV0DS 0mm Youll MI in ow NI um mm ma muvl WM yum Io 0m mm Hum am pm uml Mun 90 m4 nl my canon In ldool hmlly Can lulithmhmm AM My Inul ml mm lm you II yu HIv nuw wgpomxdiivmiiiu evo size 90 IVEIYT INC 10 IE POCKlfSlll DUB to IE IHESEOKUSIDC YOULL GEHINO IN ROM 00 CNN010 HICUIWE DiWlH lmmlal CUM spoil man warm oumw mhm 04 mm whom Do looh Mo OM LMMV mu NI mm IN 04 awh mm yum mom up es seed potatoes passlng through grading wheels au mmch seed cutter Rubber WW3 SEDANSI CONVERTJBIESI WAGONSI Do bl MW at Ivodsrim WM liom Thu pml 90 madnqu Macon oull MI med uhubllvl CMEVR In hardiop nlW Iroc lnx wm wide mwhm ol omiom In cuzv We my in Wm well lwl can nlw ml nod lnx Wulh eucï¬un ol opviom Thoux only one pim youfl nnd mm 930d low pncu Vow ChevOIGIMI viu UL Wu mm Hmde nwl HwyWM lluvmqlluylllHum Amllow wqu mumhm dal every SIZe and price range EVERYINING FROM SMOOTH OIDS 9II 10 THE poemsum OLDS AND WERE PROUD 10 BE OFFERING EVERY ONE OF THESEOK USEDCARS0NANYONEYOU1L IE GETIING IME DEAL OF VOUR FE FIRM YOUR CHEVvOLDS DEAlER to ï¬nes ham you GavOld dealu 65 Oldsmobilos 65 Oldsmégileé in Mia 233 Bradford St recent addition to Mr Manns operation is new 120 000 bag bulk storage area The bins are lilied at harvest lime with unique elevator which has swinging boom that swing back and lonh ill the en tire width oi each bin evenly with potatoes When the potatoes are to be taken nm trench unlozdcr carries them out auto rnallcnlly table and processing potato growers an indication ul ex pansion he has said or this season 25 planicrs and 50 autu malic seed cutters in oiher growers wheels below pufln polanu through halve that the potatoes into uniform pieces ready fat planting Mw my lrmhï¬m mm mdn rang cl mm wt mu my nodal imp Wm name logo lmfl um ml or npmm Mom youll INK Wm mod IKVI mm Yo cmouu mm um or mow non mm huh mm In ymr pmlubwvl vhn um ml yum Lwl urnHI mu rml Ami my nM ul IM Idnal nmIly to hnuvmwuvr MI LIl mm rl nu I9I1wnwlpquyu lwl mm un mm In Lu Uh luu mm UAW 61 on all myourChavOldldcaluL 11ml mm Man CHEVR Ccnvolhbllx havdlopx and sedans Economy Six ovbig v5 enginus Ml than well up on Max one owner MW cur node WM Mdo selocï¬an cl opliont Irma onIy on piano youll 1w mm good low pm Your ChavOldx deahLL WWW vnun youll Ma Every on lhe OK med car name or newly 099 plkei by npmm Ihoul on youll um mm mod putL Your CMVOUI donvtl aurora St Barrio Ila to In Banana CBCIV nolwovk each Sunday pAugERFiEEb LIMITED High school studean Ioday are faced with bewildering array of choices for their future Un liko the past most Jabs now mqujxe advanced training St Josephs Hospital wa also of great lnterest to the students First thy were treated to Monday mud in the calelcria used by the staff They then bmke up into groupg of seven or elght and toured the hospital In the kitclï¬ny which nelivcsd proximn 1000 peope they the beg pared nthevailï¬dcpart manta The various vringspedi attic psydï¬alxic nursery ray outvallent emrgeuy etc were also visited Possibly the most fastinatlng or the student was the laboratory when an as sisLant patholnglst Dr Polnar displayed many interesting thing One cl these was the lung patient who had lust been Upaalod on During their mm the students saw It least 30 careers that lay open tn Lhzm ln he field medicine On May 25 Mr Santa Registrar Ryusnn Polytech nin Institute addressed me The Childrens in rs home lar emotionally disturbed childrcn which prank homes 40 boys ranging in age lrom six in lL On their arrival the students were greewd by the Superior who explained the purpose problems and endeav ors ad the Villagel Upnn leaving several expressed the hope that someday they cwld serve oth er in that field HEAR ADDRES TOUR HOSPITAL grade nine guidance 15m