Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 May 1966, p. 4

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Giants Into Spin second baseman drove in five tutu with two singles and ham HM loss in six germ In New York last weekde flunt camdad eight bin in ll M94 to he 1an Blue Mm wnk two of lhrea from San handy Ile xnapped the Mark down May my manlh for Boshm Red Soxl Rico human and Jose San agn Pounceuis home run produc firm has gone mm to mm since the ms of the mmm while Sanuagn has tuxmad winning prim wm 3W credentals The 25yearold Puem Rican rightunder 1001 it out on his former dub RIday night Men recorded M5 um mid game in tha majom firing Non so vioiory or the Red Sox aver Kansas City mumps Santiago now has won We In amwlotaseammarkd3l mm unloadal the heavy How twonn Mme In mth inning lam gave Santi ago some Wofidfld room Gianna am 12 111 style shifted to San Fran cwco but Hum pldced up when Red 50 Pair BloomIIn May Ruu Hunt canan his as uul on Herman irann Pitch By MIKE BATHET Assadled Pmljpnrh erln Al the he and the stand h1g5 aevdand Indians go flame unearned in the int wing and dealt Meago White 50 their fifth skalghl km Baltimore and Detroit split the Orioles taking the doubldloader upma a4 and the Tiger win nix theftsgmd game Nuaw York Ymkeos Minnesota Tyinl wbilu nm Mm mu in help of two error and beat Cali Maumu mcmml ms 3mm Sayfiago hiparu City allowed only am in Dick Gaza and Larry sum and two walki Nonstop Pillsburfli In Angela Philadtlphll Cndnnnll Allnnu New York SI LMJII Chins San Francisco IrMIyI Scorn Phlll WIWM 00 floulhm 0101020000 00 WHnsky BUM Fox anwlcs HO la and Dalrym p12 Ucrkcr BI mum flay mnml Owrns Hm and Batman um HonMIMI namnan II Yuk WI 001 MO Sln Fran 00020lo II Fuhvr 5cm filth Mdsnn I91 fllbnm l9 nntl Sle rllrnlon Pnry Mrnanlrl lhl and Hall NYllunl FHnrt Brown 11 Imhum smszw Aurlu 0M 20 DOO Frymnn Mikktbrn I5 Ind lnmnrunl May an Sub hm Mill ll MMHH Ml mu and mm In Manlmrg Bl IAI MD Mll CINIIHII MM 001 Wuhlmn lJl umiuhlrk Sllllml 1m Drnnll II Ind MrCarvrr hy uzl Mflnd lll ml Illunnlm lllu 1n Fvlwnnlq Ill1m Jdlnmn It rhlrlul OIHMWIl MAlh IN III4 II llnllrman IN Paul 11 mp IIan 151 lml lluntllry Immu lrr Am var Ill hi min Iii MlAMnn 110 Jam Mml Tam By JIM MORLEMAN ar only 75 you an nlvolhllpvoblo Try SOFSPBA DIRTY CAR CAR WASH ONLY BASEBALL RECORD mm rim Pd GBL he lefl off reaming base every limehe bamd And In 51mm he key How broom homer Melrhth lnnlnadlat broke ie Meanwhile at Cincinnall Joey Jay pitched the Reds In 54 vimry over SL Louis Sardinia Ho gavem mhiuagld Wk out mklefllnlhe eighfi Jays me name mt Red on the road in their filth straight vim and ninth 10 starts HIT TWO HOMERS Mack Jones two humor In fivehauler Illackulal gave Atlanta Bram View over Chicago Cubs Pitlsburgh Petrocelli vflm homered in the sevenlh has boosted his batLing average mm 156 to 234 and his rumhalledin total frvm one 11 since Hie first of May Garry Bell was in and out trouble almost all the way but made three nun stand up for the 32 decisim that boosted due Mains lead names we It was mum high an OrioleTiger doubldleadcr WM 