Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 May 1966, p. 2

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Barrie Examiner May 1921 Mayor JohnLittle convened regular meeting of town council with routine business Sol lcitor Boys said unless franchise granted council could not attempt to regulate jitney service between Barrie and Allandale Mrs Vismer elected president Womens Canadian Club Royal Victoria Hospital board acknowledged by unveiling table in for mal acceptance sterilizing plant gift ot Barrie Red Cross and Soldiers Aid as war memorial Some citizens nb jecied to placing BarrieVesralnnisfil cenotaph at Post Office Square it was suggested better location would be gore at corner Etlrabeth and Bradford Sts Judge Vances automobile was stol en As yet ruins from Queens llotcl fire in 1915 not cleaned up Barrie lCommunity Association decided to ask town council to mommend route of new liighway 11 should follow Kempenfelt Drive to its easterly extremity at Davis St now Shanty Bay Road as more suit able scenically than mposed Blake St route Fred Viniamson wrote tell iing of development of St Petersburg Florlda vhere he is advertising man ager of daily newspaper The Evening independent Twenty years ago he was reporter or weekly Barrie Gazette which recently closed shop leaving on lom Mm hr IM lhufl Kuu N9 firm mwm In In In to rm FEDERAL REDISTRIBUTION Vlnnlpeg Free Press Inasmuch as all partlcs are In on the protests against the work of independ ent commissions lt ls not protest ngalnst one party fixing thlngs up for its own advantages The only reason for the protests Ls that the complaining MP5 tool that they have better chance of being elected under the old bouml in than under the new Admittedly ll ecificaiiy ho criticized $5000 fee ipai Gerda Munsinger for television in iterviewi In this the senator inay iian been right or wrong lot of people believedvit was money well spent They saw at first hand and close up one of the noteworthy persons of the day To many it was smart newspaper work on the part of somebody An enterprising 0ttava nowspaperman offered report ed $2000 for an exclusive interview His bossesbackvhomeshied off on the groundsof moraiityor somethingi Mrs viiiunsinger proved bit of 1ng sport by letting the newshound off the finan Inrarrecant speech he castigatedlhe men in the CBC Ivory lower of their in pbllily to get reasonable amount of mileage out of the easytcome dollars they demand and receive pdfigallx he crlllclzed $5090 fee 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Senator Thomas Eafgovugnment qu fins Administxdtian 1s Big Pfdblem 112 flarrip iExamfim DOES HIS HOMEWORK 0N SEVEN DAYS Wallm Publisher qunding OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian 16 Hayfield Strut DOWN MEMORYLANE Crews Is no An urmnml lwlvmn CBC than19mm ml IIIwhim 3101mm In In Inlund We mm all hit notl In McFIIerIan WEDNESDAY MA xrs obmibh not flatter MAY According to survey nnhody has made the average woman nwns three pounds and 12 ounce of ear bobs Is one lhe first duties of an MP to not himso welcctcd But the non poliULal redistribution method was up In what was felt rightly to be the best Interest not of politicians but at the country as whohe Allandale vhfirf undergoing repairs Many rallroadcr being laid off in Allan dale division of GTE Grand Open House showmg movie Sand starring William art the cow boy hero Barrie Business Cullcge studgpts heid annual dance In Town Hall and Moore New Dreamland Theatre featured Mary Miles Minter in Cumberland Romance also new Mack Sennelt bathing girls comedy Fol lowing liquor reierendum only two wet spots remained in Simeoe County Tiny Township