ryrrtmrtercness Anodatedlreaa Sporte Writer The lit and iii boy struck againJiImday nigthIorthe llrst time in nearly year Mickey Mantle and Roger hurls iinally lelt their mark on an eat as New York Yankees edged Minnesota Twins lor their third rtrelflrt Victorygaince Ralph Jlouk began his ecéond rein m9 Mantle hithla lint Mme run at the aeason and Maria re corded his second marldnl the IIIst time since June II it that they had connected in the nine lame The Yankee outlleldara gainedtlre label of and heéauae at their torrid homer hitting that made them base balla most awesome twosome In The lirat hall olthia decade and powered the Yankee toy Leaguepennania but year however Injuries reduced their dicctivenw to where they combined for only 17 homers and connected in the unto name only twice TALKED 10 KEANE It We his poor performance In 1955 and his weak rtart this season that lilantle relerred to Saturday night when he talked privately to Johnny Keane alter the Yankees lircdhlm and re named Honk manager just told him that was ashamed to look him In the BALI STIIRS By 1112 ASSOCIATED PRES MONDAY STARS Pitching Mei Stottiemyre New Yodr mitered nine hit as the Yankee edged Minne sota Mrs Ior their vthzd Mmlght victory Batting Pete Boat Inchi nail allotted two ainglu dorttia and home run aoerin three ltma Lad driving in two an the Reds defeated Atlanta Bram 14 MONARCH REFRIGERATION Radio and TV Serviu at In DUNwP 12820 coma 11 mm SPECIALTY CONTINENTAL SPECIALTIES NEVADA WOOL Wool or all mode In all COIOUIIA weighlr 31 Mary El Barrio 7mm Custom Killing Home Imzcr Suppllra Cutiinr anti ttrnppinn Cnii Inr illnln Cnrdl ADAMS MEATS Mlllealnl luIlll COOK STOWN MOTORS Iermi Itindranitl Grmral item Tim Ilnitrriea Ital Iii 4mm TIT WEBBS JEWELLERY In MHMII VAMM In mturnr Inullrr ham De la III all New Fall TI DearIn ItMInrtha HARRY SMITH General Store It um Ilardura mum Mr myrqu rum mm mum II Tum ll Ame Hill lace Mantle trill because ainee he came here he was the only man played Tor that Mtil lot down In bauball Yankeer are going well comparedwtth the lint 20 game ot the automation they won only four timer Mantle In partiurlarla into well While he drove inonlyone nm in the that it ameaha payed he now has knocked in live ol the it the Yankeee haw aeored In their threegame win ning streak Ellewltere In the American league Calilornia Angelanut ringed Washington Senatora I07 and llama City Athletica whipped Benton lied Son at Cincinnati Ree iatrqu AIS rm Braver 14 in the only Na tional Ileagrteuxame srorpanarflwaeman Cold Weather atop St Lorrie Cordlnala at Chicago White Sex rain wathed out has Angelle noduraint Jirlladcl phiaPhitii and wow atopped San irannlatdiGiantaatPiita burgh Pirates Mantlea homer war to ioot drive in flierlourttr Inninr whtie Iilann eioloot blow In the seventh wartha 250th ol Illa ea reer and tied thagarm Joe Pepitone then won itlor Mel stottlemyrawhm holed oil the ninth with homer againat Ai Worfltinlto IIIE BART EXAMINER TUIJmAY MAY It It Mud Hens Edoe Rochester Wirigs 1m ASSOCIATED mass Baby Itfl mild analde where it been tryim plug ave to cry ball these days But Tbiedoe Mud Hem have winning etreak to keep them warm The Mud lien made It tour In arvw Monday rum by editing MM lied valngzdlegrbelore temperature 39 eee in Toledo persuaded all hand to postpone adieduied second Kama The other acheduled games Eyremeat Columbur end PINKNEYS LADIES WEAR MRS PINKNEYS LADIES WEEK KIM BL Coohtewn PLIIY BIIIIIII and WIN THIS WEEKS 52000 Jul wrrk tor to 1min thrra ll be available at the hualnraa on till adrrrliremeat IlthlO earda which may he abiainrd FREE OF CHARGE by alnp pinu In to their place at hull am Mao each week there will appear Ihrourhout the adver tieemrnie Titan numbrrr ilnt perm to obtain lull rare malt aatiiy titan zer tor ta The Barrie Eramlnrr TY TELEPHONE to be lllllhia or the Caah Trtu llrh week it ihm Ir no winner the More will be lnmurd iy 00 VIII mull Iran the rant remplrlrly rovmd to allribla to aaIIrv the ahllltratirrt uratioa tor the aah lrtre but Game On CTN tardl only Number ralird to Italrr II III II III ll II Ii TI 71055 I0 trortonn amateur 101 lll1N 071 Nfllllltlli Far The YIMII Iah antl him In To BARRIE SEA rooo Rd Ilnlanranl Ill lire Iiallhnl and IIIL that male aur Flrh talle Mltn hr Tllrreui OM It it BA SERVICE AIIIOIIIAIIIF TRANSMISSION SEIIVItH It Ilillllt TOWING 4493100 Night mono NIII Aarar DOUO BEAN late of New York Yankees hdrl Mm to line hits it Mon aevemiming game at Ti an the Mud Hens compiled Mr Imam wdn streak since they entered the