Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 May 1966, p. 2

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Committee Chairmen Outline Their Work msulllli lhnl zone will not hm Industrial Area In new nubdlvlslona We hope have lwo mm mnnlnd on oath lot and he sciback of home on mmor lob will be atudlcd ho uld Barrie Is Wildqu location city acordlng Md EL Horse chairman ol coun cLlg city dcvclopment cammit lcc Iris up In you and me on sure the highest and best use the land within its boundaries tor our use and our downd nnlsf he sald be firm In dmling cases when an individual xtaml la make aw dollars Secondly plain mrclcssncsx Nevcr make nwrcruue ol properly wkhoul chmklng lho zonan of he lur roundinz arm he wnmrd filmghout but we are living in Dime gth said Mayor Cooke Barrie he said has healthy rural blend Mr Hersey aald hi commit 100 had two majar items of concern regarding zoning first he ducwm Individuals to Mayor Cooke together wlflr councils general government oommluee addressed over 70 Chamber of Gommema men her at dinner meeting held at Omnmnlky Rome The program was dwide ta acquairt chamber umber with we current problum rac ing clty council and what pul ley and program council ad vacating or the next few years Acmnpanying the mayor was AIrL Frod Smifln chairman of public works Ald Frank Her sey chairman oi clly develop ment cqrmnillee and Aid Ev erett Emma vice chalnmn ol mumilfs finance cummiflec Al so pmsz was Wntcr PM City mamgcr It gunmaan aoceptnd Barie Is focal point in Cal lral Ontario and is not slap over or Melmpolitan Tamika Maym 000k said last The nun mun of Ina 1va llmnl Manny nl WM slnwrw Am slim Diocm nl Tnvnnln Ill M1 lm nigh ll Glln Barrie Is Not SlapOver Oi Metro Chamber MemberSTold Ha pald he committee L1 naw 11 city dcmoprrwnl mm FIREWORKS RURAL DEANERY OF WEST SIMCOE HOLDS MEETING on anewL HOBBY CENTRE Hump 7mm HHBOLBS Complm movaonl Ctlambcrmetnbars We told Ihat the fiveyear pruyam was mm in 1L latter stages and was known as Lonnectlng link agrnmuntl The Mayor sald council continually points out tn the govemment what It feels ls the Wiper Action to take We see local pmhlems best and mmt translate them to other leEls ol gvvcmhmt he said millee operates under the fol lowing arms reference alum bcr members ware told zonlng and planning waler counts 10 waterfront dcvekrpment zonal pmjoou and as senior clfizons housing and homes or Ihc ngul tourism and convention prmuon and mm memal and indusmal develop Inan neganiinz housing or Imlor dawn the cumin Milan was approved by council Wu mum flu Ibo 0mm Hous lng Cormrullm construct in recommcndad smlor dlem banning units In the city The city mld Mr Horsey mm as The whys street Improvme program ls becoming inneasing Iy rlanl said Mayor Cooker said the live year program establkhed law years ago due to dralnagc and road problems covered the greatest area at lhe lowest poable cost Allluugh then was not slan dard of perfection our program hspinzd other clllm tn do the same he said The curt ry en dcncy will remit In normal Price hwreascs Incoming to Mayor Cooke who said we must be Regarding the rmmicipai Ah pori Mr iicrscy said the 014 lowing Milan was passed inst week in chamber nun uiaciurlng committee submit Idler ta councils special Ap polnlcn on lhe qucsiion ol mmiclpal nixport indicating their cmiorsemcni icslmbiiily of study being muda to es liilhiish such iadliiy lot Bar and he pointed out that the dos tiny nl Ccnlml Ontario Hes In individual cities He predicted that Barths influeme will soon mush Mytppohan Tuwm ChumIL Gum npralxm In rmdnl Nev vllllnm Mint NU mllnM dlmlnr Hm reonn urvlcu Tommie Am Rev balsam Im nml 1mm rldm mlor ol lhn llurdl the Goal Show held Wmon Fulltvwlnl heir GARDEN SUPPLIES IMHF RT onoud Plum IGunnlumI outgonlu deluZ Hm liunlnlu Ilimvl Mluvdul The cky Maya Cooke 13 promuly studying with On and Innlsfil lawnships with