and Penetangulshene Toronto remained wet by substanlial majority First baseball game of sea son saw Collier Methodists Baracas beat St Marys 101 at fair grmindsJoe Harris pitched for winners with Fred Monen ratcliing and hitting home run Barrie with only two papers the EXIT iner and the Northern Advance Mr and lilrs Robert Hayes of Churchill en tertained senior citizens of areamostiy named Allan Todd Rogerson or Jack descendants of Innisfii pioneers who came from Scotland in 1831132 Otto Gallagher of Barrie awarded gold medal as best orator in Wycliffe College To ronto Chautauqua guarantors set Bar rie dates for performances under big tent in Queens Park June 2727 Young elected president with commit tee ot Frank ilurlburL Henry Sims Will KingLAndylllalcomson Dr Lewis This apparently app he CBC where they are continually erecting new buildings to take care of assistants their assistants and assistanis to the assistant ad iniinitum It some timesseems that more time is spent hiring assistants than finding something for them to do Other financial ineptitudes mind the senator on firmer grounds says The Sarnia Observer Citing theParlinson ian spread of administrative assistant with little administration to do Senator Crerar quoted thelate Prime Minister Mackenzre Kings reaction to this busi ness of parliamentary secretaries King wasoutspoken about it When see minister and do not care it he is the prime ministerhimself who has to sur round himself with four or five execug liveassistants or parliamentary secre taries and whatnot simply say to my sell that that gentleman does not know hog to urganlzeLhis own officer Othef flnancla senator on firm Sarnia Observer ian spread of cial hbok and not holdinghimto the con tracL Managing Editor 11 ms PAGE Newspnpérs Barrie Ont Plus fOf érs Limlied Ontario Iv III on hotel mom Th Any mm lhc lullilllv noun amTM out IMm cr mm va Wilson CBC General Manager lound the says The Parkinson assistants lo Senator Minister this busi Nwhhawcver this has been largely if not enllrely conecl ed And attention hu hem Io own on he hm msls and 1an can be done abom lhcm no Lord hull Hill In In Inmnl pr lh Iplrll hclvlnm mm In 1h mph who In heavy hurlrd need In llxht Illa Jqu hna Mm L1 lwnl lho lgrnkan hcyllul mrl la bind up In on the 5931 and rer lainly malt camlrmllve speech ha ha llvcn In lhu house NDP Lender Danald MacDonald pmpomi hr¢bpr0nlml um whlch he cryllnlllud ram earller prnponl hll younz roHuzuc Slcphm lurk This proxrnm wu That more mam should be pllted nn rhronic and con vllosrmf home and running hnmm much less expensive to operlle If hey we luvllama In quanlily Ind qualiflrd or paymcnl Imdrr hmnihl Insur Ince may could In much pm lure all flu general haluuh In the past lhi mm In nnl bred lha concern Justified prvbably bccuueflfiss knawn to be needed and Justified WAGFJ LOW Wage Account or 71 per cent the operauon expense ol hosplul And It wu recognized that wages in hospiul wen lubmudnrd It continue In rise ll the rate recent yearn It could soon reach us 11 InclMud burden to Iha laxpayer would be lrtmendous TORONTO 1111 year Jer lnu attention was paid or he first Ume ta Onlarlol rapidly Increasing bomb com Even in MI era of mutant ly rlslnz prices In increue hqipign cosuhavaeen Ilartllng de5y wérd an In leneral hospital lveraxesm Icrou the prgvipw Uh Farm Examqu BIBLE THOUGHT bully mdnyl and Sllutnry Ilullrlm urwlul lulualmlan nlu daily by HUI woolly to ynrly Slum cur lly mull no um ymly 0mm no yur lnnlur lhvnwl us you with uln rln Yopr mud QUEENS PARK Aummlml uan rlnil mil Pool 0ch opul mull Dunn and Im pman paln in mil Ward CareAverages $28 In Hospitals DON OIIEAHN 10 In flnllll lu