lengm last Yeah Mike ll ane first Inning leadoll trl and Bobby Iilur cera earnlines IIy pmided the weary atom to Stalled The Mud liens and Red Wing try to get In two game tmixtrt to moire up or liiimdayalaee mm PEI900W Sande stance htrve Syracuse at Co Iumhus Richmond at Buffalo and Jankwmllle at Ibronto BANBURY FOOD MARKET Tulip Margarine all lb Family Palr lie Emir LaliSImroe White Flak l9 lb Tllry II Tlawlrertona $2121 PETER KLEIN TEXACO Tires Batteries Lubrication Repairs Speriailrinx In totkanreu Ilrpalrl II nllla It mml II 400 GRILL GROCERY VARIETY 0pm Million to Set to Sun Dunlap BI I1 at Anna Ill rrie 71818 In ROY TRACY SALES luturial Filter Ouun with all hy molar Call Today or Home Drmenllratkn TIMI IT Maple Ave Iiarrla HURON MOTORS Inunla The Keller JEEP at Canada Ltd AtrlhuIIPd Rain and itmiu mrrq tot To mm II To Believe It Vuan IL 7mm MACSAY BAKERY Cairn in Iiparlal llama Ilam Imal Iaraltnn tnlilrr ll proletaional holler will have an npportmrity this summer to playtheir way acrost mnatol Canada In liveweelr sixtour nament trail Ieadingyio free roundtrip to England enda ahot at the richest poringlobal playthe $200000 Worldlum plvnehip Formation II we Canadian1 atyied tour Italling dwelt in Vancarver av winding up in Toronto Julyeo was announced openlournamenta inhrltlah Co lumbia Alberta ManitobabDa tarin Quebecand the Miller tournament inToronIo Ar he too men Canadian pro enthaitmrpiua another pre iexlonnl and anarnateur who have already qualiï¬ed will Sept rwarid immument at Southport Enriand where the money yen no orttu tee Wflmaflze Iv The low Canadian pro in each tournament whoi liar alr lLIed an entry In the World dtarwlonrlrlp will malily to compete at Southport andwIlI have his return air tare to En FULL LINE orp Wood Cleaner Clear Pasta Wax liquid Paste Wax FULL thE or Vacuum Cleaners Floor Poliehara Replacement Bags FULL LINE OF BISSELL CARPET SWEEPERS HOST RUG CLEANER utt $995 Large Stock Oi REMNANTS quaililos FULL LINE OF SCATTER MATS Acriian Kodoi Vlrroro WeilToWal inriallaiiom Free Estimates In The Mom Call 726IJII represent Canada in thiAux early Mt Rum TREWAX PRODUCTS Self Polishing wax EUREKA prooucrs DOITYOURSEIF Cleans 200 sq it let All alter colon and Reduced 40 irom tog price Our Spociaity driein company Each pro receiver $400 expense money lost or tee Ing all in Ilrehig tournament lIre amateur making the trip is Nick Wealock at Port Credit 0nt who qualiï¬ed net that low Canadian In the msCanadian Amateur In addition Torontorhroley alonai Scorn Knudaonzwlro llnldred among the top so moneywtnnial moron theuï¬r tour teat year has already qIIIl today It cqnaiaia ol provincial ilied The Ilneupoi Cemdientwr ILC Open at Vaneouver June 1325 Wu SLOW lint morrey $1400 Kermit meant Calgary Jun Wuiy purse $3000 lint prite money $1000 Manitoba Open July puree money timmgr Ontario Open at Kingston July rm purae 45000 llratprlre rmneytmm tinebee Open atMpntreel July 900 nutinn money 31100 Miller too It Toiooto tlrdy purse £5000 enzqu money $1000 Cievdand can Sale Starts throvughIMay let 1966at ma CANADIAN runs Natlttnal Deirua 014010 00l 1132 Atlanta MIOIM vinyl Noitehart lilo CooHDI and Edwaldar Rollin gar 125 llmbapr ill Olivo st Elaalnzameilat NIekro ODell i9 and Oliver TIRE Roae i1 Qumaky Atl Marita liï¬MALIIGWI it am reheat yo auras 739 95911 1a term Balilmm Calllamla Detmit Guano Minnerota Washington Boston 350 Na IE 3Il New York IA M4 10 Kanna City To 136 ID New York 000100101 11 Minnesota ZWMMl 10 474 IStottIernyra 22 nwi ard PerryWorthington tit IBI and Bailey ERIN NY it Bolt 000000th to Kama CIIy mleJ ll Maitrtai Sadwaki rt Radaiz letand Ryan Tillman Steldon YTrSI Wyatt Aker and Suare thlnlluil air 220I 71H Calllprnll 115 200 Tux19 ll Cheneytor Humpineyr Line Send Hi Harman ill and Casanova McGlothIin San lord Stride 7i Lee 31 and Rodgerr Hits WaahVai WINNER EVERrngME ouNior rIREs Mien Road Service IA Complete Brake service nun Lamont BRAIING RS WiththeSe Fbui°s with each at the nfllar price RAWLN CRANE Mantle urnnun Pepitone 01 Inhhorg entire iZIrVCalilItodgerr Klrhtatrtclrl lirternatiunal League Col mle in eonvillo Toledo Richmond Rochester anion Ave 7251124 7mm sq yard of carpeting 10 sq yard purchase FEATURING NYLON ACRILAN WOOL POLYPROPLENE BY KRAUH IlAltItIlilOIlE anTON CARAVRLLZ BURLINGTON CIIOSSIEI We with to thank our many Irlanria and euelomere for their valued patronage and Invite one and all to we our ANNIVERSARY VALUES Howard Hammer Proprietor May 10th UNIVERSAL RU COMPANY OF BARRIE nIR tinu at tiaa Intakel 67 COLLIER STREET