View to Belting up consnwatlon authorlty Ground water Is as lontlal to any community and Barrio lucky not to have loo much of pmbhm he said Regaxdlng pollution corlrol or clean up the bay the city has recslved the hm possible co operatlon from lndmtrlnl levds and the mayor eels the Sblfl Um ls now in our hands The project ha involved great deal of sewage dlsposal waxkl and there new mm trunca dous impmvumc Barrla willie lrs cty ln llfue district to set up fiveyear capital program hereby Bur The Mlcworksvmnflloe under the chnlnnmship of Fred Smilh cumulus the allowing tom rdmncc culturing road and 51m molnlennnce rmd and street lmnrovemen pmgram and paving sewage plant operaLlon and cumlnlcllon control of dogs slnrm and san itary sewer operatlon and con svtmdlon raffle policy prno lim parklng and truffle vcy Over the last five years re puflcd Ald Smith ch5 of almLs have men curbed ml re constructed 7a mllca have been pdde and ther and 15 mm lme leeched MMIJI paving AM Ewml Emms vlmhnlr man councils finance com milwo cmlnlnod Um msmnsibll Mm of his committee They ln cludu plmhascynnd sak al pm vurty mtxmbnu departmcnl nspflallmum communlly vlces oplimI Ire dupurh mm rostrum llison bdwwn the thumb common nnd council and More ham sume rcsponsibilily or taxes in cxggss offs pcrllnil mindful that he communily isnt Web Constnldlm 61 um and St he said had been set aside for one year and ntlenlinn has been turned to he hikeshme Road We have esubllshcd program merely the city can control costs more easily he snide POLLUTION CONTROL OPIllo Poll anllllmI 05nd 310mm mmmm on Anclknn WM Mlulnns hem mu unrl dhnmlm which wm mmlrra lul Ivy Dr Iv nnd lmm hm slnyner Im ml leann the mount Ill NM Moon riuhh Ilanlr 11H nlnc pmkinu molar in 13min Ho dlrl not name he Maul Ho admluul buying swims wllh money Mulm mm III melm Cravm Allmy John Murphy Ink hat ulna melen M1 lur rla Im 0mm was broken bl rlmluunmhull mg In And nnmhcr our dnmnxcd on April In Hemlrl lalullul 352 he 51M Mr Murvhy Md tour Uul Mnclmuhlln MI Iva con vldlom um MI uman Obvlmuly 7mm lmm dimly no In movmry 111 Mr Mummy in mmmml Ma Jnil lerm Amid be out dzflnlh mlllwkflnlla period In um lh 111a youlh Dougan Robert Mc Laughlin hm hm remanded In cuswdy or lenienan while INme report was wanted Com wax old null Mncuughlln was on probqlkm when the ol encu wnl emumllw ink lnmwrnlim amn nlhon lthyoplh pirwude Hrncn mxdw denMn Uu mum Cum wM loltl Ihu pm unlmcu mm wlfl by an Inr 31dean ton comm Mayer Cooke praiscd 1km Kerr cenlunninl committee chairman or his lrmncndou landmth in arranging pro grams to celebrate Canadas loom bixfihday The mayor urg cd Chamber members to submit ideas to Mr Kern committee The Centennial Park coming along according to schedule and the mayor said Jack Garner project chalnmn menuy Assur ed him the park proper would be cong by July 1967 MM slbilily Io other and ourselves in 1961 mgunflng public reh lons It wm be an opparllmky Io leave lasUng impression on persons lravnflng to the area he snld He said he was tired ol hear ing that Barrln Is Just place you pass on your way the Muskoka area We must draw the auvan of flu Work that meslint Barrie much mreflugthis Wemncom Last week the youth told court that he walla In Mr Mi venflun cl We mm people to come back open bushes ind induslrles and Spend Mme and money here he tinted Every pumn he passes narrle anld ha mayor tipo or being ed ucalad lo at rle Ontnrlnl most progrusive city mycamld Angus charged with unda $50 was mumch to nix mouth in 111 by Magklrnle F0612 mdudny ria pvades or its capital ex wnditma Exlemlons to the IL brary hospital and educallon Militia are examples of recent mum programs thch are brought up lg date annually college applied am and lcdmclngy commonly known as community college has fitted Bnrrlns need perlealy In the opinion 01 Ihe mayor who said he only thing still in he es tablished Wm the exact