24 Nu in the first game and 20 in the secmd Frank Robimon Elihu raised his homer SW and Dick McAulifl named pair or Delmit cum hennahitters were Brooks Rob kmn Andy Etchebawm and Cur Bldary or the Orioles Jim Noflhnm and Bill Freehan for the ngers Dawnjng druck nut 11 and came within one out finishing as ma Yanks squeomi by the Twins Camila Pascual was clipped or the two Nuw York mm in he filth on due Boy ers dmfle EIsLm Howards Imng 9ndRoy ngiles Inpln Dan buck carnud across the winner at Wmingon He got min the botlam 7f the ninth on homtop Jim mzoda error mi raced home whm third basénan Paul Sohaal uncorkcd wild throw to int aller field ing Frank Howards bum sin The Samara also capitalized on an urher From bobble He miaiayed Ken MCMHHDIIA Krmmdcr In the aim and Paul Casanova Hm homared may Smru clmInd we con may ool noma Doll 41 null Am Jahll 121 fisher and Romano McNmnry new 010 II mllmm no 102 Swarm Sherry Podm and Frcohnn nun ktr Ml Wall nnd Eldm barren mu DelFmhnn HI McAuliIle 11 IIalIflchcbnr rm llnhlnsnn In rlmll 201m 00 I110 unlllmora oooxum Monhmqutlla Shtrry and Fr ManHy 51 llrnbmdrr Ill Drahnw Aky and Huhrhumn mu HM Nnxlhnm UI MrAuHHo If YulIL lmimun In ll lnry II fluMMIm 10L Mlnulnll MMDlDl IO Yolk 0mm WI 40 lnwunl am nnmu l7 and Imlry Dmnml MI Rn mm 411 ml mm Mural XIDWHD Vlllllflbfl moooul no Hruml Slnfnnl HI In mm Al Ilunlrua 1111 And Mun Orlrga Immiwey KIWI Hll it nml inw MI Ill 01 nmel ll CunXml Wm Wm Inunnva 11 llnm My WWWD Hula 090001 10 Tllhol 114V Wyn will llrynn Sanllun IJII ml Tm man ll lkwlflnxrlfl Barrie Tent 8x Awning American Lune WL Pd GM md 20 714 are In 11 613 IV Hill In our no mvlnq Incl Conml Onmlo J4 llyllold $0 cit AL UMINUM on CA NVAS BEAT THE HEAT ENHANCE YOUR HOME PROIECT YOU YOUR FURNISHINGS Mi iPMUXQS edged 55 LII 10 hnillfil Pirates belief Lon Angelu gen Philaddphi straight angles smoe last Sm days gum against the Mela they Many find We powfl with solo home by Jim Hart and Ollie BrawnaBut in the flywhdohn Sim and Ed Brosmd sinzled and Him tagged LW McDanid for NI mu marml wxmny nu waldsv Main Weenm shut in the filth iminzandjomy Helms and Dem Johan col leeflnssuln homeuh me Bil Mcaol med lel fourth victory against two do feaLs and lha Cardinals eighth hum ralfly byslrikillg out Jerry Budwk alum who has hem out of the lineup became of shout der merafim hit solo homer in Lhe second inning and com mad ith man In in the seventh PROVIDE THE POWER Hank Aaron hit his Nth ham and Joe Torre and Felipe Alnu each tagged their ninh in sup port of Denny Lemasier Emit Banks supplied Lhe Cms ms wig pair 01 lwmers The Pirales against the Dodgers by balm DonVSuuon or iv firsfinning run Willie Slarxells lwwun double was the big bl Rn and Bill Mazemski each sin in on run during the wnslg Jul Tmborg accounled or twu Dodger runs with homer The Aslmx built load with the help ol hmneu by Felix Manlilla and Jain Batman the Phillies tin It In the eighth wilh tourm rally capped by Johnny Caflisona lwonm sin gle In the 100 pinchhitter Harvey Kucnn doubled and nventually mod on sawifice fly by Cookienolu Pllchlnxfilose Santiago Red Sox