Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 May 1966, p. 2

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32 rftri RéViSion of Them Ad Vital Task For Parliament One of the major mks conhvntlng Parliamem ls ravxsion of the Bank Act Reports suggest that finance Minister Mitchell Sharp probably will remave the six percent ceilingon bank Meresc rates Coupled with this ls ahlnt he might imposera new mnlml linked in the state of lmslness activity III MAMHM Ar Inner he rflmmelunrr mum than £7 cmmnml hlnwll MU min Hm IN rwnl II 110 Mm mnwn ll dmmnl nrommrnh run Isa blanml Tlle ponlhlo Al nol lnw lho rmpol Ilcuy pmmm ll ulz Im mudIt do not flmM HIM pulsan mm lmnx mnde damnd In mm mm n1 Mm mm In rnunuy un ml mum Imnlm Jml no mu rm un be mrvvnlwmuwwmmm umu wuumuru uwuuu Dy uca Jones engineer impeded 207 mile of omniy loads iloynl Canadian Drag oons at Camp Borden conducted iirsi postwar ccmmoninl graduation of non commlssioncd oiiiccrs TM inmon and iiiumy Ford opcntd Barrie Moat MnrkcL is nnudpniui that Guy Lombmio famous band leader will bring his emit to tho membth re aila manna by Barrio Clmmim of om mcrcu ihis summer iio L1 impinlg in break woridn record Hany Mulnonh TrlhnnnOn hh mum lmm Mp Io Wealun Cunadl mom 1pm lully Vlnnllww Andra IA Mllq Henry Mnnlml Mar Council Mm pman in lmnnlnlnmrUrn ml llom In My mm thll mnsl room In Uni mu unwaro thnl unlvrrul upmlunn In In Mr In Manual Barrio Ex miner May 16 1943 Capt Haber Smith of Midland district re cently discharged from Canadian Army became associated with Barrie law firm at Stewart Stewart Ilo enlisted in 1940 following graduation from Osgoodo Hall with Royal Regiment of Canada and trained at Camp Borden In 1941 he transferred to the Westminster Reg iment oi BC and saw aciion in Norm Africa Italy France and Belgium Capt Smith was appointed Adjutant oi the reg imont prior to its return to Canada early this ycar Delegation oi Barrio lions visited clubs at Newmarket and Bowman ville headed by President Tony Saso Guest alm rm William Garner depu ty ct omrnor Simeon Count road commute handed ViT 20YEAR A69 IN TOWN The builder who had constructed the houses in the Ontario community near Toronto requested that restraining 1n juncflon be issued on the ground that the signs would cause lrreparahle damage The application was dismissed by Su preme Court judge Mr JucheijD Stewart éommented that it hadjzccn said that this de liberate and malicious attempt to pre Th II Irlmlnn hlla on rum lull ll I011 mm lho Pth uuo pm at nnndl They were not happy with the con struction at their new home and 55m lidzed their dissatisfaction The gm posted on their properties carrle such messages as Be our guest come and see the mortar mess Help our mortar sandy and Our dream homes turn ed into nightmares Rather unusual invitations extended by two Bramalea residents suggesfing all and sundry visit their new homw have precipitated court case In reverse fashion It can be reasoned that permit the banks hlgher inter est rate ceiling or to abolish ths ceiling mncept altogether would buLenhance their profit position would compel 5th to hlgher rules genexally and hence in crease the cost of doing business all am the board One of the arme for imam the me is that metbgfiks would bet made mareresponslvep egvvemmensown monetary licles once interest rates generally ad Iisen above the ceiling tha banks could use the plea at their loans as an effective way of bmldng de mand whengovemment policy was in tended to exercise restraints Tho Porter Royal Comdeon on Banking and Flnance called for aboli tion of the salutary limit Dissatisfied With House Walla Publlahar Ehéxmarrié QUEBEC OPINIONS PUbllahad by Cnnhcflln lelplporl Llinlted 16 BnyfluldStmt Barrio Ontario HMMcPhmbn Mdfiafilng Editoyr MONDAY MAY usePm Our jrb nmm In run 01mm every any lum numhM nl Immva ml lo ml Huth nlher mamn mauer ol vul Mlllll lrom All mum anally muum we do not rmmbq hum read at Men Innhlnq lhnl would MM our AHMUMI an Mm mm Nun an Amm rnn will ml ulnmm I1 iin limo