location of such an Institute cnn say whats In the mm right now but pulilic enlhuslasfiu is certain to help us bring the to leg to Barrie he said TQM KERR PRAISE Angus Youth Gets BMonth Jail Sentence II mu planning on mmmnlnl mul llnnmlnx 1mm Mr luv ovrr IJfi IIM ym Mum mt we Mulhlxlly ymlr fllflflll nlu be no In mun10m all It mum and uh rum nan may be IM llu minum 7m him ever spent DELTA ACCEPMNCE mmor lOWEST INTEREST RATES second leddml 15 pm an amp SL near Cerlrpl Col lulau remind in 200 damage last night thieves smashed the glass In service door at the BP garage at Amle and Inning sired Ind escaped with in we 38 In cash Banin Pollen ads Ed Mir hart hm urged an motorists In Inkrpart In lclevislon driv ers test to be broadcast over the CBC network Iomm The pollen depflflmmt will digripug payaAshgmAloAhmh school pipienu Ir Sdrnkk ol Elmvale Robert wmlm of 19 Queen St Barrie Ind Dork Madam of Parkdak Cam we involved In Ibo mlshap lnyomd were May 6e1 haw158 Dunlap West and mm Sprole 1a of as Mary mum milkion on Dunlap FM earner vain Thltvm kicked in door and made off with an mflmrd nw lot fishing fickle movie cam era mm and two pairs water skis so um they maynm out us how good their mm ability Is The promm In sdleduled tar nclodk hvolvad car driven by Head rik Vlndoberl 75 at RR monk and George £4an 1m Barrie Property valuad at over 00 has been xeporled stolen rum cabin on Kempenleh Drive at the wt of Nekon Square ac ceding to ally pollce 53 Reg Nenthay of Barrie pollce depmmenl LI Invefllm lng filmcar Wonwa afternoon united in $750 dam we 15 flying csogped mm Mam city pom MERE EXAMINER THURSDMY MAX EstimateuDaigage $750 Following 3Car Collision Urges Motorists Take Part In Test Thieves Loot Cabin In City 0813 1va Weltsuu relics edlmm damaga EXPORT ALE Summer after summeryear after year Canadas largest selling ale is FROM MOLSOiNSINDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 ago Wyearold Claude Dubs left Vancouver 3C on bl cycle H15 destinallmlhe world The Quebec Guynative arriv ed In Barrie yesterday mmhg arm nineday Journey ram Parry sound He lei Vmcouv cr Sept 1965 and arrived in Toronlu on Deer He Was lhen forced to poslpom his trip around the wodd because oi bad weather he flew back In Vancouver 11m he spent the winter months working various Mrs He Vuavolled by train mm ac to Parry Sound mm in he Georgian Bay town May He plans to leave Barrio this anumoon next stopGalt Mr Dub one Around the World In Five Years with $5 and he ndmlued mat when has arrived in am he had only $125 to his name In each lawn ha visit Mr Dubu glvm away special souven 1r cards Ior which he mm limes given donation calm appears on televisioan most major clljcs andASplends to write fimgazlnu article on mavpm DRIVING BICYCLE Some 4700 miles and tires Waffle World In Five YeGISWith $5 GLOBETROTTER CLAUDE DUBE STOPS INJARRIE mm mom MOVIE Mr not the Idea ol worldwide Lrlp ram the rmle Ammd BB Warld 80 Days Ewr since was young have always hem dreaming bout doing thLv In met people v15 dflremt countries and how other people live he said He adth that he is gmrnlly wcll mlved whome In goes espedally in the prairie prov Inca The only place whom had it bl Lrwbla was In mn th Cdxmblrnvwheru Inseam on Franohapeakhg When be com lakes his trip Mr We who CW Attached to blcycle 2001mm home made train which contains camping equip giant ooh cIaLhIng and spun and banmder bi trade grass of bin trip berme he leaves Canada Headed east he expect to reach Halifax NS by Sept 1966 He will work hL wapr Miami on ship and from there our the rest at Europe hopemyvpopularlE will job he Bald Far young advenlumrs lllr Dube recomnmldsany means tran atlon not necessarily summary LOWE BROS PAINTS Gauguin mm Spatula Benuly MM GmLh Bully Applied Madam Colon chunlcll mm Economch Nan Annual FOR POOL PATIO Rubber Bug Enamel 5w

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