named his former Kansas 01y lcunvmale on two singles or his first complete game In he major as Huston Rod Sax defeaed the Athleticrao BillingRon Hunt Mali col leclcd two singles and three Iun 21th Inning homer that snapped in driving in five runs in New Yorks 75 victory nvcr San Francisco Giants The Glanhhniled +2 in the Columbus Jacksonville Tolcdn Rochcsltr Richmond nuunln Wmuso Tnmnzo lflrlul Scam Tnmnla Rochester BuflaIa Syracuse mm Ithde Columqu Jarkmnnlle Columhul NO 100000 Jlrhlflla 200100 001 I0 Siltllrnhnrk Ilnhnufla and Price unlock mm and 20mm Tcdtdo W3 DW 0011 erhmond 001 100 le Milan Walker Pn hycicn 71 um Fernandot Mam and Cnnnlzmro Hll IliuhBarridn llllflllu ID 002 Hyllrull IWIIO M0 lmkc firm HM And 0hrnnnn Graham HI Ihllrr ml Tndlunhmmr AM HIHJKXL ll Hut MM llnznouky mhlok Tarmln mbooooiI llwhnlcr MIMWIIHI FUTURE GAMER Tnnight mum ll Elm val M5 SundayPlain rillfla llm MommyMIN VI lfhvy nlr men 1mm TumlnyAflmvnI it Now mmm Dunmulls 1h Reds eolleded bl their INTEIIMIIDIAT MM FUIUIIE MAINS Tunmy Imp Enlmnn ll mum Qultnl I7w BALI STARS Internangling Mr Fr EIlmll SOFTBALL 10 finkadd olpvenpln uned mum um sunran Lo IQ amugl Kenyan District GM Guides of Canada panda Email1000 Ill BonninMey 19 109mm mnuai event Indloadd mm Drive won the JaymeTwigs Jaym dbmohflmt wig Samwat Barrio Phu10ny ally mmmuhln¢d to throw cubism entereq we thlhhe mecpaqle aFadval Service Dad loathfl their new Home ol Worship Sunday mm the when Gunch of the Good WW buiid Jehvvaha Witnesses played host to more than 501 VNIJIIK dew ualea 1mm 10 mnaagafims from Central Onhano over It weekmd Glare Stallm dis rat group elm Tan zanian students graduated mm anRCAF kainging program at Canadian Farm Base Bolden 111a eight trained Alma mick McFadden Codtingloq Street Pub deoL wan HI Barrie Hmwul nl Society Md place went to Marcia Law mce Hillcrm Public Sohooi Understmding the greatest mi in breaking down prejudic es in Canada today members Whih many dairies have buck led under the pressure men months Lakeview Dairy will slay in mines and enjoy unA limited growth Widen Vil laid Khuje Tuesday night old Two rmluuonl uppmvcd Way by the Ontario traflic conlcmnce would help police umuol Mom and reduce the number drinking dnvm ac wrding luIohn lurk diskricl Hundréas WatchGuides Parade Bonnie Buier Wins Driving flbadfego Lufhéran Church Dedicated Iehovahs Witnesses Hold Meeting umximmdmt Oahuh Pmin Local tampon racking Ind bus companin huml lheir 1965 madmuroe drivers Salur dny Cent Unlltd Church Awards um presented in our Tanzanian Students Graduate Grid IL 0d Dave Snkm and Nancy nanllnx wm when as lop ollicer wlm Wulmlny the mm nnnual Bnme District Darrin mu him In em Ind Ontario and in not don over Molrmlimn Tormln Mnyrr Cook mid Wod Wins Horticultural Contest Tom Kerr Addresses Kiwanis nmdny mm mm Oookv lo YITAWA le Sovlel mixauy hu derided lo mm mm MINI muan lud many In 1hr lmll Mumlnm murfly nquiry umiumnn lnr Ihc nu bnuy nyn nuuln didnt hm my kind undinl minInn Hnncd In Mnnlrul In 1900 NP Mm mulled la lhn lnqulry now Mflmxlnfl un Tumlly qu Ihll Mn Munum In Him llvwl In Mnnuul bqulml 