Vunnn Nomi Only thing In ruin An Mmunla Nuller warm main warm mum mi mm hm lull In an In mmlrkl will an In norm mm Elna mm of lhll Alu II Mmo mu Mr or nml nl umn um hm mnemnx In ny About ll IM ninu mm mud under numllr In hm whlln Mu mm dawn wtlh III um um lhll luvcmnwnl red Inn Impuu IN In III Inn nrlulnq yuhirlty um um mfluu Um dam and mun1 Mum cum lot enmulnlnl muln mm cnnm onshlp Members were Re Pa Sam human lL1 lllckllng Dou as Allen llllnm uuc lmnk Flnvclle llev Rowe Blll Slc henson Wltll nvo now teachers star Ilarrlu Collc nlo vlll total 20 In Scplcmhcr New 511 are Vlclnr Knox Mr Mercer ML Joy Ronald Mlxs Marlon lllclmnl nml Dalton Nmblll Mldland plant and sales manager or Barrie Tan ning elected president Barrio Bowling League Harmony Grill won team championship with bowlers Bill Adams Earl NonLs Wes Bailey Tom Moxon Fred Wilson Bud lomlinson and Dick Rawctt Olympia Restaurant was sec ond with Chris Bakogeorgo Stral Balm ficorgo Bud Kashner Bmco Reynolds laury Slmnsmnn Slaus Bnko corge and Ken Guilfo lo Wilmer Ilowel with 413 had high single for season Mr and Mrs lmnk Taylor reopened JaCksonu Grill after closing or week for extensive mentions Mr Taylor just com icicd busy six months operating lunch Barrio Arena Minclr Poini dance vilion opened for season with music Bob Powells Melody Men Buran Ave United Church hcid dinner to wei cvmo members of armed services Spmk or was Fit 14 William leg DCI cadet rifle loam won Georgian Bay Ehnmpion 03 Page For that matter whalever pumhaser buys he should be able to exprm his chagrin it does not match its billing Eng ofmurse If his complaint has foun on The case muld seem to decide the question of the right dissittsfled homebuyer who feels so Inclined to tell others how he teets about his purchase The merits claimed or any property by the seller can be widely expressed Sure Iy look at the other side of the coin is qually pennlgslble vent the plaintm from selling the re mainder of its houses and indeed there is evidence that fewer houses have been sold recently than prior to the time when the signs had been erected However the jurist ruled am not satisfied that there is any malice nor that an Invitation to pmspecuve bu er to see mom whether in ood or ad condition 11 an actmwhidx oulqbe enjoined um vnufimwmmnm Perhaps of greater importance was the recommendation of the Porter Commis sion that banks and near banks indeed nonhanks should operate within single arenaot com etition and regula tion under revised Act Contempor experience dictates the necessity for ghter regulatory measa urea However this centralized finance proposal has an inherent weakness in that it would require sanction and paral lel action by all provincial governments because mortgage loan and trust comp nnies engaged in deposit business always have been under provincial jurisdiction The commission in effect has mosed that the provinces surrender in etion over the intennediary function of the near banks It is open to uesijon it all the provinces will be ng to assign their authority and control to the fed eral government and Parliament both to andmn are weighiy indeed in b0 financial gnd political terms Mr Sharps decision will bq atmeg Laced withthe political consideration and this in act may be the explamflan for the luggested new control device Tho argmgnw unit canzbgrxnado nit VILLWIIson General Mgnnfior IIIJMII UHWLIL lDNlXN 0M lmlJ Duh tl mm was dodai pmldbnl Saturday Onl Irh Inrenl Cam DH Ind mi 01 llmrln 90va mmluy MUM but llul WilUMM ol lImmm W1C mun vixopmhkm and EN Hemm nl mm 1m rnI nl mhurll To MI m1 mm wIU My MAN mlr wm only IIWHNI um ml ll Um mama ul Nifty Ind ll Hw ll roulerer In mm haw an hind In 11 mlly mm ML my tn buy of cuuclm In mm rumllulnl ml man an nu ml Ihnl Thu Mu In turn hm will ho unlrw ul uxmlllnn Moulml m1 gnr CAnnd ml Minimum he wrld wlll nnl thrido mu Mammal m1 wyhln may would dnddc tn buy pnck of clflullu In mm rmmllulnl ml mm unarc mg ml Ihnl Thn mu mm noun ll Mn 41 mm the Holy Land all Ind llmlllr nrdm made npw mm In