gram at St Jisephu ended with flourish when on Thursday May 19 group vi grade nine students went by bus to Toronto In visit Scurod Heart Childrens Village in Scarboro and SL Jon sepha Hospiul at Sunnyside GEEETED VBY SUPERIOR Students Iiour Toronto Hospital By PRYLISS McCALLUM wdn cl my THEIIARME EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY 27 Almmnnnv lï¬ï¬ll Ml HM nmmmnm Wm pt thin Mamet1 ltlfllllul mwm hm cmum Inh Hahn Hymwb val Fm lrnh wm mvhw la mm kuny Hm 11 MM Um Mmun IWwHIvQ L7 lqlnanwm mmumqa ywr 04 mm FM NlW CM VMUII mu lml an uluhm ul Alu Io Aa AHHQAIVV mmmmmwmu v1 W1me 14 at our Ilm mo 0K uwluu rum1w CHEVIOIE Cowmm Mulmm and mm lwmvm summvmmu NIHM wv hm mu nu mm um uu mm Wm mm wrum hmu Mum mm mm wk Wm Mutmoum Vovfl HM ii In on MI 19 651 Ml an pawnnmclndn Io mle lun cl mod Wum mm In yam podnbod and lhm 1mm Him an OK Vlad rm vulvu Vim Im mnu Man min on kwl lo lhom uvymu armom Idmi rmnTcé AH in km Omlmon MI Ilwy lowl ml Iv you TOP A4 1L VNLRHDIUI WAGON Don mm mm In un wwuuuy Commuting huldlopx and Six at big vs enginax NI than MMCUWLGmnI WAGONSI om NAN mun1lnwhn Wm In pt Ih mmmtï¬ 39 Hull UH Np lhay Iaék an Jew And that one ui or In an your ChavOidx mm with wide mugs op lhe yams I963 lo Evary ode aim Empnanany law mm Al mam youn luka Every on with Iha OK umd ca name Iehabdiry Family Ca or awry lam All In mp condimm An med can The mm lh lookmmn lvh new And Ihï¬ielx onoiugx YlVE DRIVEN Impalas Carvumx Supur Spa modulx Cudfllucxl Oldsmohflu and many olhau Each wim opnonx Io maid in luxury loch Mos oneowns can wilh low mlluugm All wilh lha 0K olquaï¬ he nicall in Iowa now ox your ChnvOldn den Iï¬e lun 1v LnKVUlln VIALEI on OK Havdlopl und ind rl on elecncn of Io ASL pawnpacked veady to mull Ian any Vuh pricu In In you pmkubook and mu Ihua me OK med car vulva you II guard to min nu om look or them wayOM dualara seek to open tree travel and mnétraloglc trade belwen the us and Communist China BOSTON APlA recomm dahon that the United Sham support It scaling of Commu nist china in he United Nations was mado Tuesday night by the nvcming general assembly of 1300000 member Unilcd Presbyterian Church in Ihe SWEWIXJFSUW mcpded flat the Umled Slates Adéplabilily ta ed Samov the key to succm Nursing Sccmtarul Science Businm Mnflrnisuaflon and Journalism to name only cw other aspects touched upon were upplicaï¬mu was 09 uniï¬es mgr graduation and so cial life He began by stating Lite min purpose of Mansons exiscwce lo provide educauonal appor tunilies or high school gratin ales who wish to pursue car eers not requiring Universin degree requiring more than highschool lrnlnlng Mr Sam added that lhe kind of applicant likely to wowed would be secondary school graduale whn has academic abillly especially in English his and malhe miles and ixmmm more in the application cheery than in lhe meow llseii wide spooninn of came altered by in inshMe include Engineering Tedinology Welfare Services student body of St Jaswha High School giving them good idea at what mum training Ryerson could offer them pm NLWCM WEN 1541 CAR VALUET wagon wilh phn mullv wul luv mm hand you local lilting or dwmol and mo ROMANTIC interlude be tween freeoralls with housede dogs is enjoyed by Dem Jonas and Suzanne Pie shells in Wall Disneya TM nlmlm feature The Ung Dachshundfl The hilarious wgloomfc qvlummmnmgniom All in inï¬bfe Idnl runny mm rm mm Wm 11 mva mm In Hm mu mu my mwhhmn Imp mfylnwmmygn Mpmu rm my my mm lb or and mm 117 117 mi mw ZEDANJ COHVIRIPHI WA P151001 TEENS SPEND MILLIONS Slate 5pm Young mph in the United 0005 year XICUIWE DRIVEN Impalol CowMu Sup Spou mum Codilrucu Olavmm and album och wuh 01mm k7 match In haw loch Mon nncruwnu can wnh low Nle IM OK uul lqv