Mu Inll rm vlnv null Ind with In yen llul Hm Inumwo llw My llw rmlmn rl nvmmrjn humu ma Ww Itoml up urt nvalu can Imk had and nwmnm THE LIGHT TOUCH TIGER INHISTANE Ilnw Alter Itenlnl tn thadehala 1n the houu thin unlvn on health one wan Ml wiu mu doubt Ihal lhl needed And there good reason to believe that from we mly see the xlarl maJur remgamu uon In our approach to hospitai mm Ind health Clle generally in 030 prgvince The lhtrlrl ronunfllee endnmd mall Iinn Musk nlmnn Ibhrr mm In not thdraw rum hum ms nrulnx openllnm Inr Candun nlmm NEW WM IAN Th inmates MIN Hm Hnwud YIHII PC nmthmmmn Kohl Ihl nmmnns Jmllu rommllm mlllidlm mml lind tolu Inn la pub lethargy and the was perhaps galcant lhnt there we no important opposi Ilon to Mr LIIcDmaldl propos al by Heakh Minkler Dr Dy The lnrmer Couscrullva ax mm Menu mlnLIIcr mid he had no denlrd In In view with lormor prime minister Numbhr um had phytirnl relationship with lhn German blondr That much broader and imaginative mlic luallh tram be develuped And um emphasis in this shmld be on hulth cm and prevention gather than dckneu and lCd Pierre Sovlzny old Ilu Gerda Munlulu Inquiry he had lumed only recently of Inlarmallon lndluunx Mn Mumlnxer ms prmlllulz That group pucllée by doc log bo enpnqued TUESDAY MI 10 ll 1321 Imp rjml all Chest Of Memory Beats Hope Chest OTTAWA AT GLANCE Ml HON llnll IlwI hilt tenth Mum In um Mm um wlm In drum Mlmlfi MM mun kv rmm mm In mmldu Iwul lawn mil Mrthvk nhl 11m In Hm énl nhl rim 9min um uu Irnmul In my Ill vhyw Mm wll mullw Ilnrln mm md lulu In In mutlm nIuwskl Any My um luan M4 in mm mm IHumw the waner ONSIIIEILQ ACTION OTIAWA ICPITho sawm menl ll cmuldrrlnx mm ncllan rm be lakm lhh yaar lo Inlm dun lexhlallon mth hm lllmmrr Prim Mlnlxw Ieur mn 1on ml Common Tumlay 1hr 1M nul Ilmr Mk m1 Mm hm you Mud In mm rm llkvd but Il rm lwd Ibo Ildl ol 1mm Um Inva hm In Ii flu mw Mu wiuwu hmflml HIM In It way mm In yw MM alway wmd tn hu hlr mmlll lull mm thImlmJ lMl1ill CIIOIH Anodm rhihllml rhnro halld luva scum ml 0n 0M flnlhwl MMwn lrdm OTTAWA CPIme Mim lsler Sharp xaid Tuesday he know no inlcnixon by the United Smlcs administration In restrict spending Canada by American lmuisls Ho Loki Op position Inader DicIenbakcr in the Comman hat Canada wwld make very strong pro mu such acllan ware lakan 11w Gunman mun al 110 pm EDT Io mnllnuu lho nxral dovalnpmenl do Mm The Senate mm um Opposillun nlelrnhl her told unchcon hm Ihmfld he lelevishm coverngo SI the Common 50 ninulu ay The Commom Marla do hale mom 3500010011 lund to him rural poverty WEDN AY May Vouldany your leaders have armorInformation abaul he Shaw family or the pres en Malian of any hi por mu work ma SHAW FASflLY Dear Sir In researching inlotmalhn bout Shaw Slmcae Coumy aim in th 1880 have discovered that he was lur vhod at his death In 1903 by two children Miss Zen and Master Stanley Indiumnee ol nun camp nlca highwfy 511M LETTERS TO THE Er WOULD PROTEST Your Truly stfpcefst Bahis Péfiddi¢é11refflgdd36pm For Backgrohndzlniomiafidn kmadmn magazines Ire wcll rmmuad wilh Yualdnine Maulennx Canarla Month 01 mm Names and Lima Be an Cmmlian Gmmphlrzl mm are unzian or most ovary tam lAdics Harm Journal New York Life lma Inter Human and vakm the Nation hwlnr Alkdwmm and tho Samdny ne Whfle we naturally think books in connection uilh librar Ios than me other services Barrio Pmiic library has lnmdrcd mum riodicalg on dixfley In the soul as wr ner he main flung Then youll fin the New Yer Imus mi ha hm Bar ria nuwwamm lhe Collian Fucmriso Bulletin and In Imam lllmlmlcd Weekly the Aumuc Monthly lugd hmdl 112 Marti Examtnm COMMERCIAL PRINIINO For wnlh the sergeant problun the student with an assigan