Bun Such mm Jnhn JarmtlmrlV lhn Knight of Mulls mo Tcmnlnrl Ind flu Holy Land led the Ilth Ind Ital In tho axpllll la aka up mm Chrlsllnn licAl bxvunrhood Ihxu being teln lamd by many nlck under imn Enghnd ficollnnd rum 1an and otlm Eu man counlriu 1h Mlllmy and Hospital Order Snlnt Lama ol Jeru ulem to give It It lull lnrk name lltml from My plul minded by Hyrun Mao ctbem at meulnm bdrm ho MN cl Chxhl The flu un my Wm betweni lhe cru gpqerg nmj he lnfldglsAln the aux Speaker of the House 0mm Madame Jeanine Emblem director cl Manl reall mm do ll Poudrlere Jean mend mm lrgula UN ooumfllor ILF Mercler viapresident lo Sch11 new paper Hugh John Flemming armor nremlcr New Bruny wick Ilowntxce 0n larlol mlnhtu of labor Mldlml Akhome chum Vlllmmve 41001 or hundl capped children John Mnlhe xon MP lalher um now Cn mm mm And other 2509 mus cnlmm Twenty Canadian men and when all leaders In thnir oormpmlflumr chosen mm were whende 0491 Saint Lawus in colorfu in mal medtnz Qusbec Cily Theselndudod Malamut By PAmiCK NICHOLSON WAWACm oi the sick and the unity All Ciuistian laid were Lhe mlhymicc live dominating cnnlcrenu Canadas oldul order re cmfly held in Canadal nidcsl will 101an 11hr lnrrlr Exmulurr nw Cnnullnn ml urlullvely mum In tho me or whileum at All um dumlrhes In um ID tmlllpd to II or Amdnlul lrm or mulm ml Ilw llu lml um linhnl lhmln Memlw the Malulfl Dilly Murmur Ilelxh Aawmlm he nn Idllll Im nml Awlll numufl Cirrulnlluun Dally Sundayl and Slalumry llnllvlnyl urcplad suhmlpUnn rnlu dnHy by mrlrr 45c new um yurly Shula In Inc 11 ml mar Ho you Onlarln no your mMnr lhrnwoll year Mull which 0m rlo mm muhln Mill mum mnlw 01300 yun HM Ami 10min mm ym Olllcu Ilnhrufly Tomln Ma nlh rnrl Mnnlml 1200 Wu lmrlrr 5L nnmlvcr mmmmmnmmwmmmmw mwwmmmmwummmmmmmmmummwm mrmmmmmmmm Aulhurlml would tlnu mull PM chn Drnarl mmL 01m and lnr pnymmk mm in cm OTTAWA REPORT Myrna Inllflmnlfly xlrlvzq Care For The Sick Conference Object gmaénenQfigghslierbihdiioini I35 W193i gfiifiqi volufiondry idad Heluggem Hm we impehf bur cdrs BEFOREth lgavo H19 fucforylfl Mum Ill VIM Nlm wllq on Mal Fulmluhl now In raving an Indirle min Aid lwuny lln ml Ion murh mm pmlum In nllnny lvnlam an Mull Hum VIIInth vmp gummy tn In ulml lurrlun AM hut MA rnmln hark In VIM Nam Ful Inizhl Mlam um WI In In ln ViN Nnm In Um 1er plus Ire unlll All Mumm Ho HUM only MrEMhlll Ful Mahl asked him how many morn wm 6n flu Arum nn nrmy Dunk had expan why Mnuhlll Ky nu drawn MA MI our nlmlnm In had pmmtml th Soilh Vlfl mun rullrthl nhdlllm In run In mm now lmm mllv INMM mm mm rlrcflon and Run ukl hnuah Um would lml II Iagnnlu FAILED ONCE MrNamm In mmletlud gurumum who run and did tell In mum rl mom haw my link them In nul uru Ind lull And laurel mm room Million men mllllanl bombs 11qu drlmu MImManmlrl knaw whm lhay wm Ind whit hey um dnlnl aryl ml dobm on VIN Nam has Just nppemd on um lnoklandx Iulbrlxhtl 5mm lem Ham Commlllu slam an em lan mm Secretary Sim Dun nuxk ml 13mm Emo llry Kabul Manmm In humid nnd 11v ulan morn WASHINGTON Speck Serum William Fulbright the ma mulloncr whn ad vllcd American to lhlnk lhe unlhlnknhle wu back In Ic flqn 1911 week Ho Ind not yet ndlluved ha uMhInknbln whld LI dllflcull hen you cum to think but no hit qumloncd an un able 4115 mm Teutonic Knlgtztr Saint Lazarus Brow into wealthy charitable organization in Scatiand it ran hmpital at Unflthguw in England it had an abbey at Burton Lame untii King Henry VIII suppressed 1111 mm aslnries in France under the pmtcdarahin ot the kings it ex pnnded in prestige owning large tract 04 and adjoining the then tsiandcily of Paris um today railed the district at Saint Lame Alter the Second World Wu Saint Luann was rtlnstated in Britain from the continuing or der in Frame and Spain Nrw baittwicks wem toundcd in Can ada Austulln South Alricl United States and elsewhere in tho ume way the Catholic Knight of Malta iarmed dBD WASHINGTON CALLING Hy GORDON DONALliSON Senafor Fulbright Man With Questions lln wmu Io lmldrnl Km nnly min nulm Ihu my Im InnIon Cuba