th mall in and price range omsuoomowwmc cxmlzm olos rah AND WERE PROUD 10 DE OFFKIINO EVHV ON THIS 0K UIEDCARS ON ANY ONE YDUll IE OHIINO 1E DEAL YOUR OM VOUR CNEVOlD DEALER smmsc chvkirTleSI WAGéNSI Dom for mlmbimy HILLCREST GARDENS mm cl Mum nml mum mu lrwq Irwww nun1n AM ha mm yw mum erI Hm Wm an Wu Idtal chlly Can ry ma lamily All lap ondhion AH OK mad can The mom may lack and mm nuw And INVII on in Iqu In you av your ChevOH daulu ï¬ghl mw REAL NEW CAR VAlUEl Vaull find in cm momon cl lo 68 All cm powbwaclod vaady 00 mai lun any road vwm put lo you poclavbcok and lhun xomo me on OK wad car who yau iun canl Mam Io mu cvl on lock lav lhum al yaw ChavOdx dulecs EXECU VE DE EN Impalas CamneL Super Spar modalx Codrï¬acn Oldynubflu and many Oman Each wilh Opliofll Ia much In luxury look Moxl onwwnar ou wnh low mdeogu Nth OK ml olquamy Ihe mm in lawn new yaw 0vade dealnvxu eve slze and pnce range Maw ma mom smoom cm 95 to lHEPOCKEYSIZED owsrasuun wm noun 10 as ormma EVERY on or IHESEOKUSEDCAESONANVONEVOUll ascmmomsnmonounurmom voux cnsvoms mm Tm OK wagon Wm pllnly mm Havdwpl and canvnnmru Io ml iprmq dvivina tool dolighl And low loving pun la any allmchu dnoV ww OK flan mean you can buy wnh once ham youv CharOld doulL 11000 BOXES choice stock in 100 varieties FIosVespra Townline FROM BARRIE GO MILES NORTH 0N HIGHWAY 27 ROADSIDE PARK AND 60 MILE onnaunco om your LawUm 0901M v65 Oldsmotfl BEDDING PLANTS 65 Oldsmobiles HARDTOPSIII VHARDTOPS An716uu on gym On om SHOWING AT ROXY Phone 7261811 r110 DimmersI comedy am sure OhmHe Huggins and was direch by Norman Tolaar The ï¬lm mans Friday at the Roxy along with Winnie the Pooh in Winnie thLe IHmh and N10 Haney amp er Mu Ivan carruado Ihmol and al xvch mmnl Open Evenings gm about momma yum lev Mn Mlal rumlly Cu i0 omy 01 km mm WI In uhum MI All um mm mm In ml hm at my Uh rural In ysz mums mal Haul la mu nk lm In UlCUllVl DFIVIN Immhn Cmnmx 5v 5pm MM CryNM OHmnlvl and WW mhw mm mm swam in mm In Iwny um Men on low mInq Alwh nu 0x ml Um Nuan town now your Cm om umu over we and pnco lango mm mo OM moom cm roommm omsrm mo wm man 10 ouumo on or mmoxusmcumn Amomvouu ammo am or voun uu mm you cmvmm own DHAIDOUI on OK wagon wm plmy al mom and mm mun luvmg éa ppm ll uw Whal mmm lvom yw Cmom ma smANsI chvmwl MEWS Do Mw co lmdlnifll mm Md mnpo lion Hm all um mu REM NEW CAR VMUEI Vaull ï¬nd II In cw lion ol éh lo MI All an new dud Ody In Inch Va any mod wym lo In my podulbool and mu 10ml Thno an OK Imd an vuluu you iuxl mnl chord vo mrn ml em lad lor mm you cm om dlulova mlly Can For my Ilu al lanky All in my toadnan All OK vud cm Minoan Ihlv laol and am And am pm 93 luv you In cl your cmom mun am Cm vruun Youll ï¬nd In our lion bl 6h 00 65 wwavpuchd nady la main mad Wvlhfr on your padslbook and lhln mm hm an OK md cat mum vo luxl cunl alfmd Io min on on lock lo mm 01 you ChevOld daolul 0mm ugh wurh option In mid Ih lack Mon antowns with law name All wuh thu OK loal clqualw Yho niuu Wm now you ChevOld due Mk rm lmulup unu conomy or V8 cognu All clean well epl am Man on own Mw Ivadu ins Wvlh wide nlazlion cl oplionx 1hua an on plan youll had le 1M good an mgh low cn Your ChevOst duallll nvvbll noun new car nodem wim with range 09 Iiom The pick the yuan la 56 Evary model sin Exceplnnofly low Mango Al mica ovll likoIEvcry wflh hu 0K mad ca name or nuabniy VN magi wggow Doum numwgmwmon Nlumwwmlmmm uwwwwrhlllclmam they an And lhevo on in ï¬ght luv you you cmva daaluvx nigh niw hobMy 65 Oldsmdmés ml vuwcI VMUH VHARDTOPSHI HARDTOPS WEDDIIZG TURN RIGHT AT INVITATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS Accessomes COMMERCIAL PRINTING DEPT THE BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE 7AM 90d Mb OR