41 Im Twat BL hid Mun hmmd Snvlol Imllnl mummy Employees Told 01 Growth Traffic Resolutions Bpprbved AccidentFree Drivers Honored Top Cadets At Inspection Russians Gerdas Barrie Focal Point minmm mm THIS WEEK IN BARBIE 7266417 cl BanAu lrlMeojbmwdel and wow look punch the colorlul parade Mayor Cooke wiHrMunIvun Graeey division mmluieuer Ind Jahn book fin Mule It yin tandem endeavor realm Tho Imfldinz committee thin manjonald Moore hlnded flu dlmhjey tom Josth MM 99da water flw mu trio supérvmor for Jehovahs WSW and principal speaker amine may in his key mud his who to 39309 uhvjly in the InMan mkislry Inslrumenlal EleckIcal Techni cians were premtedfiondav wifil graduadon diplomas by he lamanian High Commissioner Lo Canadl Gusher Maud Rut Susan Pam Hind Eight elementary schools pafllcjpaged In the mdeon and ouch punt emered had no mdvadlse any onerol he six main shuws m1 events sponsored by the oiety during 1966 ol the Kampenlelt Kiwanis Club Md Yesterday by Tom Km chmman of an gam Centmizl Oommlktu 115 Lakele enmloyees gumbo pafliml mmkly hora will only be 10 dalrlu la in Onlario 5an ML Klnzie this la um caseLahevqu will be me of thou lo cia Poliu Animal Huntom mmdafim in resolufim mm mmzco cmlumoe delegates re solved um the pmvincial gov emmml should pmvidc bezisla lion or mm drivu a1 Winn ulh the hm uon Safely Association with levqu drivers mdvinx mnx nition fu In years wk dri vinu Cooke Inmim Dave receivrd the George Rodgers My 01 ha best boy MM and Nancy the Ollinn Moss Edmr Why 11 the be girl dfim cmlu Enter Inquiry nether with roundla moral mvcmmma mmmitlfl Idrht ovrr 70 WW r1 Cum merca munbm ll démer mminl MM It Community Home Former Cunmvahvu Jullu mlnhlrr mm Fullrm 1M limo nwm In hl lulirmny More lhl lmliry May and Momd lo Sm1m mam ntnq In um hulldinl uh he Harmn dlvorvu had mr uurlmmt Wur mm mm mllln Ihl Inquiry um um Mn Munnlnltr who 1de In Cnnmla hum ma In Infl hm prim In Gummy lhu 11mm Inttllixmu nor mm pmfllun ADVANCE TV VACUUM SERVICE mu Mhémiv mu mm Am IS YOUR 1v omvma YOU CRAZY Jun ull mm or banal mama bun mm 110 would mileel an injusidh In the hnada momma Act was wind out in he Gunman manyjyumhu HbeuI Grant Deuchmnil Van mmv Quadra said Wand of universil mm db halcth the 19 metal election beauav they were not resident Ind gnawing ch weirdly why the citation was ca Undet amendmm to the Id Menu mailing recog nlud ahmhml Mlulion would be donned to be raiding in he electoral district where mam Uteri WNW res Inn pallet and mm custodian are responsible for undy mangmm the Palace of Waunimm Wbse wme 150000 pm vlsit the House of mems each year Peril stalked Wgstmlmm on occasion lu bygone days but ln recent years there have been no lnddml unparalle with the bomb explosion that killed man Canidas Parfiml Buildings Wednesday However when the Queen oame lo Vesmflnsler or the 1mm opening Palliammt Warn 21 an oldnmal mulled the attempt Guy Fawm to blow up the House of lads and King James Iwith gun powder In i605 Yeoman ol the zuani pmwled through vault and basement In symbvuc seamh for mod am gunpowder plot Spokasnm for the servants Aarms who wmmand