on the Mesa devel opmenis in Mrlcl file Lady puparing ow wildwsm word at the Imam an on Canadas Fin Lady no bus ixmnan analysing trends in overseas markets men the my 5mm malarial available an feature mjdes In newpapm mi magazmm ofingn 55mm rvr lets emulam Mm bu Mim the lot And everybody has thean Lhinx Ive got to make specdl an menaqu of lhe Armcd Fumes and med something more different por rpecflve Men 101 try the periodic fiesta 615 young lady No agreed the desk dark 1hcrc isnt book on that sub Jezt ycL Do you ban the pa liamentary White Pawn Wu have slacks d£ tori at Camp ever hite gape The slalwarfl young man ho appmached the library dcgk as anvanmy meant gqlhng not advertised by his Manes suit but confirmcd firm mice and Im Imkbg Mkxkrmnflm ml the integration ol the ennui areas There doesnt Germ to bank out no The Toronto Purim In editorlil Ln ms whidllahl Quack an Molnabls nuisance In my city when mlficlxn nndncflealgsm go handln ham It in momma ammonia out governnext Yam1d aflvwnhapmvincah 1mm win thgu Mammalth Wary mad whomil flanks oal Synge attemm hadbeen made to remind pmfilog med Icine Dr John Roiphlrledja Mm Mdienhdwool in 1324 but gollnyolved Inrpofltica He bykpafl 111th Mmennel bglhon Inllm Ind hadla fleeinthflfi will prion onhix had Hmwu pardoned in Ir ya WLMU mu Mr Canadarn It was reqmred examine camfi ate for was practise tmedidne in thépro 0101M mnwasgraduamhmm umiercqntrol mm mm pruva wnw me unlua Empuvlfiyallslx yed AM the Amedcan Revolxilonnry War The pvwlalion grew quickLvfindfiuerc were pmbleym mm like those May shortage Wwa1ona nl them Even in 1315 therewer6 onlylo qua ed Meal man in Upper Canada but were wenany lumber quack 11197 wgu balmMp but 1m very helpful unintlheir wonder medicinesan in bud dtravelling wagons AT THE LIBRARY THE NEW RUMER STAMP THAT NEVER NEEDS AN WK PAD uAYnnfi BILLHEADS BUSINESS CARDS PROGRAMS GUMMED LABELS POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES HAND BILLS DRAW TICKETS WEDDING STATIONERY OCONIINUOUS FORMS LETTERHEADS BROCHURES CINVOICES ENVELOPES OPRIZE LISTS BILLHEADS BUSINESS CARDS CANADAS STORY TRY PERMASTHMP 25000 IMPRESSIONS QuablgsiyAiNuiséfiCIé In Uppet Canada BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR 11 um Honwn you wart Inokinz for that vary posh 5mm of Am In rm duclkms Imd hound him hook we have not on who mm min but hi the Art Mm lllkynirifikdon ind auxwd mlywax Ma next yea 9512 Add it lo nut Id Emmi mi Ice mm and Ducalin Gr zen also has rczuiar mm limp dmlmlhnlgtesg 1km mm eave mry puf iodkul lent on exale In am basis books 1h 11 hmry keeps the but Lssuu flat at least year mm tr livo years Ivr people who ikn flu meant mod mm mm tamer millions 0w Periodic 1nch In hdplul J1 ask anyone on the din Where tn ind nnd haw IL the Medical Indexes In Caf mian nnd Wigan minim ap the teen cmwfi Ihe Grdrens Deparimenl ha modest Median Im IO yamgei cillm GAME A8 BOOKS Student with minimum of un me 01mm WWord Affairs National Geographch Scientific Amuimn UN Album ly hmlittle or even Time Ono High deul dcbam gleaned sum his argument or or mind capital punishmml by wading rcc mi of Man gard 1l€ adAianr Men mm or equalmm keepm hint wabchm mmm peaco niks and muslcéovm Anyone can Nit by count inKUansmmr Reports 111 Mg um mrvgssh 113am tie 30 YOK mm Imuispeuker systems western pcmxanenwrcg shirts and our mm of ca The lady at fashm W111 pick up Vogue The man of attain can scan ha Financial Times PM hairless Week or Canadian Bluims fln Ban rie llofllufltural éodety gum nmcripfions no we met Jim110mm and Popular Gar Vdeflng fm the WI ow urday Night the Tamarack no View 40m Mixer 7266537

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