Mm ht mlka Ich IN Innhm onlrl In Imr Kcnnaly Inlzl hlm You me um In mt no Vie wm tonllnuu unhiu willva In mwmhv Inlvllivm nr Hm up Inln lulmr uh dimntrr mm Amml may hm hm words mm Full11hr Air 01 Ichnhrly dolMhnwnl lnllnlu mm at hil conemu ml ndmlnhlu llnn mum WM Vll Ir mall Inst 1101 an am 1th mum ml Mc rlhyllgn holij mun Um my fur um Unlled Nation In MI by ermluclnx mm mnxu unn rxamnmlln UR lmvn bmhlp In erfiktm In manlzauon UKUIQIJX nunn Her 21 yum In Wuhlnmn hi can handle nhuxa thlenl mumn om nllnl Mm MI nvrrluulnd 011ml 50 In Rhoda Srhnllr and Ecn Jno AkCanuly mnIINI him In Ammams Mllmuh he mu out HIM hr follllul renwnl mm ht my o4 lhn Unlvmlly Ar hnm ho mm mm Ru 11an 3mm In nluullnn Through commlllea hur lnu xpezchu and ltdurm he wuvnked unMnr mm 01am plead loxclher use no med all with charge lhn 115 lullcrlnz mm the arrogance nl Mar lull homo mum Johman whu ham nnynnc lo thnk my tnjuyg being In most powerful man In he Wnrlvl So Fulbright Nah ml the unwanted lixl Al lhn hllo llama In large tor rlsMwlnmn who think hel un pnlrlonc nnd arm modern who ha may be loin loo Inr vuwnmn In 4111 lndlaPaldslnn Im up In which both Ilch ulod Amtrlun wupons Saim Lazarus is historically dedicated to the care of the xizk especially how anme mm skin disease which in earlier 1sz wt collectively but lnaccuralaiy described as lupmy The Canadian balliwlck line order assist varimu leper hospitals Ind nisa lids modlcni prom in Canada such as by llnlnclng mend ll the mmiicni Itwa of Ottawa Unlmxlty ml lhn wrllh In La the Is kindled unlull us Incnu mu lnlhm hm not heukened unto the word um book to do Iccordlu mm III that which lrwrfllen cemlng ul lian 221 Every generatlan win r11 and answer for 1L neglect the book of books BIBLEITHOUGHT Absentee Owners 51112 Marti Exmutnrr mmméftfiflfifi cg pm non 5W Hum fin wm the gran Iham hose raw m7 Maxa COMMERCIAL PRINTING l6 BAYFIELD ST THE NEW RUBBER STAMP THAT NEVER NEEDS AN INK PAD Lord mm went hWaaflnyon In May 1334 Time was no difficulty getting Lha wpport file Republican party became ll maunded that recier trade agreement qud draw Canada mm the Amuican mm Many ot Ihe Demon wen opposed and lord Elgln worked on them by at In lgaqern nigh AHM nhfl mu mud film Manny Canadlan wists Ms Increased Lard Bhgina difliuukles hem thaAflnnUc prnvlnee were ommd to having the Americans listh 01mm shm They had In be oonvimed that reciprocal trade deal would more Juan make up or lncreased mpwuan to 1mm mum Hardy In fine book an Sea Unto Sea describe the mutual bribery that was used ta get tbs menuy mm mm the legislature of New Ban Ind an Scam CANADAS STORY 515m 1AM may look wrung 0mm wim eyes no see undym wmmark In many old bddrhouseuu behlnd struggled Macs and brukenh the mm mm Tm mth Cflmean W025 Hawever the HaloMm 131v lung LETTERHEADS BROCHURES INVOICES ENVELOEES PRIZE LISTS BILLHEADS BUSINESS CARDS PROGRAMS GUMMED LABELS POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES HAND BILLS DRAW TICKETS WEDDING STATIONERY CONTINUOUS FORMS OnApfllflhMrywuloanhwWanahlbhed mug lawman Inpade by limingflu Rebellion 1mm Emu 1849 He Also did one ol the mule jobs In Canadian Mstory when he momma reciprocal trade agreemem mm the £8th balm bl mm Governor ended The treaty came lntofileaonflwlhw Indhdtolowmoiwospexhyln mm my mum the FMmlim ELM hm NM 39 only 0mm QUEENS PARK 655 Leave Lafid Idle Régiptdcivty Deal Help To Nation TRY PEBMHSTHMP 25000 lMPflESSloflSI By DON OflEAILV BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR Em amid By BOB BOWMAN 184mm ma mmm group Undtf Min1n 0m Midlmd has hm no em now far some you and hm dam some We work In summing and amusing and warding the comma need the outmmxdly 1111qu mafiaI has mdod be wry m1de behind the And became Chi it lmnt mcdmi the Hon Ono mm 111M me ghougimdhmnamm arm On 10 dcvehxnnmt at commumy mismamddflummalm mm Jammm he Vellum is dependent on UM wolhm of the mmmity fir hummer rm Am imam the Beamic 117th clash at edwaflou dz it Ahqva 7266537

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