Ihe se curity one at the Common and lords mulled WH views Friday Ihat and British IsTctlkéd out Incidents Few IngBritish House Parliament At Glance rmwn CmCanada Ed the Unilcd SAM are playing handon act MI Cn nndinndovoloped mum luke oll nnd lmlinl nlm Manned mmfltd mm 013 Alum By THE CANADIAN PRESS CHIdim Mllcllll are wait lna an by but man my lb Us ll back rmdnc Um Di 11 win plum which can r190 VIN Ihnlly nnvl hm fly like an on dinnry Ilrcrnll FRIDAY Mly 20 1966 WM pased mo 51 mum aslimaun rx me put olflcq depaflmml apd ham study of those for the intimxry dgpgfgnyenl mlmn olnclnla Imonr uni In no Mmhor the Cann Hm anNnmml hm nigh mm In the mathim lo rm duclhm Emmy Inln DuApmjtd mm lundl nw nwmlnmnw mmlnir ltd MIMI in mkl dlo ll hu ml mm um um mom of HA mm mmry Mn lha plow mllfil the LM Transport Minile Plcken III said study ha been starkd on new lock the Welland Canal that amid can $2300000M mu m14mw1¥mm SNIDER DRILUNG L101 MINIMUM John Stewart pndiamenl ary ussmm to Wnrks Minkler Mclhaith Bald Mr Deadmnn bill con vague It didnt 9de mt whatedmumu mum ad men hofirr so Mn Deadunana biller In the end of long list private membera billsfland may not be debated again at this lesion Spokesman Imj the New Dem octaflbandSoeSal TAedit pan iessald they would vote for the hill but Cmservafive MPIsaid it should be amdlai by com millee HughrFaulkner qu bmwghlssaid Ihe Elections Act prime mm was naked at Westmnslen He was Spencer Perma1 Tory slaln with gunfire in 1312 by man round to be dammed Assigned Ia he Comma are an inspector two sergeants and 26 washable of the London metropolitan police who are re sponsible lmevexylhing up do the entrance in the galleries Doorkeeperslhere is local as Hm hqued mm to the Com mnm chamber itself and keep order in Ihe galleri BEZZANT NURSERY FLORIST HEADQUARTERS FOE SEED PLANT FOOD POTS AND CONTAINERS Everythan For Thu Glrden ss Johnlan st 1190241 zeaz=sa Wm géw VBIGHT Drapery Cleaning Services Dycks Food Market 151 Tlllln ISO Collllr Sh TELEPHONE 728533fl AND ENQUIHH ABOUT OUR COMPLETE FOOD PLAN BEEF FRONT QUARTERS lb BEEF HIND QUARTERS lb BEEF SIDES lb BRIDGESTONE MOTORCYCLES SALES SERVICE AND RENTAL OF MOTORCYCLES AT BARRIE EQUIPMENT RENTAL GUARANTEED N0 SHRINKAGE lob amula BEZZANTS ANNQUNCING NEW DEALERSHI FOR lllr St 7285319 Bmlo THE STONE WITH THE CUSTOMER PROFIT SHARING COUPO ch All planed with Marianas Ha belleved the voting age rhmfld helowered 018 fitm 2L Hewalso wanted In make sure persons in hospitals and nursing homes were able lo vnle Another prouem was he highnunbcr of floating voi M5 in some ridings Students at the University cl Toronto or at McGill or fixample could exert deciding influence it they actedjn mnmrt CENTRE OF ELECTROLYSIS UNWANJEDHAIR SAFELY REMOVED FREE COIjSULTATION For Appointment Call MlxxEylvll Corllull Give the sin of music gift that will last anniver sary aller anniversary Dunlap Thg McLARNEY KEENANS MUSIC STORE Sum 11 ZFred Gun Wflsnn Bldg 55 Dunlop 725159777 Now available WALKWEL SHOES 7280390 Duplop It Bmlo Ont 71832 38c 58° 48c 22m

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